Nazi Propaganda for the Arab World (53 page)

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Authors: Jeffrey Herf

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51. Anne H. Fuller, "Memoranda on Broadcasting to the Near East," NACP RG 208, Records of the Office of War Information, Informational Files on the Near East, 1941-46, entry 373, box 417.

52. Anne H. Fuller, "General Argument Used in German Propaganda to the Near East" (September 29,1941), NACP RG 208, Records of the Office of War Information, Informational Files on the Near East, 1941-46, entry 373, box 417. Lord Haw-Haw was the nickname for William Joyce, the most prominent of the English-language speakers on Nazi Germany's radio propaganda aimed at Britain during World War II.

53. Ibid., 2-3.

54. Ibid., 3. Bahri wrote a memoir of his years in Berlin. See Yunis Bahri, Huna Birlin, hayy alArab (Beirut, 1955). On Lord Haw-Haw, see Martin Doherty, Nazi Wireless Propaganda: Lord HawHaw and British Public Opinion in the Second World War (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2000); and David Welch, The Third Reich: Politics and Propaganda, 2nd ed. (London: Routledge, 2002).

55. Anne H. Fuller, "General Argument Used in German Propaganda to the Near East" (September 29,1941).

56. Anne H. Fuller, "Strategy of Propaganda to the Near East" (November 3,1941), NACP RG 208, Records of the Office of War Information, Informational Files on the Near East, 1941-1946, entry 373, box 418,1-4.

57. Anne H. Fuller, "Anti-American Propaganda in the Near East" (October 25,1941), NACP RG 208, Records of the Office of War Information, Informational Files on the Near East, 1941-1946, entry 373, box 418,1-5.

58. Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1361 (September 13,1941),1, 2.

59. Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1483 (September 27,1941),1-2, NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939,1941-47,1941,820.02-83o, entry 2412, box 4.

60. Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1523 (October 6,1941), NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939,1941-47,820.02-830, entry 2412, box 4.

61. Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1570 (October 13,1941),1-3, NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939,1941-47,820.02-830, entry 2412, box 4.

62. Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1623, Cairo (October 21,1941),1-2, NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939,1941-47,820.02-830, entry 2412, box 4.

63. Kirk to Secretary of State, No.1654, Cairo (October 28,1941),1-2, NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939,1941-47,1941,820.02-830, entry 2412, box 4. On the Soviet regime and religion during World War II, see Steven Miner, Stalin's Holy War: Religion, Nationalism, and Alliance Politics, 1941-1945 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003).

64. Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1689, Cairo (November 4,1941),1-2, NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939,1941-47,1941, 820.02-830, entry 2412, box 4.

65. [Otto Graf von] Bismarck, "No. 399, The Charge d'Affaires in Italy to the Foreign Ministry," Rome (October 13,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 13, The War Years, June 23-December 11, 1941, 641-42.

66. [Hans Georg von] Mackensen, "No. 449, The Ambassador in Italy to the Foreign Ministry," Rome (November 5,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 13,742-43.

67. Grobba, "No. 452, Memorandum by Minister Grobba," Berlin (November 6,1941) DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol.13, 746-49.

68. Ribbentrop, "No. 468, Memorandum by the Foreign Minister," Westfalen (November 13, 1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 13,775.

69. Ibid., 76-777.

70. Memorandum by an official of the Foreign Ministry's Secretariat, "No. 514, Record of the Conversation of the Grand Mufti with the Foreign Minister in Berlin on November 28,1941;" Westfalen (November 28,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 13, 876-81. Rashid Ali Kilani met with Ribbentrop on December 17,1941. See Woermann, "No. 536, Memorandum by the Director of the Political Department," Berlin (December 2,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 13, 940-41; and "26; and Aufzeichnung des Gesandten Grobba;' Berlin (December 17,1941), ADAP, 1918-1945, Serie E. 1941-1945, Bd. 1, 12 Dezember 1941 bis 28 Februar 1942 (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1969), 42-48.

71. Memorandum by an official of the Foreign Ministry's Secretariat, "No. 514, Record of the Conversation of the Grand Mufti with the Foreign Minister in Berlin on November 28,1941;" Westfalen (November 28,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol.13, 876.

72. Ibid., 879.

73. Ibid., 880.

74. "No. 515, Memorandum by an Official of the Foreign Minister's Secretariat, Record of the Conversation between the Fuhrer and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem on November 28,1941, in the Presence of Reich Foreign Minister and Minister Grobba in Berlin," Berlin (November 30, 1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol.13, 881- 85. Also see Hirszowicz, Third Reich and theArab East, 218-21.

75. "No. 515" (November 30,1941), DGFP, Series D (1937-1945), vol. 13, 881-82.

76. Ibid., 882-83.

77. Ibid., 881-82.

78. On Holocaust decision making and public pronouncements in summer and fall 1941, see Christopher Browning, The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942 (Lincoln: University of Nebraska; and Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2004), and Fateful Months: Essays on the Emergence of the Final Solution (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1985); Saul Friedlander, The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945 (New York: HarperCollins, 2007); and Herf, Jewish Enemy. For argument and evidence that Hitler had already taken such a decision by spring 1941, see Richard Breitman, The Architect of Genocide: Himmler and the Final Solution (NewYork: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991).

79. "Konstantin Alexander Freiherr von Neurath," PAAA, Rundfunkpolitische Abteilung, Personalia, Januar-Dezember 1942, R9o11/48092, E309617; and NACP RG242, Records of the German Foreign Office, T12o, rolls 2337, 2338, for personal files of German diplomats in the Nazi regime. Also see Hans-Jurgen Doscher, DasAuswartigeAmtim Dritten Reich: Diplomatic im Schatten der "EndlO- sung" (Berlin: Siedler Verlag, 1987), 75-76.

80. "Hans Alexander Winkler," PAAA R9o11/48092, E31o439-104444. Also see Horst Jungin- ger, "Ein Kapitel Religionswissenschaft wahrend der NS-Zeit: Hans Alexander Wink] er,1900-1945" Zeitschrift fur Religionswissenschaft 3 (1993) 137-61; his The Study of Religion under the Impact of Fascism (Leiden: Brill, 2008); and his Von derphilologischen zur volkischen Religionswissenschaft: Das Fach Religionswissenschaftan der UniversittTubingen von derMitte des 19. jahrhunderts his zum Ende des Dritten Reiches (Stuttgart: F. Steiner, 1999), 99-113.

81. Hans Alexander Winkler and Konstantin Alexander Freiherr von Neurath, "Krieg and Hungersnot;" in Neurath to AA, "Vorschlage fuer arabische Flugblatter," Verbindungsman mit der Panzergruppe Afrika (VAA Panzergruppe Afrika) (November 17,1941), PAAA R6o747, G. R. v. Neurath, Propagandaoffiziere, 1941-42, Bde. 1-2.

82. Ibid.

83. Winkler and Neurath, "II," Neurath to AA, "Vorschlage fuer arabische Flugblattter" (November 17,1941), PAAA R6o747.

84. Ibid.

85. Ibid.

86. Winkler and Neurath, "Die Zukunft von Agyptischen Wirtschaft," Neurath to AA, in "Vorschlage fuer arabische Flugblatter" (November 17,1941), PAAA R6o747.

87. OWI, Overseas Operations Branch, Washington, D.C., "Weekly Propaganda Directive, Palestine" (November 14,1942), NACP RG 165, Records of the War Department General and Special Staff, Military Intelligence Division (MID), Regional File, 1922-44, Palestine, entry 77, box 2719, folder 2930.

88. Ibid.

89. Shlomo Aronson, Hitler, the Allies and the Jews (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2004).

90. Coordinator of Information, "Axis Propaganda in the Moslem World" (December 23, 1941), NACP RG 165, MID, Regional File, 1922-44, Turkey, entry 77, box 3061, 1, 2.

91. Ibid., 3.

92. On anti-Semitism in the American military, see Joseph Bendersky, The Jewish Threat.. AntiSemitic Politics of the U.S. Army (New York: Basic Books, 2000).

93. Coordinator of Information, "Axis Propaganda in the Moslem World," 4, 6.

94. Kirk to Secretary of State, Telegram 112, Cairo (January 20,1942), NACP RG 59, U.S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940-44, 740.0011/European War 1939, microcopy no. M982, roll 96, 18735, 2.

95. Alexander Kirk to Secretary of State, No. 1935, Cairo (December 24,1941),1-3, NACP RG 84, Cairo Legation and Embassy, Secret and Confidential General Records, 1939,1941-47, 820.02- 830, entry 2412, box 4.

Chapter 5. "Kill the Jews before They Kill You"

1. See Judith Tydnor Baumel, "Extermination Camps," in Walter Laqueur, ed., Judith Tydnor Baumel, assoc. ed., The Holocaust Encyclopedia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001),174-79; and Jeffrey Herf, The Jewish Enemy: Nazi Propaganda during World War II and the Holocaust (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006),139-40.

2. The following draws on Haim Saadoun, "North Africa," in Walter Laqueur, ed., Judith Tydor Baumel, assoc. ed., The Holocaust Encyclopedia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001), 44446.

3. Ibid. Also see Robert Satloff, Among the Righteous: Lost Stories from the Holocaust's Long Reach into Arab Lands (Washington, D.C.: Public Affairs, 2006).

4. [Fritz] Grobba, "Aufzeichnung des Gesandten Grobba," Berlin (January 16,1942), ADAP, 1918-1945, Serie E: 1941-1945, Bd. 1,12 Dezember 1941 bis 28 Februar 1942, 239 -42.

5. Grobba, "Aufzeichnung des Gesandten Grobba;' Berlin (January 27, 1942), ADAP, 19181945, Serie E: 1941-1945, Bd.1,12, 310 -11.

6. On the role of the German Foreign Ministry in formulating Nazi propaganda, see Peter Longerich, Propagandisten im Krieg: die Presseabteilung des Auswartigen Amtes unter Ribbentrop (Munich: R. Oldenbourg, 1987).

7. On [Erwin] Ettel, see "Ettel, Erwin," in Johannes Hurter, Martin Kroger, Rolf Messerschmidt, and Christiane Scheidemann, eds., Biographisches Handbuch des deutschen Auswartigen Dienstes, 1871-1945, Bd. 1, A-F (Paderborn: F. Schoningh, 2000), 530; Hans-Jurgen Doscher, Das AuswartigeAmtim Dritten Reich: Diploma tie im Schtten der Endlosung(Berlin: Siedler Verlag,1987), 168. On his workwith Husseini, see Klaus Gensicke, Der Mufti von Jerusalem and die Nationalsozialisten: Eine politische Biographie (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2007; rev. 1988).

8. Erwin Ettel, Aufzeichnung" Berlin (June 26,1942), PAAA R27324, Grossmufti, 1941-43, Ettel, 304324-304328.

9. Ernst Woermann,"StandardthesenfurPropaganda, to German Embassy in Ankara, Berlin (February 7,1942); and "Abschrift zu Pol XI 52, Zusammenfassung der von Herrn RAM angeord- neten Standardthesen fur die deutsche Auslandspropaganda;' PAAA Botschaft Ankara, Presse and Propaganda, 5167H, 6.7.1940-1.8.1942.

1o. Woermann, "Telegramm an Rom," Berlin (February 12,1942), PAAA Botschaft Rom, Bd. 160, E260586.

u. Woermann, "Thesen fur Amerika Propaganda;" Berlin (March 24,1942), PAAA Botschaft Ankara, Presse and Propaganda, 5167H, 6.71940-1.81942.

12. "Nr. 23b, Amerikapropaganda: Thesen zur ausschlief lichen Verwendung auserhalb der Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika," Berlin (March 24,1942), PAAA Ankara Botschaft, Presse and Propaganda, 5167H, 6.71940-1.81942.

13. Ibid.

14. See Herf, Jewish Enemy.

15. Miles Lampson to Foreign Office, "Growth of Anti-Semitism in Egypt," Cairo (January 8, 1942), NA, FO 371/31576, Egypt and Sudan File No. 42, J 322.

16. On the British Foreign Office during the Holocaust, see Bernard Wasserstein's Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979; 2nd ed. New York: Leicester University Press, 1999)

17. Lampson to Foreign Office: Growth of Anti-Semitism in Egypt," Cairo (January 8,1942).

18. Ibid.

19. Ibid.

20. On the relations between Farouk and the Nazis, see the documentary collection by the Nation Associates, The Record of Collaboration ofKingFarouk ofEgypt with the Nazis and TheirAlly, The Mufti (New York: Nation Associates, 1948).

21. For an account by Lampson (later Lord Killearn), see Miles Lampson, Politics and Diplomacy in Egypt: The Diaries of Sir Miles Lampson, 1935-1937, ed. M. E. Yapp (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997).

22. Lampson to Mr. [Anthony] Eden, "No. 156, General Review of Political Developments in Egypt ...1941;" Cairo (February 12,1942), NA, FO 371/31569, Egypt and Sudan File No. 18, J 1111/38/ 16, 34, 35, 36.

23. Hans Georg von Mackensen to AA, Rome (April 9,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163; [Hans Ulrich] Granow to Mackenson, "Auf Drahterlass vom 9 April," Berlin (April 11, 1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163.

24. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 43," Cairo (February 24,1942), NA, FO 371/31569,18, J1107, 28.

25. Lampson to Eden (received March 10,1942), "No. 156," 38-39. Also see Lampson, "No. 795, Cairo to Foreign Office" (March 12,1942), NA, FO 371/31569, J119o, 84.

26. Lampson to Foreign Office, "No. 815, Weekly Appreciation" (March 14,1942), NA, FO 371/ 31569, J1239,105; Lampson, "No. 876," Cairo (March 22,1942), NA, FO 371/31569, J1343, 116.

27. Lampson to Eden, "No. 19, Revised ... List of Personalities in Egypt," Cairo (January 5, 1943, received February 3, 1943), NA, FO 371/35528, J546/2/i6,33-34.

28. Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW) to Oberkommando der Panzerarmee Afrika (Rommel), Abt. Ic (April 8, 1942), PAAA R6o747, Kult Pol, G. R. v Neurath, Propagandaoffiziere, 1941-42, Bde. 1-2.

29. Braunstumm to Rome Embassy, "Verhaftung Ali Maher Paschas," Berlin (April 9, 1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163. On Ali Maher's ties to the "green shirts movement," that is, to Young Egypt, see Hans Georg von Mackensen to AA, Rome (April 9,1942), PAAA, Rom, Bd. 163.

30. Kirk to Secretary of State, Cairo (February 16,1942), "Concern of the United States regarding effect of Axis military advance into Egypt; plans for evacuation of American diplomatic and consular personnel from Egypt;" Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS), Diplomatic Papers 1942, vol. 4, The Near East and Africa (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1962), 71-73.

31. Ibid., 73

32. Alexander Kirk to Secretary of State, Telegram 340, "General Summary of Tendencies in Axis Broadcasts in Arabic," Cairo (April 18,1942),1-2, NACP RG 59, U.S. Dept. of State, Central Decimal File, 1940-44, 740.oo11/European War 1939, Microfilm Records M982, roll 114, 21414.

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