Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (52 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey Herf

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19. "Referat VII, Orient," PAAA R67477, Rundfunkpolitische Abteilung. The High Command of the Army, the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW), issued biweekly reports on Allied and Axis propaganda efforts during the war. These "Wehrmacht Propaganda Lagebericht" are in the German Federal Military Archives in Freiburg, BA-MA, RW4/338.

20. Mehemet Amin El Husseiny (Haj Amin El-Husseini) to Adolf Hitler with von Papen (July 6,1940), "NO. 125, The Ambassador to Turkey to Foreign Ministry," Documents on German Foreign Policy (hereafter DGFP) 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 1o, The War Years, June 23,1940 to Au- gust31,1940 (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964), 141.

21. [Ernst] Woermann, "No. 200, Memorandum by the Director of the Political Department," Berlin (July 21,1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol.10, 556-59.

22. Franz von Papen to AA, "No. 289, The Ambassador in Turkey to the Foreign Ministry," Therapia (August 6, 1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 10, 415-16; Fritz Grobba, "Aufzeichnung des Gesandten Grobba," Berlin (August 27,1940), ADAP, 1918-1945, Serie D: 19371945, Bd. 11.1 Die Kriegsjahre, Vierter Band, Erster Halbband, 1 Sepember his 13 November 1940 (Bonn: Gerbr. Hermes KG, 1964),459-62.

23. Grobba, "Aufzeichnung des Gesandten Grobba," Berlin (August 27, 1940), ADAP, 19181945, Series D:1937-1945, Bd. 11.1, 459-62.

24. Ibid.

25. "Draft: Joint or Identical Declaration of the German and Italian Governments;" DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 10, 559-60. "Haddad's Negotiations with the Germans," Hirszowicz, The Third Reich and theArab East, 82-86.

26. "No. 35. Der Staatsekretar an die Botschaft in Rom," (September 9,1940), ADAP,1918-1945, Serie D: 1937-1945, Bd. 11.1, 38-39; also see "No. 35, The State Secretary to the Embassy in Italy," Berlin (September 9,1940), in DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. n, The War Years, September 1,1940-January31,1941, 44-46.

27. [Ernst] Woermann, "No. 127, Memorandum by the Director of the Political Department," Berlin (September 28,1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol.11, The War Years, September 1,1940-January 31, 1941, 220-21.

28. Ernst von Weizsacker, "No. 133, The State Secretary to the Embassy in Italy," Berlin (September 30,1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol.11, 228.

29. Fritz Grobba, "No. 19o, Memorandum by an Official of the Foreign Ministry," Berlin (October 18,1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 11, 320-22. Haddad's name on his Iraqi passport was TewfikAli al-Shakir. On this see Klaus Gensicke, Der Mufti von Jerusalem and die Na- tionalsozialis ten: Eine politische Biographic Amin el-Husseinis (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buch- gesellschaft, 2007).

30. Grobba, "No. 19o, Memorandum by an Official of the Foreign Ministry," Berlin (October 18,1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol.11, 320-22.

31. Ibid., 321-22.

32. On the pro-Axis Arabs residing in Europe before the war, see William L. Cleveland, Islam Against the West: Shakib Arslan and the Campaign for Islamic Nationalism (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1985).

33. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient) Mn/P/B, "Ein Blatt Ober die Besetzung der Englander in Agypten," Kultureller Talk vom 3 Dezember 1940, Berlin (December 3,1940), Bundesarchiv Berlin (BAB) R9o1, R73039, Rundfunkabteilung, Ref VIII Arabische and Iranische Sendungen, vorl. 39, Dez. 1940 -Jan.1941, p. 2.

34. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient) Mn/P/B, "Die Frommigkeit," Religioser Wochentalk vom 5 Dezember 1940, BAB R9o1 R73039 1941,4-6.

35. Jeffrey Herf, Reactionary Modernism: Technology, Culture and Politics in Weimar and the Third Reich (NewYork: Cambridge University Press, 1984).

36. On the elective affinity asserted by Nazi propagandists between English Puritanism with the Jews, see Jeffrey Herf, The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Jews (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006), 71-74.

37. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/Scha "Dei Freigebigkeit," Religioser Wochentalk vom 12 Dezember 1940 (arabisch) broadcast on December 12,1940, BAB R9o1 R73039,14-16.

38. Ibid., 16.

39. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient),Mu/Scha,"ZurRegierungserkla rung for die Arab er," Talk vom 12 Dezember 1940 (arabisch), BAB R9o1 R73039,11-13.

40. Ibid.

41. Ibid., 12-13.

42. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/B, "Kultureller Talk vom 19 Dezember 1940 (arabisch)," Berlin (December 19,1940) BAB R9o1 R73039, 32-33.

43. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/Scha, "Kultureller Talk vom 24 Dezember 1940 (arabisch)," Berlin (December 19,1940) BAB R9o1 R73039, 35-36.

44. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/Scha, "Religioser Wochentalkvom 26 Dezember 1940 (ara- bisch);" Berlin (December 26,1940) BAB R9o1 R73039, 38-39.

45. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/R, "Die Wahrhaftigkeit and die Starke des Glaubens," Kultureller Talk vom 31 Dezember 1940 (arabisch), Berlin (December 31,1940) BAB R9o1, R73039, 4142.

46. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/Seha, "Gluckwunsche zum Briram-Fest," Talk vom 8 Januar 1941 (arabisch), Berlin (January 8,1941) BAB R9oi R73o39, 53-54.

47. Kult.R.Ref VIII (Orient), Mu/E, "Der Dreierpakt Englands gegen die arabischen Staaten;" Berlin (January 14,1941), BAB R9oi R73039,58- 61.

48. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/E, "Der deutsche Soldat von heute;" Berlin (December 31, 1941), BAB R9o1 R73o39, 43. See, for example, Richard Weber and Carl Korbe, Kartenskizzen zum Weltkrieg and zum grossdeutschen Freiheitskampf fur den Unterricht in Kriegsgeschichte (Frankfurt/ Main: Ravenstein, 1944); and Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, Die Wehrmacht.. Der Freiheitskampf des grossdeutschen Volkes (Berlin: Verlag"Die Wehrmacht;' 1940).

49. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/B, "Die Selbstsuch," Talk vom 16 Januar 1941 (arabisch) broadcast (January 16, 1941), BAB R9o1 R73o39, 62-64.

5o. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/Ei, "Die Propaganda im Islam," Berlin (January 31, 1941), broadcast on February 1,1941, and "Die Propagandamittel im Islam;" Berlin (February 4,1941), BAB R9o1 R73039, 85-87 and 88-9o.

51. Kult.R.Ref. VIII (Orient), Mu/Ei, "Wachet aufl" Berlin (February 6,1941) (arabisch), BAB R9o1 R73039,94-96.

52. Ibid.

53. For recent examples from a large literature, see Susannah Heschel, The Aryan Jesus: Christian Theologians and the Bible in Nazi Germany (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2008); and Richard Steigmann-Gall, The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).

54. On these now familiar themes, see George Mosse, The Crisis of German Ideology: The Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich (New York: Howard Fertig, 1998); and Ian Kershaw, Hitler, 18891936, Hubris (New York: W. W. Norton, 1998).

55• Kult.R.Ref VIII (Orient), Mu/CB, "Neuerungen undAberglaube im Islam," Berlin (February 20,1941) (arabisch), BAB R9o1 R73o39,122-24.

56. On anti-Jewish verses from the Koran, see "Qur'anic Verses;" as well as Andrew G. Bostom, "Islamic Antisemitism-Jew Hatred in Islam" and Haggai Be-Shammai, "Jew Hatred in the Islamic Tradition and Koranic Exegesis" in Andrew G. Bostom, ed. The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitis: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History (Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 2008),209-20,31-56,221-35.

57. Wilhelm Melchers, "No. 481, Memorandum by the Head of Political Division VII," Berlin (December 9,1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. n, The War Years, September 1,1940- january31,1941, 826-29.

58. Ibid., 828-29.

59. Melchers, "No. 496, Memorandum by the Head of Political Division VII," Berlin (December 11,1940), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol.11, 846-47.

60. On Italian policy in this period, see Manuela A. Williams, Mussolini's Propaganda Abroad: Subversion in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, 1935-1940 (London: Routledge, 20o6); Nir Arielli, "Fascist Italy and the Middle East, 1935-1940" (Ph.D. diss., University of Leeds, March 2008).

61. Mohammed Amin El Husseini, "No. 680, The Grand Mufti to Adolf Hitler," Baghdad (January 20,1941), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 11, 1152,1154,1154-55.

62. Franz von Papen, "No. 722, The Ambassador in Turkey to the Foreign Ministry," Ankara (January 28,1941), DGFP 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 11, 1215.

Chapter 4. Propaganda and Warfighting in North Africa and the Middle East in 1941

1. "Directive No. 32, Preparations for the Time after Barbarossa;" Doc. no. 617, Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series D (1937-1945), Vol. 12, The War Years, February 1 June 22, 1941 (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1962), 1012-14.

2. Ibid.,1014-15.

3. See Lukasz Hirszowicz, The Third Reich and the Arab East (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966; Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966), 99-101.

4. DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vo1.12.

5. [Ernst] Woermann, "Memorandum by the Director of the Political Department," Berlin (February 4,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945) vol.12,18-19.

6. Chief of the High Command of the Wehrmacht, "Enclosure with No.18, Memorandum by the Head of Political Division IM," Berlin (February 5,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 12,30-32.

7. On the German military and anti-Jewish policies in Poland between 1939 and 1941, see Christopher Browning, "The Army, from Abdication to Complicity," in The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2004), 72-81.

8. Woermann, "Memorandum on the Arab Question," Berlin (March 7,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vo1.12, 235.

9. Ibid., 236.

10. Ibid., 237.

it. Ibid., 243.

12. "No. 293, The Foreign Ministry to the Embassy in Turkey," and [Ernst von] "Weizsacker to M. Haj Amin al Husayni," Berlin (April 8,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), Vol. 12, 488-90.

13. On developments in Iraq in 1941, see Hirszowicz, Third Reich and the Arab East, 95-172. Other members of the secret committee that planned the coup were Salah ed-Din es Sabbagh, Fahmi Said, Mahmud Slaman, and Naji Shawkat.

14. Ibid.,146.

15. Joachim von Ribbentrop, "Memorandum by the Foreign Minister," Vienna (April 21,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 12,592-94.

16. Ribbentrop, "Brief for the Fruher," and Hewel, "Brief for the Foreign Minister" Berlin (May 3,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 12,689-90.

17. Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cuppers, Halbmond and Hakenkreuz: Das Dritte Reich, dieAraber and Palastina (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 20o6), 8o.

18. Adolf Hitler, "No. 543, Fuhrer's Directive, Directive No. 30, The Middle East" (May 23,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 12, 862-64.

19. Hirszowicz, Third Reich and the Arab East, 167- 69.

20. Ibid., 172.

21. Gerhard Ruhle, "Aufzeichnung betr. Die Rundfunkpropaganda in den arabischen Raum," Berlin (May 5,1941), PAAA R67482, Verbindungsmann Reichsaussenminister [Ribbentrop] RAM, Auslandisches Rundfunkwesen, Deutsche Auslandsrundfunkpropaganda, Bd. 1, Afrika-England, April-September 1941, Bde. 7-8, 247211.

22. Ibid., 247212.

23. Ibid., 247212. He added that if the Kilani government in Baghdad had been kept in power, a Baghdad-based Arabic-language station would have been established.

24. Ibid., 247214.

25. Ibid., 24715.

26. "Aufzeichnung, Betrifft: Sondersendungen in hocharabischer Sprache fur Agypten," Hauptquartier (April 18,1941), PAAA R67482, 247108-247110.

27. Ibid., 247216.

28. See Miles Lampson Killearn, The Killearn Diaries, 1934-1946: The Diplomatic and Personal Record of Lord Killearn (London: Sidwick and Jackson, 1972); and M. E. Yapp, ed. Politics and Diplomacy in Egypt.. The Diaries of Sir Miles Lampson, 1935-1937 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997)

29. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 1022;" Cairo (April 19,1941), British National Archives (hereafter NA), FO 371/27430 Egyptian, 1941 Egypt and Sudan File No. 18, 11061.

30. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 1115," Cairo (April 26,1941), NA, FO 371/2743o, Egypt and Sudan File No. 18, 11158.

31. Lampson to Anthony Eden, "No. 388," British Embassy Cairo (April 29,1941), NA, FO 371/ 27430, Egypt and Sudan File "No. 18," J 1509,130,134.

32. Ibid., 135.

33. Ibid.,136.

34. Ibid., 137.

35. Lampson to Eden, "No. 1468," British Embassy Cairo (May 22, 1941), NA, F0371/27430, Egypt and Sudan File No. 18, 1 1509,130150.

36. Foreign Office to Cairo, "No. 1711" (May 25,1941), J1586/18/16,156.

37. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 1526, Weekly Appreciation," Cairo (May 26,1941), NA, FO 371/27431,1941, Egypt and Sudan File No. 18, 1 1655,12.

38. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 1532, Important," Cairo (May 26,1941), NA, FO 371/27431, J1646.

39. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 1848, Weekly Information," Cairo (June 14,1941), NA, FO 371/27431, Ji886, 67.

40. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 2884," Cairo (September 15,1941), NA, FO 371/27432,18, J2949, 60.

41. Lampson to Anthony Eden, "No. 900;" Cairo (September 23,1941), NA, FO 371/27433,1941 Egypt and Sudan File No. 18, J3265,77-83.

42. Ibid., 82.

43. Ibid., 82.

44. Weizsacker,"The State Secretary to the Legation in Iran," Berlin (June 1, 1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vOl.12, 959-60.

45. Woermann, "Memorandum by the Director of the Political Department;" Berlin (June 6, 1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 12,972-73.

46. Rudolf Rahn, Nachlass im PAAA, Berlin.

47. Rudolf Rahn, "Report on the German Mission in Syria from May 9 to July 11,1941," Westfalen (July 30,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 13, The War Years, June 23-December 11, 1941 (Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1964), 250-51.

48. Alexander Kirk, to Department of State from Cairo Legation (September 13,1941), No.1361, 1-3, NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939, 1941-47,1941, 820.02-830, entry 2412, box 4.

49. Kirk, "Subject: 2. Political Reporting;" Cairo (March 1, 1944), NACP RG 84, General Records, 1936-55, 1944:124.6-124.7, entry 2410 box 104, 9.

50. Ibid., 9-12,

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