Norrington Abbey (3 page)

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Authors: Josie Dennis

BOOK: Norrington Abbey
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Chapter 3

Henry strolled toward the pump house, keeping his steps even. He’d had a devil of a time trying to get to sleep last night, unable to get Catherine’s sweet, tangy scent out of his mind. Their one dance was enough to confirm his suspicions. Her hand, so soft and delicate in his. Her body moving gracefully through the predetermined steps. Her smile the one time she’d raised those gorgeous eyes to his face. She was the one woman he’d been searching for. The one woman with whom he could finally begin to live.

Life at Norrington Abbey was quite dull, but he’d never found it truly confining until recently. Lately, his father had begun to spend more time at the abbey rather than visiting his well-connected friends. Henry knew the general relied on his skill with the running of the place, but his constant derision was beginning to wear on him.

He would one day take up the living left vacant when one of his cousins died, but until then he was truly stuck at the abbey. He might lack the fortitude that his father and brother reportedly possessed, but spending time at the abbey with only his father’s cold company made him feel lonely and miserable. He wanted more and, remarkable as it seemed, Catherine was apparently a big part of that.

This morning Frederick had spelled out in detail how he’d passed the previous night. He’d spent it with two girls with less-than-stellar prospects. Henry had managed to hide his shock. Two women at the same time? He’d been intrigued by the image his brother’s words elicited nevertheless. Imagine having one girl on his cock while another rode his tongue to climax? In a flash the image shifted, to just one particular girl stretched out over his body, her rosebud mouth eagerly sucking his cock while she rubbed her sweet, wet pussy in his face. Would she taste as delectable as her scent?

He caught a glimpse of Catherine’s slender figure up ahead, entering the nearest tearoom across the street. She was with Miss Thorne, who was once again talking animatedly. He squinted as he spied the tall gentleman accompanying the young women. There was something familiar about him. It struck him in the next moment. John Thorne. He’d known the man had a sister but he hadn’t put the two together before now.

“Blast,” he grumbled to himself.

John’s reputation at Cambridge rivaled Frederick’s to be sure. He had to learn just how long the man would be staying under the same roof as Catherine. Surely the temptation she posed would be too great for a man of his appetites. Steeling himself for a polite and probing confrontation, he doffed his hat and entered the tearoom.

“Mr. Tilman!” he heard Miss Thorne call. “Catherine, it’s Mr. Tilman!”

Henry smiled, the expression becoming more comfortable as his gaze settled on Catherine. She looked a picture in her blue dress. Her dark tresses were arranged in a simple style, yet they shone in the sunlight streaming through the windows. He bowed. “Miss Thorne. Miss Morris. What a delight to find you here.”

John Thorne cleared his throat. “Tilman.”

Henry nodded to him. “Thorne.”

“Is your brother not with you?” Miss Thorne asked.

“Sister,” Thorne said, a warning in his voice.

She waved a hand. “Catherine and I would love it if you joined us, Mr. Tilman.”

Henry looked to Catherine, whose eyes were running over him in a fashion that caused his cock to twitch to life. He knew he didn’t cut as dashing a figure as their escort, but by the speculation in her blue eyes he didn’t think she found him lacking. As for John Thorne, that man sat far too close to Catherine in his opinion.

“I would be delighted,” Henry said, taking the vacant chair on Catherine’s other side.

He caught the glint of something in Thorne’s eyes, a predatory possession. Well, he’d seen Catherine first! At least, he thought he had.

“How long have you been in Bath, Thorne?” he asked.

The man leaned back in his chair, his arm nearly touching Catherine’s as a result. “Only arrived yesterday.”

Henry felt himself relax a bit. “And will you be accompanying the ladies to the functions?”

Thorne smiled, turning toward Catherine fully. “What do you say, Miss Morris? Should I serve as escort?”

Catherine’s mouth was an
of surprise. “I…Isabella, what do you think?”

Evidently, she was unused to such direct communication in company. That was a pity, for Henry had found her a most interesting girl when they’d spoken last evening. A bit fanciful perhaps as she spoke of her beloved novels, but that did not detract from her appeal.

“I daresay we will be unable to go anywhere without his escort,” Miss Thorne answered.

John preened, and Catherine’s eyes were glued to him now. “It is my duty to see to Isabella’s and Catherine’s welfare while here with them.”

“Catherine,” is it?
Henry knew he had a true rival now. If he didn’t press his suit he would no doubt soon read the banns for their nuptials. He scoffed to himself. John Thorne could not have marriage on his mind.

“I thought to invite you for a ride tomorrow, Miss Morris,” Henry said. “I daresay you haven’t been out of town much since your arrival?”

“Hardly,” Miss Thorne said.

“I say,” John Thorne put in. “Are you fond of an open carriage, Catherine?”

Catherine looked from one to the other. “I suppose…”

“That settles it. We shall ride out to Lansdown Hill.”

“Brother, that would be delightful!” Miss Thorne turned to Catherine. “Oh, the hill is said to offer a lovely prospect, Catherine. We shall have a grand time.”

“It is a long ride, Thorne.” Henry bristled.

“What is a ride to fine horses such as mine?” Thorne returned. “I shall drive Catherine and you can take my sister in your…How would you describe your equipage, Tilman?”

“My equipage is quite adequate,” Henry bit out.

Thorne’s eyes narrowed, putting Henry on his guard. “Adequate. Not a glowing endorsement, I daresay.”

Catherine appeared a bit confused, but Henry didn’t miss the man’s meaning. His cock was more than adequate!

“I find when a man boasts about his equipment it may be found lacking,” Henry said.

Thorne glowered at him for a moment then dipped his head in concession. “We’ll expect you at the house at noon.” He faced Catherine. “Will that be time enough for you ladies to ready yourselves?”

“Brother, really,” Miss Thorne said. “We are young women, used to staying up to all hours then going about on calls and visits. We shall not disappoint. Isn’t that right, Catherine?”

Catherine licked her lips, drawing Henry’s gaze to her pretty mouth. “Yes, Isabella,” she said softly.

“Do you think your brother will join us, Mr. Tilman?” Isabella asked.

“Frederick? I should say not,” Henry answered. “Far too tame an adventure for him.”

When the girl’s eyes lit up at that disclosure Henry wished he could call the words back. It wouldn’t do for his brother to defile Catherine’s friend. There would be little to recommend his suit should Catherine be so turned against the Tilman family.

Pots of tea and plates of biscuits arrived and Henry came to his feet. “I shall leave you to your refreshments.” He bowed to the ladies and dipped his head to Thorne. “Until the morrow.”

Catherine gazed up at him, that hot speculation on her face once again. What was she thinking in that clever mind of hers? Did her imagination extend to carnal activities? He could hardly wait to find out.


* * * *


John stood in the entry, his watch in his hand. Half past eleven. He’d told Tilman noon. He may just have to leave a bit earlier than that with the lovely Catherine by his side. He’d watched Henry Tilman closely yesterday in the tearoom. The man had designs on her, that was certain. If he were wise, John would leave her to him, but apparently he wasn’t, not where she was concerned.

He’d rarely experienced desire as sharp as he felt for the girl, especially after so short an acquaintance. He wasn’t going to give her to Tilman’s clumsy attentions before tasting her himself. Today’s ride might be just the opportunity to gauge her feelings on matters.

“John, it is most gentlemanly of you to take the girls to Lansdown today.”

John turned to his aunt and smiled. “It is my pleasure, Aunt.”

She eyed him closely. He’d always suspected his late father’s sister could see through any façade he thought to erect. “I know how you ran about at Cambridge,” she said.

Amazingly, he felt his cheeks heat as they had yesterday morning when faced with Catherine’s open perusal. Was he reduced to acting the schoolboy now? “I assure you, I have been nothing but circumspect since leaving that hallowed institution.”

“Reputation is very important to young ladies, John. Why, for some it may be the only thing of value they possess.”

He knew she spoke of Catherine’s lack of fortune or family connections. That mattered little to him, though. He might not know where this attraction would lead but he would never ruin a young lady’s reputation.

“I would never do anything to bring my sister down,” he said, choosing to take his aunt’s words at their face value.

Aunt Beatrice nodded then turned toward the front parlor. “Take care on your ride, John.”

John made a sound of agreement and gazed up the stairs as he awaited the ladies’ arrival. Yes, he would assure that Isabella’s reputation remained intact. He would also make sure she remained blissfully ignorant of his actions toward her companion.

As to that delightful creature? He’d preserve her reputation as well, if not her virginity. Ah, he would take her and soon. And if Henry Tilman thought he would claim her first he was in for a surprise.

Catherine joined him before Isabella, and he caught her sweet marmalade scent as she stopped before him. She’d dressed in a cunning little outfit just right for their outing, in a peach-colored dress dotted with little white flowers. A straw bonnet topped her dark curls. She looked as delicious as she smelled. “Catherine, you look lovely.”

She blushed and ran her hands over the gold velvet spencer fastened over her bodice. “This jacket is Isabella’s. She lent it to me.”

And I can’t wait to take it off of you.
“I’d be lying if I said I ever recall Isabella looking as fine in it.”

“Brother, I am shocked!” Isabella said as she joined them. “You wound me.”

“You cannot deny Catherine looks a picture, sister,” he said. “As do you.”

Isabella, apparently mollified, dropped a curtsey. “This shall be a pleasant morning, don’t you think?”

“I do indeed.” He turned to Catherine. “Why don’t we go on ahead, Catherine. Tilman and Isabella can join us.”

Catherine appeared worried, her delicate brow creased and her lower lip peeping out. He longed to lick it.

“I don’t know,” she said. He could see she wasn’t averse to being alone with him, however. She seemed to waver. “What do you think, Isabella?”

His sister cocked her head to the side, her mind no doubt working furiously. Let her believe him interested in her friend. For once in her life she had the right of it.

“I suppose Mr. Tilman and I can catch up with you both, though my brother’s horses are quite fast.”

John couldn’t help it. He grinned. “Catherine and I will simply wait for you to join us on Lansdown, if need be. We shall be able to occupy ourselves, I imagine.”

“Imagine,” Catherine repeated softly. She seemed to tremble beside him and he tamped down the urge to drag her into his arms right then.

Isabella accompanied them to the front door. “Besides, I can use the time alone with Mr. Tilman to pepper him with questions about his intriguing older brother.”

John rolled his eyes and escorted Catherine out to his carriage waiting out front. He could feel the heat of her hand through her glove as he handed her up into the carriage. Hot and sweet, a compelling combination.

She settled daintily on the seat and turned her face to the blue skies overhead. “What a lovely day!”

His lungs seized. “Lovely, indeed.” He flicked the reins, and they pulled out into traffic. He drove the horses a little faster, eliciting an excited gasp from Catherine. His body reacted, and he felt that certainty again. “You’ll enjoy the ride, I daresay.”

She laughed then let out a shout. “There is Mr. Tilman!”

John turned his head and locked gazes with Henry Tilman where he passed them in his carriage. The man looked surprised, and then he glared at him. Pity, if he’d been just ten minutes earlier…

“Seems he wanted to get an early start as well,” John said.

Catherine turned in her seat to follow Henry’s carriage with her eyes. “I hope he won’t be put out that we left without waiting.”

“Ah, he and Isabella will catch up with us soon enough.”

She seemed assured and turned back around in her seat. John smiled to himself. He was a great judge of horses and carriages, and even if Henry rode like the wind after he picked up Isabella there was no way he would catch them. To be sure, John’s carriage would reach the hill nearly an hour before Henry’s.

The roads were dry and his horses ate up the twenty miles to Lansdown. There weren’t any tourists about, which was no surprise given the banality of this particular excursion. He pulled the carriage to a shaded spot beneath a tree and turned to take Catherine’s hand in his.

“Mr. Thorne!”

John smiled. “Ah, you agreed to call me ‘John.’”

She returned the expression. “John.”

“Tell me about yourself, Catherine.”

She blinked. “What is it you wish to know?” Her dainty brows drew together. “Oh, my situation. There is little mystery there, I’m afraid. I’m one of ten children, John. My ability to care for the younger ones undeniably contributes to my skill as a companion.” She gave him a small smile. “I’ve yet to lose a one of them, so your sister is quite safe in my company. As to my future after this delightful duty is passed, I have no fortune to speak of and will no doubt have to make my own way in the world once Isabella weds.”

He was shocked by her frank disclosure, though he’d guessed the particulars. They were of little consequence to him in any event.

“My sister is quite fickle, Catherine.” He kissed her hand, burying his nose beneath the hem of her glove to sniff her wrist. Orange marmalade. “It will likely be years before she weds.”

“Years?” The hope in her big blue eyes set his blood pounding. He’d give anything to keep that hope alive. To make certain that she had a place in the world she wouldn’t have to make on her own. Should he take her as his mistress? She was an untried girl, one of virtue if not fortune. He had to have her, though. He’d reason out the rest of it later.

“But you do not have to worry,” he said, drawing her closer. “I shall make certain of that.”

He brought his lips to hers, flicking his tongue over them. She moaned and opened beneath him. He pulled back in surprise then plunged his tongue deep inside. Her taste was sharper here, intoxicating, and he began to lose himself. He brought his lips to her throat, dragging his tongue over her skin.

“John,” he heard her murmur as she grabbed his hand. She placed it on her breast and sighed. “Oh, touch me.”

He wasn’t one to deny such a pretty request. He kneaded her full breast through her spencer, but it wasn’t enough. He worked the tiny buttons free and saw she wore no fichu beneath. No, just her creamy skin met his gaze and his lips, for he had to kiss her there.

“Catherine.” He flicked his tongue into her cleavage, and she arched against the seat. Reaching beneath her skirts, he brushed his fingers over the silken flesh above her stockings. He cupped her through her drawers, and she scalded him. “My God, you’re wet.”

She nodded, her eyes squeezed shut. “Touch me, John.”

He pushed her drawers aside and did so, using her juices to tease her clit where it hid among the damp curls. Her pussy grabbed at his fingers, her hips moving as he began that rhythm he knew would please her. He felt the proof of her virginity, and that stilled him for a moment. Then he looked at her. She wore her sexual frustration on her face, her need for what he could do for her. She might be a virgin in body, but she was a purely sexual being at the moment.

He teased and pinched until he felt her climax start.

“Yes!” she cried, spreading her legs wide. “Oh, that’s it!”

She bucked as she came, soaking his hand with her juices. He could smell her scent, sweet and tangy, and he longed to taste her. To bury his face in her fragrant cunt and eat to his heart’s content. His mouth watered at the prospect. That was for another time, however. Tilman’s carriage could arrive at any moment.

He rubbed a hand over his aching cock, giving it a long stroke. “Ah, what you do to me.”

“I don’t…” She opened her eyes to stare up at him. “To

“Do you think me unaffected? My cock is hard as a rock, love.” He shifted and settled between her thighs, teasing her opening with his throbbing shaft. “I want you, Catherine. Can you feel me?”

She froze, then he stroked his swollen shaft over her clit and she let out a delighted squeal. “Oh, yes. Why, that is remarkable!”

He prayed his lauded control would hold as he moved himself over her heat. She closed her eyes again and wriggled again him. He froze. He had to stop and right this moment.

“Catherine,” he whispered, kissing her mouth. “We mustn’t.”

She blinked up at him, and then her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. “Oh!”

He wanted her, so desperately that he’d nearly disgraced himself in his trousers. So much for his control. She made him forget himself, and the notion wasn’t as frightening as he’d once believed. That moment he realized matters had changed. She would never be just his mistress. No. She was everything.

And he would do everything in his power to keep her forever.

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