No Foolin' (Willowdale Romance Novel) (22 page)

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She squeezed back.

He heard Kate sniffing, or maybe that was him, because he felt tears streaming down his face. Tears. T-Rex was crying. Damn. “Why didn’t you ever get us back?”

“I was in jail for two years. That was a long time to convince myself that I was a bad mother who didn’t deserve children. I gave up rights to you, thinking it was for the best. I’m so sorry. I’ve been sorry for years. I never had the courage to look for you, because I figured you wouldn’t want anything to do with me. I’ve lived in Whitesville ever since my release. Had no idea where you two ended up.” She took a deep breath. “But once I heard your story of finding your long lost sister, and adopting the baby because she couldn’t take care of it, I just knew you were mine. I’d seen you before, recognized your first name and thought, could he be my little boy? But when I heard that story the other night on the TV, I knew.”

He sat there for a while, letting all that sink in. “You named me Teague?”

She nodded. “Teague and Jennifer McHenry.”

He stared off, a million puzzle pieces falling into place now that he’d found the one missing link.

She set her hand on his knee and he looked at her. She drew in a deep breath. “Is there any way you could give me a second chance? Let me into your life after all these years?”

Teague stood up and looked out over Kate’s backyard. He’d imagined a moment like this for so long. Only, he’d imagined confronting his mother, showing her what she’d missed out on and telling her to get lost. He never dreamed he’d consider forgiving her for what she’d done or even considering to let her back in.

That wall he’d constructed in his heart to keep people out had stood guard for a long time. But he could feel the bricks tottering out of place. And he had Kate to thank for loosening them up.

He turned to his mother and held her hands in his. “Yes. I can give you a second chance .
 . . Mom. Someone recently showed me that real, true love is worth a second chance.” He looked at Kate
, and she smiled at him.

They hugged and cried and his mother finally raised her pale face to him. “Do you think I could see Jennifer?”

“Yes, but I need to talk to Kate first about some important things.”

“No, Teague, go with your Mama. We can talk later.”

Teague grabbed her by the hand. “You’re coming with us. I’m not letting you go again, Kate.”

Chapter 23

ONCE HIS MOTHER was settled in her hotel room after the teary reunion with Jennifer and a damn hard time prying her away from that baby, he and Kate headed back to her place. Not one word had been mentioned about their relationship or the proposal on the ride over. But she brought him up to date on a new antique business and let him know she was doing okay on her own. Turns out she didn’t need him or Tommy.

And that made him love her even more.

She led him into her house, got them both a drink—scotch on the rocks, after a day like this—and she sat and looked at him and said, “So.”

“So,” Teague repeated with a weak laugh. “So .
 . . it turns out there’s something worse than Internet dating when you’re a movie star.”


“Hiring a woman to pretend she’s your girlfriend. Remington dumped me from the movie. Looks like I’m going to be here in Willowdale for a while.”

Kate caught her breath. “I’m so sorry. How can he do that?”

He lifted his eyebrows. “Oh, there’s all sorts of clauses in those contracts. Adopting a baby, that would have been tough to fire me for. But hiring a girlfriend? My lawyer said that broached fraud and moral indecency blah, blah, blah.”

Kate shook her head. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I told Tommy and he told .
 . . everybody.” This time, she knew it was him.
Couldn’t pin this one on Delores.

Teague shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter. I’m not that upset, not really. At least we’re keeping the rags in business, the two of us.”

Kate shook her head, still not able to understand. “Why did you do it, though? Why did you tell everyone about the baby when you tried so hard to cover it up?”

He jumped up and walked over to her, kneeling beside her. “Because you were right. Even if you didn’t want to spend your life with me, I was tired of hiding secrets, too. I didn’t want to do that to little Teague. I can’t change my past, but I can change his future.” He looked down. “Of course, then I blew it by not being honest about how we met.”

She nodded and then he took a deep breath, ready for the most important line of his life. “What about our future? Have I blown it? Or do we have a second chance?”

DID HE REALLY WANT to try this? She couldn’t believe it. Kate shrugged. “You tell me, have I blown it? I lost you a movie deal, probably ruined your career.”

“And you made my life one hundred percent better than it was. It was one more secret we shouldn’t be keeping. I’m not embarrassed by how we met. I’m just thrilled that we did.” He took a deep breath. “I know you don’t need me, Kate. You’re doing a fine job taking care of yourself. But I hope you want me. Because I want you—more than anything. Marry me, Kate.”

She squeezed his hands, wanting to say yes. But something was holding her back. “Where do we go from here? I can’t move to L.A. with you. I’ve still got Dina to look after. And what are you going to do, move Jennifer and her boyfriend there with you? And what about your mom?” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “It might just be too much for us.”

“Isn’t there room for all of us in Willowdale?”

She looked up at him. “You know that you can’t keep any secrets in a town like this.”

“We’re not keeping secrets anymore.”

She smiled. “No, we’re not.” She looked in Teague’s kind, happy eyes. Those eyes that had looked at his mother and forgiven her instantly. If he could give love a second chance, so could she. “I guess we should call Delores and tell her to get the word out. Yes, Teague Reynolds, I will marry you.”

He swept her up in his arms and kissed her, and she felt that spark again. It probably would be there forever. That spark had always been the one true thing between them.


“ARE WE THERE YET?” Kate asked, as Teague drove her Jeep down a long dirt road.

“Almost. Close your eyes and don’t open them until I tell you.”

She sighed. “This is awful close to Lookout Point. I hope you’re not thinking about taking advantage of me .
 . .”

He laughed. “You’re already pregnant, what could happen? Plus we’re married. It doesn’t have the same allure anymore.”

She playfully tried to whack him with her eyes closed but missed. “Can’t we play twenty questions?”

“Truth or dare. And I dare you to be quiet and wait for your surprise.”

She crossed her arms and sighed.

He drove along a bit more and then stopped the car. “Wait, let me get the door for you.” He hopped out, opened her door, and helped her slide out of the seat. Then he took her by the hand. “Follow me .
 . . just a few more steps. Now open your eyes.”

Kate opened her eyes and saw a big, beautiful home overlooking the valley. Four giant white pillars lined the front of the brick home surrounded by big old trees and beautiful gardens. She couldn’t even count how many windows she saw. She turned to him. “What is this?”

A huge grin split his face. “This is our new home. I had it built big enough to fit any of our family that could possibly want to live here.”

Kate’s hands cupped her mouth in shock. “It’s gorgeous .
 . . it’s . . . gigantic. What about Mama’s home?”

“You did mention it would be a perfect antique store. Time for you and Delores to move out of that old café.” He reached for her hand. “Come on. Let’s look inside.

She followed him in, stunned. An enormous crystal chandelier sparkled in the front hall. A fireplace stretched to the ceiling in the living room off to the left, much like the one at Teague’s home in L.A. This kitchen was even bigger than his. He ran up the stairs in front of her and proceeded to show her all the bedrooms. Then he opened the door to a small pink bedroom next to theirs. It was the same color she’d painted Ashley’s nursery for Dina.

“It’s for the baby,” he said.

She nodded, unable to say anything.

He swallowed hard and his face was pale. “Do you like it? I took a chance keeping this a surprise. We can sell it if you don’t want it.”

Kate shook her head. “I love it. Absolutely love it. But how did you do all this? You’ve been off filming.” The crazy way they met had ruined his action-star career, but it gave birth to a very successful start in romantic comedies for Teague.

But not before they’d flown back to Hawaii to elope. They had managed to dodge the cameras by booking two different locations for their secret ceremony and then snuck away to exchange vows on that black-sand beach in Hana. And to her delight, Kate had discovered that the seashell heart Teague had made was still there. Not a picture of their wedding existed.

“I’ve had construction crews working on this round the clock. I know I said no more secrets, but this seemed more like a wonderful surprise than a secret. How do you like the view?”

Kate looked out over the rolling valley. “It’s incredible. This whole thing is amazing.”

“I thought it would be a great place to move Jennifer and Darryl into their special suite with the baby, and we’ve got a suite for my mom. Heck, Dina and Mitch can live here too, if they want. And George, too, if he ever finds his way home.” He took her in his arms and squeezed.

“It’s perfect.” It was wonderful, scary and crazy. It was real. Kate winced as the baby kicked, evidently as excited as she was about how this was all working out.

“You’re perfect.” Teague rubbed her belly.

Kate leaned into him. “I think we’ll live here happily ever after. It’s the perfect ending.”

He kissed her on the lips and worked his way down to her round belly before planting another smooch there. “This isn’t the ending. This is our happy beginning.”

(Please continue reading for an excerpt of Lisa’s next book
Man of the Month
and for more information)

Coming Next!


Book Two of The Willowdale Romances

Lisa Scott


Chapter 1

Jeanne’s champagne sloshed over her glass as she tried to find it with her lips. Lordy, was this her third
 . . .
or fifth? She’d never been much of a drinker, but it was the only way she was going to get through this night. Either that or one of her pecan praline pies. Not just a nibble, either—the whole dang thing. In the end, the champagne would do less damage to her hips, so here she was drowning in the bubbly.

Aiming for her mouth again, the flute disappeared when someone plucked it from her sticky fingertips. “Hey!” she protested, grasping at the air.

Brad towered over her, frowning as he snatched the glass. “Jeanne, what’s gotten into you? Tonight of all nights?” A few people turned to stare.

She hiccupped. Covering her mouth, she shot Brad her nastiest glare, but ugh! The man was handsome even when he was mad, with those chiseled cheekbones and that pitch-black hair falling in his eyes. “Shoot, Brad!” She stamped her stiletto and wobbled, grabbing his arm for balance. Her hand locked onto rock-hard muscle and she nearly whimpered.

Instead, she lied. “I need that drink to ring in the New Year. I’m fine!” she shouted over the music and laughter at the party and plastered on a great big smile. Seemed like everyone in Willowdale, North Carolina, had turned out for the bash, even Chester Miller. He hadn’t left his house since 1998, and here he was chasing the old Mercer twins around the living room—and they were enjoying it! Was she the only one here faking the fun?

Brad’s stern look disappeared and out came a smile that could blind the sun. “You don’t need any more, not tonight. Now, get over here, girl. The ball’s dropping.” He linked his fingers with hers, pulling her through the crowd until they had a good view of Times Square on the giant flat-screen TV. Couples bunched up together in the crowd, preparing for the countdown. Brad snaked his arm around her waist, his thumb stroking her black satin dress. The warm feeling coursing through her body had nothing to do with all those glasses of pink bubbly.

They counted down together. “Three
 . . .
 . . .
one!” Horns blared, confetti flew, and it felt like a slow-motion movie scene. She turned to him, locking her eyes on his, bright blue and smoldering under a lock of hair. His eyebrow hitched while his mouth formed a perfect pucker. A shiver shimmied down her spine then back up again. With a swipe of her tongue across her lips, she sucked in a breath, closed her eyes—

And Brad planted a big kiss on her cheek. “Happy New Year, kiddo,” he whispered in her ear.

Her heart sank faster than the ball they’d just watched, just like it did every time she realized her perfect guy could never be more than a friend. Dang. She swallowed back the sob crawling up her throat. Didn’t go down as easy without the champagne.

She forced a smile. “Happy New Year, Bradley.” Then she grabbed her glass, slurped the last of her drink, and pushed away from him. Stumbling through the crowd, she made her way toward the back deck of her friend Kate’s enormous house. The damn place was probably bigger than the Smart Mart over in Whitesville.

After indulging a few of the regulars from the Jelly Jar diner with celebratory hugs and kisses, she finally slipped outside, relieved to drop the fake smile. Pulling her wrap tight around her bare shoulders, she leaned against the railing and let out the tears she’d been holding back. The champagne glass slipped from her grasp and crashed onto the patio below. That only made her cry harder—like she needed more proof she really didn’t have a grip on things and hadn’t for a long time.

Jeanne sniffed and her bottom lip wobbled like a bumper threatening to fall off an old truck. She wasn’t one to fall apart all pretty. When she crumbled, she was a downright mess.

Soft, downy flakes fell from the sky, tickling her nose. She brushed them away like gnats. That damn kiss on the cheek shouldn’t have been a surprise. She’d known for a few years now that Brad would always be just a friend, for several very good reasons. And now that they were business partners, becoming a couple would be as stupid as topping their famous rum pound cake with hot bacon drippings. Normally, she could deal with it. Just tuck away that painful longing like a brochure for a month-long cruise you could never afford to take but still liked to dream about.

Guess something about the promise of new starts and a new year and maybe all that champagne brought hope rising up inside her. Only to be popped like a silly soap bubble. Of course, the bad memories from that New Year’s Eve so long ago chased away the good feelings, too. She sucked in a shock of cold night air and shivered.

Folding her arms on the railing, she rested her chin on top. She shouldn’t have come to this party. She should have volunteered to babysit so her sister, Becca, could’ve gone out. Little Emma was just three months old and the most beautiful thing Jeanne had ever seen. That was weighing heavy on her heart, too, reminding her how badly she wanted to be a mama. To have the perfect family she’d never had, and how unlikely that was going to happen anytime soon.

The deck door slid open and the sounds of music and laughter spilled out. She stood up and pressed her fingers under her eyes to catch any dribbles of mascara. Was she the only person in the world sobbing in the New Year? Taking a deep breath, she turned to see who was coming outside. Please don’t be Kate or Tonya. Didn’t know if she had the strength to lie to her friends about what was wrong. They could sniff out a fib faster than Doc Louie’s bloodhounds.

“Why’d you rush out here?” Brad asked.

Dang, worse than Kate or Tonya, Jeanne thought as she turned away. “Guess I don’t feel like celebrating tonight.”

“Sure looked like you were having fun.” He rubbed his hands together. “It’s freezing out here.” He took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. His fingers grazed her arms and she felt goose bumps answering his touch.

His big, warm body pressed up next to hers and he planted his elbows on the railing as he looked out over the yard and the pool tucked away for the winter. “This night’s hard for me too, Jeanne. Eighteen years is a long time, but still
 . . .
It hurts, I know.”

She shook her head and shrugged off the idea. She didn’t break down like this every year. Why this one? “No. That’s not it. Your mother died that night too, and you’re not out here crying.”

Brad winced and closed his mouth. He was quiet for a spell. “You still upset we didn’t land the catering gig for the Willowdale New Year’s Bash? You know Kate threw this party just to hand us a catering gig, right? Not a bad consolation prize.”

She nodded. “I know. Kate’s a great friend and the New Year’s Bash was a long shot. We’re not ready for that yet.”

He leaned into her, his breath hot on her cheek. “Cheer up, kiddo. It’s a new year. I’ll make you a batch of those rum balls you love so much to start it off right.” He frowned. “Nothing with alcohol for you. How about chocolate silk pie? You love my chocolate silk pie.”

She loved his everything. “No, thanks.”

“Damn. You turned down pie. You are upset.” He nudged her with his elbow. “You pouting ’cause I took away your drink? You’re a lightweight and you know it. I’ve gotta look out for you.”

Shaking her head, she sucked in a deep breath. “I’m pouting because
 . . .
I’m lonely.” She sniffed, her emotions ready to tumble out like a bunch of peaches in those flimsy paper bags the Save More uses. “I’m sick of being single. I want a family.”

He looked up at the sky and let out a long sigh. “How can you even think about romance when we just launched Elegant Eats I sure don’t have time for dating. What makes you think you would?”

She lifted a shoulder, a strand of hair tickling her skin. “I’d make time. The alarm on my biological clock is blaring.” Cue the dramatic eye roll. “Never mind. I forgot—you don’t have one of those timers.” The champagne had loosened her tongue more than she realized. Things always got ugly when their talk turned to babies.

Brad’s hands went up and he stepped back, his best cowboy boots thunking against the wooden deck. “Jeanne, you can’t be mad at me for being honest. It would be a mistake for me to have children. But I know that’s what you want, and I respect that. Just don’t look down on me. I’m being responsible, not getting into a situation I don’t want to be in—can’t be in.”

She nodded, not looking at him. It was the one thing about Brad that was a deal breaker and they both knew it. Jeanne wanted kids more than a stray dog wanted a warm home, and Brad was a wolf who’d always be on the run.

The music thumped inside as they stood there, frozen, while a whole world of silent hurts tumbled between them. His hand cupped her elbow. “It’s a new year, a new start. Why not resolve to get out there and meet someone?”

Her soft laugh left a puff in the air between them. “Brad, I know practically everyone in Willowdale. There’s no one here for me to date unless one of the biddies down at Tonya’s salon has a handsome grandson locked up in her attic. Besides, matchmaking and me just don’t mix. Things got real ugly when Faye Jenkins tried setting up her son Leroy with me and Tonya and Kate—all at the same time.”

“Leroy Jenkins is a fool. Course it didn’t work out.” Brad tipped her chin up with one finger and she swallowed a cry. “I’ve got lots of great friends from here to Asheville. Good men.”

Sadness tightened her chest, and she brushed off the suggestion with a big wave, stumbling as she made the gesture. Brad steadied her, his hands on her waist like he might lift her up and kiss her long, hard, and good.

Which, of course, he wouldn’t. Been there done that, decided it wouldn’t work.

He pulled his hands away. “No, really. Make it your New Year’s resolution to go out with a new guy every month until you meet Mr. Right.”

She laughed in a not-funny-at-all way. “Listen.” Her finger poked his hard chest. “I don’t drink mocha double lattes just to seem trendy, I don’t wear push-up bras just ’cause I don’t got the goods, and I don’t do blind dates just ’cause I’m lonely as sin.”

Brad pushed away her finger and groaned. “But these guys will all be pre-screened by me. Who knows you better?”

The truth of it slapped her heart. The man she loved knew her even better than her sisters or her girlfriends did. “You want to set me up with a guy?”

He nodded. “One guy every month. The Man of the Month.”

She hiccupped and pressed her hand to her mouth. “The Man of the Month,” she said through her fingers. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Nope. There’s your resolution, J.”

She loved when he called her that.

He grinned, looking way too smug. “It’s a brilliant plan.”

“Good lord.” It was so silly she couldn’t even find the words to argue against it. No way, no how, was she agreeing to such foolishness. But when she looked up at those take-me-now eyes, his perfect lips, and those big biceps flexing as he leaned against the railing—imagining herself all tucked up in them—she knew she needed to do something to get Brad Larsen out of her system. And that’s how she found herself saying, “Okay, Brad. Man of the month. Sign me up.”

“YOU DID WHAT?” Tonya choked on her sweet tea at the Jelly Jar diner the next afternoon. Two old-timers at the counter turned around from their coffee and pie and squinted in their direction.

“Shh! And shut those blinds, would you?” Jeanne winced and rubbed her temples. “You heard me. I agreed to let Brad set me up with a different guy every month. It’s my New Year’s resolution. Wasn’t my idea.” There had to be some grace period for a do-over on a resolution, right? She could not go through with this. Her mama was probably rolling over in heaven at the thought of it. At least she thought that’s what her mama would do. Jeanne didn’t remember much about her.

More heads turned as Tonya, in her tight jeans, popped up to lower the blinds. She planted a hand on her hip. “You mean, Brad-I-love-him-but-won’t-ever-admit-it Brad.” She plopped back in her seat, her dark curls bouncing on her shoulders. A week ago, her hair had been straight and red. Tonya thought the best advertising for her salon happened right on her head.

Jeanne glared at her. “You know which Brad I’m talking about. Business-partner-best-friend-Brad.” She pushed away her burger and fries, realizing her stomach wouldn’t appreciate that.

Kate wagged a manicured finger at her. “I saw you tossin’ back the drinks. A bottle of champagne can make a girl agree to all kinds of crazy things.”

“Especially when that girl is actually in love with the man trying to set her up with his buddies,” Tonya added, dragging her French fry through a puddle of ketchup.

Kate nodded. “That’s even more powerful than a bottle of bubbly.”

Jeanne squeezed her eyes shut. “Will you two let up on that? Just because we dated for like a month a while back does not mean I’m in love with Brad Larsen. That’s when we figured out we were meant to be just friends. We want different things. So give up that goose chase, girls. Brad and I were never an item and never will be. We’re friends. And business partners. That’s it.” She sighed. Right. And after my New Year’s resolution, I’ll give up lying for Lent.

Tonya pretended to zip her lip while Kate nibbled on her own. “Yep, that’s what you’ve been telling yourself for a long time, Jeanne.”

“Because that’s the truth.” Jeanne sat up straight, trying to channel a bit of confidence. “And the more I think about it, the better Brad’s idea sounds. He probably does know some very hot men, and I get to go out with one a month.” She crossed her arms and nodded. She had to prove to them she wasn’t in love with Brad—which would be as easy as convincing them she didn’t like chocolate. “It’ll be fun.”

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