Norrington Abbey (7 page)

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Authors: Josie Dennis

BOOK: Norrington Abbey
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Catherine was in the darkened corridor again, but she was fully awake this time. Her disgrace in the gardens was on her mind all evening, and she couldn’t sleep. The general was no doubt still out on his mysterious calls so she took the opportunity to more fully explore his shameful store of straps and shackles. Something drew her to them, the same fascination she felt for John and Henry. The leathers and metals appeared well maintained, but then again the general was a military man. Didn’t weapons receive meticulous care as well?

She eased past his formal rooms and headed for the dark and gloomy chamber. Sounds reached her, low and guttural. Her skin prickled and flushed goose pimples. When she heard a softer wail, undoubtedly feminine in origin, the tiny hairs on the back of her neck rose. With a trembling hand, she reached for the thick wooden door barring the entry of the ancient private chamber. The door was as silent as before, the iron hinges well oiled. Her breath caught at the scene within.

A naked, young woman was pinned to the high bed, her body lit by a large branch of candles. She was on her back, her head lolling over the foot of the bed. Her legs were pulled apart, her breasts pointing toward the ceiling. As shocked as she was by the naked woman, she could scarcely believe what the other two occupants of the room were about.

Captain Frederick Tilman pounded between her outstretched legs, his arms braced on either side of her. He grunted, and she cried out.

“Hush, maid,” Frederick said.

“Fuck her harder, Captain,” said the other man, his back to Catherine. He was as naked as the other two, standing still with his hands in fists at his sides. He was as strongly built as Frederick, his dark hair shot with silver. “Harder.”

“Yes, General,” Frederick said.

Catherine swallowed a gasp. The girl moaned, arching as much as her restraints allowed. Her eyes widened as the general stepped closer. “Suck me, wench.”

Catherine heard a slurping sound, but he blocked her view of the girl. She leaned to one side and discovered the older man moving his shaft in and out of the girl’s mouth. Her eyes were closed in what could be pain but what she suspected was pleasure. Frederick kept up his movements, causing the girl’s body to buck as the older man continued to move between her lips. “Take his cock deep, maid,” he panted. “Make the general come.”

She moaned again then arched sharply. The general shuddered, throwing his head back as he let out a bellow. Frederick quickened his pace, finally driving deep as he shouted his completion. The three of them were a trembling mass of sexual satisfaction. Before they could notice their spectator, Catherine eased her way out of the chamber, her pulse pounding and her body filmed with sweat.

She didn’t stop until she reached her guest chamber. Collapsing against her door, she concentrated on breathing slowly until her heartbeat at last slowed. She pushed away from the door and flung herself on the bed, replaying the image of the three lovers in her mind.

At first she’d been afraid for the girl, until she saw the passion etched on her face. Frederick was so determined, driving into her pussy again and again while she sucked the general’s cock. In a flash she imagined herself as the girl, John moving between her legs as Henry found his pleasure in her mouth. Her body flushed for a different reason now, her pussy throbbing as her breasts grew heavy. Would such a thing be possible? Would her two men agree to love her together?

She flipped over onto her back, blowing her hair out of her face. She feared she was doomed by her desires and her circumstances. Yes, they enjoyed kissing her. And touching and licking her, truth be told. That afternoon on Lansdown was the most pleasure she’d ever experienced. There was the pesky matter of her virginity, however. The heroines in the gothic novels she read never seemed to worry of such matters. No, the moment they surrendered their dark heroes always took them to wife. Although the surrendering itself was always cloaked in euphemisms, Catherine knew he’d had her. Put his cock in the lady’s pussy until she’d climaxed like the maid had tonight.

“What do you want, Henry?” she whispered. “Do you wish to take me forever, John?”

She may never have the answers to those questions, but there was something she would have despite any apprehensions any of them harbored. She would know passion with the two men she desired. If she ended her life alone, a burden on her poor family, she would have the passion of this summer to sustain her.

Chapter 9

John paced about the guest chamber, breathing in Catherine’s sweet orange scent. Dinner had been long and drawn out, due to General Tilman’s officious manner and edicts. Frederick was his father’s mirror while Henry had appeared as uncomfortable as John had felt. His sister had been subdued for once in her life, obvious awe on her features whenever the general deemed her worthy of conversation. As for Catherine? Catherine had kept her gorgeous eyes on her plate and her pretty mouth closed.

Two days had passed since their all-too-brief interlude in the gardens. Since then Catherine had kept herself from his company and, according to Henry, from his as well. Whenever he’d entered a room she’d vacated in a flash, claiming some errand or occupation for Isabella. His sister neither confirmed nor denied any of the girl’s assertions, her eyes sparkling as she took in the discomfort and befuddlement he’d attempted to conceal.

The sound of the door latch made him turn. Catherine walked in, escorted by Henry. She stopped when she spied him within.

“John?” She looked back at Henry, her brow furrowed. “Henry, what is going on?”

Henry closed the door and crossed to John. This was as they’d planned this afternoon, while Catherine had been helping Isabella with her correspondence. Frederick had boasted of his night with the maid and the general after dinner, which had only served to fuel their own fantasies with Catherine. Henry’s brother had no notion of what he’d started with his careless words, but now being together with Catherine was all John and Henry could talk about.

“Catherine,” John said on a breath. “Perhaps now you will speak with us?”

She blinked then turned to Henry. She shrugged and faced John. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, John.”

He scoffed then nodded to Henry to close the door. “Come here, Catherine.” He beckoned her closer. “I believe we three have a matter to discuss.”

Her eyes rounded and she sucked in a breath through her parted lips. By the spread of pink across her smooth cheeks John could tell she was anxious. And eager, if the way those eyes ran over both him and Henry was any indication.

“D–discuss?” she stammered. She started when Henry took her arm and led her to sit on the edge of the bed. “I don’t know what the two of you want from me.”

“Don’t you?” Henry asked.

John saw the intent on his new friend’s face, and he began to believe this could work.

“The other day in the gardens, Catherine,” John began as he settled beside her on the bed. “That day at Lansdown, when I touched you and made you come.”

She glanced down. “John, please.”

“And after,” Henry said, sitting on her other side. “When I licked your pussy and made you scream.”

She trembled between them. “I know what happened.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “I don’t know what I am.”

“What you are?” John asked. “Well, I know. Henry knows as well.”

“You are the woman we both want, love,” Henry said.

She lifted her head, her eyes bright. “You both want me?” She swallowed. “Together?”

John let out a laugh. “Yes. We’ve discussed this, Catherine. It’s all we’ve talked about since coming to Norrington Abbey.”

“I’ve dreamed of this,” she murmured.

He looked at Henry in confusion, but the other man just grinned. “You told me a bit of your dreams, love. Right before you came so sweetly against my tongue.”

John began to unlace her dress as Henry removed her slippers. “You must tell me about this dream,” he said, dropping a kiss on her delicate nape. “Was I in the dream?”

“There were two of you loving me,” she confessed on a whisper.

Henry looked at John again then nodded. “Tell us what you want, Catherine.” He came back up and cupped her face in his hands. “We’re both here now, and we want you so much.”

She looked from one to the other, nibbling her lower lip. John could almost hear his heart pounding as she considered the most important decision in their lives. This was no longer about a sexual romp with a willing wench. This was what John wanted more than the breath in his lungs. He wanted to take her, to love her with Henry until the three of them were sated.

“What I want?” she asked softly. “I want both of you.”

John felt a smile split his face as he hurriedly rid her of her dress. The laces on her stays posed a bit of a hindrance, but Henry helped, and soon she was splayed on the bed. She was as beautiful as he’d imagined. She was slight, her waist narrow. Her hips were rounded however, and her legs shapely. Ah, her breasts, those lovely, pink-tipped breasts which he’d only glimpsed before, beckoned, and he closed his mouth over one nipple.

“John!” she cried, arching sharply.

Henry stood and stripped with more speed than he would have guessed possible and it was with some hesitation that John released her nipple to tug off his own clothes. He regarded Henry for a moment, seeing his own arousal blatantly mirrored there. His cock was straining toward Catherine as his own was. New friend or no, John wanted to be the first to fuck her. He wanted to be the first to feel her come around his shaft instead of his fingers.

“Taste me again, Henry,” Catherine said, lifting her legs as she parted for him. “Like before.”

Apparently, Henry didn’t need more encouragement. He fell on her and licked her pretty little pussy, a look of bliss crossing his face. “So sweet,” he rasped.

John returned to her breasts, kissing first one then the other. He licked and sucked her flesh as he memorized her taste and texture. Henry had the right of it. She was sweet all over, and he only wanted more.

He lifted his head, studying her face as Henry drove her toward climax. She let out a whimper and grabbed one of his hands. “Touch me, John!”

He cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples. They were still wet from his tongue, and the friction seemed to drive her over the edge. He saw her tremble as she neared the precipice then tumbled over with a cry as Henry groaned in obvious sexual frustration.

Henry came up on his knees, poised to plunge deep within her.

“Not tonight, Henry,” John said.

He looked almost wild, an expression he’d never seen on his face before. “John, I…” He nodded. “I got to taste her again. You can take her.”

John nearly shouted out with relief. He searched Catherine’s face as she recovered from her orgasm. “Oh, Henry.” She let out a breath and opened her eyes. “John.”

“Yes, love?” he asked.

“Let me see your…” She blushed, her eyes running over him.

“My what, Catherine?” he asked.

“Your cock,” she whispered.

He came up on his knees. She studied him and he began to ache. His balls were tight, and on the head of his cock a drop beaded with need. “What do you think?”

She smiled and he nearly burst. “It’s lovely.”

“What of mine?” Henry asked, a smile in his voice.

She flicked her gaze at Henry’s cock and gave a nod. “Yours is pretty, too.”

Henry let out a strangled laugh and rolled away from her. “It’s killing me, love, but John will take you now.”

“Take me?” she asked. He eyes grew round again and she clasped her hands. “Oh, yes!”

John nearly spilled on the linens but he was damned if he’d waste this chance. He moved between her legs and eased inside her, bracing himself as he met resistance. Wet heat clutched at him, pulling him forward.

She whimpered again, and Henry nuzzled her throat, her ear. “Easy, love.”

“Hold on, Catherine.” John burst through and it was as if she’d been made for him. With little more than a gasp she was soon arching toward him, meeting every thrust as he plunged in and out of her tight pussy. His control, that lauded rein he held on his passions slipped, and he shuddered as his climax took him. He poured himself inside her, sealing his fate as sure as if he’d posted banns at every church in the county. She would be his.

He caught his breath and glanced over at Henry. He was kissing her now, praising her. In that moment John knew matters had changed. She would never be just his mistress. Nor could she be a brief sexual interlude for Henry. No. She was everything.

And he would do everything in his power to keep her with them forever.


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Henry watched Catherine regain herself but noticed that John took much longer than she. He looked stunned. He’d fucked her thoroughly, brought her to pleasure before coming himself. Yet the expression on his face was intensity personified.

“Oh, my,” Catherine sighed. “Henry, will you take me now?”

God, how he wanted to. He’d given her an orgasm, tasted her sweet and tangy cunt again, and he ached to bury himself to the hilt. John had been gentle with her. He’d seen that despite the wild hunger on the man’s face. But he knew he’d have to wait to feel her clench around his cock.

“No, love,” he said, cradling her in his arms. “You were a virgin. I cannot take you right after John broke through your maidenhead.”

John looked at him then nodded. “Henry has the right of it.”

Her brow furrowed, and she eyed his swollen cock. “Do not look at me like that,” he bit out.

“You need release, too, Henry,” she said. “What can I do?”

Suck me deep into your mouth.

“Stroke him, Catherine,” John said. “Like I did to your pussy on Lansdown Hill.”

She came up on her knees, her expression as pert as her beautiful breasts. “Show me.”

John laughed softly. “I’ll
you. I am not touching Henry’s cock, thank you very much.”

Henry managed to laugh as her hand neared him.

“Take him in your hand, love,” John said.

Henry sat back on his heels as she wrapped her small fingers around his shaft. “Like this?”

Her grip was surprisingly firm, her hand warm and soft around him. He nodded.

“Stroke him,” John said, his voice low.

She moved her hand up and down his shaft as his balls grew heavier. “Like this?” she asked again.

He closed his eyes and leaned back slightly. “God, yes.”

She stroked him, long, slow movements that made his cock throb. He moaned and began to thrust against her palm.

“Come for me, Henry,” he heard her say.

He couldn’t hold back any longer. He came with great spurts in her hand, calling out her name. When he opened his eyes he found both Catherine and John smiling at him. His cum was spread across her smooth belly, pooling in her little navel. John used his neck cloth to wipe her clean while Henry slowly regained his senses.

“Her hand,” he mused aloud. “I can imagine how hard you came in her pussy.”

“Henry!” she gasped.

John grinned. “You have no idea what you’re in for, friend.”

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