Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Never Forever (BlackPath MC Book 1)
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Chapter 7


the hell was he talking about? Mysterious much? Hopefully dad will make it a
lot clearer tomorrow. There’s something about his eyes, as if he knows
something I’m missing. I’m still getting that feeling he is very dangerous. I
would never cheat on Mason. We have been waiting for me to come of age for too
long, and that man knows everything about me and my troubled past and still
loves me. He doesn’t try to change me and he accepts the broken pieces of me.


I miss his face. It’s been over a year since I’ve seen him but we’ve skyped,
not the same, when his location allowed it and I write him nearly every day. He
loves that. I send him his care packages at least twice a month or more if he
or his buddies need anything. I hope he gets leave soon. My birthday would have
been perfect. I just want him safe. I thought when he wasn’t interested in the
club life I would have it made, no dangerous stuff. I was sadly mistaken. He’ll
be here soon I keep telling myself and pray he stays safe.


you, prospect, can we go now? I know I said we wasn’t in that big of a hurry
but we have movies to watch. Oh, we also need to make a couple of stops on the
way, if it is ok. We need food and some drinks. I don’t mean to be pushy, we
just need to get going.” I give my sweetest smile and hope these two newest
prospects haven’t gotten the down low on our tricky ways yet.


gives me a long approving look and leans in, “Sure babe. You aren’t going to
get into any trouble tonight are you? I’ve heard some stories about how
difficult you can be at times but you just don’t seem that way at all, sugar.”
He gives me a smile that he thinks is going to affect me but he just doesn’t
know what is in store for him tonight. Of course I play right along.


not going to give you any trouble at all, just pizza and movies. Would you mind
if we stop at the pizza place? You can call dad to make sure, we may get hungry
again later. Yeah, you better make sure. I wouldn’t want to get you in any
trouble.” I give him a flirty look and look him up and down. Yep, I see it in
his eyes, he falls for the Ms. Sweetness act. He actually thinks I might be
interested. I should feel guilty. No, nothing this is too easy.


darling, that is not necessary, we can stop. Are you ready to roll? One of us
will be up ahead and one behind. Where are you stopping?” he seems eager to
please me now.


Shack is fine, if it is ok with you, I mean.” Dad has to get smarter prospects.
This would never fly with Ty or Woody. This guy will never make it. I look to
make sure everything is a go. Sarah is on her phone and Fe looks amused at this
little conversation.


let’s go, careful driving babe.” The prospect steps back from the SUV and
whistles for the other prospect to get off the phone and they get on their
bikes and one leads out while the other follows behind us.


the hell was that sweet stuff coming out of your mouth?” Fe ask while laughing
his ass off. “And that you can call and check, that was priceless, and the
flirty eyes. You should be an actress. Your dad is getting stupider prospects
these days. He swallowed that right up and wanted more. Mason boy better watch
out. Could he lay it on any thicker, babe, sugar, darling? I was getting a
sugar high listening to it.” Fe keeps laughing almost rolling.


did I miss? Who was getting a sugar high?” Sarah asked getting off her phone.
“It was Hanna on the phone and we are set. We just have to get away from the
babysitters.” She says, sounding a little bored with it all. Hanna is our other
partner in crime, but she couldn’t be with us tonight because of her mom. She
caught Dad banging one of the club girls and she takes it out on us. Sarah,
Hanna, Fe and I have been friends since we were in grade school and last year
Shelia, her mom, and my dad, thought it was a good idea to hook up. I told them
better, but no they wouldn’t listen to me! When it went south our friendship had
to pay for it. No worries, we have it set up. We just had to wait until the
adults, and I use that term loosely, are otherwise occupied to do what we want.

are we meeting up? Does she get to come to the race?” I hope she will make it.
All my friends have always been with me.


Callie, it will be later, after. Shelia has decided to take an interest in
Hanna tonight for some reason.” She exhales. Hanna and Sarah have never been as
close as the rest of us. They tend to go after the same guys but Sheila seems
to like Sarah so she still lets them talk on the phone.  


miss Hanna and wish she could be there but she needs to deal with her mom so we
can have the rest of the weekend parent free. My three best friends have come
to be my good luck charms and they keep me grounded most of the time. After
this weekend we will all be going in different directions. Sarah is going off
to college this weekend to get settled and find a job and then next week Fe
will be leaving for New York to start classes soon. Hanna and I will be left
here. I will be here until I leave for U.T. So we are going to have a blast
this weekend.


look in the mirror and our prospect is still behind us and I keep going over
the plan to make sure I have covered everything so we don’t get caught. The
purse at the race will be more towards my savings. I know I don’t really need
it, but a girl can never be too sure. I have a large nest egg accumulated. I
have been saving since I was twelve and I’m not one to spend a lot of money. I
have been working and putting back plus all my race money, it is safe to say my
education is paid for. Now just smooth sailing from here on out. This weekend
won’t be perfect without Mason here, but it will be close to it with just my
best friends and myself hanging out for the last for a while. We just need to
relax and enjoy it.

Chapter 8


into the little dinner right outside of town, I see the cage our man has been
driving in front of the dumpster over to the side, back by some trees. At least
it’s a little secluded. We need to get this meet over with and get the hell out
of here. Our man does not need to be seen with us. He’s been able to get us
some good intel because people don’t know who he is. My dad motions for me to
go around on the other side of the parking lot so we can walk over and our
bikes won’t be next to his cage. I pull up and park and get off my bike and I’m
watching our guy who has gotten out. He motions towards the back door. Dad and
I approach together keeping our eyes on the road to make sure no one followed


enter the back of the little greasy spoon and he shuts the door behind us. We
keep next to the wall and make our way down a long dark hall and into a back
room. We step into the room and the smell of it hits my nose and makes my
stomach growl from hunger. The smell of homemade bread and something else that
smells delicious hits me. I remember we had forgotten to eat tonight with
everything going on. We were too busy watching Callie to eat at their


Tito, this place smells great. Who owns it?” my stomach is hoping we get to eat
before we leave.


aunt owns this place. Want me to go grab something? Won’t take a minute. I was
going to eat before I left anyway.” He asked halfway out the door already.


kid, grab us some food. We haven’t eaten tonight either.” My dad tells Tito and
moves on in to the room and to a chair at the head of the table. “Grab some
drinks too.”


My mind keeps wandering back to the conversation Callie and I had. She says she
has a boyfriend and I wonder just how serious that is. All I need is a jealous
boyfriend to deal with. Not that he would be a problem, just a nuisance. If I
remember right her boyfriend is in the military and overseas. That’s where he
needs to be. I don’t like unexpected issues and complications. If everything
goes as planned, we will be married before he even knows anything is up.


walks back in with a small older woman on his heels and both have their hands
full of plates of food that smell absolutely delicious. I didn’t know I was so
hungry. I walk back over to the table and sit beside my dad and we thank Tito’s
aunt and she leaves us to eat and do our business.


dig into the food and my dad looks at Tito and gives him an appreciative smile.
“Your aunt can cook. Can she keep her mouth shut?” he asks with a solemn look
on his face.


keep her mouth shut. She’s my family,” Tito grins and looks at us both, “and I
pay her to. If not she’d never make enough money.” His grin is gone and
replaced with a stoic look.


we’ll be sure to pay her well for tonight.” My dad gives Tito a slap to the
back and then takes his wallet out and throws some bills on the table.


what do have for us?” I ask between bites of food that I continue to shovel
into my mouth. I want to get this done so we can get away from here as soon as possible.


been hanging with one of your girl’s friends and she sang for me. Her name is
Sarah and supposedly one of her best friends. I told her we had to be on the
down low considering she is only eighteen. Your girl had a shit childhood like
you knew. Got a few deets on it if you want them.” He put his fork down and
reaches into the side pocket of his cargo pants and pulls some picture out.
“This is her boyfriend, Mason Brumley, he’s in the Marines and overseas right
now.” I take the pictures and look at the man that calls Callie his. I’m not
impressed. Normal military haircut. Looks pretty cut with a few tattoos.
Nothing special.

long has he been gone? How long they been together?” I ask, not that it makes a
difference more just curiosity.


gone a little over a year this time. He was supposed to be here for her
graduation but all leaves were cancelled. Been together since she was just
under fifteen. She’s never dated anyone else and Sarah says she is in love with
him. Hell that’s longer than any of my relationships have lasted. Thing is, he
is older than her and Sarah seems to think he’s not fucked around on her. He’s
going to be hitting twenty-one right after Callie’s birthday.  No way that
prick hasn’t fucked someone in nearly four years, but I’ll be damned if I can
find anyone who says different.” Tito picks his fork up but sets it back down
and looks at my dad, “Everyone loves that girl. The only people in that town
that have anything bad to say about her are jealous bitches that want to be
her. From what they say she is a little badass, too. I’ve seen her throw a
punch or two, taking up for her friends, and she isn’t shabby and can hold her
own. She is very loyal and protective of people she cares about. She’s racing
at the strip later tonight and then all her friends and her are going to a bar
or party. If they don’t get caught by daddy dearest.” He says with almost
admiration in his eyes.


are they getting there? Does her dad know? They have prospects on them.” I ask
not believing for a second Chief let’s his daughter race, but not seeing how
she could get away from two men sent to guard her.


another thing, when that girl wants out there is no keeping her locked down.
Those friends and Callie are sneaky as hell. Who do they have on them tonight?
If it isn’t Ty, her brother, or Woody, the red head, the rest of their
prospects are useless.” That is a good piece of information to keep tucked
away. She can get away if I need her to.


and I both finish our plates as we hear a knock at the door. Tito stands up,
puts his hand on his gun in his back waistband, and cracks the door open as dad
and I are both on alert. Tito pulls the door open wide enough for a hand to
stick through with an envelope and then he closes the door back and rips the
envelope open, “This is more trouble. I have a message from my guy in the
Rebellions 4Blood, they know you’re here to talk to Callie, so does T-Bone.
That can only mean Callie could be in danger.” His eyes look distant and I can
tell this news bothers him.


we need to pull you out of this? Are you getting too attached? Or is it just
old ghost that has that look on your face right now?” I ask hoping our best guy
has not lost his focus.


dad sees this has pissed Tito off and tries to smooth it over a little. “Look
he’s only saying we know Callie is a good girl, but we need this to go smoothly
and with no complications.”


looks at the floor and then turns his head towards me, “I haven’t lost my focus,
but I have seen the reports of what that bitch of a mom put Callie through. I’ve
also seen how she carries herself and how damn loyal she is. When you say she
is a good girl, it’s not only that, she has overcome a lot and since I have
been watching her, her family always comes first. So I know if this is not
approached carefully it will blow up in our faces. If Callie gets hurt, a lot
of people are going to be after blood. T-Bone is out for blood and he is
of Callie
. How are we going to head that off? I think
I might need some back-up brought down here.” He pushes his plate away as if
the thought of eating another bite disgusts him.


good is your intel from T-Bone and his group? Why are you receiving a note?
Isn’t that shit dangerous? What if someone else intercepted it?” I ask. Surely
with technology today there is a better way.


guy is careful and we have a system. Only we know our code, so even if someone
gets it they won’t know what it is. All of their cells are monitored. As deep
as they are in the drug organizations they are paranoid as shit, so it’s the
only way.” Tito is deep in thought as he rattles this off.


don’t think T-Bone will come after the girl, do you? I sent copies of all my
files back home, so if our operation has to shut down fast we aren’t lost and
if everything is damaged here we have it. I know how T-Bone likes to play with
fire and I want to be prepared.” Tito has calmed down and has now gone into
efficient mode. This is what we hire him for, and he is damn good at. “Steel,
you’ll keep her safe, right?” Tito looks at my dad and waits for his answer. Tito’s
concern seems to bother dad as much as it does me.


she is as good as one of ours now and we need her. We always keep ours safe and
you know that. What the hell has gotten in to you? You never got attached on
other jobs.” My dad’s irritation is showing in his voice and on his face.


looks at my dad and me shrugs his shoulders and a sad shadow falls across his
face, “I’m not attached! I got Callie’s file from state services and the
pictures in there turned my stomach and the report is worse. I have three
younger sisters and if anything like that happened to them I would end the
person responsible. She is strong enough that it hasn’t destroyed her and yes,
I admire that and I wouldn’t want to see anything else happen to her. Enough
has been done. But, I will do my damn job just like I always do, because my
loyalty is to our club.”


know this discussion has gone in the wrong direction when Tito thinks we are
questioning his loyalty. All of us are wound tight. We need this over so we can
get back to Oklahoma. Callie is not the only one T-Bone has his eyes on. Tito
and T-Bone go way back and there is nothing but hate buried there for the same
reason Dad wants T-Bone in the ground yesterday. T-Bone is the worst kind of
scum. He peddles young girls in the streets to anyone who has a dollar. Shoots
them up, gets them hooked, and then only feeds their addiction if they whore themselves
out. His brother, Chaz, pulled the trigger on Tommy, Callie’s biological
brother. T-Bone also got one of Tito’s cousins hooked and whored her out until
she overdosed and then he left her in a back alley, naked and beaten. Dad had a
run in with him a few years ago over trying to get a club girl to sell in our
club. Rule number one in our club, no users. They are a liability. Dad will go
crazy on someone who brings that shit in. So we need to get back on track and
either eliminate T-Bone or contain him. He will stay away from Callie.


we are not questioning your loyalty, so calm your shit. We don’t mean any harm
to the girl and we will protect her. I’ve heard some of the shit she’s been
through, but send both of us copies so we can get updated. Keep your ear to the
ground on the T-Bone situation and you stay the fuck away from him. Am I making
myself completely clear?” my dad looks Tito in the eyes and gives him a look
letting him know he is giving him a direct order and it is to be followed.


hasn’t anyone taken this piece of shit out before? Are his family ties still
that connected?” I ask wondering to myself why he still is walking among the
living if he has done this to so many young girls.


his uncle is still connected and they are tight.” Figures the piece of shit had
a reason he could get away with all his skin business.


thought comes to me and all of a sudden I have an uneasy feeling creep in, “Do
you know what bar Callie and her friends are going to be at tonight?”


Starlight down on Second, why?” Tito asks.


they are as good at getting out as you say, then they will be unprotected for
how many hours? With the shit that’s brewing that is not a good thing. Get eyes
on them as soon as they come out of that house. Be sure Callie is safe even if
you have to tip her old man off.” I just get a feeling this could all go wrong
if we don’t keep her in our grasp.


she catch a tail? Being Chief’s daughter, she should be careful when it comes
to watching her ass.” Dad barks out. His patience for the night running thin.
“Why can’t a damn female stay where she is supposed to be for once?”


has shaken my tails a few times. Whether on purpose or by accident, I’m not
sure. I am keeping in contact with Sarah by text tonight.” Just as the words
are out of his mouth his phone goes off with a message. “Yeah, they are back at
the house and putting their escape plan in action. Her words not mine.” Tito
seems a little more at ease now he knows we are going to look after the girls.
Definitely need to keep my eye on that. He is letting those girls get to him. As
long as he knows it is temporary. We will be leaving soon.

her to text you as soon as they are out. Get someone on them. We will pick them
up at the club. That way I can have another word with Callie.” He shakes his
head as his fingers is busy typing away.

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