Naughty by Nature (22 page)

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Authors: Judy Angelo

BOOK: Naughty by Nature
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She slid her lips
across his chest to suckle at his other nipple and his gasp was more than
enough reward.  Then while she ministered to that very sensitive part of his
anatomy her hands slid down to worry the snap on his slacks.  They were soon
falling in a heap at his feet.

“Onto the bed,”
she whispered, her voice almost harsh with urgency.  When he complied she
smiled to herself.  Now for part two of her plan.

“Lie back and
close your eyes,” she said and when he hesitated, giving her a questioning
look, she gave him a none too gentle shove in the chest that had him falling
back against the pillows.

“Close your eyes,”
she said again and it must have been the forcefulness of her command that made
him obey.

“No pranks,
Tessa,” he said through clenched teeth.  “I know you.”

“You may know me,”
she said softly, “but do you trust me?”  She slid a hand across his cheek,
reveling in the slight roughness of his jaw, then she cupped his chin.  “You
know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, right?”

Eyes still closed,
he sighed.  “I guess so.”

He guessed so. 
Well, good enough.  She would live with that for now.

Tessa reached into
her nightstand and pulled out the two sashes she’d placed there.  In quick time
she’d secured Wolf’s left wrist to the bedpost, then the right.

His eyes were open
now.  “What are you doing?”  Despite the question he didn’t seem overly
worried.  In fact, he was grinning.

“What does it look
like I’m doing?” she grumbled as she reached for a bandana.  “Now close your

He did.  Tessa
climbed up and over his body and placed the bandana over his eyes then she tied
it in a knot behind his head.

“I don’t know
about this, Tessa.  Not being able to use my hands is one thing but not being
able to see?”  He moved his head from side to side but wasn’t able to loosen
the band over his eyes.  “When it comes to a girl like you, God knows what
mischief you’ll think of.”  His voice had just a tinge of worry.

Very good.  That
would only serve to heighten the excitement.  She put her lips to his ear. 
“You trust me…don’t you?” she whispered the words but, deliberately, she gave
her voice a slightly wicked tone – just to keep him off balance.

“I…guess,” he said
softly but now he sounded even more uncertain than before.

“Just relax,” she
said and gave him a peck on the forehead.  “I’m not going to hurt you.  You’re
going to love this.  Promise.”

Then she reached
over, opened the nightstand drawer one more time and retrieved the first weapon
in her arsenal – a very long, very delicate feather.

She turned her
attention back to Wolf and used the soft, fluffy tip of the feather to circle
one nipple and then the other then she went back to the first.  He began to
wriggle but she did not stop.  Instead, she flicked the nipples with the
feather, making them pucker into hard little pebbles.

He sucked in his
breath.  “What the hell are you doing?” he hissed, wriggling in agony.  “That
tickles like crazy.”

“I see,” she said,
giving him only that enigmatic answer and then she went back to her task of
teasing him to a state of frenzy.

It seemed to be
working because with each stroke of the feather he writhed and strained at his
bonds, but they did not give and his arms remained above his head, his hands trapped
against the headboard.  “Jesus, Tessa.  I need…oh, God.”  He jerked and
strained some more.

“You need what,
dear sir?” she taunted, never once letting up.  The feather was busy doing its

“I need your
lips,” he gasped.  “Now.”

Still kneeling on
the bed, she leaned forward and pressed her lips to his.  He groaned and kissed
her hungrily.  But she knew this was not where he wanted her lips right now. 
Still, she kissed him, boldly thrusting her tongue between his lips, feeling
him kiss her back desperately.

Then he pulled
away, panting.  “Kiss me there, Tessa,” he said, his voice a hoarse whisper. 
“I need your touch.”

Only then did she
decide to have mercy on him.  She slid down his body then covered one nipple
with her mouth and suckled there until he groaned his ecstasy aloud.  Then she
moved to the other nipple and did the same.  She was rewarded with his sigh.

She slid her lips
from his nipples to the shallow sink between his pectoral muscles then slowly
she moved lower and lower until her lips were right over his navel.  There, she
gave a lick that had him twisting again.

“I need to touch
you,” he growled, and began straining at his bonds, so hard this time that she
frowned and reached up and gave him a smart slap on the arm.

“Stay still,” she
hissed.  “Don’t let me have to punish you.”

That made him go
still for a moment.  She decided to take advantage of the lull and move to step
two.  “Just wait right here,” she said.  “I’ll be right back.”

Not that he could
have moved, even if he wanted to.  She’d been a girl guide and when it came to
tying knots she knew her stuff.

She hopped off the
bed and padded out of the room and down the hallway toward the kitchen. She
grabbed a bowl and a spoon then pulled the tub of maple nut ice cream from the
freezer.  Wolf was in for a chilly surprise.

Almost humming at
the thought, she tripped back along the hall to the room and laid her prize on
the nightstand then she reached behind her and pulled down her zipper and
wriggled out of her dress.  Now, because she’d been bra-less, all she wore was
a very sexy bikini which Wolf could not see right now.  Oh well, he’d have his
chance another time.  Right now she wanted him sightless so all his other
senses would be heightened.  Tonight she wanted him to experience everything to
the fullest.

But to really
enjoy the experience he had to be naked.

Tessa’s eyes went
to Wolf’s boxers where the depth of his desire was evident in the tent at the
front of his shorts.  Now, with him helpless and unable to object, would be the
perfect time to drag that last piece of clothing down his legs and reveal him
in all his glory.

Her mouth went dry
at the thought.  She wanted to, but no, she would wait.  She wanted things to
go just right.

She climbed on the
bed and straddled Wolf’s hips.  He groaned and jerked his hips but wisely he
remained silent.  She reached over and grabbed half a spoonful of the ice cream
then held it up, way up over his chest and let the cream slide off the spoon
and fall with a splat on his right nipple.

Wolf jumped and
clenched his teeth at the shock and cold, but still he said nothing.

Tessa leaned down
and covered his ice cream covered nipple with her mouth then she flattened her
tongue and licked and sucked until his skin was clean and moist from her kiss. 
She reached over again with the spoon.  More ice cream, another dollop on his
breast, and then she was licking and sucking again, making him squirm.

She got more
spoonfuls and blazed a trail down his middle, dropping ice cream and licking it
up till she’d reached his navel where she lingered for two spoonfuls.  At this
point he was groaning and twisting and looked like he wanted to burst through
his shorts.  But she would give him no release.

“Your turn now,”
she whispered and took a spoonful of the ice cream and covered one of her
nipples.  She leaned forward.  “Open your mouth,” she ordered.  When he did,
she slipped the nipple between his lips and let him suck, and he did it so
eagerly, so hungrily, that she had to pull back before he sucked it right off
her body.

When she pulled
away he groaned.  “Hold on, sport,” she said with a chuckle, “there’s more
coming right up.”  She lathered her other nipple and gave it to him and he
devoured it just as he’d done the first.  This time, when she pulled away he
strained at his bonds and he moved his head from side to side.

“I need to touch
you,” he groaned.

“You will,” she
said, her breath catching in her throat.  She’d been torturing him but she’d
ended up torturing herself in the process.  She was dying for release.  “You
will,” she said again, “but my way.”

She slid off the
bed then hooked her thumbs into the sides of her bikini and pushed them off and
down her legs.  Now she was totally naked and Wolf couldn’t see a thing. 
Somehow that turned her on even more.  She reached into the nightstand one more
time and pulled out a pack of condoms.  Wolf hadn’t had any last time so she
was not taking any chances. She ripped one open then turned toward Wolf.

He must have heard
the condom packet rip open because his head was thrown back and his hips were
slightly raised as if to help her get his shorts off.

She hesitated. 
Now that it was time to do the deed she was getting cold feet.  She still
wanted him, that was for sure, but as crazy as she was, she’d never been so
bold in her life as to tie a man down and do what she wanted with him.  He
already thought she was crazy but after this episode what in the world would he
be left to think?

But when Wolf
groaned and began to thrash his head from side to side she knew she’d gone too
far to turn back now.  She had to put them both out of their misery.

Before she could
change her mind she gripped the legs of his shorts and pulled and his manhood
sprang up, stiff and proud.  She sucked in her breath and drew back.  Then,
screwing up her courage, she licked her lips and pulled the pants all the way
down his legs and off onto the bed.

Wolf began to pull
on his bonds again and this time he pulled so hard that the headboard rattled. 
“Get these things off me,” he growled through clenched teeth, “or else I’m
going to pull this bed apart.”

Tessa shook her
head.  She knew that was his passion talking.  He wanted her so bad it was
ripping him apart, driving him mad.  And she was getting there, too.

Quickly, she
retrieved the condom and positioned it at the tip of his member then rolled it
down till he was fully sheathed.  Then she straddled his hips again and
positioned herself above him.  Slowly, gingerly, she sank down onto him and he
gave a guttural groan that urged her on.

He was totally
helpless, arms tied, eyes blindfolded, her legs straddling his hips... and that
special part of him was trapped inside her.  And she was loving it.

Tessa planted her
palms on Wolf’s chest and rode him until she felt the searing heat building
between her legs.  His hips bucked beneath her as he tried to take control but
she wasn’t having it.  She tightened her knees at his sides, immobilizing him
at times, slowing him down at others, till he was moving to her rhythm, only at
the pace that she dictated.

And so Tessa made
love to Wolf until the tension inside her was too much and as she got closer
and closer to the edge she rode faster and he bucked harder until she gasped
then fell over into a rolling tide of sizzling sensation that swept her along
in its current.

Wolf gave a hoarse
cry and exploded deep inside her as he rode the wave with her.

Tessa collapsed
onto Wolf’s chest, breathing hard.  As she lay on top of him he shifted.

“I want to hold
you, Tessa.”  His voice was breathless, like he’d just run a marathon.

Tessa stirred but
she did not get up.  She wanted to free him, she really did.  But right then
all she could do was gasp for air. 

It took several
seconds before she could find the strength to move.  Slowly, she slid up his
body and reached behind his head to untie the bandana.

When she slipped
the cloth away he blinked as his eyes adjusted then he blinked again as he saw
what hung just above his lips.  Tessa was leaning over him, her breasts above
his face as she reached up to release one arm and then the other.

As soon as he was
free he grabbed her then rolled over and pinned her beneath his weight. 
“You’re lucky you made me explode like that,” he said with a satisfied grin, “or
else you’d be in big trouble right now.”   

She was chuckling
as she snuggled into him.  “Sometimes I enjoy trouble.”

“Don’t I know it,”
he said with a sigh.  Then he rolled them over so she was lying on top of him. 
“You’re one of a kind Tessa Tyndale, and that’s why I love you so much.”

Tessa’s heart
jerked at his declaration.  She ducked her head and hid her face in his
shoulder.  "I love you, too,” she whispered then relaxed into him as he
stroked her back.

And so they lay,
listening to the beat of each other’s hearts, until they drifted into




The sun was high
in the sky when Wolf woke up.  He looked up at the ceiling then his gaze flew
to the window with its bright yellow curtains.  What hotel was this?

He made to get up
then felt an unfamiliar weight on his chest.  He looked down at the tousled
blonde head and that was when he remembered – he’d spent the night at Tessa’s

He smiled then put
up a hand to smooth the hair from her face.  When she mumbled something then
sighed he pulled the cover up over her shoulder then slowly slid out from under
her, doing his best not to wake her.  He’d let her have her rest.  For what he
had planned for later, she would need it.

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