Nature's Shift (14 page)

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Authors: Brian Stableford

Tags: #science fiction, #edgar allan poe, #house of usher, #arthur c. clarke

BOOK: Nature's Shift
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Fair trade, I remembered from my reverie of the previous evening, is an illusion. Although it's commonplace, psychologically, for both parties to a deal to think that they're coming out ahead, when you look at the deal from an objective standpoint, one of them is always being screwed. Exploitation is the norm. Rowland obviously believed that he was exploiting whatever “augmentation” he'd introduced into his brain—but the situation might look different, from an objective point of view.

“Why didn't you tell me about it, if you were so sure I'd understand?” I demanded, trying to keep all bitterness out of my tone.

“I just have,” he said—again, hypocritically.

“Have you set up
kind of independent monitoring?” I demanded. “Or are you allowing your neotumor-infested brain to be the sole judge of what the neotumor-infestation is doing to it?”

“That's a gross distortion of the facts,” he told me, coldly. “You're talking like a second-rate horror story. I have an expertise in these technologies more advanced than anyone—more advanced that Rosalind, even. What I did hasn't been done before, but I've been careful all along, and it hasn't given me a moment's anxiety in all these years. I don't need anyone to look over my shoulder—that's not why I brought you here.”

me here?” I echoed, sharply.

“Invited you here,” he corrected himself. “Oh, I know you think that you inveigled me into inviting you, just as I'm perfectly well aware that you wouldn't have take the trouble if Rosalind hadn't given you a shove, but the simple truth is that you're here because I wanted you here—but not to lecture me on the dangers of self-experimentation and practical neurology. I wanted you here—I
you here—because I thought you might be able to understand, eventually, what I'm doing. I knew that it would take time—maybe months—before you'd be able to get your head around it properly, but you're my friend, and you're Peter Bell the Third, and I thought that you, unlike Rosalind or any of my little sisters,
eventually be able to understand.”

Oddly enough, I didn't put that little rant down to the fact that he'd been screwing with his old tumor. I'd seen and heard its like many times before, although I'd needed to see and hear its like again to be reminded of how delicate Rowland's temper could be. Again, I felt that I had been transported back in time, and my reaction came from then as much as now.

“You're right, Rowland,” I told him. “I do need time, sometimes, to get my head around things properly, to understand some kinds of things fully—and I ought to have known that you weren't fooled for a moment by the apparent spontaneity of my call, and my angling for an invitation. Rosalind did give me a shove—but I'm not here on her behalf, and I really do want to understand what it is you're doing here. And I
your friend.”

I had always had to emphasize that fact, back in the day—as if neither of us could quite believe it. He was my friend too, just as implausibly, from an objective viewpoint. And no matter how implausible it might have been, from a supposedly objective viewpoint, it was a mutually beneficial and dedicated symbiosis, in which neither of us was getting screwed.

Rowland sat back in his armchair, almost as if he were relieved to be able to let his weariness show now that the reason for his strange condition was out in the open—or, at least, no longer completely obscured.

“Where were we, before we got sidetracked?” he said. He meant, where had we been in the discussion of abstruse scientific matters—but I wasn't prepared to go back quite that far, as yet.

“Wouldn't it be a good idea,” I asked, “if you were at least to let someone else look at your scans? Not me—it's not my specialty—but an expert neurologist?”

“No,” he told me, “it wouldn't be a good idea. An expert neurologist might detect something he hadn't seen before, and he'd jump to the conclusion that, because it didn't fit his preconceptions, it must be bad. He'd have his magic-bullet gun drawn before you could say ‘snipe.' The scans don't matter, I'm living in here, Peter—if there were anything wrong, I'd know it.”

That, of course, was exactly the point. Because he was living inside his old tumor, with its relatively new modification, he might be in the worst position of all to judge the risks he was running, or even the effects to which he was subject. He was taking Aether to counteract the lingering side-effects, after all, and although Aether was supposed to be entirely safe in the context of normal brain tissue, the reason he felt that he needed it was precisely that his brain-tissue was no longer Mother Nature's unadulterated product.

There was no point in persisting, though; I knew how stubborn he could be. If he was prepared to take months preparing my unaugmented brain to accommodate whatever secrets he was hoarding in his bizarre dwelling, the least I could do was invest some time in preparing his augmented brain to accommodate the need to obtain a second opinion as to its efficacy and security from harm.

“I'm just worried about you,” I said, all too conscious of how feeble I sounded.

not ill
,” he insisted. “In fact, I'm better than I ever was. I've barely scratched the surface of my ambition, but I've already achieved enough to ensure myself of the kind of immortality that Roderick achieved. I fully expect to live for another two hundred years, and maybe more, but no matter when I die, this house, or her descendants will outlive me. If I can bring about a successful metamorphosis, she might live for millennia—but long before then, she'll be producing paedogenetic offspring that will revolutionize generic engineering. Rosalind's branch of the Usher family will doubtless thrive, thanks to her own ectogenetic children and grandchildren, unto the umpteenth generation, but the House of Usher and her kin will be still be one of the wonders of this world when our descendants have built new worlds around distant stars. How's that for
Romantic imagination

I had told him once, many years before, that it had been his “Romantic imagination” that had initially drawn me to him. He had refused to take it as a compliment.

“I may be the clone of solid-state physicists,” I told him, “but I've done everything I can to cultivate and care for my own Romanic imagination. I can compete with the best when it comes to waxing rhapsodic about the futures nascent in the genetic technologies of today, vaulting across future centuries with talk of the miracles that the godlike genetic engineers of the far future will work—but I still have my feet on the ground.”

He smiled at that, wryly. “No you don't,” he said. “You're in the House of Usher now, and you have no idea what lies beneath your feet—but I'll show you, in due time, and I'll help you to understand, fully.”

He was so weary by now that his speech was becoming slurred—and that kind of incapacity was something he obviously did not want to display. Before I could reply to his last challenge, he announced, abruptly, that he needed to go to bed—but that he would try to make some time the following day to show me a little more of the house and its wonders.


The hour before I retired to my own bed I spent reading. On the shelves in my bedroom I found a box of memory-sticks containing records of Roderick Usher's experiments, and some of Rosalind's too, but I wasn't tempted by offerings of that sort, and might not have been tempted even had Rowland taken the trouble to include records of his own work, selective or otherwise. Instead, I sought solace in more familiar works loaded on to my own bookplate—the poetry of William Blake and Lord Byron, and (how could I avoid it?) Edgar Allan Poe. I say
, but I really mean distraction, because my recent conversation with Rowland really had given me cause for extreme anxiety. The storm outside was dying down now, but as I looked back mentally over the day, I was struck once again by the remarkable effectiveness of the insulation provided by the house.

I had not quite realized the extent to which Rowland had cut himself off from the world, by retreating into a house that he evidently imagined as a kind of maternal womb. No doubt he went outside on a regular basis, and not just to unload and distribute supplies from the quayside or harvest his plantations, but even his further ventures were mere excursions into wilderness and solitude, with no human contact. With the exception of Adam and Eve, he seemed to have placed all his social relationships in suspended animation. Marvelous as it was, could the House of Usher really be reckoned a healthy environment, in psychological terms?

I was not afraid on my own account, of course—I had every confidence in my own psychological resistance—but I would have been afraid for Rowland even if he had not vouchsafed his revelation about the supposedly-benign tumor that he had deliberately implanted in his brain in order to feed his imagination with even more recklessness extravagance than Mother Nature had provided.

Perhaps it was my reading-matter, and perhaps it was the residue of my discussion with Rowland, but I felt a slight and subtle shift in my experience of the house. Although it was almost silent, and fully proof against the gusts and vibrations of the wind, the smooth, warm walls that surrounded me no longer seemed quite as comforting as they had when I had stood at my window that morning, reveling in my immunity to the storm.

When I finally lay my head on my pillow I suspected that I was in for a turbulent night, full of vague nightmares in which the imagery of Eddie Poe's poems would mingle with the dreams and achievements of Rowland Usher's Conqueror Worms, who would continually triumph in an uncertain, unnamed tragedy—from whose toils I would not escape until I awoke, perhaps in a cold sweat, several hours later but long before the dawn.

The last part of the prophecy was true, but no sooner was I fully awake than I was no longer able to remember whether there had been any truth in its more Romantic aspects. I reached for the bedside table, on which I had placed a glass of water, and put it to my lips. My hand seemed steady enough.

No sooner had I taken a sip of water, however, than my attention was caught by a sound in the corridor outside. Although there was nothing sinister in the sound itself, I felt a prickling sensation run down my spine, and my heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Don't be silly
, I told myself.
If you can't remember a nightmare, it's ludicrous to let its emotional aftershocks reverberate

That was perfectly reasonable, but when I heard the sound again, it drew a gasp of pure terror from my throat.

There is nothing to fear
, I quoted to myself,
but fear itself
. Sometimes, innovation is the last thing we need, and habit is healthy.

I knew perfectly well, on a rational level, that I ought not to be afraid, so I deliberately got out of bed. Then I forced myself to go to the door and open it. Such was my querulous state of mind, however, that it was only by the merest crack that I pulled the batten ajar, and as I peeped out into the corridor my irrational heart still was pounding in my breast.

The corridor was not quite dark, although its bioluminescence was considerably toned down, so that what remained was a faint radiance—which was bluish now, not ruddy, as before. Because the corridor curved I could see only a few meters in either direction, and could see only one other door—that of Rowland Usher's bedroom.

That door too seemed to be ajar, but there was darkness within. Moving away from the door, though—just disappearing from sight around the gentle angle of the tunnel—was a human figure. I caught no more of the merest glimpse of it, but I had the distinct impression that it was a young female, perhaps fourteen or fifteen years of age. She was quite naked.

I thought—but that was ridiculous. Eve was in her thirties, and dark-skinned. In the blue-tinted light she would have seemed almost black, like a gleaming shadow. The person I had glimpsed had been pale—almost as pale as a ghost.

It was the word
rather than any impression of recognition that called forth the next absurd hypothesis.


Again, I told myself not to be ridiculous—that Magdalen too had been in her thirties when she died—but barely had the syllables of the thought been sub-vocalized in my mind than I flung the bedroom door wide open and set off down the corridor in pursuit of the phantom.

I was barefoot, and the floor of the corridor was as soft as the walls; I ran without making the slightest sound. Had anyone seen me, they would doubtless have come to the same conclusion I had reached on glimpsing my quarry: that I was a phantom, whose very existence was absurd—but no one saw me, and no one came after me. She it was who fled from me down the labyrinthine ways, as if I were the Hound of Hell.

I didn't catch her. How could I have caught her, since she couldn't really exist? But I did glimpse her again, on three more occasions, just as she as about to disappear again around a curved in the spiral corridor that led down to the lower floors of he house. The tunnel had forks, but I thought I knew them all, and thought that I was close enough behind her not to mistake the route that she had taken—but somehow, I must have missed my way, or hers, because I lost her, eventually, and ended up in the vestibule inside the main door, confronted with the doors of the store-rooms and the two elevators.

I was sure that she hadn't opened any of those doors. She was, after all, a ghost. It would have been easier for her to pass straight through one without opening it—but I was certain that she hadn't done that either. How? I don't know—but I was certain…just as certain as I was that, if the phantom really had been a phantom, then it must have been the phantom of Magdalen Usher, come to haunt the brother she had loved—in the end, fatally—more than she had been able to love me.

I wondered whether Rowland had seen her, and decided that it was unlikely. He had been very tired; he must surely have been fast asleep. Perhaps the ghost had stood beside his bed and leaned over him; perhaps she had reached out to plant a dream in his weary head—not a nightmare, but a pleasant dream, a luxurious nostalgia.

Yes, I thought, if Magaden really were a ghost now, this was the house that she would choose to haunt. And if ironic Fate had allowed her to do that, it would surely draw some amusement from the fact that Rowland had not seen his sister on this occasion, while I had. It was not me that she had come to haunt, but I had loved her too, unrequitedly. Rowland had been loved in return, but had felt the eyes of the world and his mother upon him, as had Magdalen, and they had fled the mutual attraction: a voluntary abandonment. My loss had been of another kind. How apt, then, that I should see Magdalen's ghost slipping out of Rowland's bedroom, where he lay fast asleep, in order to pursue her, fruitlessly, through the labyrinth whose twists and turns I had obviously not yet mastered in full!

That was too much. I pinched my arm violently, to make sure that I was awake. The pinch hurt, and raised a welt. I was definitely awake. In order to prove it to myself, I took the stairs back to my room rather than taking the short cut via the elevator or the long way round via the spiral ramp. My feet made no sound on the stairs, but I felt them as I hoisted myself up from one to another, ascending by degrees.

The pointlessness of it all seemed suddenly overwhelming. Deserting Rowland, after a few months spent in the bare bones of the house, had not solved Magdalen's problem. Separation had killed her. Frustrated love had killed her. Regret had poisoned her, perhaps with a little chemical assistance. Rowland had suffered too—that was obvious. As for me…I was so stupidly prey to my residual feelings that I had just raced through a labyrinth in pursuit of her ghost, even though I knew that what I had seen—what I continued to see, at intervals—could not possibly be real. I hadn't even recognized her; it was desire, and desire alone that had summoned Magdalen's mirage into my mind.

It is better to have loved and lost
, I told myself, sternly,
than never to have loved at all
—but I didn't believe myself. I believed Sophocles.
The best thing of all is not to be born, and after that to die young
. Anyway, I hadn't really loved and lost, had I? I had only yearned, longed, desired and driven myself mad with stupid obsessive infatuation…I had never
loved, because I had not been loved in return. But Magdalen had always been so
. She had not even done me the bitter favor of spurning me, of explicitly rejecting me. She had always been my friend, albeit in a very different sense from the sense in which Rowland had always been my friend. She had always been elusive, continually glimpsed but somehow never really there.

I closed my bedroom door behind me and got back into bed, but I sat up straight momentarily, in order to take another sip of water.

I wondered briefly whether the water might have been drugged, but rejected the notion as yet another absurdity. I told myself that I would be perfectly all right in the morning….

And so I was.

When I woke up again, and showered, I felt all the craziness of the night flow away and disappear, leaving me serene. The idea that Rowland's sister Magdalen had somehow risen from the dead became the indulgent Romantic fancy that it was—a sport of the imagination. The power of rational thought, exercised in the warm light of the tropical dawn, enabled me to dispel the idiot fancy, and to feel a cool breath of welcome disgust at the fact that I—a pragmatic scientist of the twenty-second century—had allowed myself to be briefly infected by the morbidity of the Gothic Imagination.

I cursed Rowland Usher and his absurd termitary of a house, but I was only blowing the last of the night's cobwebs away. I didn't mean the curse. Had Rowland been at breakfast when I arrived in the dining-room, I would have greeted him with sincere warmth. In fact, there was no one there at all—but I had been shown where all the supplies were, and could fend for myself.

I stared idly out the window while I ate, noting that the weather was still a little blustery, though not longer authentically stormy. It was still raining, but the rain was morose now, rather than fierce, almost as if it were conscious of the fact that it could not long endure. So, at least, my personal version of the pathetic fallacy interpreted what I saw.

I was on my second cop of coffee—dilute, milky coffee—when Rowland finally appeared. He seemed quite well, and cheerful too, so I set aside all possibility of asking him, even in jest, whether he might conceivably be being haunted by the ghost of his near-twin sister.

Rowland told me that he had time enough, that morning, to continue the guided tour of his abode, promising glimpses into some of its remoter nooks and crannies, and so we soon set forth yet again into its amazing winding corridors.

He paused to showed me several other guest-rooms—none of which showed the slightest sign of ever having been inhabited—and several further storerooms, some of them crammed with collections of objects that he had obviously inherited from past generations, as well as hoards of his own, but we both knew that any time spent on the upper floors was effectively wasted. Not that the collections were devoid of interest. There were antique books for which there was no room on his study shelves, some with acid-rotten pages that should have decayed a century ago, some even dating back to the nineteenth century. There was a collection of minerals, one of old medical specimens, and one of ancient navigational instruments—all inherited, I suspected, from generations even remoter than Roderick's

When we eventually descended into the lower strata of the house I found things much more coherently organized, and considerably more interesting.

“I probably shouldn't show you the most important of the laboratories yet,” he told me. “I've a great deal of explaining to do before you'd be able to understand what I'm doing. I'll show you some of my early work, though.”

I was hoping that we would go down below as far beyond ground level as possible, so that I could at least form an estimate of the extent of that part of the house, but we only went down to the first subterranean floor, which was almost indistinguishable from the floor directly above it. Rowland did show me some laboratories—rooms full of sequencers where he had once conducted extensive endeavors in genomic analysis, and rooms fitted out for the transformation of gantzing bacteria—but none of them seemed to be in current use. They belonged to his past; he had moved on. The equipment they contained was modern, but it would not have been reckoned “state of the art” even by mortals far lesser than Rosalind—Professor Crowthorne, for example.

His fermenters were all in use, growing bacterial cultures, but fermenters are essentially unspectacular. Rowland's were more interesting than others I had seen because they were built into the fabric of the house, but that was a mere design detail. I saw more giant insects, but none significantly more exotic than the ones I had already seen on higher floors.

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