Night Seeker (4 page)

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Authors: Yasmine Galenorn

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Night Seeker
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I slowly walked over to my aunt Heather’s desk. She’d never sit here again, writing in her journal. The sight of the injured wood made me glad that I’d come, and not Rhiannon. It was bad enough to lose her mother to the enemy, but to see how many of the memories of her childhood had been destroyed? I wasn’t about to put her through that. As I ran my hand over the hand-carved oak, now dented and scratched along the polished surface, my heart ached.

“I’m sorry.” Kaylin’s voice echoed softly behind me. “Can I do anything to help?”

I turned, gazing into his smooth, unlined face. Kaylin’s soul had been wedded to a night-veil demon while he was still in his mother’s womb and he hadn’t ever been fully human. Gorgeous, he was Chinese by descent, with a long ponytail trailing down his back. Lithe and wiry-strong, Kaylin Chen was over one hundred years old and had seen more than his share of sorrow. So when he lightly touched my elbow, I knew he understood.

I sought for something to say, but there were no words. I was in a dark spot, and I didn’t know the way out. Finally, I looked around the room. Everything seemed hopeless. But a picture on the wall of Heather and Rhiannon spurred my tongue.

“Family memories. If you see any pictures…for Rhiannon…like that one…”

He nodded, taking the picture off the wall, and then began to hunt through the sideboard on the opposite side of the room. After a while, he moved out into the next room.

I turned back to the desk and yanked open one of the drawers that had remained untouched. And there, I saw my first sign of hope. Aunt Heather’s journal, containing her magical notes, intact with the map that showed the Veil House as a major power juncture on several crisscrossing ley lines.

I pulled out the journal. It was cold in my hand, slightly damp, but unharmed. Shoving it in my bag, I shuffled through the rest of the drawer. The bank book, an envelope of cash—of course, the Shadow Hunters would have left these things. Myst’s people had no use for money, but we could use it.

After a quick look-see, I just swept everything into the bag and then glanced at the piles on the floor surrounding the other upended drawers. Not much had been left intact, but there—a ring of keys. Not sure what they went to, I added them to the bag.

Lannan had vanished, but after a moment he reappeared, carrying a large bag stuffed full of plastic bags and jars. “I found your herb stash. Thought these might be useful.”

I nodded, fishing through them. Some of these I could use. Some had been healing herbs that Leo had used to make healing salves.

“What’s wrong?” Lannan was on instant alert, darting a look over his shoulder at the door. “Do you sense something?”

“No. I was just thinking about Leo and how he fucked us over.” I pressed my lips together and glanced up into Lannan’s eyes. A mistake—you should never stare at a vampire directly—but I didn’t care.

Lannan’s eyes were the center of the abyss, cold and unfeeling. “Leo made his choice. I told you that Geoffrey was not to be trusted.” He hefted the bag over one shoulder.
“Don’t blame the boy. He chooses what many would choose—to align himself with immortals over frailty.”

him? Leo trashed Rhiannon’s world. They were
and he turned his back on her. He fucking knocked me across the floor. And Geoffrey…” I shuddered. “Geoffrey wanted to
me—the same way he’d turned Myst. He wanted to use me as a weapon to bait her.”

Eons ago, Geoffrey, the Regent of the Northwest Vampire Nation and one of the Elder Vein Lords, had attempted to turn the Unseelie Fae. It was then that Myst had been born, turned from his lover into a creature neither vampire nor Fae. A terrifying half-breed, she was more powerful than both Unseelie and vampire. And she was able to bear children. She had become the mother of her race and Queen of the Indigo Court.

Lannan brushed away my fear. “Forget about Geoffrey.” His voice coiled seductively around me as he leaned against my back, one hand around my waist. “
want to turn you but not in order to use you against Myst. I want you for a playmate. But you, Cicely Waters, you would be no fun if I made it too easy. I like a little fight in my playthings.”

I caught my breath, steeling myself as his lips tickled my ear, his fangs dangerously close to my neck. “Better find another toy.” I pushed his hand away from my waist. He let go, only to grab my wrist, his fingers holding me in an iron grip as he delicately rubbed against my skin, setting off yet another unwelcome spark in my stomach.

“Remember your manners, Cicely. Or I’ll have to give you another lesson in etiquette.” His words were soft but threatening.

The glimmer of the flashlight on his hair made him sparkle as if a golden nimbus surrounded him. A memory flared, with me caught in the blood fever, crying out,
“My angel of darkness…”
My words echoed through my thoughts and I let out a little moan. I was walking on thin ice—I’d felt the sting of Lannan’s perverted lessons too many times now.

Lannan watched me closely, a look of delight spreading
across his face. “You’re thinking about me. Inside you. If only we hadn’t been interrupted, I could have finished and you would have been mine. Can you
think that I don’t revel in your reluctance? But you have to admit, I’ve become a valuable ally.”

I let out a long, slow breath and nodded. “Perhaps, but I don’t trust you.”

“Good. You shouldn’t trust
. I don’t understand why you trusted Leo to begin with. He stuck his nose so far up Geoffrey’s ass that I’m amazed you didn’t suspect him earlier. He’s just doing what his nature begs.”

“Stop, please. And don’t defend Leo.”

Lannan snorted. “Girl, if Geoffrey gives him what he wants, your cousin better lock her doors at night, because he’ll be coming for her. I know his type.”

“If he hurts her, I’ll never forgive him.” If Leo came after Rhiannon, I’d stake him myself.

Tipping my chin up with his index finger, Lannan shook his head. “My sweet Cicely…if Geoffrey turns him, Leo won’t
asking for forgiveness. Vampires have neither need nor desire for atonement. I am what I am. I’m a predator. I’m your master. And I have no remorse for any of the things I’ve done in my life. Save, perhaps, for leaving Regina behind. The thought of my beautiful sister in that house with Geoffrey…I fear for her safety, even though she’s the Emissary to the Crimson Court.”

I pulled away and kicked at the rubble. There was nothing else of value here. “You had to. You didn’t have a choice.”

“Now you come to my defense? You’re a confusing one, Cicely. Perhaps you’re right, perhaps not. But we should go, if you are done. Here come your father and Kaylin.” And once again, he was all business.

We carried what bags and boxes we’d found out to the car and eased out of the driveway to head back to the warehouse that had become our temporary home. All the way there, Lannan leaned over the backseat, resting a hand on my shoulder.

I knew Wrath and Kaylin were watching, but there was
nothing I could do to stop him. Lannan was an ally we needed, and if I protested, he’d only find another way to screw with my head. And another mind-fuck was the last thing I needed right now.

Chapter 2

By the time we got back to the warehouse, I’d managed to regain some of my composure. We made sure we hadn’t been followed as we pulled into the parking lot and drove around the back, parking behind an old school bus that had long ago seen better days.

I cut the engine and leaned back, breathing a sigh of relief. As much as I longed for the Veil House, this was more familiar to me—living on the run, hiding in abandoned buildings, keeping one eye open as I slept. Maybe I wasn’t cut out for a normal life. Maybe I was destined for life on the wing.

As we carried our loot to the back entrance that Kaylin had cleverly hidden with a tangle of loose boards, a stack of old tires, and several abandoned vehicles, Peyton opened the door. She’d been on the watch for us and she took one of the bags from me, carrying it into the living quarters we’d quickly pulled together for ourselves.

The building had been a warehouse in better days, and the stark industrial walls were gunmetal gray, with beams and poles and odd little cubbyholes lining the inner chambers. Kaylin had been living here for a while before he’d
invited us in, so we had jury-rigged electricity. He hadn’t wanted to draw attention by using too much, though, so for heat we were using a burn barrel. The warehouse was big enough, the ceilings high enough, and several windows were cracked and broken, so the smoke wasn’t much of a bother and it dissipated by the time it reached the outdoors. But it was cold and chilly and grim.

While we were gone, the rest of our little band—Peyton, Rhiannon, Luna, Chatter, and Grieve—had lined up several tables and now, we spread out the contents of our goods on them. Grieve moved over to my side and slid his arm around me. I caught my breath, this time in a good way.

“I was worried about you. I sensed…” He let his words drift off, but his gaze flickered to Lannan. “Are you all right?”

Nodding, I ducked my head. “I’m fine. There were a few tense moments, but everything’s okay.” I leaned in, feeling Lannan watching every move I made, and rested my mouth against Grieve’s soft lips. He pulled me to him and I lost myself in his touch, in his kiss. Grieve was my love, and no matter how my body responded to Lannan, my heart would forever belong to the Fae Prince with the shining stars in his eyes.

A slow warmth rose in my belly, his body felt right against my own, and I inhaled deeply, filling myself full with his scent. He smelled like autumn leaves and rain showers and danger and safety all rolled into one. His heart beat fast against my touch as I laid my hand on his chest. Grieve was alive, and he loved me.

“I want you,” I whispered, hungering to sneak off, to drive away the cold and the snow with his touch. But we couldn’t—not just yet. “I feel safe with you.”

“Later. I promise.” His words were so low that I was the only one who could hear him, but his touch pledged so much more than those words could express.

I nodded, not trusting myself to say more, and gently moved away. Everyone was looking at us, especially Lannan with his cold, dark stare, but I didn’t care. I cleared my throat and searched for what to say. Rhiannon gave me a
pleading look and I nodded, knowing what she desperately wanted to hear. Time to get down to business.

“First—some good news. The Veil House isn’t nearly as far gone as we feared.”

Rhiannon let out a little cry and her fingers flew to her mouth. Chatter—Grieve’s friend and another of the Cambyra Fae—moved to rest his arm gently around her waist. I noticed the quick smile she flashed him. As I had thought. Leo had been her way of settling. She’d loved Chatter all along.

“Does it really still stand?” She leaned forward, breathless. “You aren’t joking?”

“I’d never joke about something like that. Oh, it’s definitely taken some heavy damage. The kitchen and basement will have to be rebuilt, but with work, we can restore it. However, that idea is on hold until we destroy Myst. We killed two of her Shadow Hunters while we were there.”

“I have another surprise.” Grieve held up his hand and dashed into a side room, returning after a few seconds with his arms full. “While you were gone, I scouted around this rambling monster of a building and found two space heaters. They’re good-sized.”

“Heat! Glorious heat!” Luna rubbed her hands together as Kaylin took them from him and plugged them in.

Grieve frowned. “I hope they still work. The burn barrel helps, but it doesn’t do much good over here by the table.”

Kaylin flipped the switch and bingo, a draft of air began to blow toward the table. The space heaters must have been used during power outages, because they were big enough to heat a small room. As the elements heated up, warm air began to take the edge off the biting chill. I smiled, and so did the others. There was nothing like heat to lift the spirits when the wind was howling at the door.

“Good job, man.” Kaylin clapped Grieve on the back. “I’ve lived here for quite a while and didn’t know about them.”

“I’ve a knack for finding things.” Grieve smiled then, and laughed. “I wish I could have gone with you today.”

“Yes, but the Veil House is so close to the Golden Wood, it would be too easy for Myst to latch onto you again. And this helps us so much more—we needed the heat.” I leaned in and kissed him soundly. My stomach rumbled. “First heat and now, I hope…food?” I looked at Luna. “Is there anything to eat?”

She nodded, and while Kaylin and Wrath sorted through what we’d brought back with us, Rhiannon and Luna set out a loaf of bread, some peanut butter, and a large packet of beef jerky. Rhiannon added a two-liter bottle of Coke, while Luna carried a large pot of chicken noodle soup over to the table. Peyton brought the mugs and plates.

I stared at the meal. Good. I could eat everything. I knew the soup was safe, and that was the only thing potentially a danger. I was deathly allergic to fish and carried an EpiPen wherever I went.

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