New York at War (67 page)

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Authors: Steven H. Jaffe

Tags: #History, #Military, #General, #United States

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Kirk, Grayson

Kissinger, Henry

Knox, Henry

Koch, Edward

Kolkin, Lucille Gewirtz

Korean War

Krivitsky, Walter

Kuhn, Fritz

Kunen, James Simon

LaGuardia Airport

La Guardia, Fiorello

and civilian defense (photo)

Laden, Osama bin

Ladenburger, Theodore

Lafayette, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de

Lake Champlain

Lake Erie

Lake George

Lake Ontario

Lamont, Thomas

Lang, Hermann

Lanza, Joseph “Socks,”

Laurents, Arthur

Lawson, James R.

Lebron, Lolita

Lee, Charles

Lee, Robert E.

Lehigh Valley Railroad

Leisler, Jacob


and Henry Hudson’s voyage

Kieft’s War

Peach War

Lerner, Max

Leveret, John

Lévi-Strauss, Claude

Levy, Asser

Lewis, Jacob

Lewis, Morgan

Liberation Army


Liberty bonds(photo)

Lieber, Francis and Matilda

magazine (World War I)

magazine (1940s-1960s)

Lincoln Center

Lincoln Tunnel

Lincoln, Abraham

and New York City

Lindsay, John

Lippmann, Walter

Little Italy


Livingston, William

Loans, war

World War I


English colonial era

War of 1812 era

World War I

World War II

Long Branch, New Jersey

Long Island City, Queens

Long Island

American Revolution

Cold War

Dutch era

English colonial era

English settlers under Dutch rule


Spying and

War of 1812

World War II

Long Island Sound

War of 1812

Lorient, France

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Louis XIV (France)

Louis, Joe

Lovelace, Francis

Low, Seth

Lower East Side

Loyalists, during American Revolution

Ludwig, Kurt


plans for bombing New York

Luhan, Mabel Dodge

Lush, John

(ocean liner)



Lyons, Albro, Maritcha, and Mary

M’Caffrey, Paddy

Madison Square

Madison Square Garden

Madison, James


Majority Coalition

Malcolm, Samuel

Mallory, Stephen

Manhattan Project

Manning, John

Mantey, Eberhard von

Mao Tse-tung

Maritain, Jacques

Marshall, George

Marti, Jose

Martin, Joseph Plumb



American Revolution

colonial era

Maspeth, Queens


American Revolution

Dutch era

Masses, The

Maverick, Samuel

May Day

May 2 Movement


McClellan, George

McCloy, John

McDougall, Alexander

McGuire Air Force Base

McMaster, John

McReynolds, David

McWilliams, Joe

Megapolensis, Johannes and Samuel

Melendez, Mickey



Merchant seamen

(ironclad warship)

Metkab al Khidmat (MAK)

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Metropolitan Opera

Mexican War

Michaelius, Jonas

Middletown, New Jersey

Midwout, Brooklyn

Mill Rock (East River)

Miller, David

Miller Field

Miller, Joaquin

Minuit, Peter

Mirada, Rafael Cancel

Mitchel Field

Mitchel, John Purroy

Mohawk River


Mondrian, Piet

(ironclad warship)

Monroe, James

Montauk, Long Island


Moody, Lady Deborah

Moore, Mark

Morales, Willie

Morgan Library

Morgan, J. Pierpont

Morgan, J. Pierpont Jr.

Morgenthau, Henry Jr.

Morgenthau, Henry Sr.

Morishima, Morito

Morris, Gouverneur

Morris, Jan

Morris, Lewis Jr.

Morristown, New Jersey

Mosabbah, Abdel


Most, Johann

Mother Earth

Mothers’ Anti-High Price League

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick

Mubarak, Hosni


Murray Hill

Murray, James

Murtagh, John

Musil, Robert K.

Muslim Brotherhood


Mussolini, Benito

Muste, A. J.


Nanuet, New York

Napoleon Bonaparte

Narrows, the

Civil War

colonial era

War of 1812

World War I

World War II

Nassau County, New York

Nasser, Gamal Abdul


National American Woman Suffrage Association

National Guard

National Maritime Union

National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam

National Origins Act (1924)

National Security League

Navesink, New Jersey

Nazis, Nazism

New York and

Negro Plot, alleged (1741)

New Left

New Amersfoort

New Amsterdam

New Canaan, Connecticut

New England

Civil War

Dutch era

New France

New Haven, Connecticut

New Jersey

American Revolution

Cold War era

Dutch era

terrorism and

War of 1812 era

World War I era

World War II era

New London, Connecticut

New Masses

New Netherland

Dutch-English conflicts and

Dutch-Indian relations in

New Orange

New Orleans

New Republic

New Utrecht

New York Age

New York Bay

American Revolution

colonial era

War of 1812 era

New York City.
See also
New Amsterdam

as commercial center

ethnic diversity in

as financial center

as industrial center

population of

poverty in

New York

New York Daily News

New York Evening Post

New York Gazette

New York Herald

New York Herald Tribune

New York Journal

New York
Journal of Commerce

New-York Mercury

New York Post

New York
Post Boy

New York Public Library

New York Stock Exchange

New York Times

Civil War

Cold War era

Vietnam War era

World War I era

World War II era

New York Tribune

New York University

New York World

New Yorker

Newark Airport

Newark, New Jersey


Nicholas II, czar

Nicolls, Richard

Nike missiles

Nixon, Richard

(ocean liner)(photo)

North Vietnam

Nosair, El Sayyid

Nostitz, Heinrich von

Nova Scotia

Nuclear disarmament

Nuclear war.
Atomic bomb

O’Brien, Hilda

O’Brien, John

O’Leary, Jeremiah

Ochs, Phil


Office of Civil Defense, US

Office of Civilian Defense, US

Oklahoma City

One Hundred Percent Americanism

Opdyke, George

Operation Alert

demonstrations against

Operation Paukenschlag

Ottoman Empire

Oughton, Diana

Owen, Chandler

Oyster Bay, Long Island

Pace University

Pacifism, and pacifists

Cold War

Vietnam War

World War I

Paine, Thomas


Palmer, A. Mitchell

Panama Canal

Panero, Ralph

Papen, Franz von

Paris, France

Parker, Charlie

Parker, Sir Gilbert

Passing of the Great Race

Pataki, George

Paulus Hook


Peace Democrats

Peach War

Pearl Harbor

Peary, Robert

Pell’s Neck, Bronx

Pennell, Joseph(photo)

Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvanians

American Revolution

Civil War

Pennsylvania Station

Peshawar, Pakistan

Peter, Paul and Mary


American Revolution

Civil War era and

War of 1812 era

World War II

Philipse, Frederick


Physicians for Social Responsibility

Pileggi, Nicholas

Piracy, and pirates

Pitt, William

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Plymouth Colony


Police, New York City

Civil War

Cold War era

terrorism (photo)

Vietnam War

World War I era

World War II era

Polish Americans, and Polish immigrants

Pollack, Ida

Pope, Generoso

Portugal, and Portuguese

Powell, William

Poyntz, Juliet

Preparedness movement


Princeton, New Jersey

Prison hulks

Prisoner exchanges

Prisoners of war

American Revolution

Privateering, and privateers

American Revolution

Dutch era

English colonial era

War of 1812 era


World War I

World War II

Prospect Park

Prostitution, and prostitutes

Protestantism, and Protestants

Civil War era

Dutch era

English colonial era

Puerto Rican Americans, and Puerto Rican immigrants

Puerto Rico

Purges, Soviet


Putnam, Israel


Quebec City

Quebec Province

Queen Anne (England)

Queen Anne’s War


Civil War era

Cold War era

World War I era

World War II era

Queens College

Qutb, Sayyid


Civil War era

terrorism and

World War II era

Vietnam War era


Rahman, Omar Abdel

Randolph, A. Philip

Rankin, John

Raritans (Lenape Indians)


Reagan, Ronald

Red Channels

Red Hook, Brooklyn

Reed, Joseph

Republican Party, and Republicans

Civil War era

Vietnam War era

World War II era

Republicans (Democratic-Republicans)

Revolutionary Force 9

Rhode Island

colonial era

Rice, Thomas

Richmond, Bill

Richmond, Virginia

Ridder, Hermann

Rikers Island

Rintelen, Franz von

See also
Draft Riot

Robbins, Terry

Roberts, Sam

Rochambeau, General Jean-Baptiste

Rockaway Beach

Rockaway, Queens

Rockefeller Center

Rodgers, John

Rodriguez, Irving Flores

Roosevelt Field, Long Island

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

and New Yorkers

Roosevelt, Theodore Jr. (US president)

Roosevelt, Theodore Sr.

Rose, Billy

Rosenberg, Ethel and Julius

Rudd, Mark

Ruffin, Edmund

Rumrich, Guenther

Ruppert, Jacob

Russia, Russians.
See also
Soviet Union

World War I

Russian Americans, and Russian immigrants

Rustin, Bayard

Sabotage, and fears of

World War I

World War II

Sacco, Nicola

Sadat, Anwar El

Saddam Hussein

Salameh, Muhammed

Salem, Emad

Sandford, Charles

Sandy Hook, New Jersey

Civil War

Cold War(photo)

post-revolutionary era and

War of 1812


Saudi Arabia

Savio, Mario

Saypol, Irving

Scheele, Walter

Schell, Jonathan

Schenectady, New York

Schiff, Jacob

Schmeling, Max

Schurr, Cathleen

Scientific American

Scotland, and Scots

Scottish Americans, and Scottish immigrants

Scudder, John Jr.

Students for a Democratic Society

Sea Fencibles

Sears, Isaac

Sebold, William

Sedgwick, Robert

Sedition Act (1918)

Semmes, Raphael(photo)

Sengier, Edgar

Seven Years War

Seymour, Horatio

Seymour, Marnie

Sharmat, Mary

Shewkirk, Ewald

Shiloh Presbyterian Church

See also
Brooklyn Navy Yard

Siegel, Meyer

Sierra Leone

Silverstein, Selig

Simon, Paul

Simsbury, Connecticut, mines

Sinatra, Frank

Singer Building

Sinn Fein

Slacker raid, and slackers

Slater, William J.

Slavery, slaves

Other books

A War Like No Other by Fiss, Owen
Murder in the Smithsonian by Margaret Truman
Three Weddings And A Kiss by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, Catherine Anderson, Loretta Chase
Plain Fame by Sarah Price
Bearing an Hourglass by Piers Anthony
Dear Abby by Barnett, Peggy
Netherland by Joseph O'Neill