Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle) (30 page)

BOOK: Nights Embrace (Others of Seattle)
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Trevor rushed to them, growling at
… Brody.
, Brody was still holding her in his hands.

She looked down and saw the white feathers with black spots at the end and let out a hoot. In an instance of shock, she shifted back, and Brody dropped her.

Trevor caught her. “What the fuck happened? Are you okay?”

Brody answered, “I think William
was here. He tried to take her.” He was already dialing someone.

Fallon sighed
. “We had just pulled up when we saw someone carrying a woman over his shoulder. I heard the spell and started a counter. Roxy woke up, she hit him with one hell of a spell and flew toward me. A woman dragged him back into an old Buick and tore out of here.”

“What spell?” Trevor was still growling.

“A sleeping spell.” Fallon gave Roxy a long look. “I’ve never seen a druid shift to an owl, though I’ve heard stories.”

“I didn’t even know I could.”

“It’s good that you did. I’m not sure how easy it would have been to track them down. They are blocking something fierce.”

Trevor’s knuckles popped his fists were squeezed so tight. “I should have gone back there with you.”

“To the bathroom?” Roxy snorted. “You can’t keep me in your sights twenty-four seven.”

Brody interrupted.
“We should have had someone watching for him. I’m glad we showed up when we did.”

“Yeah, me too,” Roxy

Trevor took her face into his hands, staring into her eyes.
“Are you okay?”

“Little shaky. Nothing
food won’t fix.” She hoped.

“I’ll put in an order for you,” Fallon
offered, slipping past.

Brody looked out the door.
“They’ve left. I’ll make sure someone keeps an eye out for them.”

Trevor nodded.
“Sorry, man. I didn’t mean to growl at you.”

“Trust me, I know all about that protective streak when your mate’s in trouble. Been there, done that. Go back to your people and try to enjoy the rest of your night. In the morning, I’ll want to talk to you.”

“Tell me when and where. We’ll make it work,” Trevor answered.

“Thanks, Brody.” Roxy
smiled, slightly embarrassed. “I only went for Fallon because I recognized her first.”

He chuckled.
“I can’t imagine flying for the first time is easy. Don’t worry about it. Sorry I dropped you, I wasn’t expecting you to shift.”

Neither did I.” Roxy ducked her head and pulled Trevor back to the table.

She slid into a seat and smiled back at Trevor.
“If we’re staying, and we should, it’s your turn for the stage.”

“What would you like me to sing?”

“Surprise me.”

He pressed a kiss to her lips before walking to the DJ booth.

“What happened?” Fiona asked quietly, her nostrils flaring.

“I’m fine.”

“You smell like a…” she tilted her head, sniffing the air, “An owl? You shifted into an owl?”

“Is that bad?” She asked with wide eyes.

“No, but who was your mother?”

Roxy frowned.
“Evelyn Nights.”

Evelyn? Your mother was a druid. She went by another surname until she left your father for the very reason you claim.”


“Your mother was a druid. She only stopped casting after she had you. She went into hiding. You’re full druid Roxy. I’m not sure why your brother isn’t, but you most certainly are.”

“Then why couldn’t I shift sooner?”

“Perhaps she blocked your powers when you were young. Maybe she blocked Mike’s too.”

Roxy sat back in her seat and took a deep breath.

“An owl?” Sorcha asked.

She shrugged a shoulder.
“An owl. I hope I didn’t hurt Fallon when I landed on her.”

“Hurt Fallon?” Sorcha snorted. “That woman is tougher than anyone I know. I severely doubt you hurt her.”

“Good. She is the only reason I got away.”

Ed Sheeran’s
“Kiss Me” floated through the speakers.

“God, I could listen to him sing forever,” Roxy murmured.

Fallon leaned against the table, handing her another Lemon Drop. “Jess says you were drinking these, then tequila. I can bring that instead.”

“Nah. Alcohol isn’t
doing anything. May as well drink something that tastes really yummy.”

Fallon laughed.
“If Brody wasn’t so perfect, I’d be jealous of you. Gorgeous mate, Irish accent, and Goddess, that man can sing.”

Trust me, the things he can do…” Roxy swallowed hard and turned to Fallon. “Yeah, I’m going to stop there. I’m sure Brody does fine with you. He’s got that big smooth country thing going for him.”

Fallon nodded, her eyes flicking over
to her mate. “I can’t argue with that.” She tipped her head in a nod. “You have a good night. I’m going back to Brody.” She waved as she walked away.

“You know,” Joey said
thoughtfully, “I thought you had a lot of ink, but she may have you beat.”

“Oh, she does.
” Her nose wrinkled, and her eyes lit up. “Come to think of it, I know where I’ve seen her before. I have a magazine with all of her ink on display.”

’s brow arched. “Why do you have a magazine with her in it?”

“I like my ink. Was looking for new ideas for more.”

“You want more?”

As Roxy watched Trevor sing, he had yet to take his eyes from her. He finished the song and closed the distance.

“I didn’t think I could fall any harder, but you proved me wrong,” she told him.

“I keep thinking the same of you.”

Joey patted Roxy on the back before heading to the
DJ booth for his turn.

Roxy turned to Sorcha.
“What do you think he’ll sing?”

‘What’s Your Name’ by Lynard Skynard. He sang it the night he saw me the first time. That was one wild ride.”

Don’t need to know.” Roxy laughed. “But can he sing?”

smiled fondly. “No one’s ears are going to bleed, but neither of us compare to you.”

Roxy smiled back at her. “It’s not about singing like anyone else. It’s about enjoying what you’re singing. I’m sure he’ll do great.”


Chapter 34



Roxy woke,
feeling rested and comfortable in Trevor’s embrace. She could hear everyone downstairs, and more importantly, smell bacon cooking. She was reluctant to leave Trevor, but she was hungry.

She slipped from his embrace
and padded on bare feet into the bathroom. With more training on her mind, she turned on the shower and stepped under the water.

The more she learned, the more she might actually help in a fight against her evil father, the bitch mate, and their minions
Dumb and Dumber.

hands slid around her waist. “Miss me?” Trevor purred against her ear.

She spun in his embrace.
“Always when you aren’t right here. You were so peaceful I figured I would let you sleep.”

We have a busy day though, love. I want to help you get used to hunting and what comes with being a wolf.”

“Hunting? Like I did for my first shift?”

“Hmm, yeah, like your first shift. Though you can easily take bigger prey. Like a bear.”

“A bear?”

“Aye, you can. Trust me.”

“I do, but damn, a bear?”

“Mmhmm. I never imagined I would wind up with someone who had so much fight.” He took her mouth in a deep kiss, raising her hands above her head as he held her there.

She groaned.
“If I wasn’t starving, I would be all over you right now.”

He chuckled.
“Go. I’ll meet you downstairs.” He didn’t let her go though.

“You going to hold me here?” she
dared, fighting not to rub her body against his.

“I kind of like you arched like that,” he answered, his voice husky as he trailed his lips down the column of her throat. “I have
all sorts of wicked ideas now. I can’t wait until I get you all alone.”

She shivered as he sucked at her collarbone.
“Trevor, baby. Make it fast. I need you.”

He smiled against her flesh as he shifted her wrists to one hand.
The other caressed down her side until it hooked under her knee, drawing her thigh over his hip. With one slow glide he found her end.

“Home,” he
sighed against her ear, “you are my everything.”

Every powerful stroke brought them closer together. Pleasure washed over her, stealing her breath as he came. His mouth closed over hers, his tongue sweeping into her mouth.

He finally released her wrists, and her hands dropped to his shoulders.

Trevor told her,
“You better go eat before I do that again.”

“You’re insatiable
. It’s a good thing I like that.” She slipped past him, her fingers trailing over his hip. “Hurry down.”

“I will.”


* * * *


“You want me to what?” Roxy squawked.

She was out in the middle of the forest with Fiona and Trevor. Fiona had already taught her several more spells. They took practice, but the magic was coming easier than it had at first. Now Trevor wanted to hunt.

“Strip down and shift to a wolf,” Trevor ordered.

Her eyes narrowed as she threw off her clothes. “I haven’t ever tried this, and you want me to do it with an audience?”

He grinned.
“Aye, but you have, and with an audience. You only have to call to that beautiful wolf inside you and let it flow through you.”

“Right, of course,” she
griped as she kicked off the last of her clothes and closed her eyes. She imagined the white fur she saw when she glanced down at her paws the first time.

Without thinking about it
, she was on all fours, a tingle flitting through her as her body settled into her wolf’s form.

“She shifts
fast, like me,” Fiona answered.

“It’s a good thing.
” Then their clothes were coming off. Roxy sat down and waited. They were both fast, and this time, Trevor shifted into full wolf. He was beautiful. Dark, thick fur, golden eyes.

She finally managed to pull her eyes away and look at Fiona
, whose fur was light gray and white. Her eyes were icy white blue and focused toward the trees.

Roxy followed until s
he caught the scent of a predator, and her stomach rumbled in recognition. Instinct prevailed as she took off, running faster than she’d ever imagined. She saw the big black bear walking through a clearing. Roxy didn’t stop to think, she came up on its side and tore out its throat before the bear ever caught her scent.

Trevor and Fiona were beside her a moment later as she stared down at the bear. She wasn
’t appalled. Shocked maybe, but not disgusted like she thought she would be.

Trevor bumped into her, nudging her toward the carcass. She took the hint and enjoyed her fill.


* * * *


Fiona led Roxy and Trevor back to the clearing. Trevor took the rear to make sure Roxy didn
’t freak out somewhere along the way. Last thing he wanted her to be was upset over killing an animal. There was a period where Sorcha would cry every time she shifted back to human after hunting. Eventually Sorcha accepted it as a part of her life.

They made it back to the rock they
had left their clothes on and Fiona started to shift immediately. Roxy did too, so Trevor followed suit. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her body as she stretched.

He already ached for her. It wasn
’t like he hadn’t had her every chance he could get. Aroused, Trevor managed to snag his pants and turn his back on them while he got himself dressed.

Roxy laid her hand on his shoulder and softly asked, “Are you okay?”

“Fine.” his voice was strained. “Why do you ask?”

“You won’t look at me

yanked his pants up and spun, catching her to pull her against him. He ran his hand down her back, pressing her against him, revealing his obvious desire. “I’m trying not to embarrass myself, or make Fiona uncomfortable.”

“Oh, but, she can smell
as well as I can.”

“I know,” he groaned.

Fiona laughed. “You do remember Nick and me when I first found him. I didn’t give a damn what you all saw. I’m surprised you’re behaving.”

He remembered, and it was damned awkward to see. Trevor changed the subject.
“You said you needed to train her, and Roxy seems to be enjoying it.”

Roxy laughed.
“I’m not sure I would use the word enjoy. However, I am learning a ton.”

“Good,” Fiona stated.
“We need you to practice shifting to an owl on purpose. I promise, flight will be extremely useful when you run into trouble. Figuring out other forms can also come in handy. Small animals, snakes. Things people wouldn’t expect.”

Taking an unsteady breath, Roxy looked up at the sky.
“I’m not sure I know how to fly right.” She took a step away from Trevor.

He let his fingers trail down her arm and off. Her smile warmed him to his core. Then she was gone, a white owl standing in her place. She was elegant.

Roxy spread her wings, her head turning from one side to the other before settling her wings back down.

“Fly. There is no other way to learn than to
spread your wings and do it,” Fiona encouraged.

icy blue eyes blinked up at him before she took off. She flew around the clearing and then came to land on Trevor’s shoulder. He looked up at her and she nuzzled his face with hers.

“Roxy, you are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on.”

She made a soft sound, then hopped from his shoulder to fly up higher, above the trees a few times. Finally, she landed at his feet and shifted back.

Turning to Fiona, Roxy asked.
“Enough? I think I need a break.”

You’ve earned it.”

“Good. I even know which way to go back.” She
took Trevor’s hand, and started into the woods.

“Did you spot this trail from the air?” Trevor asked.

“I did. Flying is better than I ever imagined.”


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