Northmen: The Viking Saga AD 793-1241 (60 page)

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decline of 315

Canterbury 47

Carolingian Renaissance 77

Cashel 155–6, 159


Birka 309
Borre 39
Elblag 38
Grobina 38
Isle of Man 118
Pskov 193
Sigtuna 312
Staraja Ladoga 180

Ceolwulf 54, 56, 63

Charlemagne 69, 77–9, 81, 85, 271–2, 275–6

Charles the Bald 82, 84–93

Charles the Fat 93, 95, 98–9

Charles the Simple 100

Chippenham 56, 59


conversion to 9, 25, 33, 43, 67, 103–4, 271–2, 279–80
Angles 69
Denmark 279–80
Greenland 229–30
Guthrum 59–60
Harald 279–80
Hastein 64
Hebrides 117
Iceland 225–6
Northumbria 112
Norway 72, 301
Norwegian resistance 288–90, 293
Óengus 156
Olaf Tryggvason 251
Olga 202
Rollo 100
Roric 84
Rus 201–2
Sweden 311
Vladimir 201–2
Orthodox Christianity 201–2, 208, 325, 326


Constantinople 202
Dorestad 80
Dublin 159, 161
Gamla Uppsala 37
Germany 201
Greenland 229, 230, 349
Iceland 223
Jelling 281, 282
Orkney 131, 331
Paris 89
Roskilde 284
Trondheim 293–4
York 69

Cimbri 17

Cirencester 180

Cnut 72, 106, 159, 258, 259–65, 297–9, 301–2

Cnut the Holy 305–6

Coenwulf 46

coins 72

Cuerdale 72
dirhems 53, 174, 181, 183, 184
Gudme 20
Helgö 38
Normandy 106–7
Repton 54
Silverdale 55
York 70

Constantine I 122–3, 142

Constantine II 123–4

Constantine the Great 69, 197

Constantinople 177, 178, 179, 191, 196–205, 209, 320

Corded Ware Culture 12-13

Córdoba, Emirate of 164–8, 172

Cornwall 46

crafts 70, 80, 112, 118, 160, 274

creation myth 2–3, 215

crusades 314–27

Holy Land 331
Jerusalem 316–21
Livonian 323–5
Swedish 325–7
Wendish 321–3

Cuerdale hoard 72

Dál Cais 155–7, 159

Dál Riata 110–11, 119–21

Danegeld 50, 250, 310

Danelaw 66–8, 101

Danes 26–7, 31, 47, 49–50

Gesta Danorum
Flanders 93
Frisia 79
Iona 118
Mercia 52, 54, 68, 73
Paris 94–7
Seine 90-92
Wessex 53, 55, 57
York 51–3
raids with horses 51
settling in Normandy 101

Danevirke 31–2, 272, 273

Denmark 31–3, 271–82, 304–6

Deira 55, 69

Diarmait MacMurchada 161–2

dísir 6, 37

Disting 37

Donald II 121

Dorestad 79–81, 82, 83, 84

Drevljane 179–80

drinking horns 30

Dublin 71, 122, 132, 140, 142–5, 150

Viking Dublin 160–63
and York 151, 152–3

Dudo of St Quentin 63, 98, 101, 170

Dunkeld 120, 122

Eadred 74–5

Eadric Streona 256, 259–62

Ealdwulf 46

Eamont Bridge 123–4

Ebo, archbishop of Reims 279

Ecgberht 52, 53

Edgar the Peaceful 247–8

Edmund 52

Edmund Ironside 259–62

Edward the Confessor 252, 262, 265

Edward the Elder 67–8

Einar 127–8

Emma of Normandy 106, 252, 261, 263, 264, 302

Engelhardt, Conrad 20

England 49, 62, 89, 93, 99–100, 109, 115

unification of 73–6

Erik Bloodaxe 74–5, 128, 152, 287–8

Erik the Evergood 205, 305, 306, 316

Erik Håkonarson 292, 294, 295–7

Erik the Red 228–30, 237

Eirík’s saga rauða
235–6, 237, 238

Ermanaric 31

Estonians 324, 325

Exeter 56

Eystein II 331–2

Faeroe Islands 210–12

feasting halls 31, 32, 33–5, 37, 275


Finland 325, 326–7

Finns 38, 174, 180, 193, 325, 326

Flanders 93, 99, 101, 105

Flüsig, excavations at 32

forts 278

Francia 62, 63, 83, 87, 99, 107

Franks 26, 78, 176, 272

Freyr 6, 36–7, 286, 301

Frisia 28, 79, 83, 275

Fyn 20, 24

Gaels 117, 127, 335, 336

Gainsborough 258, 259

Gallehus 30

Galloway 117, 125

Gamla Uppsala 36–7

Gammel Lejre 33–5

Gauzelin, bishop of Paris 95, 96, 97, 98

Germanic society 25–8

Germanic Iron Age 26, 31, 35
Migration Period 27, 29
Vendel Period 35
Roman influence 25–6
runes and writing 23, 25

Godfred 79, 272–3, 275–6

Godfred Haraldsson 132

Godred 334–5

Godred Crovan 132–3

Godred Sihtricsson 132

Gorm 279, 281–2

Gosforth cross 72

Götar 27, 29, 308, 310, 311

Goths 17, 26

Gregory of Tours 28

Greenland 227–35, 243, 244, 347–51

Grœnlendinga saga
235, 237

Grobina 38, 174

Scandinavian cemeteries 38

Gudme 20

Gundahar 31

Guthfrith 123–4, 150–51

Guthred 70

Guthrum 53, 55, 56–7, 59, 63, 180

Håkon IV 337–9, 342, 346

Håkon the Good 288–90

Håkon Grjotgardsson 286

Håkon Paulsson 330

Håkon Sigurdsson 283–4, 291–2

Halfdan 50, 55, 73

Halfdan the Black 286, 339

Halfdan Highleg 127–8

Harald Bluetooth 251, 254, 277–82, 290, 291, 311

Harald Fairhair 126, 217, 286–8

Harald Greycloak 290–91

Harald Hardrada 131, 203, 207, 265–7, 300, 303–4

Harald Hildetand 35

Harald Klak 279, 285

Harald Maddadsson 331–4

Harold Godwinson 265–7

Hastein 63–5, 169–71

1, 4–5, 346

Hebrides 114, 116, 118–19, 125, 132–5, 212, 218, 328, 335, 337

Hedeby 273–5, 283

Helgö 37–8, 308

Henry of Lund 131

Heruls 27, 28, 175

Hiberno-Saxon style 30

Higbald 45–6

Hjortspring find 17–18

hørgs 34, 281

houses 274, 309

longhouses 13, 221, 229, 241–2

Hrothgar 33, 34

Hugh Capet 105, 107

Huns 27, 31

Huseby 39

Hvalsey 349

Hygelac 28

Iceland 117, 213–27, 340–47

Althing 223-5, 294, 342, 346, 347
diet 220–21
famines 341
213, 217, 226, 228
213, 215–16, 217, 232
politics and justice 221–5
saga traditions 117
Viking settlement 210, 213–21

Igor 178–9, 184, 190, 198

Ingamund 71

Inuit 11, 242, 348–9, 350, 351

Dorset Inuit 228, 244
Thule Inuit 244, 347

Iona 110–12, 118

Ireland 109, 111–12, 118, 136

Irish Vikings 160
Irish monks 210–12
kingdoms within Ireland 136–7

Iron Age 16, 18

Germanic Iron Age 26, 31

Islam 164

conversion to 172, 183

Isle of Man 118, 132–4, 334

Cronica Regum Mannie et Insularum

Italy 170–71, 318–19

Ivar 50, 52, 140–41

Jelling 281–3

Jerusalem 315, 319, 331

jewellery 30, 38, 117

Jordanes 17, 26


conversion to 187

Jutes 17, 28

Jutland 17, 273

Karelia 325

Karl Hundason 129–30

Kells 112–13

Kenneth II 125

Kenneth mac Alpin 120–21, 122

Khazar Khaganate 186–7

Khazars 189, 191, 198, 199

Kiev 177–8, 194, 200, 202, 208

kingship 40

language (see also place-names) 67, 115

Celtic 217
French 106
Gaelic 117, 118, 121
Icelandic 217
Latin 280
Old English 75
Old Norse 106–7, 117, 118, 213, 238, 336
Pictish 121
Russian 208
Slavic 202

L’Anse aux Meadows 241–2

Latvia 38, 323, 325

Laxdœla Saga
204, 220

Leif Eriksson 236–7, 240, 242

Life of St Neot

Lindisfarne 42–3, 44, 78, 114

Lindisfarne Gospels
30, 45

Lisbon 166–7, 168, 317

Livonians 323

Loire 86-7, 89, 92, 171

London 63, 251, 258–9, 265

longhouses 13, 221, 229, 241–2

longphuirt (longphort) 138, 139, 142, 143, 144

Linn Duchaill 144, 150–51

longships 17–18, 48, 169, 274, 295–6, 323–4, 340

Hjortspring 17–18
Ladby 61
Oseberg 60

Lothar 82, 83

Louis IV 105

Louis the Pious 81–2, 104, 176, 276

Luni 170

Maccus Haraldsson 132

Máel Brigte 126–7

Máel Sechnaill 139–40, 141, 153, 157, 159

Magnus Barefoot 133–4, 316, 328–30

Magnus Erlendsson (St Magnus) 330, 331

Magnus the Good 130–31, 264–5, 299, 302

Malcolm I 124

Malcolm II 128–9, 264

Malcolm IV 336

Mathgamain 155–6

Mercia 63, 64–5, 68

missionary activity 279, 288–9, 298, 312, 327

monasteries 43, 93, 145

Áth Cliath 138
Auldhame 151, 152
Clonfert 138
Clonmacnoise 138, 139
Fontanelle 86
Greenland 230, 234–5
Jarrow 45–6
Jumièges 86
Kells 112, 152
Lindisfarne 43
Lyminge 46
Portmahomack 113
St Columba’s 43, 110–13
St David’s 154
St Germain-des-Prés 97
St Ninian’s 115
St Patrick’s 139, 150

Moors 164, 168, 171–3, 314, 316–17

Nantes 86–7, 102

Native Americans 237–8, 240, 242, 243

navigation 230–35

Newfoundland 241

Normandy 105-7, 115, 268, 318

Norse 115–19, 125, 127, 134, 145, 151, 163, 237, 241

artefacts 245
Orkney and Shetland 340

North America 235–46

Northern Isles 113–15, 116, 118, 125–8

Northumbria 42, 69, 109, 112, 119, 124

Norway 11, 27, 39, 114–16, 118, 131, 203, 285–7

Norwegians 104, 109, 114, 137, 267

Novgorod 177, 192–3, 325, 327

Nydam Moss 20–23

ships 20–22

oaths 55, 61

Odin 2–6, 24, 30, 35, 36–7, 51, 87, 128, 283, 301

Odo 95, 96, 98–100

Offa 44

Oissel 89–90

Olaf 122, 140–41

Olaf Cuarán 152–3

Olaf Godredsson 334–5

Olaf Guthfrithsson 151

Olaf Haraldsson (St Olaf) 129, 263, 297–301

Saga of St Olaf

Olaf Hunger 306

Olaf the Peaceful 304

Olaf Tryggvason 249, 251, 252, 285, 292–6

Heimskringla saga
286, 296

Oleg 177–8, 179, 190, 197–8

Olga 179–80, 202

Olof Skötkonung 206, 294, 310–12

Orkney 130, 131, 147, 161, 329, 331–4

Orkneyinga Saga
330, 332

Orkney Islands 115, 126, 127

Orthodox Christianity 201–2, 208, 325, 326

Oscetel 53, 55, 56

Ostmen 160–63

Ottar 36

Oxford 253–4

Paris 88, 89, 94–9

Paschasius Radbertus 89

Pechenegs 179, 194, 195–6, 197, 199–201

petroglyphs 14-16

Phoceans 10

Photius, patriarch 197, 202

Picts 109, 110–11, 115-16, 119–22, 142

Pippin 87

place-names 66, 71, 101, 111, 114–15, 116, 118, 221, 326

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