"Non-Germans" Under the Third Reich (278 page)

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Authors: Diemut Majer

Tags: #History, #Europe, #Eastern, #Germany

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Gesetz über die Zulassung zur Rechtsanwaltschaft
. Law on Admission to the Profession of Attorney
Gesetz zum Schutz der Erbgesundheit des deutschen Volkes
. Law for the Protection of the Hereditary Health of the German People
Gesetz zum Schutz des deutschen Blutes und der deutschen Ehre
. Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor (Blood Protection Law)
Gesetz zur Änderung der Strafprozessordnung
. Law to Amend the Code of Criminal Procedure
Gesetz zur Sicherung der Einheit von Partei und Staat
. Law to Secure the Unity of Party and State
Gesetz zur Verhütung erbkranken Nachwuchses
. Law for the Prevention of Progeny with Hereditary Diseases
Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums
. Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
. Public Health Office
Gewalttatenverordnung (1939)
. Decree on Acts of Violence (1939)
Gleichschaltung. lit
. Coordination (here, the alignment of political organizations, cultural and professional associations by law to the goals of National Socialist policy)
Großdeutsches Reich, Großdeutschland
. Greater German Reich, Greater Germany (which included the occupied and annexed territories of Austria, Czechoslowakia, and Poland) (Nazi term)
. Reservations of basic constitutional legal rights (i.e., that such rights can be restricted by legislative acts, which, however, may not affect the very essence of these rights; see art. 19, clause 2, of the Constitution [
] of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Haager Landkriegsordnung (1907)
. Hague Convention on the Rules of Land Warfare (1907)
Hauptabteilung Innere Verwaltung (in der Regierung des Generalgouvernements)
. Central Department of Internal Administration (in the General Government)
Hauptabteilung Justiz (im Generalgouvernement)
. Central Department of Justice (in the General Government)
Hauptkommission Warschau
. Main Commission (for the Investigation of Nazi Crimes in Poland) Warsaw
Haupttreuhandstelle Ost (HTO)
. Main Trustee Office East (agency established for the confiscation and administration of Polish and Jewish property in occupied Poland)
Heimtückegesetz (Gesetz gegen heimtückische Angriffe auf Staat und Partei)
. Treachery Law (Law against Treacherous Attacks on State and Party), concerning minor political offenses against the state
Hitlerjugend (HJ)
. Hitler Youth (youth organization of the NSDAP with the status of a
, or structural division)
Höherer SS und Polizeiführer (HSSPF)
. Higher SS and police leader
. German Jew (Nazi term for a Jew of German nationality or of German descent)
Innere Mission
. Charitable agency of the Protestant Church in Germany
Judenrat (Judenräte)
. Jewish Council(s)
. Purged of Jews (Nazi term)
Jüdische Unterstützungsstelle für das Generalgouvernement
. Jewish Aid Office for the General Government
Jüdisch versippt
. Related to Jews through marriage (Nazi term)
. Juvenile court
. German Empire (1871–1918)
. Chamber, as Literature Chamber, Film Chamber
. Prussian Supreme Court
Kämpfer, alter
. “Old Fighter,” an early Nazi Party member (before 1933)
. Identification card
. Court composed of several judges (as opposed to a single judge)
Kommandeur der SIPO und des SD (in einem Distrikt des Generalgouvernements) (KdS)
. Commander of the Security Police and the Security Service (KdS) in a district of the General Government, under control of the
Befehlshaber der SIPO und des SD
in the General Government)
. Municipal administration
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD)
. German Communist Party
. Administrative entity (roughly equivalent to a British or American county and
comprising several local communities)
Kreishauptmann (pl. Kreishauptleute)
. Administrative chief of a
in the General Government
. Party leader of a
Kultusgemeinde, jüdische
. Jewish community
. Situation report
Land (pl. Länder)
. State or province (as in a federal nation-state)
. State court, of the second instance (dealing with more important criminal and civil cases than an
. Local police office
. Prefect (of a
. Seizure of power, the takeover of governing power by Hitler and the Nazi Party on January 30, 1933, and especially after the Enabling Act of March 23, 1933
. Summary court-martial
Ministerialblatt: Reich Ministerial Gazette
. Person of mixed descent, half-breed (in Nazi terminology, a descendant of Jewish and Gentile parents or grandparents)
. Probate court
. Night and Fog Action (secret actions of Wehrmacht and judiciary officials against foreign nationals accused of “punishable offenses against the Reich.” Such persons were brought secretly [“by night and fog”] and adjudged by special courts.) (Nazi term)
Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund
. National Socialist German Students’ League (affiliated organization of the NSDAP)
Nationalsozialistischer Rechtswahrerbund (NSRB)
. League of National Socialist German Jurists (affiliated organization of the NSDAP) (NSRB)
Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV)
. National Socialist Welfare Organization (affiliated organization of the NSDAP) (NSV)
. Nazi Women’s League (affiliated organization of the NSDAP)
. Structural division of the NSDAP (e.g., the Hitler Youth or the SS)
NS-Kraftfahrerkorps (NSKK)
. National Socialist Motor Corps
. Lord mayor
. Superior Court (Court of appeal in the General Government)
Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH)
. Army High Command
Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW)
. Armed Forces High Command
Oberlandesgericht (OLG)
. State Superior Court (also depending on function: appellate court or court of appeal
Oberlandesgerichtspräsident (OLGP)
. Presiding judge of
. Senior high official
. Reich attorney general
. Senior public prosecutor
Oberster Gerichtsherr. lit
. Supreme ruler over the judiciary (Nazi term for the Führer as supreme power with unlimited authority and not bound by the law)
Oberster Gerichtshof der Wehrmacht
. Supreme Court-Martial of the Wehrmacht
Oberster Prüfungshof für Volkszugehörigkeitsfragen
. Supreme Court of Review for Nationality Questions
Oberverwaltungsgericht (OVG)
. Prussian Administrative Supreme Court
. Elite Nazi Party schools named after the castles of the Teutonic Order (a term applied by Nazis to schools devoted to training of members of the Hitler Youth destined for political leadership)
. Order police: regular uniformed police; also constabulary in contrast to Security Police, which comprised the Gestapo and the criminal police
. Local section head of the Nazi Party (Nazi term)
. Eastern European Jews
. Eastern territories (Nazi term for Eastern European countries to be ruled by the Nazis)
Parteigenossen (Pg.). lit
. Party comrade, a member of the Nazi Party
. Nazi Party court
. Crime committed by Poles (Nazi term)
Polenstrafrechtsverordnung (1941)
. Decree on Penal Law for Poles
. Police directorate, police headquarters
. Magistrate
. Police summary court
Polizeiverwaltungsgesetz (1931) (PVG)
. (Prussian) Law of Police Administration
Positives Recht
. Statutory law
. Presidential Chancellery (united in 1934 with the Chancellery of the Führer)
. Civil law
. Citizens of the Protectorate (of Bohemia and Moravia)
. Cultivation of race (eugenics) (Nazi term)
Rassenreferat (im Reichsministerium des Innern)
. Race Policy section (as in the Reich Ministry of the Interior)
. Race defilement, or miscegenation (as defined by the Nuremberg laws, which declared marriage and sexual relations between “Aryans” and Jews illegal and punishable by law) (Nazi term)
. Special racial laws (especially anti-Jewish legislation)
Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt (RuSHA)
. Race and Settlement Main Office of the SS
. Raid or roundup (as of Jews for deportation)
Recht, formelles
. Formal (statutory) law (e.g., procedural law)
Recht, materielles
. Substantive law
Recht, öffentliches
. Public law (relation between public authorities and between individual and state authorities)
. In the context of German legal conceptualization, a state that stands under rule of law and which recognizes legal limitations to its sovereignty
. A decree issued by the executive branch
Referat, Referent
. Section, or department, of an agency; section chief
. Administrative district (comprising several
. District president (also the title of the representative of the Reich in Sudetenland)
. Governmental councilor
. Head of a Reich office of the NSDAP (Nazi term)
. Public prosecutor (at the Reich Supreme Court)
Reichsanzeiger: Reich Gazette
(publishing all relevant legal acts of the Reich authorities except laws and decrees, those being published in the
Reich Law Gazette
. Supreme Labor Court
Reichsbahn, Deutsche
. German National Railroad
Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten
. National League of German Civil Servants (an affiliated organization of the NSDAP founded in 1933 and reorganized by the law of May 27, 1937, as the only organization of Reich, state, and municipal civil servants)
. Citizen of the Reich (first category of subjects with full political status) (Nazi term)

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