Night's Captive (20 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #sex, #cheyenne mccray, #Erotic Romance, #paranormal suspense, #sexy, #Erotica

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When she finished the book, she took a deep breath. The book ended with her and Alec making love and then falling asleep.

She closed the book and took a deep breath. Now, more than ever, she wanted to return and be with Alec.

“I love you, Alec,” she said as she shut her eyes. “I want to be with you.”

“Loni.” The bed dipped as she heard Alec’s voice. “Where have you been?”

Her eyes flew open and she saw that she was in his room again as she threw her arms around his neck. “You’re real.” She held on to him tight. “Everything is real.”

“What happened to you?” He squeezed her in return then drew back and held her gaze. “I woke up this morning and you weren’t in bed with me. You were gone and I was so worried that you were gone for good. That’s why there’s a taboo. Humans don’t return.”

Loni looked down at the book still in her hands then smiled at Alec. “I’m back and I will never leave you again.”

# # #

Also by Cheyenne McCray


Rough and Ready series

Lipstick and Leather

Silk and Spurs

Lace and Lassos

Dark Enforcers series

Night’s Captive

Altered States series

Dark Seduction

From Ellora’s Cave

“Wild” Cowboy Series




Wild Borders

Wonderland Series

King of Hearts

King of Spades

King of Diamonds

King of Clubs

“Taboo” series

Taking Instruction

Taking on the Law

Taking it Personal

Taking the Job

“Erotic” series

Erotic Invitation

Erotic Weekend

Erotic Stranger

Print books by Cheyenne

From St. Martin’s Press:

Lexi Steele Novels

The First Sin

The Second Betrayal

Night Tracker Series

Demons Not Included

No Werewolves Allowed

Vampires Not Invited

Zombies Sold Separately

Vampires Dead Ahead

Magic Series

Forbidden Magic

Seduced by Magic

Wicked Magic

Shadow Magic

Dark Magic

Single Title

Moving Target

Chosen Prey

Lace and Lassos

Cheyenne McCray

Available Now!

The next thing Kaitlyn knew, she was in his arms. “And I love having you in my home.” Wayne’s voice was low, deep, and thrills rolled through her.

A part of her said she should turn and run. That this was too much, too soon. But another part of her wanted what he could give her. What they could share.

She closed her eyes and let him hold her close, their bodies snug together. She breathed in his scent, letting it fill her completely.

When she opened her eyes, her gaze met his. She slid her arms around his neck and pulled him closer until their lips met and she kissed him.

The kiss was more powerful than the one he had given her at the party. This one was filled with years of longing and need so intense that she didn’t know if she’d ever catch her breath.

She slid her hands into his hair, loving the soft strands slipping through her fingers and the feel of his scalp beneath her fingertips. She moved her hands down his neck and over his shoulders that were hard and muscular beneath her palms.

He kept her pressed up against him and she felt his erection against her belly. She ached between her thighs and she suddenly wanted her clothes off and to strip his away. She wanted to feel the heat of his naked skin against hers.

Their relationship had always been so sexually charged once they started having a physical relationship. They had matched each other in the depths of their desire and sexuality. She’d never felt anything with any man like she had with him. Not that her sexual experiences were extensive. She’d had all of three including Wayne and her ex.

Wayne kissed her even harder and she made soft sounds of want and need as she moved her hands down and explored his chest with her palms. He had held her by her waist but was now gripping her ass, pulling her impossibly closer to him. He raised her up and she wrapped her thighs around his hips and moved her arms around his neck again and he was carrying her to the bed.

The comforter was soft against her back and the mattress dipped beneath their combined weight as he rolled her onto her side so that they were facing each other. He kissed her then moved his lips to the corner of her mouth then moved them to her ear where he nipped her earlobe. She gasped with pleasure as it sent tingles through her body.

A part of her held back. She shouldn’t be here, shouldn’t be doing this. Not with all that was going on in her life… Not with all that had gone on.

But another part of her needed this. Needed to feel alive again. Needed to feel closeness to another person that she hadn’t experienced for a long, long time.

She let everything slip away and let herself fall into being with Wayne. Being with him completely for the night where she wouldn’t think of the past.

Not for tonight.

# # #

Silk and Spurs

Cheyenne McCray

Available Now!

Wind tugged at Jessie Porter’s dark red hair as she climbed out of her red Mustang and her athletic shoes met Bar C ground. She pushed errant strands out of her face as she slowly looked around her at the Cameron family ranch. From what she knew of the place, it had been in the same family for generations.

A massive barn, extensive corrals, an old bunkhouse, and a sprawling ranch home edged the huge driveway. The parking area was big enough to accommodate a semi if need be, with enough room for the big rig to turn around. Everything was big on this ranch from what she could see.

The bawl of cattle in the distance told her that a herd was close. Lacy clouds were scattered across a blue early morning sky as the sun rose.

She reached into the passenger seat of her car and grabbed her backpack with her camera equipment, then slung it over her shoulder before pulling out her Nikon and looping the strap around her neck. The car door gave a solid thump as she slammed it shut and then she walked to the back of the vehicle. A big white work truck was parked on one side of her Mustang, on the other a sleek new black Ford crew-cab.

Gravel crunched beneath her shoes as she stepped away from the vehicles and raised her camera, looked through the lens, and started shooting.

More than likely the ranch’s owner, Zane Cameron, would be out working but she wasn’t sure where. She was bound to run into someone who did know as she began photographing the ranch. Too bad Danica, the youngest Cameron, wasn’t going to be around. Danica had mentioned that she had to spend a week in New Mexico visiting a friend, so she wouldn’t be here while Jessie was.

For cowboys, the days started before a rooster crowed. Jessie had intended to be at the Bar C when its cowboys climbed out of bed, but she’d overslept, forgetting to set her alarm and she hadn’t started her drive from Tucson on time.

In this part of Arizona, the elevation was almost five thousand feet and the late October air was chilly in the mornings. The mornings warmed quick under the southern Arizona sun, so quick that at ten-thirty she was ready to remove her sweater, and the sun warmed her bare arms. Thanks to her sister’s visit and subsequent amazing cooking, Jessie’s jean shorts were feeling a little too tight this morning. She’d miss Tanya now that she was heading back to Houston, but her waistline just might recover.

She focused her lens on the ranch house that was built of dark wood. From the front it looked like it was well over four thousand square feet, but who knew what it actually was—it could be much larger. She’d heard that the Camerons had done well for themselves, and by the looks of it, that was true. Between the four brothers and their respective ranches, they had a virtual empire in the San Rafael Valley.

It was only recently that she’d become friends with Danica, the youngest sibling in the family. She was the reason Jessie had been hired to photograph the ranch, and soon the impending wedding of Zane, the eldest son.

Tall, stately old sycamore trees, mesquites and a few native oaks shaded the house. An enclosed porch ran the length of the home and through the screen she saw a variety of plants hanging from the rafters. More potted greenery was arranged around chairs and beside the loveseat-sized white porch swing. A rooster weather vane perched on one end of the rooftop that she captured with its luscious blue-sky background.

Colorful flowerbeds had been planted in front of the house—pansies, chrysanthemums, and carnations were beneath the Arizona October sun.

An old wooden wagon wheel leaned up against an oak that had an old fashioned triangular dinner bell hanging from it. It made for an excellent photo. To the left of the home was a well-shaded area with a covered swing, and she heard the sound of a small waterfall as it trickled into a pond.

Behind the house rose a tree line along with a weathered windmill that made rusted scraping sounds as the blades turned with the wind. She wondered if the windmill actually pumped water for the house or if it was unused and simply remained from decades gone by. She’d head out back and photograph it, too.

Colorful birds darted in and out of the trees, chirping and shrieking, and she saw a lizard scale a wall of the house.

She captured everything with a practiced eye and knew the photographs were going to turn into one fabulous collection when she was done. This place was a photographer’s dream. From what little she’d seen, she had the feeling that she could spend hours here and still not catch everything that she wanted to.

“Can I help you?”

A deep, masculine drawl from behind her send a shiver down her spine and she lowered her camera and let it hang around her neck. She turned to face one hell of a fine cowboy, easily one of the sexiest she’d seen in all of her twenty-nine years.

At least six-three with broad shoulders and a cowboy’s build, he had blue flame eyes and black hair that curled slightly beneath his cowboy hat. His skin was well tanned and his arms roped with muscle.

“Sure.” She smiled. “You can help me anytime.” He raised an eyebrow and she grinned as she held out her hand. “Jessica Porter,” she said. “But please call me Jessie. I’m here to photograph the ranch and the upcoming wedding.”

“You’re my kid sister’s friend.” The cowboy took her hand in a firm grip. “Welcome to the Bar C.”

Jessie’s heart started to pound like crazy as the cowboy’s warm touch sent fire through her body. Her mouth grew dry and she bit the inside of her lower lip. It was the most enticing reaction that she’d ever had to a man.

Before he released it, he said, “I’m Zane Cameron.”

The disappointment that swept through her was a surprise. She didn’t even know Zane, so what difference did it make that he was getting married in just weeks?

What a shame. All of that hot man flesh would soon belong to some other woman.

The green-eyed redhead was so sexy that he’d damned near gone hard when he’d clasped her hand. She had a cute grin and shapely body and her nipples were hard, poking against the light cotton of her T-shirt.

She wasn’t wearing a bra.

For one moment Zane thought about carting Jessie off to the ranch house and taking her six ways ’til Sunday.

Well hell.
He mentally shook his head. He had no business thinking about another woman and his body had no damned excuse to react the way it had.

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