Nolan (15 page)

Read Nolan Online

Authors: Kathi S. Barton

Tags: #erotic romance, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Nolan
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His cock was leaking profusely by the time he
rubbed just the crown over her slit. He held himself, his cock so hard and
thick with need he could barely contain himself. Then he moved deeper into her,
sliding back and forth, in and out of her until she wanted to jerk free and
wrap around him. And when he did fill her, burying himself to his root, Rylee
released so hard she felt the corners of her vision narrow to a pinpoint.

“Come again.” She bowed up at his command,
ready and willing, it seemed, to do as he wanted. And when she came again,
screaming out loud enough that she was sure that the entire town heard her, he
pounded her through three more powerful climaxes before he emptied himself
deep. They both had fallen asleep like they were dead. And now she was being
massaged again, but in a less personal way.

By the time she was ready to crawl into bed
and say fuck it to all of this, she was too relaxed and comfy to move, they
were telling her it was time to be fitted. The charity thing was in two hours.

When it was apparent she wasn’t going to see
herself, either, until they were done, Rylee got excited. The dress was blood
red and fit her body like a glove. Other than the fact that she could tell that
it was low cut, there was nothing about it she knew. And when they told her she
was finished, she held her breath as she waited for the unveiling of the

“I’m afraid.” Mable nodded, but she could
tell she was pleased as well. “Do you think…well, anything would have been an
improvement, but do you think that Nolan will like this? I mean…will he be
proud of me hanging on his arm?”

“Why don’t you turn around and tell me what
you think?” She closed her eyes and turned. And when she thought she was in
front of the mirrors, she paused just long enough to let out her breath, then
opened her eyes. Nothing could have prepared her for the woman who stared back
at her.

“Holy shit.” The other women laughed as they
gathered up their things. “That’s really me. I mean…damn, woman, you did an
amazing job.”

“I had a very good model to work with, I
think.” Mabel moved up behind her and had her kneel a little. “Now. I’m to
understand that young Shane picked this out himself. He said that his mother
had one like it, and at some point it was sold for bills. I’m sorry about that.
But when he saw this one, he and Walter put their money together and got it for

It was a ruby with smaller cut stones around
it. Sadly, her sister’s ruby had gone to pay the rent one month. There had been
enough left over for them to have a pizza. It wasn’t much really, but it had
gone a long way to making them happy for a time.

The chain around it was delicate and felt
beautiful against her skin. She touched her finger to it to try and stem the
tears as they gathered in her eyes. When she moved her head to look down at it,
she could see that in the mirror there were smaller stones of the same color
throughout her hair. Rylee thought she’d never looked prettier.

“Now, if that mate of yours isn’t drooling by
the time you get your wrap off, I don’t know men like I think I do.” Mable
touched her cheek and took the tear away with her. “You and that man of yours
are well suited. Did you know he told me to spare no expense in making you

“That dress was hideous.” Mable agreed. “I
don’t know how to thank you for this. I think you went well beyond what was
called for in helping me. I feel wonderfully beautiful.”

“You are, my dear. Very much so.” As the
others left the room, Mable had her turn for her one more time. “I’m to take a
picture and send it to your nephews. Is that all right? I won’t send it to
Walter, of course, until you see Nolan, but Shane will enjoy it. No point in spoiling
it for him and you.”

The other Bentley women arrived a few minutes
after Mabel and her crew left. Reggie was bitching about how hungry she was,
and Katie was telling her there would be plenty to eat at the shelter when they
got there. As soon as she came down the stairs and they saw her, no one moved.

“My goodness, my lady.” Beckman stood there
with a tray of drinks in his hand and stared. “If you don’t mind me saying so,
I don’t think I’ve seen you look lovelier.”

“Thank you.” Gracie asked her to turn for her
and she did. The shoes she had on weren’t the least bit uncomfortable, and she
even showed them those as well. Chris said she was envious of her being able to
wear such a color, and Katie told her they were the prettiest group of young
women she’d ever seen.

Several pictures were taken. The three of
them, Chris, Reggie, and her. Then of her and Grandma Katie. Beckman took
several of them all together, and before long it was time to go. As they were
helped on with their wraps, Gracie pulled her aside and asked to speak to her.

“I wanted to tell you that I’m very proud of
you.” She asked her for what. “For Walter and Shane. But Walter came to see me
today. Did you know that? Wanted to know if I would mind if he called me ‘Grandma’
as Shane did. I felt…well, honored, if you want to know the truth. I felt like
he was giving me a great gift by asking me that. And when I told him yes, he
hugged me like my Micah did when he was alive. Just full of love and happiness.”

“He’s a good boy…man, I guess. He just needed
someone to believe in him.” Gracie told her that not all would have done what
she did. “Not everyone would do what you’ve done either. Taking all of us under
your wing. Making us feel like we’re your daughters, not just in-laws. You’re
someone I have come to admire and respect. I don’t say that to just anyone.”

“I love you, Rylee. Very much so. And the
rest of you girls as well.” Gracie looked away, then back at her. “You’ve given
me something I thought never to have again. Hope. When my husband died…it was everything
I could do to get up every day and move. To breathe when I didn’t want to and
to just get going. The boys helped me. Howie and Katie, they were my only solid
foundation after…I didn’t want to live. I had no desire to live without him.”

“I’m glad you did. They need you.” They
hugged tightly as they moved toward the door. “I wanted you to know that I need
you too. Without you…I know that I would have failed big time. Not just with
Shane, but with all of this.”

“You would have done well. Do you want to
know why I know that?” Rylee nodded. “When I saw you pick that man up by his
balls, I knew you’d be the right fit for this family and that nothing would
ever bring you down. You impressed me that day. More than I can say.”

They were in the limo when her cell phone
rang. She smiled at the picture that came up, and was thrilled to hear from
Shane. He started telling her about what they were doing, making pizza for

“Kason even got that salty fish you like. I
told him I’d pass, and you know what he did? He just ate one like it was a
grape or something. He said they were really good.” She laughed when he did. “And
later we’re having make your own sundaes. This is the best.”

“I’m glad you’re having a good time. Your
grandma was very nice to watch you. And Shane, I love my necklace. Did you get
the picture?” He told her he had, and then told her how beautiful she looked.
“I’ll make sure you get one of Nolan and me together too.”

“And the grandmas too. And Grandda. If you
can get all of you together, I’d love that more.” She told him she would try. “Hey,
I’ve been thinking about what you and Nolan talked to me about. And I want
that. I want you to be…nobody will replace my mom, but I’d like to have you and
Nolan as my parents. I know that Walter wants that too.”

They’d talked to both of them. And even
though Walter was an adult, they told him they’d make it legal if he wanted them
to, and give him the same things that Shane would have, any help with college
as well as money should he need it. His mother had sent word through Joey that
she didn’t ever want to see him again, and the sooner he was dead, the better
she would like it. Victor Simpson was going to be tried next week for the death
of his lawyer, and she was blaming it on her son.

“We’ll talk tomorrow when I come and get you.
You have fun.” He told her he would and told her he loved her. “And I love you.
With all my heart.”

As soon as the limo pulled up in front of the
building, she felt her nerves tense up. As each of them was handed out by the
man at the door, she could see the sparkle of the people there. When it was her
turn, she looked at Katie and told her she felt sick.

“Nonsense. Go out there and show them what a
Bentley looks like when they have someone love them.” Nodding, she started out
but leaned back in and kissed her on the soft cheek. As soon as she was out of
the long limo, she saw him.

Nolan had said he was wearing a tux. What he hadn’t
told her, and probably should have, was that he looked fucking amazing in the
thing. Not only did he wear it like he’d been born in it, but he even had a red
rose on his lapel that matched her dress perfectly. As he made his way to her,
gliding across the walkway like the cat that he was, she felt her own cat stir
in response.

“It’s a real shame about this lovely dress.” She
asked him why. “Because I’m going to let my cat tear it from you later, just
before he eats you alive.”

“Nolan, I’m not going to be able to stand up
if you keep talking like that.”

Before he could say anything else, his
brother Garth came up behind him and patted him on the back. She’d not seen
much of Garth, as he was working to get his own home done before the colder
weather set in. Even Tony, who was the quiet one of the family, came to stand
with them.

Christ, she thought, men like these brothers
should be outlawed in all fifty states. They were much too handsome to be let
out in the general population, especially on single women. Married ones too,
for that matter. As they made their way to the front of the room, she could see
how much work had gone into making this shelter look like a very beautiful
ballroom for the very rich and very famous.


Chapter 13


Nolan could not take his eyes off her. Rylee
was the most beautiful woman in the room as far as he was concerned, and the
way she moved around the room made him think she’d been born to this. Not just
money, as he’d been, but to the life of being a cat and his mate. He supposed
she had been in a way. And she was working the crowd like it was her business. He
overheard her telling someone about their antique place, and mentioning a few
of the pieces they already had. She was going to be good at that too, with
Barron’s help.

He thought about the young man, Dennis, who had
met them at the mall yesterday. He’d been terrified of meeting them. And the
fact that his mother was afraid didn’t help matters either. But when she sat
with them, him and Rylee, she started talking like she’d had a built-up list of
things she wanted to get off her chest. Most of it centered on her father and
what she’d done to hurt him.

“I should have known all the facts before…Mom
and Dad were never very good together. They loved each other intensely, but neither
of them trusted the other. I have the same kind of…volatile relationship with
my husband.” Dennis snorted at his mom, but said nothing more. She’d looked
hurt when she looked at him. “Ansel, he and my son don’t get along.”

“Your son?” Constance nodded. “I’m sorry, I
thought he was your husband’s child. I think even Barron thought that.”

“No, he’s mine. I had…it’s not unheard of for
our kind to take two lovers when we’re mated. When Dennis—my Dennis’s—father and
I got together, it was what I had hoped for in a relationship with Ansel. But
my life with Ansel wasn’t like the one with Dennis…not even close. But when Dennis
was killed some years later, Ansel said he’d care for us both and we’d never
have anything to worry about ever again. He said he’d even protect me from my

“You didn’t need protecting from your dad.
Surely you know that.” She said she did now. “What are your plans, Constance?
This meeting with us, it’s not what we set up, is it?”

“No. I want to go to my father. I want to…I
would like for him to save my son and to…I need my daddy.”

There were tears then, and Nolan had called Barron.
He had said he’d take her into his home and lair, but the boy, Dennis, would
need to be helped first and foremost. And three hours later, under cover of
magic and guard, not only was Dennis converted the night before his birthday,
but Barron and his daughter had reunited in a way that made them all think
they’d never been parted by lies and deceit. Now all they had to do was deal
with Ansel. But Myra said she had that part under control. Nolan certainly
hoped so, for all their sakes.

Nolan heard the item he wanted to bid on
brought to the front. His mom had donated this, and for the life of him he
couldn’t think why she’d not gotten her one as well. She had done nothing but
talk about the donation for a few days now, and he and his brothers were going
to get it for her.

The beautiful frame would be filled with any
picture that the buyer wanted. The photography place had also donated
sixty-five pictures to be taken, as well as a few prints. His mom had mentioned
that she’d not had one of her boys, and they were going to make that happen

The bidding went up fast. He was glad now
he’d asked the rest of them to chip in, and when the thing got up to nearly six
figures, he thought perhaps it was also going to be the biggest amount of money
brought in all night. There were some pretty amazing gifts. There was the car
that had been donated, as well as the maid service for five years, but all of
that meant very little when it came to his mom’s happiness.

At one point his mom told him to stop, but Grandda
told him to go for it. Then when the woman he was bidding against finally sat
down, he thought for sure that it was theirs. Then from the back of the room,
someone said six million. All of his brothers told him no. It was a nice gift
for a great cause, but that was too much for anyone. Whoever the man was, he
wanted this thing badly.

When Barron came to stand next to him, he
hugged him tightly. Nolan thought the man had never looked happier, and the
woman standing next to him, his lovely daughter, had that same look in her
eyes. The person who had outbid him, Barron told them, was him. And he
presented the frame and certificate to their mom, just as they had wanted to

“You have raised some pretty amazing sons, my
dear.” She told him she had tried but had little to work with. They all
laughed. “Be that as it may, I wanted to give you something, and while I know
that they wished to present it to you, I wanted you to know that without their
help over the last few days, I would have lost it all. Please take this as a
token of my appreciation of your being a wonderful mother.”

“You paid entirely too much for it, but I do
love it.” His mom looked around the table at them all and told them she loved
them. “I don’t know what I would have done without my boys. And now their
wives. I have grandchildren that I love and more to come, I hope. But what I
have in them…their father would have been so proud of them.” She looked away as
she wiped at her tears. And Nolan felt his own eyes fill as he thought of his
father and the way his life had been cut so short.

The rest of the evening went well after that.
Barron joined them then, as did his daughter. There was a great deal of money
made too, much more than he’d thought possible. All in all, it was a very
successful night. For everyone. But now he wanted his mate.

He found her ten minutes after the last item
was sold. She was talking to a group of women that were thinking of organizing
another charity event to help raise money for the food pantry. Not on this
scale, they were telling Rylee, but something where they could fill the shelves
a couple of times a year and have a little left over to buy some gifts for
children who would not have a lot. He kissed her on the neck when one of the
women noticed him.

“If you ladies don’t mind, I’d very much like
to borrow my wife.” They all smiled knowingly at him as he pulled Rylee to his
body. He was going to make her scream as many times as he could tonight. When
she looked up at him, all he could think about was how much he loved her. Taking
her out to the gardens behind the building, he pressed her against the wall and
kissed her.

“Christ, do you have any idea how much I want
you right now?” She rolled her hips to his and grinned. “I want you so badly
that my balls ache to be emptied. But that dress is going to get messy when I

“I’m wet and have no panties on.” He nearly
fell to his knees. “And now that you’re this close, I’m so wet that I can feel
it running down my leg. I want to feel you drinking from me.”

Nolan did go to his knees then, glad now that
he’d taken her to the darkest part of the gardens and nowhere close to the
cameras. When he ran his hands up under her dress, he could feel her heat and
her juices. She wasn’t kidding about it running down her thighs either…he felt her
cream as he moved his hand further up her leg.

“When I eat you, you’ll have to be quiet.” She
nodded and he watched her face as he slid his fingers into her sheath. “Ride my
fingers, Rylee. Soak them so I can taste you on them.”

“Nolan, I want to come.” He told her to come
and she moaned quietly through a climax. “It’s not enough. I need you. I want
to feel your cock in me. Your tongue in my pussy too.”

Lifting the dress up so that it was around
her hips, Nolan kissed her above her curls, then ran his tongue through her
slit. She moaned again, her hips moving in a quick fucking imitation. Pulling
her thighs apart, he sucked her clit into his mouth and bit down.

“Christ, yes.” She came with her hand curled
into his hair as her other hand was over her mouth. He sucked hard on her,
bringing her again, and was rewarded with a mouth full of her hot juices. The
more he ate of her, the more he drank from her until she begged him to stop.

Standing up, he opened his fly and freed his
cock. Rylee wrapped her hand around him as she kissed him hungrily on the mouth.
He loved the taste of her, and when she lapped at his mouth, tasting herself on
him, he rocked into her hand as she fisted him. Working the zipper of her dress
down in the back, he freed her breasts too and took one of them in his mouth.

“I want to come with you inside of me.”
Incapable of speaking, he moaned his approval. “Fuck me, Nolan, please. I need
to feel you.”

He lifted her up by her ass and rolled his
cock round her heat until she begged him again. When he slid into her, slowly
filling her as she begged him for more, all Nolan could think about was she was
his. All his.

Fucking her this way, mindful of how quiet
that they had to be, he leaned into her ear and bit down on her pretty lobe.
When her pussy tightened around him, her teeth grazed over his neck and he
moved so that she could have him. As soon as she told him she was coming, he
held her mouth to his throat while she screamed, and he did as well when she
sank her teeth deeply into his throat.

He came then, his body exploding into hers,
his cock filling again almost as soon as he was empty. Fucking her harder now,
glad for the wall behind him and not some flimsy piece of furniture, he marked
her as well when the second, then third climax took him. Nolan saw stars
dancing behind his lids as she screamed out her own release, holding his hand
to her mouth.

Holding her upright was difficult. He was
weak now, weaker than he’d ever been after sex, and wondered if they could stay
here all night before anyone noticed they were gone. When his cellphone rang,
he had to think how to answer it before she giggled and took it from him. As
soon as he put it to his ear, he knew he was going to have to cut their evening
short. It seemed that little Miss James was ready.


Rylee looked out over the woods behind their
home and tried to think of something other than the fact that Shane wasn’t home
and that Walter had gone out as well. Nolan wasn’t even due home for another
couple of hours, having gone in to deliver a baby. Being alone wasn’t all it
was cracked up to be.

You could come into town and meet me after
I’m finished here.
She smiled when Nolan spoke to her.
Or, I could come home and find you naked
in my bed waiting for me. Either one sounds good to me.

I have to meet Constance at the mall in an
hour. I don’t want to be late. I have a feeling that she needs more from her
dad than he realizes.
He asked her what she meant.
I think she just left the
house with nothing more than the clothes on her back. And Dennis isn’t much
better off. I feel badly for them.

You should do some shopping as well. I have
noticed that you’re very low on panties. Something keeps happening to them.
She told him it was
all him, and that Reggie and Chris were going too.
They were going to go
shopping anyway and had invited me to go. I’m not much of a shopper. I like
online buying. Oh, and the first shipment of antiques came today. And the
builders are saying that in two weeks we can move in. I think it will be
quicker if Barron has anything to say about it. He’s having a blast with this.

She was too. Barron and Bentley Antiques was
going to be huge. Not just in the building, all five floors of it, but in the
amount of positive feedback they were getting. And Reggie had been helping her gather
other things to put in the building as well. Homemade blankets and pottery.
There was even a large jewelry case that had been in the things that were
unearthed in the building they were going to put some of the finer pieces she’d
been picking up. Day after tomorrow, she and Barron were going to an estate
sale to see if they could get more of the smaller things they’d seen in the
other shop they’d bought the entire inventory from just that morning.

I don’t see how you can fail with him as your
partner. His firsthand knowledge of things, as well as his expertise of wood,
is going to make you a success
. She thought so too.
Oh, before I forget
to tell you, Walter has set up an appointment to get his GED. Then he wants to
register for college next fall. And I think we might be looking into something
on the horizon for Shane too. He has it in his head to follow after his dad

They had adopted both of them a week ago. The
courts said it wasn’t necessary for them to do so with Walter, as he was
already an adult, but Shane said he wanted him as his brother legally. Nodding
once, the judge signed the papers and now they had two sons. Shane still called
her Aunt Rylee, but more and more he was calling her Mom. Nolan was just Dad,
called that by both of the boys.

Alta is coming this weekend. She has some
paperwork that Joey is taking care of for her, and I invited her to spend the
weekend. Kason is coming as well. I think they’re sweet on one another.
Nolan though so too,
he said. Rylee lay back on the grass and looked up at the sky.
I was also
thinking about Christmas. I know it’s a few months away, but what do you guys
do for it? I’m betting you all get together at your mom’s house.

We did last year, but it was decided that
we’d share it from now on. Joey and Chris have it this year. You and I will
next year, and whoever gets married over the next year, it will be theirs that
She asked him if she thought the others would find their mates.
I do. I
worry for Tony some, but I think he’ll be all right. There are things that…he’s
been hurt, but none of us know for sure what it was.

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