No Mission Is Impossible (37 page)

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Authors: Michael Bar-Zohar,Nissim Mishal

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and assassination of Black September leaders, 162, 164

Entebbe and, 22

as Prime Minister, 102

and prisoner exchanges, 156

and Sabena Airlines hijacking, 143

and Soviet pilots in Egyptian Air Force, 133, 134

Spring of Youth Operation and, 162, 164

War of Attrition and, 133, 134

Yom Kippur War and, 187, 191

Mengistu Haile Mariam, 310, 314

Miari, Ali el, 4

Middle East

balance of power in, 62

Soviet involvement in conflict in, 131

See also specific nation

Middle East Airlines: and Israeli attack on Beirut airport, 114

Mitla Pass, battle at, 67-73, 91, 183, 227

Mitzna, Amram, 194

Mofaz, Shaul, 19, 267, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275-76, 277, 323

Mole Cricket 19, Operation, 248-52

Moledet party, 321

Mollet, Guy, 63

Mordechai, Yitzhak, 148, 197, 198, 199-200, 201, 265, 323

Morsi, Mohamed, 297

Moses, Operation, 313-14, 315


and Abu Jihad assassination, 259, 260-61, 262, 264

and assassination of Black September leaders, 162, 163-75

Entebbe and, 11, 12, 13

and Haddad chocolates, 23

and hijacking of Air France Flight 139, 3-4

and Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, 226, 227

Karine A
attack and, 269

Pillar of Defense Operation and, 297

and rescue of Jews from Ethiopia, 310-11, 312, 313, 314

Spring of Youth Operation and, 162, 163-75

and Syria's nuclear reactor, 232, 233

Mothers' Bus: terrorists' seizure of, 257-59, 264-65

Motti (Sayeret commander), 243

Mount Hermon

Fatah on, 240

Peace for Galilee Operation and, 245

Yom Kippur War and, 214, 215-21

Mount of Olives: Six Day War and, 96, 98

Mount Scopus (Israel), 90, 92, 96

Mukataa (Arafat headquarters), 278, 279, 282

Munich Olympics (1972): massacre of Israeli athletes at, 162, 164, 170

Nablus Qasbah, Defensive Shield Operation and, 280-82, 284-85

Nablus Road (Jerusalem), 93

Nachmani, Pinchas “Pini,” 155-56, 161

Nachmani, Rochaleh, 161

Nachumi, Amir, 228

Nafach, battle for, 204, 205

Nahaariya: attack on, 258

Nahal Brigade (IDF), 279

Nahmani, Amitai, 170

Nahshon Brigade (IDF), 282-83

Najar, Muhammad al-, 165.
See also
Yussuf, Abu

Najib, George (pseud.), 261

Narkiss, Uzi, 90

Nasser, Gamal Abdel

Ben-Gurion's policies and, 37

death of, 178

Israeli relations with, 3

and Jordan-Egypt military pact, 89

nationalization of Suez Canal by, 50, 62-63

Sinai Campaign and, 50

Six Day War and, 3, 76, 78

Nasser, Kamal, 165, 170, 171

National Water Carrier facility: bombing of, 258

Nautilus system, 303, 305

Nava, Eitan, 94-95

Navon, Yitzhak, 22, 35-36, 319

Navy, Egyptian, 53

Navy, Israeli

and Boats of Cherbourg, 113-21

Karine A
attack and, 272, 273

Pillar of Defense Operation and, 297

capture by, 269

See also
Shayetet 13 (naval commando unit)

Nebi Daniel: Arab attack at, 35

Nebi Samuel: Sharon's attack on, 41

Netanyahu, Ben-Zion, 4, 148

Netanyahu, Benyamin “Bibi”

Crate Operations and, 156, 157, 158

and hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane, 148, 149, 150, 152-53, 169

Pillar of Defense Operation and, 294, 295

and prisoner exchanges, 156, 157, 158

professional career of, 322

reputation of, 4

and Syria's nuclear reactor, 235

and terrorism in Gaza, 299, 300

terrorist organizations comment by, 163

Netanyahu, Iddo, 4, 148, 156, 157, 158

Netanyahu, Yonatan “Yoni”

and assassination of Black September leaders, 169, 170, 171

Crate Operations and, 156, 158, 159

death of, 18, 22, 23

Entebbe and, 4-5, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25-26

and hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane, 148, 152-53, 169

Mount Hermon and, 216

personal and professional background of, 4

and prisoner exchanges, 156, 158, 159

reputation of, 4

Spring of Youth Operation and, 169, 170, 171

Yom Kippur War and, 216

Netivei Neft Oil Company, 116

Neuman, Yair, 83

New York Herald Tribune
: Burma Road story in, 33

Nimeiry, Gaafar, 310, 313

Nisim, Eddie, 221

Nitzan, Nir, 94-95

Nixon, Richard M., 112, 133

No Margin for Error: The Making of the Israeli Air Force
(Yonay), 135

Noa, Operation, 113-21

Noah's Ark, Operation, 271-76

Norbert, Hershel, 141, 152

Norbert, Ida, 141, 152

North Korea, 232-33

nuclear dangers

Arizona Operation and, 224, 232-35

Begin Doctrine and, 231, 232

and Iraq's Osiraq nuclear reactor, 224, 225-32, 251, 252

and North Korea, 232-33

Opera Operation and, 224, 225-32, 252

Syria and, 224, 232-35

Obama, Barack, 297

Ocean Vigour
(British vessel), 52

Okamoto, Kozo, 8

Old City (Jerusalem), 92, 93, 96, 97-100

Olmert, Ehud, 224, 233, 234, 235, 288, 291, 305

100th Squadron (IAF), 294

101st Airborne Division, U.S., 31

105th Squadron (IAF), 249

110th Squadron (IAF), 79

114th Squadron (IAF), 161

143rd Division (IDF), 180

162nd Division (IDF), 180, 188

184th Tank Battalion (IDF), 194

188th Brigade (IDF) (Barak “Lightning” Brigade), 204, 205, 289

Opera, Operation, 224, 225-32, 252

See specific operation

Oranim (“Cedars”), Operation, 241

Osiraq nuclear reactor (Iraq), 224, 225-32, 251, 252

Oslo Accords, 277


British departure from, 28

partitioning of, 28

and War of Independence, 28, 29-36

See also
West Bank

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

and Abu Jihad assassination, 259, 260, 261, 263

Arafat as head of, 139, 141, 164, 241

assassination of leaders of, 163-75

exile to Tunisia of, 256, 257-65

French warning about Israelis to, 261

Oslo Accords and, 277

Peace for Galilee Operation and, 239-46

See also
Black September;
specific person

Palestinian Authority

Bush (George W.) comment about, 276

Defensive Shield Operation and, 278-85

Iran as supplier of weapons for, 267-76

Ramallah as capital of, 278

Umm Jihad and, 264

Palestinian Preventive Security Headquarters (Beitunia), 278

Palmach, 52, 91, 142, 181, 182, 227

Palti, Nadav, 241-42

Pardo, Tamir, 18, 25-26, 297, 323

Park Hotel (Netanya): bombing at, 279, 282

Passo, Yigal, 217, 221

Patton, George, 205

Pazarkar-Sheratzky, Rina, 258

Peace for Galilee, Operation, 238, 239-46

Pecker-Ronen, Ran, 288

Peled, Avi, 278

Peled, Benny, 7, 8, 9, 11, 24

Peled, Moshe “Mussa,” 205, 206-7

Peled, Yehuda, 220

Peres, Shimon

accomplishments of, 2

Brzezinski and, 15-16

David's Sling
by, 7-8

Dayan and, 5, 24, 37

and Entebbe, 5, 7-8, 9, 10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, 19, 21, 22, 24

and French-Israeli relations, 62

Gur and, 12, 13, 24

and hijacking of Air France Flight 139, 2, 4, 5

and hijacking of Sebana Airlines plane, 142

and Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, 228, 231

and Netanyahu (Yoni) eulogy, 23

professional career of, 321

Rabin and, 3, 7, 10

and Rafi party, 76

Sevres summit and, 63-66

Sinai Campaign and, 61, 62, 63-66

Peres, Sonia, 15, 22

Peretz, Amir, 302-3, 304-5

Phalanges, 238, 241

Piamenta, Uzi, 41

Piamenta, Yehuda, 41

Pillar of Defense, Operation, 293-98, 302

Pineau, Christian, 63

Pollard (Jonathan) affair, 324

Pompidou, Georges, 112, 115

Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PDFLP), 2, 4, 23, 166, 168, 169-70, 171-74, 321

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 2, 3, 4, 23, 321

Porat, David, 134, 135

President's Medal: for Kahalani, 323

Pressler, Yigal, 172, 175

prisoner exchanges

Crate Operations and, 155-61

and Mothers' Bus attack, 257-58

Project Arrow (Israeli-U.S. joint project), 303

Protective Edge, Operation, 298, 299-304

Pundik, Jacob, 107

“purity of arms” principle, 175

Qalqilya reprisal raid, 47

Qatar, 297

Qawasmeh, Marwan, 304

Queen of Sheba, Operation, 313-14

Quneitra (Israeli town), 204, 207, 209

Rabin, Yitzhak

and Abu Jihad assassination, 260

as ambassador to U.S., 102

assassination of, 319

and Entebbe, 6, 7, 8, 10, 13-14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 24

Gur and, 6

and hijacking of Air France Flight 139, 2-3

named chief of staff, 76

Peres and, 3, 7, 10

professional career of, 2-3, 319

Sharon and, 180

and Sharon's promotion to general, 90

Six Day War and, 86

War of Independence and, 30-31

Rafaeli, Loni, 164

Rafi party, 76

Rafid Gap, 204, 205, 207

Rahamim, Mordechai, 148, 149, 150, 151

Rahma, Fayez Abu, 261

Ram, Ehud, 108

Ram, Victor, 257

Ramallah: and Defensive Shield Operation, 278, 279, 285

Ramon, Ilan, 228, 229-30, 232

Rapoport, Gavrush, 31-32

Ras Gharib, Israeli raid on, 123-30

Rayan, Nizar, 288

Raz, Ze'ev, 228, 229, 231-32

Reagan, Ronald, 231

Red Cross

and hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane, 145, 146, 149, 150

and Nachmani exchange, 161

“Red Sheet” order, 89

Reshef, Amnon, 181, 186, 193, 195, 196, 323

(Israeli missile ship), 309

retaliation/reprisal raids, 37, 46-47

Revolutionary Guards, Iranian, 275

Rice, Condoleezza, 276

Rif'at, Captain (aka Ali Taha Abu Sneina), 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151

Rimal al-Zahabiya dinner (Syria): Suleiman assassination at, 236

Rimalt, Elimelech, 22

Rimbaud, Gilbert, 168

Rimon 20, Operation, 134-38

Road of Valor.
Burma Road, Israeli

Rockefeller Museum (Jerusalem), 92, 93, 96, 97

Rommel, Erwin, 205

Roni (IDF soldier), 239

Rooster 53, Operation, 123-30

Rooster, Operation, 51, 52-59

Rot, Zalman “Zali,” 108, 110

Rotenberg, Dodik, 94

Rotenberg, Ram, 272, 274

Russak, Haim, 93

Russo, Tal, 297

Sabbag, Aharon, 173

Sabena Airlines plane: hijacking of, 140-53, 164

Sabena, Operation, 140-53, 164

Sabra refugee camp, 238

Sadat, Anwar, 178, 187, 310

Sagi, Yehoshua, 227

Salmon, Avraham, 136

Samueli, Mustafa, 41

San Simon Monastery (Katamon region), 35

(ship), 269

Saranin, Captain (Soviet pilot), 135

Saridi, Ayish a- (pseud.), 260-61

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