Never Wanted More (2 page)

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Authors: Stacey Mosteller

BOOK: Never Wanted More
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"Yeah, well, I gotta get to work before I'm late," she says before turning to yell at Scarlett, "I'll be back late."

When Scarlett doesn't acknowledge her, Annabelle grabs a piece of paper off her desk and balls it up before slinging it at her. The paper hits Scarlett on the side of her face, and she jumps about a foot before turning to glare at Annabelle and me.

Yanking her headphones down around her neck, she pushes a bright red curl out of her eyes and snarls, "Really Annabelle? Was that absolutely necessary?"

"Yes! Once again, you weren't paying any attention. What if some random guy walked in here? You'd have no idea until it was too late!"

Annabelle is entirely too upset about the unlikely possibility, but before I can say anything, Scarlett's scowl softens, and she says softly, "Okay, you're right. I'm sorry. I'll lock the door as soon as you leave."

Nodding, Annabelle leaves without saying anything else and Scarlett stares sadly at the closed door for a second before turning her attention to me.

"What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to meet the new roommate today?"

I sigh, "Ugh, yes. I met her." Not to mention the hot guy entourage that accompanied her. Even now, I'm still thinking about the one guy, Wyatt. The fact that I'm still thinking about him irritates me even more than getting a roommate.

Scarlett must hear the frustration in my voice because she motions towards her bed and I flop down next to her. "That bad huh?" she says understandingly.

"You don't even know the
of it!" My groan sounds frustrated.

She frowns, "That doesn't sound good. So tell me already!"

I think she's enjoying my discomfort just a little too much, but narrowing my eyes, I give her the play by play of meeting Kat and her "friends". I know I spend entirely too much time complaining about the roommate's hot guy friends because by the time I'm finished, Scarlett is laying on her back on the bed with her arm over her eyes. Her freshly colored red hair is spread out on her pillow, and she's laughing at me! Sitting up, I reach over and yank her arm away from her eyes to see they're sparkling with mirth.

"It's not funny Scarlett! They're all jerks!" I'm fuming now. I came here for support expecting her to commiserate with me, and instead she's laughing at the situation.

Scarlett snorts, "I'm sure you weren't little miss nice yourself Pey. You're not exactly the easiest person to get along with. In fact, you're probably the most closed off person I know."

Lying back down beside her, I let out a long-suffering sigh. "I know. Kat isn't that bad I guess, she seemed about as happy to be in my dorm as I was to have someone there. I just got used to being by myself you know?"

"I get it Pey, I do. But, you're going to be rooming with her for the rest of the year. You should at least make the effort to get to know her before writing her off completely." She's quiet for a minute before continuing, her smile wider, "Tell me about this Wyatt guy. It sounds like he definitely made an impression on you."

Groaning, I tell her, "He didn't make an impression on me in the way you're thinking. He was a complete jerk! He and Max were

"That may be true, but you barely mentioned Max at all. What is it Shakespeare said? The lady doth protest too much?" Scarlett claps her hands in glee, "I feel like a proud parent! You've finally got your first crush! I should be squeeing right now!"

Narrowing my eyes, I point a finger at her, "Squee and I will cut you. And, I don't have a crush. Even if I did, it wouldn't be my first." Stopping to gather my thoughts, I roll my eyes at her. "Why did I start talking to you again? Remind me, please."

Turning her head to glare at me, she continues, "When did
start? Hell, if I hadn't forced you to talk to me, you would have missed out on the awesomeness of my friendship. Then where would you be?"

"You're right Scarlett. My life would be empty without you!" I say dramatically, clasping my hands above my heart before dissolving into laughter.

"God, you're such an asshole!" Scarlett exclaims as she shoves me off the bed and onto the floor.

Grabbing her hand at the last minute, I pull her onto the floor with me and then we're both laughing. After a few minutes, Scarlett gets to her feet before offering a hand to pull me up too.

"Come on chica, let's go check out that new roommate of yours. Maybe the man candy is still there. After all, I do need a date for this weekend," she waggles her eyebrows exaggeratedly before towing me out the door and up to my room while I pray they're all gone.


We take the elevator up, so at least I'm not out of breath this time. When we get off the elevator, I can already see that the door to my room is shut, so maybe they all left. Deep down, I know that I'm not that lucky, so I square my shoulders and try the handle. It isn't locked, so there goes the "nobody's-home" theory. Walking into the room, I see Kat sitting on her bed with a spiral notebook writing furiously. Scarlett shuts the door behind us, and she startles, whipping her head up to look at us.

"Oh, hey! You're back," she says with a friendly smile, like the conversation earlier never happened.

When I don't say anything, Scarlett steps around me and holds out her hand.
"Hey! I'm Scarlett, Peyton's friend. You must be the new roommate she told me she was getting." She grins at Kat, who immediately grabs her hand.

Please save me from friendly people!
"Scarlett, obviously she's my roommate, she's sitting on the only other bed in the room and she was alone when we walked in. Who else would she be?"

"Oh stop!" Scarlett smacks me on the arm before turning back to Kat. "Her bark is worse than her bite I promise."

Kat beams at Scarlett and it's all I can do not to strangle my friend. The last thing I need is her encouraging my new roommate to talk to me. Scarlett completely ignores how ill at ease I am though; she just makes herself comfortable on my bed and carries on a conversation with Kat like I'm not even here. I know she's doing it more to piss me off than to really be friendly, but Kat seems grateful for a friendly face.

"What made you decide to move into the dorms?" Scarlett is genuinely interested in Kat's answer, and I'm surprised to discover that I actually want to know too.

Kat shrugs, "I was staying with my sister, but I decided to move into the dorms so she could let a friend who's having a rough time move in with her. It was just easier."

"That was so nice of you!" Scarlett grins at my roommate, and I know there's no way we won't be spending time together since Scarlett's taken an instant liking to her. Turning to me with a smirk, Scarlett continues, "Wasn't that nice of her Pey?" Her tone leaves no room for argument, and I give her a resigned smile as I sit down beside her.

Kat is looking between us like she can't figure out how we could possibly get along, and she's not the only one. Scarlett is pretty much the anti-Peyton, or maybe I'm the anti-Scarlett. I'm not sure, but somehow it works. Scarlett keeps me from being a complete bitch to everyone, and I give her more of the backbone she needs.

After studying us, she seems to come to the decision that we're not complete psychos and relaxes back so that she's resting on her hands. "So, what are you guys majoring in?"

I don't know of any way to avoid answering, so I tell her, "I'm majoring in Commercial Music, and Scarlett's major is Music Education."

Kat's eyes light up when I say Scarlett's major, and she turns to her, saying enthusiastically, "That's so cool! I'm majoring in Elementary Education! I wonder if we'll have any classes together this semester!"

Scarlett shakes her head, and Kat's smile falters. "I doubt it. Most of my classes deal with Music Theory and Instruments."

After that, the atmosphere in the room turns awkward. Maybe Kat's more like me than I thought, except where she wants to make friends and have people like her, I really couldn't care less. But, Scarlett was right earlier, we are going to be roommates for at least the next few months, so I need to make the best of it.

Chapter 3

Sliding into the first empty chair I see, I can't believe I was almost late to class. An Economics class no less. I've been behind all day, and it's only the second day of the semester. This is not a good omen. As I reach into my bag to take out the textbook that was required for this course, I sigh in relief as the teacher comes into the room.

"Cutting it close weren't you?" a voice breathes into my ear and my back stiffens. I know that voice. How do I know that voice?

Twisting around in my seat, I see the guy from the other day that got between Kat's friend and me. Having him in my class is just what I need. Oh God, I hope his major's not the same as mine.

"What are you doing here?"
Stupid question.
He's obviously here for class, but I was hoping not to have to see anyone from Kat's dipshit fan club outside of the occasional run in at my dorm. Instead, it looks like I'm going to spend all semester with one of them. Joy.

A dark eyebrow raises and I can tell he's laughing at me. Okay, maybe laughing isn't the right word, but I can tell from the smirk on his face that I'm amusing him, and I don't like it. "What does it look like? I'm in class, same as you. I just got here on time."

His holier-than-thou attitude makes me want to hit him. "Maybe I would've been on time if it wasn't for all the excitement in my dorm room the other night. Did you ever think of that?"

"Excitement? Sweetheart, we were only with you for about twenty minutes. If that's all it takes to excite you, you've obviously been hanging around with the wrong guys."

What? He did not just say that! His words make me wonder what kinds of things he could do to "excite me" in twenty minutes or more and it's all I can do to keep my voice down when I hiss, "You're such a prick."

"I'm a prick? I'm just trying to be friendly, you're the one who's acting like I've offended you somehow." Now he's all wide-eyed innocence, but I know exactly what he's trying to do, so instead of replying I spin around and face the front of the room. Tomorrow, I need to make sure I sit as far away from him as possible.

Of course, that's not the way my life works, because just as I think it, the teacher looks up from the open book on his desk and clears his throat, "Good morning class! My name is Professor Woods and welcome to Principles of Economics! Look around at the people sitting near you, as they will be there for the rest of the semester. I understand that you are all college students, however, I have a lot of students, and it's easier to learn and remember your names if you're always in the same spot."

Is he kidding me right now? This guy is older than dirt, and reminds me of Albert Einstein. He's tall, skinny, and has snow white hair sticking out all over the place. He's also wearing glasses, khaki pants, and a white dress shirt with what looks like suspenders underneath a tweed jacket. This entire semester has gone to shit. Putting my head in my hands, it's all I can do not to weep, until I hear the low chuckle coming from the asshat sitting beside me.

I turn to glare at him but he doesn't back down, just gazes back at me like he can see all my secrets. I feel laid bare and it makes me uncomfortable, especially when his laughter cuts off abruptly and it looks like he's going to say something to me. I don't want to hear whatever he thinks he needs to say, so I face the front of the room again, intent on ignoring him. Pulling the sleeves of my pale pink Cashmere sweater down over my shaking hands, I attempt to ignore him. It's not easy. He's sitting beside me completely relaxed, and I can feel the heat of his body. I try to repress a shiver, but fail. When I feel him turn to face me I expect him to make some comment about how his nearness gives me chills, but he says nothing. After studying me for a few moments, he shrugs out of his light jacket before placing it over my shoulders.

Leaning over, he whispers, "You're welcome," before turning his attention back to the front of the class.

I spend the remainder of the class trying to ignore him, but I fail miserably. All I can concentrate on is the scent of his cologne on his jacket. The fact that he's spent the class doodling instead of listening to the professor explain the class agenda and his expectations doesn't help either. As soon as the professor dismisses us, I shrug out of his jacket and dart out of the room successfully avoiding anything else he might want to say to me. Having conversations with a guy I'm trying not to be attracted to is much harder than I thought it would be.


The guy doesn't show up in any of my other classes, and he doesn't say much to me the following Monday or Wednesday. But, as soon as I sit down on Friday morning, he starts in on me.

"What are your plans this weekend?" he asks, sounding genuinely interested in my answer.

Shrugging, I reply grudgingly, "Not much, going to my parents for the weekend tomorrow."

He nods, "I bet that will be fun."

"Not likely," I say with a snort, "they aren't exactly the normal, loving family." Not even close. I was having a good day, until he mentioned this weekend. Seeing my parents is not going to be a good time. I know I sound like an even bigger bitch when I cut him off. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to pay attention to the professor."

Kat's friend looks as though he wants to say something, but after seeing the expression on my face he must think better of it. He only nods before turning back to the front of the room, ignoring me for the rest of the class.

When class is finally over, I can't leave the room fast enough. However, I barely make it out before he grabs my elbow, steering me away from the crowd of students leaving our classroom. He pulls me into a small alcove down the hallway, and I'm trapped between him and the wall.

"Are you okay?" he asks, sounding concerned.

Folding my arms across my chest, I don't answer right away. He makes no effort to move. In fact, he crosses his arms too, perfectly content waiting me out.

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