Never Forever (11 page)

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Authors: L. R. Johnson

BOOK: Never Forever
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He growls over me as his flaming eyes pierce into me, “I know what girls like you need.” He aggressively presses his mouth against mine again, holding me there like a mouse trapped in his snare.

His hand begins yanking at the sleeve of my shirt. Disgust and anger take over me as a fire rages within my core. The street smarts I have been able to obtain, thanks to my alcoholic mother, reverberate within my mind like a trained lion recalling its natural instincts. Instantly I bite down on his lip as hard as I can, causing me to taste the heavy iron substance now pouring from his lip. A loud growl rips through him as his hands instantly let go of my arms. Pulling myself free from his overpowering control, I back away from him and shout, “No!”

Placing his hand up to his mouth he tries to catch the free-flowing blood streaming from his lip. “You bloody bitch!” he snaps. “This is far from over.”

Quickly I turn to run out when he once again grabs hold of my arm, aggressively pulling me towards him. I begin thrashing about as he tries to pin my arms down. I was always taught to fight with all my might, taking fragments of their body parts with me, if need be.

“Breanna, stop! If you quit fighting me you will enjoy it better.”

“I don’t think so!” My anger takes on a new height as I shove my knee up in between his straddled legs. A loud cough rips through him as he doubles over in pain. A constant gurgling cough takes over him while he still is forcefully holding onto my arm. Just when I am beginning to run out of ideas, I hear a loud yell coming from the front portion of the cave.

“Breanna, where are you!” Callum yells anxiously from the throat of the cave.

“Callum! In here!” I scream at the top of my lungs.

Callum comes rushing into the inner temple only to discover the disgusting sight. His gorgeous soft face is now wearing a brutal mask of hate and wrath. His caramel eyes burn with rage as he witnesses his now bleeding, so-called friend, overpowering me in a repulsive way. A transforming fury rips through Callum, causing every muscle within his body to enlarge. Vicious rage exudes from him like a soldier getting ready for battle. His voice growls in a crisp rebuking tone, “Gavin, get your bloody hands off of her, now!”

Gavin stands up as straight as his now throbbing parts will allow him. “What do you bloody think, that you get to have them both? She is mine.” His hand grips even tighter on me, causing sharp pain to tear through my arm. Bending my head down I latch onto his finger with my teeth, biting him again. Next thing I know his hand firmly smacks me across my face, causing a severe stinging sensation to explode on the surface of my skin. My eyes began watering heavily as I try to fight back the pain.

A loud shout echoes in my head as I notice Callum rushing towards us, “You bloody Arse!” Callum thumps his fist violently against Gavin’s jaw, causing me to be thrown to the hard ground. Gavin stumbles senselessly around as Callum lands another fierce blow to the side of his head, knocking Gavin down this time. Callum stands over Gavin in a dominating stance. “If you ever touch her again I will kill you. You are no longer welcome at my house. If you even step a foot on my property I will have you arrested.”

Callum immediately walks over to me, tenderly helping me up. The side of my face is on fire from the slap Gavin gave me. The furrow between Callum’s eyes deepens as he looks upon my now red face with complete regret and disgust. He gently strokes the side of my face where Gavin hit me, “Are you okay?”

His cool fingertips feel like an ice pack against my throbbing skin, causing the pain to slightly decrease. Instinctively I lean against his cool touch, causing him to cup my cheek tenderly within his hand. A sudden wave of his protection falls over me, breaking down my tough façade and causing an explosion of tears to stream down my face. The raging fight or flight reaction which had been vibrating within me breaks apart, allowing my fears to creep to the surface.

“Did he…” his voice is dark and low as he struggles to force the words out.

“No. I think I was doing a good job of stopping him,” I look over at Gavin still lying on the ground, afraid that Callum may actually kill him if he moves. Turning my attention back to Callum I look directly into his eyes, uttering, “But if you wouldn’t have finally shown up here I know things would have gotten a lot worse. I was not about to let him destroy me. I would have done everything within my power to stop him…or kill him.”

“I am having a bloody hard time fighting back my desire to kill him, also.” He looks down at Gavin, who is now staring up at us with a searing expression of hate. A repulsive surge visibly vibrates throughout Callum’s body, causing him to quiver in disgust.

Looking all around me I notice a small table off to the side with a group of laughing wax mannequins. Their piercing eyes have witnessed many dark situations that not only have happened in the past, but what could have happened today. The dark aura of this room mirrors the feelings vibrating within me. The deep cold from the belly of the cave presses down on me, causing me to shiver uncontrollably.

Gently I turn Callum’s head back towards me, uttering, “Can we please leave this place?”

He presses his hand tenderly against my cheek then gently wraps his arm around me. Pulling me against his warm body he begins to walk out of the inner temple of the cave. Turning back towards the opening of the room he states, “Damn my great grandfather and damn all those who participated in the Hellfire Club. This is a place to which I will never return.” Turning back around, he proceeds to lead me out of the beast, protecting me the whole way.







Secrets Exposed


I lay in my bed, holding onto Noah, afraid to fall asleep. The full moon is playing tricks on my eyes, making it appear as if I am still in the mouth of the cave. Everything around me has a grey, washed-out color to it, as if the darkness within the Hellfire Cave is flooding my room. Curling up within my huge, plush bed I begin replaying the events from today. Though I know Gavin is not coming back here, the fear of his aggressive touch on my body guides my night. When Callum brought me back all I wanted to do is lock myself in my room and hold onto Noah. He is the only stake in the ground I have left. I am a loose tent flapping around in the wind of reality. The only thing keeping me from blowing away is Noah.

I never left my room the rest of the day. I know that Callum had to have said something to Olivia, because she keeps coming to my door asking me if I want or need anything. I haven’t been able to answer her. I just watched the door obsessively, making sure that no one is going to burst in. She keeps coming back, checking in on me. I know that she cares. I can hear it in her voice. Her typical spitfire attitude is muted, revealing a tender and truly sympathetic tone. Her soft voice pierces the door, surfing on the ripples of the warm air of my room, enveloping me with a true love of a friend. I want to let her in, but I am not ready to talk yet. My fear is still fresh and oozing.

The twilight hour has long past, leaving me laying here in the stillness of the night. All of a sudden there is a loud thump against my door. Immediately I jump out of my bed, grabbing the first heavy item I can find. Quietly I tiptoe towards my door as I listen for any possible intruder. Grasping the silver candlestick in my hand I raise it in preparation for an impending blow. Swinging my door open I jump back with fear when someone instantly falls against my legs.

“What the hell!” I scream, as I prepare to hit this person with the candlestick.

“No! Breanna, it’s just me,” he raises his hands up, bracing for a possible blow to his head. Callum’s voice is low and gruff, as if he has not had any sleep in days.

I gaze down at his disheveled appearance as he lay crumpled up on the floor beneath my feet. “Callum, what are you doing sneaking around outside of my room?”

He sits up and begins dusting himself off, “I was not bloody sneaking around. I have been guarding your room, when I accidentally fell asleep. My head slammed against your bloody door when I nodded off, that’s all.”

A slight smile creeps into the corners of my mouth as I look down at his disheveled appearance. His hair looks as if someone has been rubbing a balloon over the top of his head, causing the strands of his hair to point in several different directions. His normal perfected stubble is longer than usual; while his crumpled clothes look as if they have been put through the ringer.

“You have been guarding my door for how long?”

His eyes peer square into mine as he stops straightening himself up from his tumble into my room, “I haven’t left since I brought you back here and you locked yourself in your room.”

“You have been on the outside of my door this whole time. Why didn’t you tell me?” He is now standing right across from me, allowing his masculine features to form a protective shield for me. Though my room is dark his eyes sparkle in the moonlight as he stands here gazing at me.

“It’s something I have just gotten used to doing these past few nights,” his face is flat, like a soldier calling out his orders.

“What do you mean the past few nights?” I state in shock by the sudden revelation. “You weren’t outside of my door the night of the dinner party. You were too busy carousing and drinking with your friends.”

He walks away from me, heading towards my bed where Noah is sleeping, “Well, bloody thank you for lumping me into the same category as Gavin,” his voice is flat as he gently brushes the top of Noah’s head.

Shame and embarrassment flushes into my face as I stammer out, “I didn’t mean…”

“No, I didn’t stay with them. As soon as you ran after Olivia, I also ran after you,” his fingers gently trace the edges of Noah’s dark hair. Tucking the cover against Noah’s body, Callum turns towards me, “I stopped as soon as I heard you and Olivia talking.” The moon glistens off of him, revealing a slight smile spreading across his face, “You know… it worked.”

My eyes narrow in confusion, “What worked?”

He gradually makes his way towards me, gently removing the candlestick from my hand, “The flirting you did with Gavin definitely made me jealous, along with the stunning dress you wore.” He pauses slightly as he looks down like he is trying to recall a memory. As he looks up into my eyes again, his caramel eyes seem to liquefy, “You looked abso-bloody-lutely stunning.”

Relinquishing my grip on the weapon of my choice I utter softly as I look down at the floor, “Look at what it almost cost me. I should have never worn that dress or flirted with him.” Brutal anger rises to the surface of my skin as I am reminded of the horrific experience.

Callum lovingly places his hand just under my chin, lifting my face slightly so that our eyes now meet, “You are not to blame. You could have walked into the room naked, thrown yourself on him and he still would not have had the right to do that to you. He is a daft prick. That is why I stayed outside your door that night. I didn’t trust him.”

“You slept outside of my door that night to keep me safe?” I look deep into Callum’s eyes with a surging wave of gratitude. All the lies and misunderstandings we have been reveling in break apart, leaving us raw and vulnerable.

His full lips part as a wide smile spreads across his face, revealing his perfect white teeth. “Blimey, I didn’t sleep though. Noah was up all night crying. At one point I almost came in to help you, but I decided to keep my post. Finally around six in the morning everything seemed quiet, so I decided to go to my room and sleep. I didn’t wake up until after you and Gavin had already left. I knew I shouldn’t have…”

“Wait, Gavin told me that you and Emily were already at the Hellfire Cave and we were to meet you there. That is the only reason I went with him.” Confusion rips through me as I stare at Callum in disbelief. A sick, bubbling sensation rises up, causing my mouth to fill with burning acid. Callum’s body tightens up as his eyes burn with a deep rage. The fear and disgust explodes from me, causing the room to electrify, “If you weren’t already there then how did you know where to find me?”

“Olivia told me she saw Gavin leave with someone who looked a lot like you. I thought Olivia and you were just trying to make me jealous again. I didn’t trust Gavin to be a participant in the game,” rage ignites within his eyes. “I didn’t think I was going to find you in that kind of situation, though. The bloody bastard must have been waiting for me to go back to my room.”

Fear pushes through me as I realize how bad it could have gotten if it wasn’t for Olivia saying something to Callum. Cold chills roll up my spine as everything around me slowly starts to spin, causing my knees to buckle slightly. Callum instantly grabs hold of me, picking me up and carrying me to my bed.

“How could I have been so stupid? I couldn’t even listen to my mother’s only advice and not trust anyone.” Tears begin to pour from my eyes as I bury my head in my pillow.

Callum tenderly strokes my head as he utters, “You can trust me.”

Turning sharply towards him I peer up into his face, “Really? If I can trust you then why won’t you let me know how you really feel about me? I am sure you have no problem letting Emily know how you feel,” my eyes blaze with jealous rage, as I attempt to sit up in my bed.

His hand remains firmly on my shoulder, keeping me in the reclined position, “You are right, I have no problem letting Emily know how I feel. I have tried keeping my distance from her since you showed up here because I bloody feel nothing for her. But you, on the other hand, I feel everything for but I am obviously having a hard time showing you,” his eyes blaze with an impulsive urge that fills my body and soul. The electricity pulsating between us suddenly ignites, causing the fear within me to evaporate. The urge flowing through him transforms into a velvety expression of love as he slowly leans down just inches away from my face. He hovers above me waiting for my permission for him to continue. Grabbing hold of his head I pull him down towards me, pressing his supple mouth fervently against mine. His mouth gently moves against mine, trying to reenact what his heart desires. Life presses back into me as our mouths become one in harmony.

His hands are positioned perfectly on both sides of me as they press firmly onto the bed, allowing his body to hover delicately over me. The muscles in his arms vibrate from the strain of his weight. Gently he lowers his torso on top of me, melting our bodies into one. Slowly, my hands slide up his back, feeling his hard, lean muscles beneath his shirt. His hands grip tightly onto the blanket beneath us, while his kiss intensifies. His tongue probes my mouth searching for the same response, gladly I oblige his request. The warm, sweet taste of his mouth rolls through me. Butterflies, trapped in my stomach, instantly soar, causing a flood of passion to vibrate throughout my quivering body. Gripping onto his shirt I aggressively pull it up, allowing me to freely feel his soft, supple skin beneath my fingertips. Wrapping my hands tightly around him I pull myself closer to his mouth. His lips gently brush against mine as a pleasurable exhale washes over my face.

Opening my eyes I discover him looking at me with a sense of urgency. Instantly he wraps his arms around me, lifting me off of the bed and to my feet. Holding me tightly against his body, his eyes bear down on me. Silence rolls through us while he takes in every detail of my face. My heart thumps rapidly against my chest, causing a sensation of yearning to consume me. Reacting to my need, Callum’s mouth presses powerfully against mine. His hands grip onto the bottom edge of my shirt with a craving pulsating through them. His hands roam upwards, taking my shirt with them. The tips of his fingers gently trace my spine, causing my body to explode with goose-bumps.

“My God, your skin does feel like cream,” he breathlessly utters in a low, gruff tone.

His trembling fingers reach the protective clasp of my bra, sending a nervous energy to surge within me, “Wait.”

Stopping immediately, a soft laugh exhales from his mouth, “Okay. Am I moving too fast?” His breathless voice shows signs of strain.

“Can I ask you a question?” I stutter out, trying to catch my breath.

He raises a quizzical eyebrow, “Strange timing, but yes, you can ask me anything,” he says, now rubbing the back of his neck in a nervous reaction.

Loosening his tight grip on me, I rest my chin in the valley of his chest, feeling his heart beat rapidly beneath me.

“Where did you run off to the other day?” I utter, while my hands remain tightly wrapped around him. The muscles in his back stiffen suddenly. The tender, slow circles he is tracing on my back stop, his hand twitches a tad.

Dropping his head down until it rests softly on the top of mine, a heavy exhale flows out of his mouth, “My father’s grave.”

Wrapping my arms even tighter around him, a sense of relief washes over me as I hear him finally tell me what I already know. Resting my cheek against his firm chest, I can feel his muscles quiver and tighten. His usual relaxed demeanor transforms into a stiff rod.

“You don’t seem surprised by my statement,” he utters in a questioning manner.

“No, I’m not surprised,” I state, motionlessly.

“Bloody hell!” His arms drop away from me, attempting to back away. I hold onto him tighter, locking him in my grasp. “My arse of a sister, she can’t keep her bloody mouth shut,” he utters in a thick roar.

“Don’t be mad at her, she was just trying to help.” His muscles are still tight under my grasp though he has resigned himself to the fact that I am not about to let go.

A sharp, sarcastic laugh rips through him, “Help? How was she helping you by telling you that?” A slight pause rolls through him. “What did she tell you?” he asks with a thick realization spinning on each word. He presses me slightly away from him, so that I can look straight into his caramel eyes.

Lifting my head I meet his gaze head on, “She told me that your father died when your mother was pregnant with you. Soon after you were born your mom married your now stepfather, Olivia’s dad. Olivia only told me because she knew I needed to know.” Letting go of him I place my hands on either side of his scruffy face, forcing him to look down at me, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

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