Never Too Late (38 page)

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Authors: Jay Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Family Life

BOOK: Never Too Late
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Chloe did go to Holmsford. Her timing was also careful – not before 10:15 just to make the point that she was an adult and not to be ordered around by her father like that. But she hadn’t dared to disobey totally. She entered by the back door, outwardly displaying brazen confidence. She found her father sitting there waiting for her.

“Hiya, Pops, what gives?”

“Come,” he ordered curtly and she meekly followed him into his study.

He told her to sit in the chair facing his desk and sat himself behind it. She watched him, trying to hide her nerves, while he just regarded her in silence.

“It has come to my attention that you are not always truthful in your dealings with other people,” he said eventually.

“Hey, everyone tells white lies.”

“No, Chloe, we’re not talking white lies and you know it. White lies are told to save hurting someone. You tell black lies. You tell lies to get your own way, lies that deliberately cause hurt to people who have shown nothing but love to you. That’s unforgiveable and unless you mend your ways you’re going to find yourself very lonely – friendless and alienated from your family.”

“Oh, and you know all about the perfect family,” she fired back at him. “How many lies did you tell Mum? Were they ‘white’ or ‘black’ lies Dad? How come you’re suddenly the expert who knows the difference?”

Iain winced. “I admit it, I’m very lucky to still have a wife who loves me. Perhaps you should learn from me what harm lies can do. I’ve had to face your mother and beg for her forgiveness, and I’ve been supremely lucky in that she has a big enough heart to give me a second chance. But that’s not what we need to talk about right now is it Chloe? Will you face Adam and Schez and apologise?”

“Why should I apologise?” she blazed at him. “I was only being my father’s daughter. It was you who taught me to fight for what I want in life. It was you who showed me that all means are fair when it comes to getting what you want, that people will walk all over you if you let them. Well, I love Adam, and I know he loves me. He’s always adored me, has done all his life just about. There’s no way that can have changed so suddenly.”

“You don’t know the first thing about love! You don’t love Adam. You just want what you can’t have. With you it’s always been a case of ‘I don’t know what I want but I want it now’. If someone else wants something then you have to prove you have the power to take it for yourself first. You need to learn to have more empathy with other people. You need to change how you live your life.”

“What? Give me a break! Just because you’ve been forced to toe the line don’t try and force me to change too.”

Iain’s clenched fists slammed down on the desk, making Chloe jump. “You just don’t get it at all do you? What have I said that’s so damn hard to understand?”

The fight suddenly went from her. Her shoulders sagged and she looked up at her father, the picture of abject misery. Slow tears rolled down her face. “Don’t you love me any more, Daddy?”

“That’s enough of the crocodile tears!” He took a deep breath and tried again. “Oh, Chloe, my darling girl. Don’t you realise I’ve been granted the life I always wanted? A fulfilling life with the only woman I’ve ever loved. All those affairs didn’t make me happy. Please don’t continue to walk all over other people only to find out too late that you’ve also alienated the man who could have made you happy. And no, that man is not Adam. It’s someone you have yet to meet. You’d better be up to scratch when you do.”

Iain sighed heavily and went round to her and tilted her chin up. “Chloe, you know I love you. You’re my daughter and nothing can ever change that. You’ll always be my Princess, whatever you do. But you have to realise it is possible to love someone without actually liking them, or approving of what they do, and you have certainly pushed your family and friends to the limit with this. I’d certainly appreciate it if you learned to be a nicer person.”

Chloe sniffed delicately and managed a weak smile. “Yes, I’ll apologise. I shouldn’t have done it, I know that.” She looked up at her father, agony writ large on her face. “But how am I to live my life?” she wailed. “It’s all such a pointless waste of time. I’m popular – I’ve got lots of friends – I can pick and choose any time I want a male escort - but there’s nobody who wants me beyond the point where they pair off with each other. Nobody wants to pair up with me beyond a good night out. I’m just the good laugh, the girl they depend on for a bit of fun when they’re between relationships. And as for my job - I’m bloody good at it, but what is the point of it all? What do I care if this company or that gets a better poll score than another? Why should I waste my creativity and energy on them?”

“What you’ve just described, those people, they don’t classify as friends in my book. A friend is always there for you, just as Adam has always been there for you. That’s why what you did to him is so heinous. And as for your job, if you don’t like it, change it.”

Iain sat back down and steepled his fingers, deep in thought for a moment. “Do you have any annual leave left for this year?”

“Yes,” Chloe confirmed glumly. “Most of it, actually. I didn’t fancy a holiday by myself so I’ve only taken a couple of long weekends away.”

“Excellent. Book next Tuesday and Wednesday. You can chauffeur me to Berkshire – I need to get out on site and the damned DVLA won’t let me drive yet.”

“OK – but why 2 days?”

“I’ll want to discuss some things with you after we get back.” He rubbed his face with his hands and sighed. “That’s it – you can go now. I need to lie down for a while.”

When Chloe went back to the kitchen she found her mother had returned and was sat with Angela, having coffee. She froze in the doorway, unprepared for facing anyone just yet.

“Hello, Chloe,” Angela said neutrally.

“Angela, I, er…” For the first time in her life the girl who always had an instant answer for everything was stuck for words.


“I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. It’s unforgiveable.” The tears started again and she grabbed a tissue from the box on the table.

“Chloe, it’s not me you should be apologising to is it?”

Chloe shook her head mutely.

“Adam and Schez are over home now. Why don’t you go over and see them?”

“Yes, I’ll do that.”

Maggie watched her go, amazed. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen her so subdued.”

“Not before time, maybe?”

Chloe’s reluctant feet still arrived at Angela’s house much too quickly for her liking. What on earth would she say to them? How would they react? Would they accept an apology? Would they even give her chance to apologise?

She found them in the pool, entwined round each other. She watched them sink below the surface, their lips melded in a deep kiss, and felt again a deep surge of jealousy, difficult to subdue.

Schez was the first to notice her when they surfaced. “Chloe…”

Adam looked round and grinned. “Fancy a swim?” he asked.

That threw her totally. How was she supposed to make a graceful apology in these circumstances?

“No, Adam, I didn’t come for a swim.”

“Shame – the water’s perfect.” He grabbed Schez round the waist and pulled her under the water again.

“Would you please stop messing around long enough for me to say I’m sorry!” she said crossly when they popped back up.

Adam put his palms on the edge of the pool and got out in one lithe motion. “I’m all ears, mademoiselle,” he made a flourishing bow, “but any apology should be to Schez.” He turned and helped her out of the pool. He put a towel round her shoulders and pulled the ends toward him so she couldn’t escape the kiss on the end of her nose. Turning back to Chloe he directed, “Fire away.”

Chloe took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. What I said was mean and untruthful and I’ll understand if you never want to speak to me again.”

Adam looked at Schez. “Is it possible for a bride not to be on speaking terms with one of her bridesmaids?” he asked her.

“I don’t think so,” she answered. “Perhaps she won’t want to be a bridesmaid, not if we’re not speaking. Do you think we should ask someone else?”

“You’re not serious!” Chloe gasped. “You really mean it? You want me to be a bridesmaid after what I did?”

“That was the general idea. But if you don’t want to speak to us, well…. I suppose it will be OK with just Zoe.”

“I do! I do!”

“That’s what we say, not you!”

Chloe thumped him on his arm and then hugged them both, absolutely thrilled.

“When? How much time have I got? What dresses are we wearing? Where are you getting married?”

“Whoah! Slow down! We’re going to see Carl this afternoon to book the church for October 10th if we can, so you’ve both plenty of time to work out all your girly stuff.”

“I really don’t deserve such generous-spirited friends, but I’m so happy you’ve forgiven me – thank you.” Chloe gave each of them another hug and kiss.

As Adam hugged her back he grinned and told her, “We’re just too happy to be able to hold a grudge, and we’ve been friends for too long to let one mistake put a downer on our plans.”

“Schez, we really do have so much to plan, and only two months to do it. This is going to be so exciting! Perhaps I should have been a wedding planner; I’ve got so many ideas about how to make it absolutely perfect!”

“Chloe, back off!” Adam warned her. “This wedding will only be perfect if Schez gets to make the decisions. I don’t want you pressuring her into anything.”

“Absolutely!” Chloe agreed.

“I mean it,” he warned sternly. “I’m all too aware of how adept you are at totally ignoring what other people want.”

Chloe crossed her heart. “I promise – Schez will decide.” She linked arms with Schez and pulled her towards the house. “Let’s get a pad and I’ll sketch you my ideas for a wedding dress. I’ll bet Mum and I could make it for you and it would look absolutely fabulous with a band of white rose buds to hold your veil. Now the veil will need to be very sheer and floaty, with hundreds of tiny crystals like drops of dew.”

Schez glanced back over her shoulder at Adam, who just shook his head and shrugged, amused despite himself.




On their return from Berkshire, Chloe was brimming over with enthusiasm for the project.

“Mummy, you just wouldn’t believe what a fabulous site Daddy has found for the Sherringhams,” she called out as she burst through the kitchen door. “And his design for the main house and the barn conversion will be absolutely perfect!”

“It went well then?” Maggie smiled at her daughter. “How’s your father?”

“I’m doing OK,” he said as he came through after Chloe, leaning heavily on his stick. “Just a bit tired.”

Maggie dried her hands as she went over to give him a quick kiss. “Welcome home. Why don’t you go and lie down for a while? I’ll bring you a cup of tea and put dinner back another hour to let you relax for a while.” She cupped his face, concerned at the lines of strain around his eyes. She knew Iain was continuing to improve, but it would be months yet before she stopped worrying about him trying to do too much, too soon.

Chloe pulled the cookie jar over while Maggie put the kettle on. “What are we having for dinner tonight? I’m absolutely starving.”

“Prawn risotto, so changing timings is no problem, but go easy on those cookies – I don’t want you filling yourself up on those before we eat, nice as it is to hear you admit to hunger. If you’re a good girl and finish your risotto there’s black cherry and brandy roulade for dessert.”

“Scrummy! That’s my favourite.”

“That’s why I made it. I enjoy having you eat with us, and I get the bonus of your company tomorrow too.”

“I’ll be with Daddy in the study most of the time. We have a lot of details to hammer out after our meeting with Marie.”

“Marie is the client I take it?”

“Mmmm,” she mumbled, holding her hand up to her mouth to trap cookie crumbs. “Marie and Vince are having the existing wreck of a farmhouse torn down and rebuilt to Daddy’s design. He had no problem getting planning permission as he only needs to use the huge footprint, but that’s just one of the reasons the site he found is so ideal. There’s also an old barn that is perfect for a conversion for their son, Joel. Joel’s their only child and he’s due to return from working abroad in about 6 months. It sounds like he’s been travelling a bit since uni so after all that independence he agreed to live with them when he comes back but only if he had his own space and privacy so Marie wanted him to have his own house but on their land.”

“Slow down.  At least enough to take a breath now and then.” Maggie laughed and closed the cookie jar. The kettle clicked off and she turned to make tea for the three of them. “It’s certainly good to hear you so enthusiastic about something again,” Maggie commented over her shoulder as she stirred in sugar for Iain.

“Oh, I haven’t told you the best bit yet!” Chloe exclaimed. “I get to do the interior design. Daddy’s given me the commission. Can you believe it? And Marie loves the ideas I’ve had, we really clicked, and I get to attend the housewarming party and you just wouldn’t believe the list of celebrities list who are being invited. They’ll all be seeing my work and I’m bound to get more commissions from it and I’ll be the most famous interior designer ever! How cool is that?”

“Whoah! Chloe, you haven’t even started your first commission yet. Isn’t this a rather sudden change of direction? I hope you’re not going to rush into anything. You have a good job and it may not be easy to find another like it. Please don’t do anything silly like giving in your notice just yet.”

“Oh, Mum – don’t fret so! Everything’s going to work out brilliantly, I know it.”

Maggie took Iain his tea, a worried frown creasing her brow. He had his eyes closed but heard her put the mug on the coffee table next to him and reached out to take her hand. He kissed her palm, then slowly looked up at her, a contented smile curving the corners of his mouth.

“What’s wrong love? You seem tense, worried even. Honestly, I kept my promise to you and didn’t overdo it. I’m just happily tired, not shattered as I would have been a month ago.”

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