Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Not Quite Juliet: A Club Imperial Novel (Silver Soul Book 1)
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I moved the tip of my shoe to the button of his jeans and nudged it. He complied, and pulled the zipper down. My little prayer that Nick was commando went unanswered; he was wearing something black underneath. As I watched, the black caught the lights filtering in from outside in a shimmery pattern.

He popped the waist of his pants down over his slim hips and dropped them to the ground as he shoved the motorcycle shoes he was wearing off his feet. He stepped out of the pants, pushing them to the side and stood up.

Sweet baby Jesus and the camel.

His erection tented out the gorgeous black satin boxers he was wearing. He was not small, oh no, not small at all. I couldn’t stop looking and moved my foot off his thigh.

“You see something you like?” It wasn’t a statement, and I still couldn’t move my eyes.

“Yes, I do.”

“Any rules about boxers in bed?”

“Just a time limit,” I answered, finally ripping my eyes from his endowment. I suddenly saw a flicker of doubt in his eyes. “What is it?” I tried not to show my anxiety.

“I...uh...” It was odd to hear the stutter in his otherwise confident voice. He reached down to his pants and pulled out his wallet and pulled something out, his confidence ramping back up. “Protection.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Nick, how old is that?”

“Um.” He looked at it. “I don’t know.” He screwed up his face. “Shit!”

I smiled and sat up from where I was reclining on the bed. I took a few steps forward, wearing just the shoes and the panties. I leaned into him and captured his mouth with mine, sliding my hand over his erection. “Don’t go anywhere,” I said, and stroked him a few times. Seriously, I need to find out who this person was who had taken over. I liked her. She had balls. Specifically, Nick D’s. In her hand.

I sashayed over to the other nightstand. I pulled out a box and put it on the nightstand, and smirked at him. He walked closer to the other side of the bed and looked at the box. His mouth fell open. “Sixty?!”

“My roommate is a very sweet, very sex driven girl, and she’s constantly forgetting to pick them up,” I said. “So I keep an extra box in here.” I leaned down and brought my knees up on to the bed crawling to where he was standing. “You okay with that?”

He was eyeing my pendulous breasts, and I could see him twitch hard in the boxers. “Oh, I am more than okay with it.”

I leaned back on my feet and slipped my hands under the waistband of his boxers, slipping my hand back to his ass. The boxers rode down my hands to grab again just at the top of his legs in the back. I squeezed his ass again, and it was even better than the first sampling. He kicked off the boxers, and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pushed me back onto the covers, following me.

“I like a woman who’s prepared.” He dropped his head to my breast again, and licked the nipple. I gasped, throwing my head back as he maneuvered me so he could settle between my legs. “You’re still overdressed,” he said, and grabbed the side of my panties, pulling them down. I moved so he could get them down my leg.

“Shoes?” I asked, staring up into his eyes.

“I think we can leave those, kitten,” he breathed.

He gasped the next moment as I wrapped my hand around his hard shaft. Oh, but he felt good in my hand. Nothing else in the world felt like a hot erection in your hand: hard steel wrapped in the softest velvet. It was so easy to stroke him gently and I loved the feeling. “Nick, I want to taste you.” It was the barest whisper.

“Shit,” he breathed, and I could feel his shaft jerk in my hand. “Kitten, I would love that, but I really want to be inside you.”

“You’re going to owe me a taste,” I said.

He assaulted my mouth: his tongue caught mine and railed against it, stroke and sucking and petting. He was kissing me dizzy, and before I could really process what was going on, his hand slipped down between us and his finger brushed against my clitoris. I nearly screamed, and bucked hard against him.

I slammed my hand on the nightstand and groped for the condom I’d pulled out of the box. I finally landed on it. I was already trying to rip it open before I could get both hands on it. I finally got it and flung the wrapper on the night stand pulling the condom out. I had it rolled on him a heartbeat later, and pulled him down to me.

“Please, go gentle,” I said. “It’s been a long time.”

“Me too, kitten,” he answered. “And I want to enjoy this.”

Him too? But...he was Nick D. He had fan girls all over—

His finger knocked all thought out of my head as it grazed over the bundle of nerves again, a moment later his head nudged at my entrance. I wrapped my hand around him again, guiding him inside me—and all I felt was thick shaft spreading me open, a delightful invasion where no one had been in far too long.

“Oh, hell,” he said, his eyes wide and capturing mine. “Morgan...”

I grabbed his firm ass and held him there in me for just a moment. “Hold on, Nick.” I couldn’t even tell him what I wanted, I couldn’t say I needed a moment to get used to him. I just held him there, and when I felt like I could handle him, I let go just a little.

After all, it was his gorgeous ass and I was planning on holding on to that as much as I could.

“I need to move, kitten,” he breathed.

“Please.” I could hear the lust in my own voice.

And move he did, sliding himself out and pushing back in carefully. It was as much of an intrusion as the first time, and it was incredible. He took long slow strokes, breathing hard and uneven, his eye caught on mine. “You are amazing.”

“Faster, Nick.” I ground myself into him.

He started moving faster and leaned down and caught my nipple in his mouth. He didn’t lose the rhythm of his pistoning shaft, either. He managed to do both, and it ramped me right up, sending me through the roof. The little nibble he placed on my hard nipple rocketed me closer to my orgasm.

“Nick,” I panted. I wrapped my legs around him and pushed my heels into his ass.

“You’re killing me, Morgan.”

“Make me come,” I stated.

“Oh, kitten, you know it.” He licked my nipple again, and this time blew a cool stream of air directly at it.

I gasped and writhed under him. “Shit, Nick!”

“I’m not going to last,” he murmured almost to himself. He reached down between us and his finger found my clit easily. “I’m not leaving you behind.”

He flicked and pressed and rubbed against the sensitive bundle, and I had no choice but to gasp and twist and writhe some more under him. I was speeding towards my climax. And by all that was holy, I needed him to come with me.

I reached up and dragged my nails over his nipples, and I felt his entire body shudder and he hissed out an incomprehensible swear word. I focused the efforts of my fingers, through the haze of the rising orgasm, and flicked my finger over his nipple. They pebbled delightfully and he swore again.

“Morgan,” he breathed.

“Oh, please, please,” I answered.

“So close.”

He dipped his head to my breast again and sucked hard on me as he rubbed circles on my clitoris. He pulled out again and when he went to push back in, he did all three at the same time, slamming in hard, bottoming out inside me.

I flew apart, panting and yelling his name. My sex clenched around him—proof of orgasm, no returns, please—and I heard him swear again, slam into me two more times and groan my name, spilling inside me. He had thrust a few more times, hard, finishing himself off.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him down to me. Breathing hard, our respective orgasms rolled through us. He rolled to his side and took me with him. I only lost the feeling of him inside me after he shifted on the bed to get rid of the condom.

He put a careful hand on my cheek. “Morgan.”

I smiled. “Hi.”

“I’m sorry that wasn’t longer,” he said.

“I’m not. That was what we both needed.” I ran a finger down his nose. “You can seduce me and take your time next time.”

“Next time,” he agreed.

“Next time would be now if it weren’t two a.m.” My heart was starting to slow and I could finally catch my breath.

He pulled me in close and grabbed the blanket I had at the bottom of the bed. “I wish our second date could be tomorrow.” He kissed my forehead and settled the blanket over us. As I drifted off to sleep there was only one thought drifting vaguely through my head.

I was naked in my bed with Nick D.

It was a great way to fall asleep.

Chapter 6


he alarm was a complete asshole, waking me from a blissful sleep. I yawned and stretched-

There was only a cat on the bed with me.


Used. Again.

I held the blanket to my chest and sat up. I looked around the room and let out a breath. I didn’t even have it in me to get upset anymore. Dervish sat quietly looking at me, almost as if he understood this was not the time to be his usual morning jerk-self.

This was why I had been celibate for two years; the disappointment of waking up alone after all those promises was worse than anything else.

Dervish meowed and walked over to me. He butted his head on my elbow.

I looked at the clock, and sighed. It was the second alarm, which meant dry shampoo and the infamous sink shower. I put my feet on the floor and stopped. I looked down. The shoes were gone. I’d fallen asleep with the shoes on. I glanced around the room again. The corset and leather pants were sitting on the chair next to the door— the corset was folded, the pants were draped. Victor’s shirt was hung off the top of it on one side. The shoes were neatly on the floor below and the panties were tucked inside the shoe.

Well, at least he was a considerate user.

I trotted into the bathroom to do the ‘please don’t let my deodorant fail’ morning toilet and had my real clothes on in a flash. I wanted a shower, desperately, so I could wash off the gorgeous smell of
off my skin, but I decided it was my punishment for letting myself get used. Again.

I would deal with the emotional fall out later. And it would be a doozie: used by the lead singer of my favorite band I’d been crushing on for two or more years. Yeah, that was going to be fun.

I grabbed the more sensible black heels from the closet and slipped them on. Judge MacPhearson was no one to be trifled with and if I wasn’t there and ready at 8:30, she’d dress me down in front of the whole court. She’d done it before to other people and I took pride in the fact that my courtrooms were always ready.

I walked to the door and watched Dervish. He was sitting there, waiting. He almost seemed to be smiling at me. A ‘you’re welcome’ for leaving us completely alone last night. Which would have been sweet if this morning hadn’t happened.

I pulled the door open, Dervish shot out and I was ready to stomp across the living room.


Lisa was sitting in the chair across the way, her legs pulled up and coffee mug in her hand. She had flung her hand out in order to reinforce her directive. She popped out of the chair, and started walking over. “I was hoping you’d stop. Look down.”

I did. There was a cheesy, chintzy silk rose on the floor on top of an envelope. The writing on the envelope was a man’s and it said,
on it. “You need to read that because I need to know who’s leaving cheap flowers outside your room.” Lisa grinned at me. “Kitten.”

I picked it all up and looked at the handwriting. I recognized it. Silver Soul had written the liner notes on their third album, and this was Nick’s handwriting. I flipped it over and popped the seal and I pulled out the paper.


I’m so sorry I couldn’t be there to see you wake up this morning. I hope you understand. I have an absolutely unbreakable appointment today. I loved everything about last night, including watching you drift off to sleep in my arms. I wanted to give you more than this Walgreen’s rose, but there’s simply nothing open at 4:30 in the morning. I hope you accept it as if it were fresh from the bloom. I can’t wait for our second date. Please call me tonight.

All yours—

Nick D.

My mouth was hanging open by the time I got to the bottom of the letter—I realized his cell phone number was there. That inner voice was rejoicing: he hadn’t just come and gone! He wanted to stay but couldn’t.
Text him, shithead
, the little bitch yelled at me.

And she was dead on. I grabbed the phone and punched in the number as Lisa grabbed the letter out of my hand.

Thank you for the rose. I’ll treasure it always.

“Does... does that say Nick D at the bottom?” Lisa gasped. She jerked her head towards me. “Did you have sex with Nick D from Silver Soul?!”

I nodded. “I did.”

“Oh. My.
.” She grabbed my hands and started dancing around the apartment with me. “You not only got some, but you got some from a god among men!” She stopped a minute later. “Holy crap, woman, what do you keep in your boudoir that you not only got a first date, but sex, a letter, a rose and a phone number for a second date?!”

“It’s all about the boobs.” He had certainly liked mine.

The phone pinged.

You’re welcome. Can you pretend it’s real?

I don’t want to. A real one would die, and I don’t have to worry about that.

Well. I’ll shower you with fake roses then.

Oh, God. He fell under the ‘adorbs’ category.

You’re not mad?

I was. I thought you fucked me over.

I did.

Sex-clench. Oh, yay, this was fun.

Well, if that’s your definition, you can do it anytime.

Gotta run, kitten. Call me tonight.

Oh, my yes.

Lisa was staring at me after reading the exchange. “You really did have sex with him.”

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