Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (17 page)

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“We were quiet for another week, only spoke in grunts and single words. After a while, when you’re the only two on the island, you start to talk. At night, we’d watch the stars
and I started to ask Russ questions.”

“I tried to answer honestly
and ultimately we started to just talk about my being bisexual openly.”

“Dex, did you ever have sexual feeling
for Russ and hold them back?”

“At first I didn’t acknowledge them, but on introspection, and on the island there was a lot of time for that
I had to admit to myself and to Russ that I’d wondered about him from time to time. Seeing him in the locker room, I’d wonder what his cock would be like fully erect.”

“Was this before or after you met me?” Thea asked.

“Both. You know
in college, you’re wondering lots of things, but I never acted on it. And Russ was always such a ladies’ man, it didn’t make sense to ask if he was interested.”

“So you’d been wondering about him for years. Were you interested in other men
?” Thea pulled the collar of her coat tighter around her neck.

“No, sometimes a passing curiosity reared if I saw a guy with a huge cock, but I was into pussy and women.
didn’t make sense to make any kind of advance on any man.”

“When I first realized I was interested in men, I’d go out of town and buy magazines and movies,” Russ admitted. “But after a while, a film or photo wasn’t enough to jack off to. I was curious and wanted to experience a man. I took a trip to the Caribbean and found another man of the same mind. He’d always thought himself straight until one day when he was offered head by another guy. He claimed it was too many drinks and he let the guy suck him off.”

“But you didn’t need the alcohol to let loose.” Thea stared at him.

“No. I went away hoping to find a man to experiment with. A man who had as much to lose as I did if anyone ever found out about our side activities. It was totally freeing to experiment without fear of repercussions. He had an amazing cock, long and thick. He taught me how to suck a cock.”

“Did you let him fuck you too?” Thea sat forward, anticipating his answer.

“Toward the end of the vacation, when we’d become comfortable with each other, he asked me to fuck him. I did, and realized I liked it. A man’s body reacts differently than a woman’s. After that he’d finger my anus while swallowing me
and I finally asked him to use his cock.”

“I guess you liked it
because you’re still doing it.” Thea’s words were a flat statement. “Dexter, what about you
? Did
you want to screw him or have him screw you? When did it strike you?”

“I was still laid up. One night while I was sleeping, Russ just started to give me head.” She noted his face had turned beet red
but he kept talking and she gave him credit for finally trusting her enough to be honest. “I woke, realized what was going on
and pretended to be asleep. But I have to admit, after I couldn’t let go of the experience. When I was more mobile and we’d come to terms with everything, well, we went back to jacking off at night, usually talking about you, picturing you as the one we made love to.”

“I was the aggressor, Thea. I made the first move at every level.” Russell seemed relieved by his admission.

“I can only imagine how much courage that took.”

“Yes, but by that point, I couldn’t take any of it back. So, the worst thing that could happen was Dexter would say no and not talk to me for a while again.”

“But you didn’t say no, did you
Dex?” Thea was struggling to understand.

“No. Finally, I had to admit to him and myself that I enjoyed him giving me head. My curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to know what it felt like to swallow his cock.” Dexter sipped at his wine. “Quite honestly, Thea, I’d been fucking women for twenty years, their puss
and asses. I wanted to know what it felt like.”

Thea let out a pent
up breath. “We used toys on occasion. I always got the impression you only let me tease you with the toys because it was my idea. Never once did you suggest it.”

“It wasn’t something I thought I was supposed to like.”

“I’m getting mind boggled and hungry. Let’s throw the steaks on the grill before my headache gets any worse.” Thea left the men on the deck and started to bring out food to the gas grill on the deck. When she had it preheating, she turned to the men.

“Could I watch you together
or is that to
over the top?” She didn’t expect Russ to choke on his wine. Dexter’s face seemed to go blank. “It was just a question
get all in a snit about it.”

Thea,” Dex began, his tone serious. “Let’s get one thing straight. I never considered making love or having sex with men. I always wanted you. But after a while on the island, well
it became clear we weren’t going to be rescued. That’s when I let down my defenses and accepted Russ as a sexual partner.”

“And you liked it or you wouldn’t have continued, especially since you’ve gotten home.”

“Yes, at this time in my life, I consider myself a bisexual man.”

“Russ, is that what you consider yourself, bisexual?”

“Yes, I have for years.”

Thea dropped the steaks on the hot grill and took a step back from the sizzling. “I always liked men. Since we’re being honest, I did kiss a girl in college, but it felt strange, like I was feeling my own body.”

“You don’t have to be bisexual, Thea
. The
more important question is can you accept the sexual attention of two men at the same time?”

“Beats the hell out of me,” she said, pausing to flip the steaks. “Sometimes I had trouble satisfying Dex
. To
think of trying to satisfy both of you is intimidating.”

“But you’re thinking about it, Thea. I appreciate you even considering this. I was afraid if you found out, you’d leave me.” Dexter stood, stretched
and walked to her, dropping a light kiss on her cheek. “I’ll set the table.” He walked in the house, leaving Thea and Russ alone.”

“I can still leave. If I do, you and Dex can go back to just being a couple.”

“There’s one thing I learned while you guys were gone, Russ. You can never go back. If you stay still
you stagnate. There has to be some forward motion to life. I just need to figure out what motion I’m comfortable with.”

Russ stood and gathered his empty glass and hers. “I think the first step forward is to get the food off the grill.” He hesitated next to her and dropped a light kiss on her cheek. “Let’s eat, and let this all go for a bit.”

Thea pulled the meat off the grill and remembered to shut off the gas. Carrying the platter inside, she saw the men had set the table and taken seats across from each other, leaving her at the head of the table. They ate quietly, keeping to safe topics like world events they’d missed. All through the meal, she felt different, felt like they were putting her in charge of all their futures. When she paused to analyze it while the men cleared the dishes, Thea decided she liked being the queen. Liked having the power both men entrusted in her. Now she had to decide if she wanted to use that power or crawl away and start life over. Deep inside she knew that would be her last resort. Watching them
she began to form her own fantasies of what they might be like as a threesome.

Chapter Nine

Any angst Thea might have had over their situation was eased by a good meal and another glass of wine. She was content to let the men clean up when they offered. But she couldn’t shut down her mind. Watching the two men work side by side, her thoughts swirled with images of them together. What she witnessed last night was one thing
but was she really being welcomed into that intimate relationship
or did the guys feel they had to offer her the threesome so she wouldn’t go off mad and tell the world their secret

It all became too much to think through
so she excused herself and headed to her bedroom. Once there, she felt lost, roaming the room, remembering how she and Dex had made love on the bed, over the back of the sofa
and on the floor before the fireplace. Of course, that was all before she witnessed Dex and Russell’s budding relationship.

One side of her wished Dexter would come in and tell her it was all a mistake or a bad dream. Another side of her wanted to be left alone. After half an hour of pacing the space, she thought to pack her bags. But that would be running away
and she didn’t want to walk out and forever wonder what might have been. She’d fought for this reunion with Dex for so long, could she just walk away from it now?

Thea had often wondered how she would react if Dexter was found but with some kind of injury. Well, she’d skipped the broken leg, but she’d been prepared for any kind of disability. If he couldn’t walk or use his hands, whatever the problem would turn out to be, she knew she’d handle it. This problem never entered her mind
so she hadn’t worked out a plan.

“Damn both those men,” she said to the pale face staring back at her from the bathroom mirror.

She drew a deep breath and started to strip off her clothing. If nothing else, she was going to enjoy the rest of the time they had at the house to the fullest, even if it wasn’t going as planned. She paused and went to her suitcase, pulling out a two-piece bathing suit. She knew there was a hot tub on the lower deck and a steam room just inside.

In the past, she’d never considered nudity in front of either man a problem. She’d often gone topless when they were on vacation. Tonight, she wasn’t sure what to do. Tugging the top into place, she tied the string behind her back and neck and pulled the material to cover her breasts. As an afterthought, she grabbed a heavy terry
cloth towel from behind the bathroom door and wrapped it around her. Then she felt even more self-conscious. She took the towel from her body, folded it
and draped it over her arm, taking several deep breaths, wondering if she could just walk past them. Thea found those first steps from the bedroom the wors
she ever had to take.

She opened the door and saw Dexter on the sofa, scanning channels on the television. Russ was in the kitchen making coffee. Clearing her throat to get their attention
she held her head high and walked into the room.

“I’m going to soak in the hot tub for a bit then head into the steam room. Maybe that will clear my head.”

“Want company?” Dexter asked, his tone uncertain.

“I don’t really know,” she said cryptically and headed to the staircase, which led to the lower level.

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