Neptune's Ring (36 page)

Read Neptune's Ring Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #adventure, #haunted, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian romance, #sequel to venus rising

BOOK: Neptune's Ring
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“Hello, My Love,” Nat said sweetly.

“It is so good to be surrounded by my
friends,” Levi told Vanessa. “I hope it wasn’t too much of an
inconvenience for you to come early,” she said to Vanessa.

“Not at all, Killian was more than happy to
take over for me,” Vanessa said.

“Good, that means I get one more night with
you,” Levi grinned.

“Yes, you do.”

Nat hung up from Liz and turned back to the
conversation. “What time does Carlos and his crew, usually start
work?” she asked.

“Normally, at five, why do you ask?” Levi

“Just dying of curiosity,” Nat said.

“Do you want to go down tonight and take a
peek?” Levi asked.

“Yes, but no, I will wait until you and
Carlos can give us a proper tour,” Nat said.

“That’s good, I think Carlos needs to see how
impressed you are with the work,” Levi said.

“Who needs another beer?” Vanessa asked.

“I will take one,” Nat said.

“Me too, baby,” Levi said.

“I had better pass, I still have to drive,”
Cat said.

“Can’t you stay the night?” Levi asked. “I
will give you some clothes to wear,” she said.

“Thanks, Levi, but I am expecting a special
phone call tonight,” Cat said.

“In that case, let me get fresh beer and I
will drive you down to the boat,” Vanessa said.

Vanessa walked into the house and returned
with three cold beers. “I will be right back,” she said and softly
kissed Levi.

“Will we see you tomorrow, Cat?” Levi

“We haven’t missed a day yet, have we?” she
asked Levi.

“Well, no as a matter of fact we haven’t,”
Levi said. “How about we meet for a late breakfast at the diner,
after Nat and Vanessa have had the grand tour?”

“That will work,” Cat said. “I will have the
boat so I will come over around nine then,” Cat said.

“See you tomorrow then,” Levi said with a
bright smile.

They watched as Cat and Vanessa disappeared
in the golf cart then Nat turned to Levi. “You are okay for real,
no bullshit?” she asked.

“Yes, Nat, I am fine,” Levi said. “No

“Good. I really didn’t use today’s events as
an excuse to come early, I truly was worried about you,” Nat

Levi chuckled. “I know Nat, but the look on
your face was priceless,” Levi teased.

“I swear, some days I don’t know who is worse
you or Liz,” Nat said.

“Oh, Liz has me beat by miles,” Levi

“Uh hmm, you are probably right,” Nat

Vanessa returned to the house and plugged in
the cart to charge. She joined Nat and Levi on the porch and picked
up a fresh beer.

“Welcome back, baby,” Levi said.

“Thanks sweetie,” Vanessa said.

“I didn’t think to ask if you two had
anything to eat,” Levi said.

“No, we came straight over once we got here,”
Nat said.

“I can fix you sandwiches or something hot if
you like,” Levi offered.

“I will fix us some sandwiches while you stay
here with Vanessa,” Nat said.

“Fine then,” Levi said as she snuggled next
to Vanessa.

After they finished the meal, Nat stretched
lazily. “I think I am going to give Liz a call and make it an early

“I hope you can sleep tonight,” Levi

“I do too,” Nat said. “If not, I will have
the coffee made when you two get up,” she said with a grin.

“Sleep well, Nat and tell Liz we said hello,”
Vanessa said.

“I will. Goodnight ladies,” Nat said and
walked into the house.

The night breeze was turning cool and Levi
shivered. “Are you ready to go inside?” Vanessa asked.

“I am getting a little chilly,” Levi

“Why don’t we go inside then and I can shower
and come snuggle you warm again,” Vanessa suggested.

“That sounds perfect to me.”

Levi closed the door behind them and followed
Vanessa into the bedroom, closing the bedroom door behind them as
well. She lit a few candles around the room and undressed before
crawling beneath the bed linens. She snuggled into the comfortable
bed and waited for Vanessa to return.

Vanessa showered quickly and dried her hair
before walking into the bedroom. When she stood next to the bed she
saw that Levi’s eyes were closed and she feared her lover had
fallen asleep. She slowly climbed onto the bed and smiled as Levi’s
eyes opened.

“Hello, Baby,” Levi said.

“Hiya, Sweetie,” Vanessa said and leaned down
to kiss Levi.

“I have missed you so badly,” Levi said as
her hand stroked down Vanessa’s side.

“I have missed you too,” Vanessa said as she
rolled on top of Levi, pressing their bodies together.

They shared tender, slow kisses as the desire
grew between them. Levi’s breathing grew ragged as Vanessa’s mouth
kissed down her body and came to rest on Levi’s breast. Levi’s body
writhed beneath Vanessa’s as her tongue and fingers tortured her
body with light touches.

“Please, baby, I need you now,” Levi

Vanessa opened her mouth and took Levi’s left
breast in her mouth as her finger’s penetrated Levi’s wetness and
she cried out with pleasure.

“Oh yes, baby, that’s it,” Levi purred as
Vanessa suckled her breast and stroked her slowly.

Vanessa’s thumb rubbed across Levi’s clit as
her fingers glided slowly in and out of her body and she felt Levi
shiver with delight. Vanessa could feel her own wetness begin to
trickle down the inside of her thighs as Levi’s body coiled and her
climax struck like a clap of thunder.

“Oh yes,” Levi cried out as she reached down
to hold Vanessa’s mouth on her breast. “That feels so good

Levi regained control of her breathing and
rolled Vanessa onto her back as she crawled between her spread
thighs. Her hunger for Vanessa was voracious, but Levi restrained
her desire while the tip of her tongue teased Vanessa’s lips. Levi
was toying with Vanessa’s erect nipples with her right hand and she
moaned loudly as she tasted Vanessa’s excitement with her

Vanessa raised her hips as Levi’s tongue
entered her wetness and she slowly rolled her hips against her
lover’s eager tongue as Levi licked and savored Vanessa’s body. She
rapidly lost control of her body and was soon flooding Levi’s face
with her sweetness as her hands clutched the bed linens.

“Holy shit, that was intense,” Vanessa said
as she held Levi in her quivering arms.

“You missed me just a bit, huh?” Levi

“I missed you more than just a bit,” Vanessa
said, then covered Levi’s face with soft kisses.

“I love you, Vanessa,” Levi whispered.

“I love you too,” Vanessa answered as her
fingers stroked through Levi’s hair. “Will that be enough to hold
you until tomorrow?” she asked.

“Yes, my love,” Levi said as she laid her
head on Vanessa’s shoulder.

Her hand cupped Vanessa’s left breast and
Levi drifted off to sleep with the most beautiful smile on her


The next morning, Levi woke to the sounds and
smells of breakfast being cooked. She found herself alone in the
bed and got up to put on a robe before walking into the kitchen.
Vanessa and Nat were busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

“Good morning, sweetheart,” Vanessa said.
“Did we wake you with all our noise?”

“No, darling, my body said it was time to get
up when the smell of bacon reached my nose,” Levi said as she
reached for a slice that Nat already had cooked.

Nat smacked her hand. “Stay out of that,” she
said with a grin.

“Ouch, you brute, just wait until I tell Liz
on you,” Levi teased.

“Hah, she was the one that taught me I
couldn’t sample until the meal was done,” Nat quipped back.

“You might want to consider sticking to
coffee while she has a spatula in her hand, baby,” Vanessa said as
she handed Levi a mug.

“You are probably right.”

“How do you ladies want your eggs?” Nat

“There should be some fresh bagels in the
refrigerator, so I think I would like a scrambled egg and bacon
sandwich,” Levi said.

“That sounds good,” Nat said.

“Make it three and I will toast the bagels,”
Vanessa said.

Levi climbed up on a barstool at the kitchen
counter. “I could get used to this.”

“Get used to what baby?” Vanessa asked.

“I could get used to having two gorgeous
women in my kitchen cooking me breakfast,” she teased.

“Oh, geesh,” Nat said.

“What?” Vanessa said.

“I had forgotten that we were supposed to go
to town with Cat for breakfast,” Nat said.

“Damn, you are right, I had forgotten too,”
Levi said. “Better skip the eggs then and we will just have a bacon
sandwich.” She looked at the clock to check the time. “We can work
up an appetite in four hours,” Levi said.

“Alright Vanessa, get to toasting,” Nat

“Yes ma’am,” Vanessa said as she sliced three
bagels and dropped two of them in the toaster. “Who wants juice?”
she asked.

“I do please,” Levi said.

“Me too,” Nat said.

Vanessa opened the door to the refrigerator.
“I hope you like apple, Nat,” Vanessa said.

“Apple is fine,” she answered.

Vanessa poured three large glasses of juice
while they waited for the bagels to toast. When the bagels popped
up she placed them on small plates and dropped the remaining bagel
in the toaster. She handed the plates to Levi and Nat. “You two get
started and I will be right there,” she said.

Nat and Levi carried their plates and juice
over to the small breakfast table and began building their
sandwiches with the bacon Nat had cooked. When the final bagel was
toasted, Vanessa joined them at the table.

Nat looked out the window as the sun began to
rise. “After we eat, you and Vanessa need to shower and dress,
before we go to the resort,” she said.

“You think?” Levi teased. “I thought we would
go down with our robes and bed head.”

“I think what Nat is trying to say is to get
the lead out of our feet and get moving,” Vanessa said.

“No funny business in the shower this morning
then?” Levi asked.

“If you two need some private time, I can go
to the resort by myself,” Nat said, suddenly feeling guilty.

“I don’t think so,” Levi said. “I can’t wait
to see your faces.”

“No steamy shower then this morning,” Vanessa

“I will have to wait until later tonight,”
Levi said with a pout.

“I am sure you will survive,” Nat said as she
cleared the table. “Off to the shower now, you two.”

Vanessa took Levi’s hand and led her back
into the bedroom. “I think Nat may be just a little excited,” she
said. “We better hurry then.”

Nat poured another cup of coffee and stepped
out onto the porch. She watched as one of the flat keel boats
arrived at the harbor and then reappeared moments later, empty
except for the boat driver as the boat was taken across to the
mainland to pick up the next load.

Carlos was on the first that arrived at the
island and he and the men unloaded the furniture that they
assembled the previous night and carried it into the two
semi-completed rooms. Once the dressers, tables and chairs joined
the handcrafted beds, the rooms nearly jumped to life. Another wave
of men arrived at the resort and carried in two love seats and two
large area rugs to complete each room. Carlos had secretly planned
to decorate the rooms with the additional furniture which would
surprise even Levi.

He had seen lights on in the house and knew
it would not be much longer before Levi would be coming down the
hill, so he and the men worked quickly to finish the rooms. Word of
what Levi had done for Celeste spread quickly through the small
town and her reputation as a heroine was rapidly growing.

“Are you ready?” Levi asked as they finished

“Almost,” Vanessa said as she stood in front
of Levi. “I need one more thing.”

“What is that?” Levi asked innocently.

“This,” Vanessa said as she took Levi’s face
in her hands and kissed her sweetly.

Levi sighed when Vanessa broke the kiss. “I
need many more of those.”

“You will have all you can handle later
tonight, I promise,” Vanessa said.

“That is a promise I will definitely enjoy,”
Levi teased as she reached for Vanessa hand. “Let’s go, before Nat
starts hunting for us.”

Nat had poured each of them a travel mug of
coffee and was waiting for them on the porch. She could hear the
pounding of hammers and soft whines of power tools coming up the

“Let’s walk,” Levi said.

The three women started down the hill and saw
the buzz of activity going on at the resort. Carlos walked out of
the resort’s front door just as they were arriving and his smile
brightened when he saw Nat and Vanessa with Levi.

“This is a fantastic surprise,” he said as he
hugged Nat and Vanessa.

“We heard about all of Levi’s excitement and
decided we had better come over early to check on her,” Nat

“I am very glad to see you, but Levi has done
amazing things. She is now somewhat of a celebrity in town,” Carlos
said, making Levi blush.

“Is that so?” Nat said.

“Very much so,” Carlos said. “The word of her
bravery and intelligence had spread quickly through town.”

“Enough of this,” Levi said. “Are you ready
to give Nat and Vanessa the tour?” she asked.

Carlos smiled warmly at Levi. “Yes I am.
Ladies if you will follow me, please,” he said.

Carlos entered the resort, followed by Nat,
Vanessa and Levi. He led them down the hall way to the first of the
guest rooms and opened the doors.

Nat walked in first, followed by Vanessa and
then Levi who turned to grin at Carlos. “Nice surprise,” she

“I could not resist assembling the
furnishings for these first rooms to give you the best view
possible of what our rooms will look like,” he said.

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