Night Stars and Mourning Doves (11 page)

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Authors: Margo Hoornstra

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Night Stars and Mourning Doves
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“It’d look a whole lot better on you,” he groused just before casting her a wide grin.

“I have my flowers to carry, remember?”

“You’re sure it’s not too much for you?”

She studied the concern that clouded over the twinkle in his eyes. “If it turns out to be, I’ll have Eric up there to help me.”

“If he doesn’t by God, I will. And stand up there in front of everyone to do it.”

She couldn’t help a giggle in response. “I’m sure of that.”

Leaving the chaos of wedding day preparations behind, temporarily, she entered the welcome quiet in the sanctuary and sank into the comfort of a deserted back pew.

'This is the church where Chris and Eric were baptized.' Elyse remembered Iris had told her that then went on to provide a brief description. 'It’s a beautiful location. Angela won’t be disappointed.'

Elyse was sure of that as she caught sight of how the sunlight filtered through the rainbow array of exquisite stained glass windows brightening the sky blues, golden yellows, and blood reds. Up at the altar twin arrangements of elegant white gladiolus holding red, pink, and yellow roses flanked a simple candelabra graced with white satin bows. Precisely as Elyse and, more importantly Angela, had envisioned.

Also as Angela envisioned and recently shared with Elyse, the entire day was proceeding exactly as planned. Not only had the flowers that were now being expertly distributed arrived on time, but all female members of the wedding party were properly pampered that morning and now at the church and downstairs getting dressed.

The groomsmen too. Or she hoped as much. Fingertips leaving the brace at her neck, she smiled inside and out. With Eric in charge, she was sure of it.

“In here to take a short break?”

Her smile grew at the familiar deep voice beside her. She placed a palm over the strong hand that came to rest on her shoulder. “A short one.”

Eyes closed, she breathed deeply as her entire body relaxed. Warm, safe, content, cared for. Those emotions and more coursed through her at once. All brought about by Eric’s precious touch.

“Since Ma has Jay under control for now, I’ll join you for a minute if you’ll scoot over.”

Doing as he asked, she tucked her arm in his the moment he sat down. “It can’t be that hard wrangling all those groomsmen and your brother into tuxes and such.”

“Those guys can take care of themselves. Jay wants to know when we can have this cake he’s been hearing so much about.”

The smile became an out-and-out grin. “Not for a while yet, I’m afraid.”

“I told him I’d come ask you ‘cause it was your call.”

She sat up and had to turn her entire body to swat at his arm. “Way to throw me under the bus. I have some cookies in my purse I’ll give him before the ceremony starts.”

His loving expression mirrored everything she held for him in her heart. “I figured you’d have a way to take care of him. Can you keep a secret?”

“Usually,” she quipped and settled back to snuggle beside him. “But you know that.”

He folded his hand over hers. “I’ll take that as a yes, so here goes. I did all that with Jay and the cake because I wanted to see you. I missed you.”

“We saw each other just this morning. Or did you forget?”

“Forget how it feels to wake up beside you? Never.” He cast her a look of pure mischief. “I was there this morning to make sure you arrived first at the spa then over here with time to spare. You can’t drive in that get-up.”

“Not to mention I have no vehicle anymore.”

“Not since you totaled yours.”

“Didn’t exactly do it on purpose.” Anger and fear at remembering details of the accident had no chance to take hold as Eric folded her closer.

“And might I remind you my attendance in your bed will remain purely platonic. Until you’re fully recovered.”

“Healing could take a long time.”

He grimaced for an instant. “Don’t remind me. After all, I am only human.”

“You certainly are.”

His demeanor did an abrupt aboutface. “I’m doing the best I can with the investigation, but we may never find who did this to you.”

“Is it really that important to make them pay as you’ve been saying?”

“Justice would be nice.”

“But not essential.”

“I guess not.”

“I go back to Doctor Baker next week. He wants to make sure one cervical vertebrae is healing as it should.” Her voice became a whisper. “Maybe I shouldn’t be, but I’m scared, Eric.”

“I’ll be there with you. For whatever that’s worth.”

“Try everything. You there is worth everything to me.”

“And it’s everything to me you’re getting better.”

“I have to tell you. I do feel a bit awkward wearing this neck brace they put me in.”

“As far as I’m concerned you’ve never been more beautiful. Because you’re here and you’re okay.” He angled in to bring his lips close to her ear. “Although that darned apparatus does cover up some of the places I love to kiss most.”

Gentle fingertips traced over his forehead and along the outside of one eye then moved down to cup his cheek. “You look tired. I’m guessing you didn’t sleep all that well last night.

He moved his head so his lips could warm her palm. “I was afraid if I stirred around too much, I would hurt you.”

“The doctor said I’m badly bruised, not broken.” She brushed her mouth over the heat of his. “Anyway. Something in my heart tells me you’ll never, ever hurt me.”

“Smart woman. Listening to your heart and all.” His mouth sought hers with a hunger that assured her, without a doubt, hearts don’t lie.

She closed her eyes, losing herself in the glory of this man’s unconditional acceptance and limitless love. Her arms circled his neck to clasp him to her. His arms wrapped, strong and sure around to hold her fast.

“Hey. Get away from each other.” Randy’s voice emerged from somewhere above them. “It’s bad luck.”

Heads raised they slid apart, until Eric instinctively pulled Elyse back toward him.

“That’s for the bride and groom,” she informed the intruder.

“Oh yeah. My bad,” their friend replied then winked. “You two aren’t there yet.”

Eric looked at her with the purest love she’d ever seen reflected in his eyes. “Not yet. But close.”

“Very close,” she whispered and, when they stood as one, Eric’s arm remained around her. “Except right now we have this current wedding to enjoy.”

“So let’s get to it,” Eric said.

Shortly after they vacated the sanctuary, all the friends and family members who’d come to share this day were seated and waiting. With strong opening chords, the even tempo of the processional music began and Chris along with his groomsmen filed in to stand on the right side of the altar. In teal off the shoulder gowns, with a fitted bodice and the damask material flowing waist to floor, Angela’s bridesmaids came down the aisle one by one to take their places. When Elyse followed last, her gaze met Eric’s and held.

Tuxedo clad and looking adorable, Jay stood at the rear of the church and stared. After some gentle prodding by Iris, he came shyly toward them with Gramma in tow.

At the end of their short journey, Iris took her seat in the front row and Jay hurried to stand beside his Daddy.

On another swell of chords, strains of the wedding march surged forth and all eyes turned to the back of the sanctuary where Angela stood, arm in arm beside the starkly serious father of the groom. With a curt nod from Sid, they proceeded forward in perfect sync.

As it had from the very first time Elyse saw it, the beauty of Angela’s wedding dress truly took her breath away. A gorgeous collection of white beads, fine lace and elegant satin, its style too was off the shoulder and flowing. The floor length skirt draped in gentle folds to join a train in back of more beads, lace and satin. At Elyse’s suggestion, the gown was fitted where necessary to remind her groom of the woman beneath.

With all members of the wedding party assembled at the altar, Elyse couldn’t help but let her gaze fall on Eric. Then a little hand touched hers and she looked down to see Jay had come to stand beside her. Accepting the small fingers into her palm with a welcoming squeeze, an indescribable sense of warmth poured inside to wrap around her heart. Glancing across the aisle, she met Eric’s loving gaze with her own and silently vowed to never let him go.

Another surge of love rose up in her to overflowing and, at that exact moment, the ceremony began.

“Dearly Beloved—”

A word from the author...

Like many who create stories, I figured someday to write a book. But only when the time was right, which meant after I earned a formal education, launched and sustained a successful and rewarding career, married, then raised a family and became financially independent.

To paraphrase the song lyric, life happened while I was making plans. Proof of the education is in a frame on the wall, the career came and went, the husband is still with me, but the children are grown, and our vast accumulation of wealth never materialized.

Still, life is good, life is busy. Besides writing, I enjoy hiking and walking, especially in the fall, hate to cook, and love to read.

If you'd like to learn more about who I am and what I do, visit


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