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Authors: John Sugden

BOOK: Nelson
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About the Book

Nelson: A Dream of Glory
is the most comprehensive and thoroughly researched account ever written of Horatio Nelson's rise to international fame. Giving us the private as well as the public man, it combines ground-breaking scholarship with a brilliantly vivid and compelling style.

‘A magnificently-researched and thoughtful work which locates Nelson in a global context.’ Linda Colley

‘Massively authoritative.’ Max Hastings,
Sunday Telegraph

‘This monumental tome is the finest yet written on England’s naval hero... Sugden’s brilliant book is chock-full of fascinating details. And if the second volume turns out as well as this, his life of Nelson will be one of the historical masterpieces of our time.’ Frank McLynn,
Daily Express


The recipient of numerous awards, John Sugden has degrees from three British universities and was formerly a lecturer and senior research fellow. He has pursued historical research in archives throughout Britain and North America and his books and many articles have been published to great acclaim. With
Dr Sugden returns to a lifelong interest in naval history. A member of the Society for Nautical Research for forty years, his publications include a popular biography of Sir Francis Drake. It was while researching a doctorate on Nelson’s navy thirty years ago that he recognised the extent of the untapped materials and the need for a major new biography.

Praise for
Nelson: A Dream of Glory

‘This monumental tome is the finest yet written on England’s great naval hero... chock-full of fascinating detail, from Nelson’s battles to his first mistress, Adelaide Correglia.’ Frank McLynn,
Daily Express

‘Sugden’s account... is richly absorbing, and his fluent, buoyant prose scuds along, carrying the reader with it. This must surely become a standard life.’ Jane Ridley,

‘Sugden makes very effective use of the new material to challenge the traditional story. Moreover... he has tracked down some of the little known characters – junior officers, even ordinary seamen, and brought them alive by meticulous research.’ Colin White,

‘A masterpiece of the biographer’s art... A book that will be the yardstick by which all other Nelson biographies will be judged for decades to come.’ Neil Hanson,
Sunday Times

‘Sugden’s passion for his subject and astonishing research reveal the blossoming hero in a new light.’ Lucy Moore,
Daily Mail

‘The massive, magisterially detailed first volume of what will surely be the definitive life.’ T. J. Binyon,

‘The most detailed study of Nelson ever published.’ F. J. M. Scott,
History Today


A Dream of Glory


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Version 1.0

Epub ISBN 9781446444580

Published by Pimlico 2005

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Copyright © John Sugden 2004

John Sugden has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser

First published in Great Britain by
Jonathan Cape in 2004

Pimlico edition 2005

Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,
London SW1V 2SA

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A CIP catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library

ISBN 9780712667432 (from Jan 2007)
ISBN 0712667431

Hope revives within me. I shall
recover, and my dream of glory be fulfilled.
Nelson will yet be an admiral

Horatio Nelson, aged twenty-one, shipped home with malaria, 1780

This one is for my mother, Lily,
who told me that Nelson was
great man;
for Phil, who prefers James Cook;
and for Terri,
who alone of us has crewed aboard a tall ship



About the Book

About the Author


Title Page



List of Illustrations



I: Prologue: Duel at Midnight

BOOK ONE: The Prelude, 1758–92

II: The Small World of Burnham Thorpe

III: Captain Suckling’s Nephew

IV: Northward Ho!

V: East Indies Adventure

VI: Lieutenant Nelson

VII: The First Commands

VIII: In the Wake of the Buccaneers

IX: Fighting Back

X: ‘The Poor

XI: Love in St-Omer

XII: Hurricane Harbour

XIII: Old Officers and Young Gentlemen

XIV: Dearest Fanny

XV: The Prince and the Post-Captain

XVI: Beachcombing

BOOK TWO: ‘To Glory We Steer’, 1793–7

XVII: Captain of the

XVIII Corsica

XIX: A Long and Hazardous Service

XX: Two Meetings with French Gentry

XXI: Drifting to Leeward

XXII: From Flag Captain to Ship-Boy

XXIII: Commodore Nelson

XXIV: The Happy Moment

XXV: Who Will Not Fight For Dollars?

XXVI: More Daring Intrepidity Was Never Shown

XXVII: Useless to my Country


Notes and Citations


Select Bibliography


Picture Section


1. Captain Horatio Nelson, 1781 (
copyright National Maritime Museum, London

2. Rear-Admiral Sir Horatio Nelson, K.B., 1797 (
by permission of the Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, Ipswich

3. Edmund Nelson (
author’s collection

4. Catherine Nelson (
author’s collection

5. Ann Suckling (
copyright National Maritime Museum, London

6. Nelson’s Norfolk (
author’s collection

7. Burnham Thorpe Rectory (
author’s collection

8. Norwich School (
courtesy of Julian Lowe

9. The Paston School, North Walsham (
author’s collection

10. Maurice Suckling (
author’s collection

11. Skeffington Lutwidge (
author’s collection

12. The
and the
, 1773 (
author’s collection

13. George Farmer (
courtesy of the Hull Reference Library

14. Edward Hughes (
courtesy of the Hull Reference Library

15. Charles Pole (
author’s collection

16. William Locker and his family (
author’s collection

17. Peter Parker (
courtesy of the Hull Reference Library

18. Cuthbert Collingwood (
copyright National Maritime Museum, London

19. Mary Moutray (
by permission of Clive Richards

20. English Harbour, Antigua (
author’s collection

21. Prince William Henry (
author’s collection

22. Frances, Lady Nelson (
copyright National Maritime Museum, London

23. House of William Suckling (
author’s collection

24. Courtenay Boyle (
author’s collection

25. George Andrews (
by permission of the Nelson Society

26. Samuel, Viscount Hood (
author’s collection

27. John Jervis, Earl St. Vincent (
author’s collection

28. Gilbert Elliot, Earl of Minto (
author’s collection

29. Charles Stuart (
courtesy of Glasgow Museums: Art Gallery and Museum, Kelvingrove

30. Francis Drake (
copyright The British Museum

31. John Trevor, Viscount Hampden (
courtesy of Lord Hampden/ the Trustees of the Glynde Endowment Settlement; Photographic Survey, Courtauld Institute of Art

32. Thomas Francis Fremantle (
courtesy of Sir Ludovic Kennedy

33. Thomas Troubridge (
author’s collection

34. Thomas Ramsay (
copyright The British Museum

35. William Hoste (
author’s collection

36. Battle of Cape St. Vincent, 1797 (
author’s collection

37. Boarding the
San Nicolas
, 1797 (
author’s collection

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