No Mission Is Impossible (34 page)

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Authors: Michael Bar-Zohar,Nissim Mishal

BOOK: No Mission Is Impossible
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Abu Aisha, Amar, 304

Abu Jihad (aka Khalil al-Wazir): assassination of, 258-64, 265

Abu Khdeir, Mohammed, 299

Abu Rahma, Fayez, 261

Abu-Sneina, Ali Taha, 141

Abuelaish, Izzeldin, 291, 324

Achmon, Arik, 186

Adam, Yekutiel “Kuti,” 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 24, 174

Adan, Avraham “Bren,” 180, 181, 188, 198

Adwan, Kamal, 165, 170

Ahdut HaAvoda party, 91

Air Force, U.S., 313-14

Air France Flight 139, hijacking of, 1-5.
See also

Akawi, Omar, 274

Akers (Norwegian firm), 116

newspaper (Cairo), 86

Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, 284

Al Ra'i
newspaper (Jordan): Crate Operation story in, 160

al-Wazir, Hanan, 259, 262, 263, 264

al-Wazir, Intisar.
Umm Jihad

al-Wazir, Khalil.
Abu Jihad

al-Wazir, Nadal, 259, 263

Alaluf (IDF soldier), 220-21

Aliya Bet, 52

Allem, Uataf (pseud.), 261

Allenby Camp: and War of Independence, 35

Allon, Yigal, 91

Almog, Ze'ev, 104, 106, 107, 109

Alon, Emmanuel, 310

Altnuder, Dieter, 168

Aman (IDF Intelligence Department), 233

Ambar, Ido, 25

Amer, Abdel Hakim, 53

Amer, Marshal, 58

American Armor Museum (Fort Knox, Kentucky), 205

Amin, Idi, 5, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 17, 21, 23

Amiot, Felix, 114, 117, 119

Ammunition Hill (Jerusalem), 92, 94-96

Ammunition Hill, Operation, 226, 228-32

Ankelevitz, Maurice, 67

Arab Legion.
Jordanian Legion

Arad, Yigal, 95

Arafat City: Cast Lead Operation and, 287

Arafat, Yasser

Abu Jihad and, 258

and assassination of Black September leaders, 175

Defensive Shield Operation and, 279, 284, 285

as Fatah leader, 240, 258

Mukataa as headquarters for, 278

Peace for Galilee Operation and, 240

as PLO leader, 139, 141, 164, 241

Umm Jihad in government of, 264

U.S. and, 274, 275

and weapons supplies for terrorist organizations, 269, 274, 275, 276

See also
Palestinian Authority

Arditi, Danny, 150

Argov, Shlomo, 241

Arieli (Israeli aircraft mechanic), 144

Arins, Jean-Pierre, 140

Arizona, Operation, 224, 232-35

Armored Corps (IDF), 84

Army, U.S., 31

Asgari, Ali Reza, 232-33

Ashkenazi, Gavriel “Gabi,” 242, 245-46, 303-4, 323

Ashkenazi, Giora, 93-94, 98

Ashkenazi, Marko, 152, 153

Assad, Hafez al-, 178, 236

Atar, Raed al-, 294

Atomic Energy Commission, Israeli, 46, 319

Atrash, Abd Aziz el, 140-41, 146, 147, 150

Atzmon, Ben-Zion, 198

Augusta Victoria compound: Six Day War and, 96, 98

Avinun, Dani, 109

Avishai (Flotilla 13 frogman), 172

Ayalon, Amichai “Ami,” 103, 107-8, 110-11, 321

Azout (IDF soldier), 221

Baader-Meinhof terrorist gang, 4, 8

Balata refugee camp, 281

Bamba (IDF reconnaissance unit), 200

Bar, Dov, 106-7, 108

Bar-Lev, “Borka”: Entebbe and, 9, 10, 21

Bar-Lev, Haim “Kidoni”

“Chinese Farm” and, 198, 200-201

Green Island raid and, 105-6

and hijacking of Sebana Airlines plane, 142

named chief of staff, 102

professional career of, 321

Ras Gharib raid and, 125, 129

War of Attrition and, 105-6, 125, 129

Yom Kippur War, 191, 198, 200-201

Bar-Lev, Omer, 20

Bar-Zohar, Michael, 181, 185

Barak Brigade.
188th Brigade (IDF)

Barak, Ehud

and Abu Jihad assassination, 259, 260, 261

and assassination of Black September leaders, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169-70, 171, 174-75

“Chinese Farm” and, 200

as commander of Sayeret Matkal, 144

Crate Operations and, 156, 157, 158

decorations for, 174

Entebbe and, 8, 20

and hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane, 148, 150, 153

personal and professional background of, 144, 322

Pillar of Defense Operation and, 295

and prisoner exchanges, 156, 157, 158

Spring of Youth Operation and, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169-70, 171, 174-75

Yom Kippur War and, 200

Barghouti, Marwan, 279

Barkai, Zvika, 239, 241, 242-43

Barkat, Yeshayahu, 124

Baruchin, Avinoam, 211

Bat Galim
(Israeli rescue ship), 311, 312

Baum, Shlomo, 41

“Bay of Pigs” plan, Israeli, 6-7


and “Boats of Cherbourg,” 119

Six Day War and, 97

Beaufort, battle for, 239-46

Be'eri (kibbutz), 39

Begin Doctrine, 231, 232

Begin, Menachem

Entebbe and, 10, 22, 24

and Government of National Unity, 76

and Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor, 226, 228

and Lebanon, 238, 240, 241, 245

and Likud party, 224

as minister without portfolio, 76

Opera Operation and, 224

Peace for Galilee Operation and, 238, 240, 241, 245

and rescue of Jews from Ethiopia, 310

Sinai Campaign and, 66

Six Day War and, 91, 97

Beirut, Lebanon

assassination of Black September leaders in, 162, 163-75

bombing of airport at, 114

Ben-Ari, Uri, 96

Ben Eliezer, Benyamin, 277

Ben Eliyahu, Eitan, 132

Ben-Gal, Yanosh, 8, 9, 204, 205, 209, 210, 211, 212

Ben-Gurion, David

Black Arrow Operation and, 37, 45

and Britain, 64

Eshkol and, 76

and Har-Zion arrest, 42

named defense minister, 37

proclaims Israeli independence, 28

and Rafi party, 76

resignations of, 37, 76

retaliation/reprisal strategy of, 37, 46

Sevres summit and, 63-66

Sharett and, 37

Sharon and, 42, 67, 180

Sinai Campaign and, 50, 61, 62, 63-66, 72

Six Day War and, 79

War of Independence and, 14, 29-30, 31, 32

Ben-Hanan, Yossi, 212

Ben-Menahem, Yitzhak “Gulliver,” 41

Ben-Natan, Arthur, 12

Ben-Nun, Avihu, 86-87, 136, 313, 321

Ben-Shoham, Yitzhak, 204

Ben Yair, Eliyahu, 265

Ben Yair, Frieda, 265

Ben Yair, Ilan, 265

Ben Yair, Miriam, 258, 264-65

Ben Yair, Rachel, 264-65

Bentzur (Israeli soldier), 98

Beth Zurif: raid on, 43

Bethlehem: and Defensive Shield Operation, 283-84

Betzer, Moshi “Muki,” 4, 17-18, 26, 159, 164, 169, 170, 171, 322

Bilby, Kenneth, 33

Bin-Nun, Avihu, 136

Black Arrow/Gaza Operation, 38-39, 42, 43-47

Black March (2002), 278-79

Black September (terrorist group)

assassination of leaders of, 162, 163-75

hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane by, 140-53, 164

and Munich Olympics massacre, 164

as strike force for PLO, 139

Bloc Etzion settlements: and War of Independence, 35, 182

Bloch, Dora, 20

Blutstein (IDF soldier), 221

“Boats of Cherbourg,” 113-21, 322

Bohbot, Amir, 288

Boneh, Solel, 32

Böse, Wilfried, 4

Botzer, Avraham “Cheetah,” 116

Bou Said, Sidi, 259

Bouillon, Godfrey de, 41

BourgΠs-Maunoury, Maurice, 63

Boussard, Charles, 168

Bravehearts, Operation, 179-90, 193

Great Britain

British Army, 28, 182

Britton, Sara.
Tannous, Rima

Brosh, Elyashiv “Shibi,” 51, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58

Brothers, Operation, 311

Brunner, Danny, 150

Brzezinski, Zbigniew, 15-16

Buhris, Ilan, 311

Buhris, Ofek, 282

Bull, Odd, 89, 90

Burma Road, Israeli, 33-34, 35, 36

Bush, George H.W., 313, 314

Bush, George W., 233, 234, 275, 276

Camp David Accords, 189

Carlos (terrorist), 3, 4

Carter, Jimmy, 7-8, 15

Cast a Giant Shadow
(film), 35

Cast Lead, Operation, 287-93, 294, 295, 324

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 233

Chaban-Delmas, Jacques, 120

Challe, Maurice, 64

Cheney, Dick, 231

Cherbourg, Boats of, 113-21, 322

“Chinese Farm”: Yom Kippur War and, 186, 191, 192-201

Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem), 283

Coastal Road massacre, 258

Cohen, Eliezer “Cheetah,” 125-26

Cohen, Victor, 143, 144

Cohen, Yoram, 294

Cohen Family:, flag of, 92, 99

(space shuttle), 230

Crate 1, Operation, 156

Crate 2, Operation, 156-57

Crate 3, Operation, 155, 158-61

Czechoslovakia: Egypt's arms deal with, 50, 62

Dabash, Hezi, 199

Dagan, Meir, 233, 323

Dagan, Nehemiah, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129-30, 322

Dahab, Zvi, 68

Dahari (IDF soldier), 221

Daily Express
(London): Ras Gharib raid story in, 128

Daoud, Abdallah, 283

Daughters of Jacob Bridge, 204

Daughters for Life, 324

David (Israeli language specialist), 132, 133

Davidi, Aharon

Black Arrow Operation and, 38-39, 43, 44, 45, 46

Gur and, 91

professional career of, 320

Sinai Campaign and, 66, 68, 69, 70

David's Sling
(Peres), 7-8

Dayan, Moshe

appointed defense minister, 76, 78, 102

appointed IDF chief of staff, 42

and assassination of Black September leaders, 166, 174

Bar-Lev and, 102

Black Arrow Operation and, 45

“Boats of Cherbourg” and, 116

“Chinese Farm” and, 196

Crate Operations and, 155

and downing of Ilyushin ll-14 plane, 58

Entebbe and, 5, 24

and failed operations of IDF, 39-40

Golan Heights and, 203

Gur and, 91

and hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 152

Jerusalem and, 88, 91-92, 96, 97

and Marcus's death, 34

Peres and, 5, 24, 37

personality and character of, 65

professional career of, 64-65, 319

and Rafi party, 76

Ras Gharib raid and, 128

as revolutionizing the IDF, 41

Sevres summit and, 63-66

Sharett and, 37

Sharon and, 40, 67, 181

Sinai Campaign and, 60, 61, 63-66, 72

Six Day War and, 78, 88, 91-92, 96, 97

and Soviet pilots with Egyptian Air Force, 134

Spring of Youth Operation and, 166, 174

Unit 101 and, 41

War of Attrition and, 128, 134

Yom Kippur War and, 180, 181, 196, 203

Dayan, Uzi

Crate Operations and, 155, 157, 158-59, 160, 161

and hijacking of Sabena Airlines plane, 148, 150, 151

and prisoner exchanges, 155, 157, 158-59, 160, 161

professional career of, 322

Dayan, Yehuda, 41

de Gaulle, Charles, 76, 78, 112, 114, 115

Debré, Michel, 119-20

Defensive Shield, Operation, 275, 277, 278-85

Deif, Mohammed, 293

Dichter, Avi, 295

Digli, Menachem, 105, 107

Dimona nuclear reactor, 2, 257

Dir al-Zur (Syria) nuclear reactor, 232-35

Diskin, Yuval, 291

Doron Unit (IDF), 17

Dovik (Davidi deputy), 70, 71

Drori, Amir, 216, 219, 220, 221

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