New Age of Heroes 1: The League of Protectors - Dawn of a New Age

BOOK: New Age of Heroes 1: The League of Protectors - Dawn of a New Age
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League of Protectors

Age of Heroes Series




I dedicate this
novel to my parents for always supporting whatever decisions I have
made in my life. I also want to dedicate this to my friends and
family that have stuck by me throughout all the good and bad times.

In Memory Of

Kelly Crowell Sr.

Mary B. Green

Samuel Crowell

Alvin Crowell Sr.

Charles Green

Glaudis Lawrence Sr.

Words cannot express what each and every one of you
have meant to me. There isn't a day that passes that I don't look up
to the heavens and smile, knowing you're there watching over me. Gone
but never forgotten. I love you. ~Christian Green

The League of Protectors

Christian Green

2014. All Rights Reserved



of a New Age

The word “hero”
is defined as someone who is admired for his or her distinguished
courage, brave deeds and noble qualities. There comes a moment in
everyone’s life that defines the person he or she is going to
be. While the environment and the people in it usually have an impact
and influence, ultimately each person must choose his or her own

The day of
September 11, 2001 was a day that no one will forget. It was a day of
fear and panic. It was a day of sadness and mourning. It was day of
anger and fury, but it was also a day of heroes. To this day everyone
remembers the firemen, emergency workers and anyone else that put in
an effort at ground zero and the days that followed.

Their contributions
will never be forgotten, but it was the act of another that would
forever change the world. At the time, Jason Shaw was 17 years old.
He's the son of a billionaire and a genius in many categories, a
quality in which Jason shares with his father. Everyone was certain
that Jason would follow in his father’s steps and join the
company, but Jason had different plans.

It came as a major
shock the day that Jason announced his plans to join the military. He
wanted to be a Marine. Initially his parents were against the idea.
It wasn’t the life they carved out for him. It wasn’t the
plan they had. Jason was like his father, highly superior in the
field of technology. Everyone was certain that Jason would take his
father's company to new heights.

Their plans and
their ideas didn’t matter to Jason. He cared about their
opinions, but he needed to do something for himself. He wanted to
make a contribution. Jason wanted to be somewhere where he could make
a change and save lives. Jason wanted to be a hero. After months of
pleading his case Jason convinced his parents to give him permission
to enlist in the military. The day of 9-11, Jason was in New York to
visit his then girlfriend. She was a freshman in college and Jason
wanted to spend as much time with her as possible before he left for
basic training. The two of them were sitting down eating breakfast
when news broke of the first plane hitting the tower.

They watched as the
rest of the world did initially unaware of how serious the situation
was. As soon as he saw the first plane hit the tower, Jason's initial
reaction was to do something to help, but he remained on the couch.
Then, out of the corner of Jason’s eye he saw the second plane
hit. His girlfriend screamed in absolute horror as the tower began to
crumble. Tears flowed from her face as she watched the devastating
situation unfold.

Everything seemed
to be in slow motion. It was hard to process exactly what was going
on. The two of them sat there watching the disturbing incident play
out. Jason watched as people began jumping out of the windows. He
initially thought it was debris from the buildings, but later
realized the startling truth.

He listened as the
reporters and bystanders gave their account of what they witnessed.
It was then at that moment Jason had his moment of clarity. It was at
that moment that Jason would begin defining the man he was going to
become. It was at that moment that the new age of hero would be born.
What Jason would do next and the chain of events that would follow
because of his actions, no one could have possibly realized.

Jason grabbed his
girlfriend and stared her in the eye. He gave her a passionate kiss
before running out of the dorm room. His girlfriend called out for
him to come back, but Jason’s mind was already made up. New
York needed help. The fine officers and firemen weren't going to be
enough. New York needed a hero, a different sort of hero than the
ones they already had. New York needed Jason Shaw.

Jason didn’t
need a car or any other form of transportation to get to the World
Trade Center. He was faster than any vehicle in existence. Using
unimaginable speed, Jason sped over to the sight with extraordinary
quickness. Catastrophic damage had already been done. There was no
way Jason could save the building, it was too late for that. There
were however, still people alive and trapped inside. Jason would do
whatever he could to save as many lives as possible.

The sight was even
worse than he imagined. No video, regardless of how graphic it was
could ever capture just how truly devastating the scene was. Jason
stood still, slightly in shock from the horrid images that plagued
his vision. From the scattered body parts on the ground, to the
people jumping out of the building, ground zero was horrendous.

Taking a deep
breath, Jason got over his shock and sprung into action. Cameras and
recorders were all around as anyone with access to one was recording
the unfolding events. Jason sped pass the barricades meant to keep
the public out of harm’s way. One of the firemen, a man of
stocky size tried to stop him, but Jason sped right pass the man.

He was way too fast
to be caught. The fireman got nothing but an air full of dust as
Jason zoomed passed him. Jason propelled himself off the ground,
defying all the laws of gravity known to man and navigated through
the sky. He flew above towards the tower with the same incredible
velocity as he did when he ran on the ground. A woman desperately
trying to escape the burning building, jumped out of the window. In
mid air, Jason changed directions and navigated towards the falling
woman. She screamed in horror thinking her death was certain.

Jason would not let
that be though. Seconds before impact, the seventeen year old caught
the woman, saving her life.

A nearby civilian
captured the entire incident on camera. The video went viral minutes

“That was
amazing!” the young man called out as Jason returned to the
skies. He kept his camera focused on Jason. The world was witnessing
history. A man was flying. A man was flying without the use of a
parachute or any other invention.

It wasn’t
long before the news feeds started picking up on Jason’s
heroics. Videos of Jason Shaw flying were captured by every news
outlet in America and around the world. Images of him catching large
debris easily with his hands and sustaining the heat of the fire were
printed in every newspaper.

In a day that would
bring forth many changes to America one could not overlook the impact
that Jason Shaw's heroics had on the world. His presence represented
something extraordinary. How could a man fly? How could a man sustain
blazing hot fire without any burn marks on him? These were questions
that everyone wanted answers to.

The United States
government began investigating Jason and his extraordinary abilities.
At first many believed his talents to be some new form of technology
that Shaw Enterprises was working on. It didn’t seem too far
fetched considering the type of high tech inventions Shaw Enterprises
were creating. Many assumed Jason was showing off one of the latest
inventions of his dad's company.

Most of their best
technologies weren’t even known to the public yet. When it was
confirmed that Shaw Enterprises had nothing to do with Jason’s
current condition, speculation began to grow. There were several
theories as to how Jason was able to do the things he could, but it
was the written work of Mr. Connors that caught the government’s

Mr. Connors, a
Professor at Harvard University wrote a very detailed letter
explaining Jason’s abilities to the president. One of the
President’s staffers read it and thought the President should
take a look. In his letter, Mr. Connors explained that Jason’s
abilities were derived from mental superiority. He explained that the
human brain is very large and only a small portion of that brain is
ever used by the majority of people.

For someone to have
the sort of abilities that Jason displayed, would take a greater use
of the human brain. He theorized that certain humans are naturally
prone to utilizing larger portions of their brains. He suspected that
some humans for whatever reason were further along the evolutionary
line of development. His theories would’ve been rebutted
harshly had Jason’s extraordinary acts not been captured live
for the entire world to see.

With no other
conceivable theory around, the President was inclined to support Mr.
Connors’ theories. It became a daily thing to see Jason out and
about using his abilities. It seemed there wasn’t a day that
passed that Jason’s name wasn’t mentioned in the news or
his image plastered inside the newspaper. His popularity grew even
more when the public found out of his intent to join the military.
When the day came for him to leave for basic training, every media
outlet had a story about it.

In addition to
getting an understanding of what being a soldier was all about, basic
training did wonders for Jason’s physique. By the time he
reached the age of 21, Jason was over six feet tall and had the frame
of a professional wrestler. Well groomed dark black hair, smooth
handsome facial features and a solid physique made Jason's presence
quite alluring. Without question, Jason was quite the impressive
sight for eyes. In addition to his muscular physique, Jason was also
a very humble and kind man. He was what many women referred to as the
“total package.”

While Jason was off
in the military climbing the ranks, the world back home was changing
rapidly. A wise man once said,“With great power comes great
responsibility.” Jason tried to live his life by this quote,
but unfortunately, not everyone thought as Jason did. In the years
that followed more and more people began “coming out of the
closet” so to speak and showing off their extraordinary
abilities as well.

Some people believe
that evil is necessary for good to exist. That it is a natural
reaction to good. Perhaps the two forces are necessary to complete
and counterbalance one another. This belief certainly gained momentum
when extraordinary people began abusing their abilities on the

In 2005 a man
capable of literally turning himself into a bomb exploded outside a
plaza in Baltimore, killing hundreds.

When the news broke
that this man was someone with extraordinary abilities, the public
demanded action be taken. A “witch hunt” of sorts was
called upon. There were many that wanted anyone with extraordinary
abilities to be locked up. Others called for them to be registered
and monitored at all times. The growing tension was eerily
reminiscent of horrible events of the pass.

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