Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) (6 page)

BOOK: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)
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Emma moved away with a laugh. “Number one, you are way to young for me. Number two, I used to change your diapers. And number three, you cannot hit on a woman at her mother’s funeral.”

“I made you laugh, though, didn’t I?”

Emma leaned back into Seamus’ arm. “Yeah, you did.”

Emma escaped the cameras and the town of mourners after two long hours. The air on the back deck seemed to bring clean breath back into her lungs. Once she took a few large gulps, she realized how much she missed the scent of the east coast water wafting through the breeze.

She sipped the tumbler of Irish whiskey she brought out with her and used the moment to think about her mother. Days at the beach. Weeks spent working on school projects together. Bedtime stories. College graduation. The mayoral swearing-in ceremony. All the smiles. The image of her mother’s devastated face when she walked into Emma’s hospital room twelve years earlier came out of nowhere.

A tear slipped down Emma’s cheek as she remembered what little her brain retained of the horrible day. One moment, she ran toward her car, afraid to be late to school. The next, she woke up in an ambulance. Brief flashes of the events of the attack stayed with Emma, but her mind blurred the colors and sounds. She recalled the pain with perfect clarity. Ropes burned into her skin where they restrained her. Her bones lit on fire with each break. Most of all, her breasts throbbed when her assailant bit into her flesh, leaving a permanent reminder. Her memory loss seemed to be due to a blow to the head and concussion. Even after twelve years of therapy, nothing came back.

“Penny for your thoughts, Emma Jean.”

Emma gazed up into the hazel eyes of her first love. A warm smile complemented the rest of his comforting features. Six foot three with sandy blond hair and a muscular frame gave Emma an old familiar feeling of safety.

“Derek. Hi.”

He sat down next to her on the wooden steps of the deck. “How are you holding up?”

“Still processing everything.”

Derek slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close. “That brain of yours is working overtime again.”


He slid his left hand into hers and she felt something unexpected. She picked up his hand and skimmed his naked ring finger.

“Oh, I guess Annie never mentioned my divorce.”

Emma gasped in surprise.

“No. She didn’t say anything.” Emma didn’t want to imagine Derek’s picture perfect life. She asked her family and friends not to mention him either. Even though her romantic feelings for him disappeared long ago, she still wasn’t comfortable hearing about his love life.

He threaded his fingers through hers. “Sarah Beth didn’t like small town life as much as she thought she would. She took a job in Seattle a day before she filed for divorce. I haven’t heard from her since we finalized everything six months ago.”

“Wow.” Emma’s mouth gaped open in utter shock. If any man needed the label of husband material, Derek would be that man. He delivered the total package. Ryan-Gosling-gorgeous, charming, and intelligent. He worked as a history teacher at Marblehead High, lived in a beachfront home, and possessed phenomenal bedroom skills.

“I don’t want to talk about me. What’s going on with you? Did you really get fired?”

“Yes and no.” She reached for her drink and took another sip. “Irene stormed into my office and fired me without authorization. I talked with Terrance earlier today. He said he wanted me to stay. Blah, blah, blah. I told him I resign, and Harry backed me up. I’ve got another job offer doing something different, but I’m not going to finalize anything until Harry talks with Terrance’s lawyers.”

“Another job as an international businesswoman?”

“Not quite, but I’d be based out of Boston.”

“You’re coming home?” The hope in his voice made her heart hurt.

No matter how much she loved Derek at one time, they’d never rekindle their relationship. One horrific attack and twelve years of threats scared her enough to stay away from a romantic relationship with him for good.

“I think so.”

“Good to know.”




The magazine selection at Harry’s office sucked. Emma read an old article about how she hooked up with a Hollywood heartthrob. She laughed at the possibility. The guy acted like the typical A-lister and dropped one name after another on the two occasions they bumped into each other. Just another example of how the press got her life so wrong.

“Is he still on the call?” Emma asked Harry’s secretary, Jocelyn, for the tenth time.

“Yes. Don’t worry, he’s got this.” Jocelyn came out from behind her desk and sat down next to Emma. “I know those contracts as well as he does. He made sure you had an out. The competition clause is exactly what he needs. We got a copy of Aaron Russell’s offer just in case. Relax.”

“Thanks, Jocelyn. If I want to make this change, sooner is better than later.”

Jocelyn patted Emma’s shoulder. “A workaholic like your brother.”

“No MacLean ever walked away from a hard day’s work.”

“I believe you.”

Harry opened his office door and popped his head out. “Jocelyn, do you mind calling out for some lunch? I’ll be tied up with Emma for a couple of hours.”

“Sure. Pizza from Romano’s?”

“God, yes,” Emma moaned. “I need comfort food right now. A big slice would hit the spot.”

Harry smiled and held back a laugh. “Order two large Sicilian’s. We can divide up the leftovers.”

Emma’s mouth watered just thinking about the spicy sauce, gooey cheese, and authentic Italian meats finding a new home in her belly.

“Come on in. I’ll give you a brief rundown before the pizza gets here.”

Emma got up and walked into Harry’s office with Al and Ben following behind. She took a seat on his couch, and he took the chair beside her, several folders littered the coffee table in front of them.

“First of all, they are letting you out of your contract.”

Emma didn’t realize how much tension she held in her body until she let it go in that moment. “Did you give them a copy of Aaron’s offer?”

“Yes. Terrance insisted. He seemed pretty pissed.”

“What? Because the offer came from Aaron or because he lost?”

“A little of both, I think.” Harry stood when his fax machine beeped. He picked up and examined the first page. “I guess they expected this outcome. You need to fill all this out and sign them to make your resignation official. You get to keep the SUV, and there are some other provisions you’ll walk away with.”

“And the show? Did you speak with the network too?” The contract with the network gave her little wiggle room.

“Yes. That is what took me so long.” Harry sat in his chair and let the fax machine continue to spit out dozens of sheets of paper. “You are on the hook for the rest of the season, some promotional stuff, and the reunion special. After you fulfill those commitments, you’re done.”

Emma turned toward Al and Ben. “I do love you guys. This is so much harder than I expected.”

The guys smiled and continued to do their jobs.

“There is also this.” Harry opened a folder and handed her several pieces of paper clipped together at the top.

Emma scanned the papers, and all the air flew out of her lungs. “This is a joke.”

“No. The money is part of what they deem your bonus for this year and also your share of the last deal you completed.” Harry flipped the page to show her the details.

Emma worked hard at Hunt. Not for the money or any of the so-called perks, but because she loved how much her work made a difference. She never imagined herself making more than ten figures a year, but her bank account proved she did. The amount detailed in the paperwork stated upwards of eight figures.

“What am I going to do with all this?” She swayed in her seat at the thought of managing so much money.

“Get a life. Take a vacation.” Harry moved from his chair and sat next to her. “Since you want to do this thing with Russell, and the whole deal is time sensitive, you won’t get a real vacation anytime soon. Promise me you will schedule some time for yourself to relax. You can start having girl’s night with Annie and Nell again. They both miss you.”

“I miss them too. I’ll think about it.” She let her head rest on Harry’s shoulder. “I need to pack up my place in LA.”

“Take Dad with you. He needs a little breather. The trip would be good for both of you.”

“I think you’re right.”

“Emma,” Aaron answered with hope in his voice.

“I can start Wednesday of next week.” She bit down on her lower lip in an attempt to keep her nerves at bay.

“Excellent,” he sighed in apparent relief. “I’d like to keep you a surprise until the broadcast the following Monday in Boston. We can get together and sign the contracts on Wednesday.”

“Sounds perfect. I’ll email you a few change requests. I’m heading out to LA with my dad to pack up my apartment. I’ll be staying with him while I’m not traveling, at least for a while.” The whole conversation seemed so surreal to her. She never imagined her life turning out this way.

“Safe travels. We’ll meet at my office Wednesday morning. I will leave a pass with the front desk. I don’t think the press will suspect anything since you’ve come to my office before.”

“What about the wrestlers and the rest of the staff?” She hoped to come into as little discord as possible.

“I want them to be surprised too. We will be airing several segments on the show and online with the wrestlers and commentators speculating on whom they think should be the new GM. They all think you’ll be someone inside the company.” He released a hardy laugh. “Oh, think how surprised they will be.”

“I’m excited to meet everyone. People are so different when the cameras turn off. You understand the cameras will follow me until the end of next month?”

“Not a problem. By the way, you need to start thinking about your entrance music.”

“Entrance music?” Aaron and all the wrestlers entered to specific music, but not Curtis Sharp.

“Yes, you deserve a little flair whenever you appear.”

The perfect song came to her instantly. “What about the Nerdy Girl Nation theme song? I’m sure we can get permission to use it.” Garrett wrote the song specifically for his show, but she was sure he would be honored for her to use the song to make her entrances.

“Brilliant. You think Garrett Green will keep his trap shut until your big reveal?”

“Yes, he’s actually a fantastic guy.”

“If you say so. With you in my corner, he might lay off me.”

“Sure thing, Boss.”

“I love the sound of that.”

“Get used to it.” A wide smile spread across her face. She made the right decision.

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