Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1)
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I grabbed my purse and marched down the center of the courtroom barely avoiding Nick’s hand as he reached to stop me. I walked straight out the door and out into the hallway, making a sharp right toward the front of the building.

“Morgan!” His voice was angry, and I kept walking. There was the unmistakable sound of men’s dress shoes slamming on marble as he ran to catch up to me. “Morgan!” He grabbed my arm.

I spun on him. “Let go of me.” My voice was deadly quiet.

“Oh, that’s rich.” His laugh was cold.

“Fuck off.” I ripped my arm out of his grasp.

“No.” This time his voice was deadly. “No, I will not fuck off.”

“Where do you get the monster balls to be angry with
” It came out as a growl as I grabbed his elbow and pulled him out of the main line of traffic. “Seriously. Where did you get them? Because they need to be kicked and kicked hard.”

“What the hell are you talking about?” His eyes were gloriously dark and sparkling as he ground out the words. “I sent you tickets. I sent you flowers. I wrote you a fucking song. And you fucking stood me up.”

“HA!” My laughed unintentionally echoed in the hall. “
up? I tried to get backstage, but I wasn’t on the list of allowable fatties. Frank tried to call back three different times. And then he had to call me a damn cab because my friends were all gone. They all thought I would be safe with you for the night.” I jabbed my finger at the air in front of his nose. “And you are in trouble with all of my friends as well as me, asshole.”

“Again, what the fuck are you talking about? Your name was on the list. I told Gage that you were absolutely allowed to come back. Frank never called.”

“Who’s Gage?”

“Backstage bouncer.”

“It was someone named Tiny,” I snapped. “Shit you don’t even know who guards the door.”

He stared at me, and I saw the anger in his eyes turn to confusion. He took my elbow and led me to an alcove, pulling out his phone. He flipped it open and dialed, staring at me. “Quentin. Yeah, it’s Nick. Look, who was on stage door Saturday night? You’re...sure?” He looked at me. “Oh. Really. Well, that’s...interesting. You’re going to want to talk to Tiny. He took over.” He pulled the phone away. “Did you see if Tiny let anyone in?”

“Only the gorgeous skinny blondes with lots of cleavage.”

“Did he check the clipboard?”

“Only to make sure he didn’t have ‘let in a fat bitch’.”

“You heard?” Nick was addressing the phone again. “Good. It’s in your hands, Qu. Yeah. Total disaster; I’m going to sort now.” He pressed the end button. “Can I see your phone, Morgan? Please?”

“Why, are you going to gloat over all the unanswered messages?”

“Give me the fucking phone, Morgan, before we both do something we regret.”

I fished it out of my purse and slapped it into his hand, and I turned to leave the alcove, but he slammed his hand against the wall, blocking my way. I stared at him, willing my eyes to burn a hole in his skull, but he was focused on the phone. Nick found the text function and found my texts to his number. He scrolled through them, slowing down as he reached the top of the chain.

“How many did you send?”

“A total of seventy-two, but the first forty don’t count because I wasn’t pissed at you yet.”

He pulled out his phone and handed it to me. “Look at mine.”

I snatched the phone out of his hand, and swiped it open. I found his messages, and found the ones he’d sent to me.

: -10:30- Hey, kitten can’t wait to see you after the show.

: -10:31- I’m sorry I wasn’t very good at KIT this week.

: -10:35- I love my chemicals, and I get caught up in them.

: -10:55- Hey kitten, are you here? I hope you like my surprise.

: -12:35- Come back, Morgan. I want you to hang with us. You’re on the list.

: -12:40- You out there?

: -12:45- Kitten?

: -1:01- Where are you, Morgan?

: -1:15- I’m starting to worry.

: -1:23- Please come save me from the hussies that Dave keeps letting in?

: -1:38- Kitten, please. Where are you? I want to do naughty things with you.

: -2:00- Shit, I hope you’re not mad at me for this week.

: -2:10- You are, aren’t you?

: -2:11- You’re angry I didn’t call you enough?

: -2:12- I have a job, Morgan. I have a full time job that requires my attention.

: -2:14- Come on, really? After last weekend? After I sent you tickets?

: -2:16- I wrote you a song. Apparently that doesn’t mean as much as I thought it would to a self-professed super fangirl.

: -2:30- Guess I can take this as your break-up?

: -2:38- I asked around, you didn’t even call back here.

: -2:43- Hey, great. I guess that’s that, then, eh? Wham, bam, thank you ma’am?

: -2:55- Thanks for the great fuck, Morgan. Have a nice a life. I’m going home. Call me when you can bother to have a real relationship, k?

: -11:02 – Morgan?

: -11:35 – What happened?

: -12:17– Does saying sorry help? I don’t know what went wrong.

: -2:48 – I guess that’s that.

: -4:06 – I really liked you Morgan. I wanted a chance.

: -11:08 – You have no idea how pissed I am at you right now. But if you walked up to me tomorrow and kissed me, I don’t think I could walk away. Night.

My hand was over my mouth. I couldn’t breathe; not a single one of his texts showed up on my phone. I scrolled back further, and realized he’d sent me a dozen more messages on Thursday and Friday I also hadn’t seen.

It was the last text he sent that twisted my heart, though. He could even write a text that was a song lyric. I looked at him, took two steps and yanked his head down, crushing his mouth against mine. It was instant, liquid heat between us, and I mentally kicked my own ass for thinking he was a jerk for even a minute. He backed me up against the wall and took over the kiss, his hot tongue demanding more of me, and I was more than happy to surrender it.

He pulled away from me a very long, enjoyable minute later and rested his head against the cool marble wall behind me, crushing me to him. I put my chin in the crook of his neck. “What the fuck happened, Nick?”

“I don’t know,” he said. “Tiny wasn’t supposed to be on the door.”

“No, fuck that. What happened with the phones? Who the fuck tapped into our phones and stopped the messages?”

He held up my phone and looked through it again. “Whose number is this?” He pointed to a local number. “It’s the only one that doesn’t have a label.”

I glanced at it as he backed off. I looked at the phone, making a mental note about the throbbing cock in his pants that brushed my hip as I pulled back. “Oh, that? That’s the asshole.”

“What asshole?”

“We think its Lisa’s ex-Dom being a jackass.” I swiped the messages up. “Oh!” There was a fresh message there I hadn’t seen before in the flurry of texts from Sunday.

Enjoy your life alone, bitch. No more than you deserve.

Nick’s mouth twisted in a grimace. “Really? You think that kind of threat is from her ex?”

“There’s a reason he’s her ex,” I said.

“I have another theory.” He looked at his watch. “We don’t really have time to go to Downbound right now though. Do you think MacPhearson is going to give a long lunch again?”

“No. She’ll give us an hour and try to get us out of here about three.”

“Then we’ll go after—”

“I have a lecture, Nick. You know that. Just because last week we got swept up in each other doesn’t mean I’m going to stop being a student. I want MacPhearson’s bench someday.”

He nodded. “Sorry. I’m a little pushy sometimes.”

“The only pushy you need to be around me is the pushy-against-the-wall kind,” I said. This was unreal. Five minutes ago, I was ready to castrate him and now I was back to sexual innuendos. I was swinging faster than a windsock in a gale. Whatever. Sex God was back. And hard.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t hate you. This was all a fuck-up. I would’ve done anything for you and to you on Saturday night if I had gotten a single one of those texts or seen you.”

He shook his head. “No, no sorries about this. It was a complete miscommunication and out of our hands. We’ll figure out what happened, but no sorries. We were more than excited for Saturday to happen. It’s kind of scary how much I like you, Morgan.” He ran a finger down my chin, and I wondered if he knew how my insides had completely liquefied.

“Same here, Nicholas.”

“Do you have plans for lunch?”

“I have the feeling I will.”

“No hotel.” He was leaning in closer to me.

“Not today.”

“Have dinner with me tomorrow night?” His breath was warm on my lips.

“Are you sure you’re just asking for dinner?”

I brushed against his pants and he let out a hard breath. He drew a few deep breaths, and studied me. His eyes were piercing, dark and full of lust. I knew I looked the same. How could I not? He’d written me a song. And told the entire audience he wanted to try us out.

Nick took my hand and pulled us out of the alcove. I was dragged along behind him with no idea what was going on. He walked us down the stairs which led to the bottom floor of the building, where two extra courtrooms and a few offices, were flanked by the basement. No one was down there, he scanned the hallway, and pulled open a door labeled “Broom Closet.” Beyond, I could see some shelves, an old porcelain slop sink, and a clerestory window made of the frosted glass blocks that let in just enough light for the room to not be frightening.

He yanked me in and closed the door with a whisper of sound. Nick stood there watching me, raking his eyes over me, and I felt as though breathing was an impossible task. I grew completely weak in the knees and had to lean against the sink. Maybe it was better we’d had a few days between us and the song; I couldn’t imagine anything would have survived the blast that would’ve occurred if we’d collided that night.

Nick took two steps forward, standing between my knees, and lifted my chin with the tips of his fingers. “I want to fuck you, kitten.”

I sucked in a shocked breath. Shit, the sex god was back. “Right now?”

“Right here.” He traced my cheek with a thumb. “Tell me you have protection?”

“Jesus Christ, Nick,” I whispered.

He leaned in close. “I can’t testify when I’m this hard.” He brushed my hand over his hard length. It felt even better than against my hip. “Help a local rock star out?”

He nipped at my ear and the breath I’d just sucked in left in a rush. For a split second, I was terrified of this moment—then I remembered how good this guy was in bed. I pushed my knees apart and yanked him in closer by the buckle on his belt. “I want this fast and dirty.”

His hands were at the buttons of my shirt and working them free before my words were even all the way out. I kept my hands on his buckle and unfastened it slowly, brushing my hand against his hard cock. Was I really in the basement janitor’s closet undressing Nick D? The answer was definitely a ‘yes’ when he sucked my nipple into his mouth through my bra.

“Ah, fuuuh...” I gasped and ran my fingers into his hair. I pulled him back a bit. “We have to be seen in public in forty-five minutes. No teeth rings on my clothes. Please.”

“That, I can comply with,” Nick answered, with a devious tone.

He yanked the cup of the bra down over the already pearled tip of nipple, and fastened his lips around me again. His soft lips suckled lightly while his tongue twisted and licked and tasted the bud. Each movement was liquefying my sex, and I could feel the moisture there, soaking my panties. I clenched and groaned—then gasped as he pulled the other breast free and teased it to a peak with his fingers. Threading my hands into his hair again, I pulled him off me with a lascivious, soft pop. “Kiss me. Get up here and kiss me.”

His other hand took his mouth’s place and plumped me gently. He stood and brought his mouth to my lips, his hot sweet breath mingling with mine for just a moment before he devoured me even more than he’d devoured my nipple. I didn’t want to give him control, but he wrestled it away from with sweet nips at my lips and a gentle tongue welcomed with my own. He was going to own me before the for sale sign was even in the window.

“Goddamn it, kitten.” He dipped his head to the crook of my neck and his tongue darted out to taste me. “I love the way you feel against me. I can feel how hot your pussy is. Is it as wet as I think it is?”

“I don’t think I’m ever not wet for you.” I murmured against his cheek, and nipped at his ear. I was going to have to start wearing something more substantial than silk around this guy. He was wrecking my panties.

His big, warm hand trailed up my leg; I hadn’t even realized he’d moved one of them from my breast. He pulled the skirt up as he continued up, but froze just a little way up. “Oh, shit. Morgan, are you wearing thigh-highs?”

I let my breath drift over his ear. “And what if I am?”

He yanked my skirt up in one move, and ran his hands over the skin that was exposed between the top of the stockings and my panties. “Shit.”

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