Read Not Talented in Hollywood: Not in Hollywood Book 3 Online
Authors: Leonie Gant
I stayed silent. He seemed to be lost in his memories and it
was like he had forgotten that I was even there.
“I was so besotted with her I would have done anything that
she wanted. I supported everything she did. No matter what she did, I was there
for her, through the alcohol, the gambling the other men. I stood by you didn’t
I?” he directed at the dead woman. “And when I said I wanted a divorce, you
wouldn’t give me one because that would have meant parting with some of the
money you’d earned climbing over the top of everyone. Looks like I’m finally
free at last” he whispered, tears shimmering in his eyes.
At this point I wasn’t entirely sure whether those tears
were from grief or joy. Feeling extraordinarily uncomfortable I almost wept
with joy when Peter arrived, looking slightly less inflamed than he had
earlier. The cat who had stayed blissfully quiet, took one look at Peter and
started yowling again. I could hear the tail swishing against the sides of the
cage. Peter slowed as he saw who else was next to the coffin.
“Evan” he said. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”
“Why not?” Evan replied. “She was my wife after all.”
“Only in name” said Peter.
Evan inclined his head in acknowledgment of the truth of
that statement.
“It was lovely to meet you Trudie. Thank you for listening
to the sentimental ramblings of an old fool.”
I watched him leave, noticing that he seemed to be holding
himself a little straighter as if a burden had been lifted from him.
“He’s right” Peter mumbled as he went to grab the cat cage.
“He always was an old fool, even when he was younger. He couldn’t see that he
never had a chance of holding on to Catarina.”
“Why didn’t they just divorce?” I asked.
“Catarina, didn’t want to lose any of her money to him in a
divorce. Being married to him didn’t make one tiny bit of difference to the way
she lived her life, so she just refused to divorce him. It probably gave her
some perverse kind of enjoyment to know that he was trapped. Last I heard he
had started seeing another professor at the university and wanted to marry her.
Catarina liked the idea of standing in the way of his happily ever after,
purely because she could.”
I looked back at the coffin with a sense of distaste. Peter
followed my look and his features tightened.
“She wasn’t always like that” he said tightly.
“Of course not” I said. See, I was learning how to lie like
the best of them.
Catarina’s funeral was unlike any funeral service I had ever
seen. Admittedly the crowd was small but there was not one tear from anyone
that I could see. The eulogy was given in the same way that a stock report
would be given, just a litany of the highlights. Admittedly from what I’d heard
about Catarina’s personality, I wasn’t really surprised but I had thought that
there must be someone who would mourn her passing. Someone other than the cat
who spent the entire service in her cage, growling and hissing, providing a
surreal backdrop to the extremely uncomfortable situation.
Later standing in a corner during the wake with Crystal and
Edwin I looked around the subdued group again. At the wakes I had been to
previously, there would be any number of emotions on show, from devastation to
a bleak humor as people discussed their memories of the dearly departed. Today
there seemed to be nothing. I could see poor Tomas had no idea what to do with
himself. It was like a party where no one had any clue why they were there, and
were trying to work out how much time they had to stay before they could make
their escape without seeming to be rude.
“This is starting to creep me out” Crystal murmured.
“Got that right” a voice came from behind me and I spun
around to find Travis Cooper standing there with a grin on his face and holding
a huge plate of food.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, possibly not as
surprised as I should have been. The man seemed to pop up in the strangest
Travis shrugged and that crooked smile of his started to
“I came to be your date.”
I rolled my eyes holding back a sigh. “People don’t bring
dates to funerals.”
“The husband did” Travis motioned to where Evan Webber was
standing next to an older woman, his head bent to hers as if unwilling to miss
a single word that she said.
“You are kidding me” Crystal said unable to stop herself
from looking in the direction he was pointing.
“Afraid not” said Travis, a little too gleefully.
The man seemed to get a perverse pleasure from seeing the
all too human foibles on show. Despite the fact I wouldn’t put it past him to
be here purely for the entertainment value I felt my eyes narrowing at him.
“Were you planning on telling us the real reason why you are
here or did you want us to play twenty questions so you can be entertained?”
“See that’s why we’re perfect for each other” Travis said.
“You understand me.”
I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. We weren’t
perfect for each other. Travis just had a complicated history with Griffin that
I knew part of but not all. Somehow I had become this bone of contention
between them. Travis seemed to enjoy pushing Griffin’s buttons by being around
me and behaving slightly inappropriately. I didn’t take him seriously but
unfortunately Griffin still reacted badly when Travis came anywhere near me. Fortunately
he and Ramos had left the funeral after the service, thereby missing the most lacklustre
wake ever.
“I’m actually working today.”
“Ooh” said Crystal scanning the crowd. “Who’s the dirty
cheater? It’s him isn’t it?” she said pointing to a possible aspiring actor who
was obviously looking at character parts as a mob enforcer. His shirt was
unbuttoned just a little too much with gold chains showing on his
extraordinarily hairy chest. He was speaking intently to Peter who was holding
the cat cage in front of him as if it was a shield. Travis’s hand shot out and
clamping over Crystal’s arm pulled it down.
“No it isn’t” he hissed, “and it might not be a great idea
to bring attention to one of the more vicious debt collectors in the country.”
“Really, what would he be doing at Catarina’s funeral?” I
asked quizzically as the three of us turned to look at him.
“Seriously people” Travis said. “Stop looking at him.
Believe me, he is a man you do not want to get the attention of.”
We turned back to him.
“I’m actually here for the husband.”
“Why would you be looking into the husband? Who’s he
cheating on?”
Travis looked at me sourly. “You know I don’t just take on
cheating jobs, I do have other skills.”
“Of course you do” I said, hoping I was conveying my
sincerity appropriately.
Travis looked at me in disgust. “As we know Catarina and
Evan’s marriage was not a happy one, both pretty much divorced except for the
paperwork. Evan started seeing a professor from college, much more his speed.
He’s trying to convince Catarina to give him a divorce so he can marry the
academic of his dreams. Catarina refuses and now Catarina is dead. Evan can now
marry the woman he loves, no harm, no foul. Problem though is that Catarina was
removed from the picture in a pretty unsavory way. The professor has got a
daughter who, understandably, is a bit concerned that the wife of her future
stepfather was dispatched in such a way. I have been hired to look into the
case to ensure that mom is safe with her prince charming.”
“Really?” I was having a little trouble stopping the
skepticism from showing. I knew Travis’s reputation and I also knew that he was
not cheap. The thought that someone had hired him for this kind of job didn’t
quite sound right. Usually people hired him when there was a chance of a major
pay off.
Travis sighed. “That was the reason I got given but I looked
into it. The professor over there has money and I’m guessing the real reason is
the daughter doesn’t want anything to get in the way of her inheritance, a new
husband may do that.”
That sounded more like it.
“So what have you found so far?” asked Crystal excitedly.
“That if I was married to Catarina Badal I’d have killed her
way before now” Travis said.
“How much exactly do they pay you for your brilliant
insights?” I asked dryly.
“Not as much as I’m worth sweetheart.” Travis grinned.
“So, do you think he killed her?”
Travis shrugged, “He had every reason to. She seduced him,
forced him into marriage with a fake pregnancy scare, used him to further her
career and then refused to let him go when he fell for someone else, and
believe me, from what I’ve found out he has definitely fallen for the other
“Enough to kill?” I asked.
Travis shrugged. “And there is the million dollar question
isn’t it? I haven’t found anything to indicate that he did kill her, but it’s
still a possibility. The fact of the matter is that he is now free to marry the
new girlfriend and we haven’t even looked at what he could be getting out of
the will.” We all looked thoughtfully over at Evan as he precariously juggled a
plate and a drink, all while listening solicitously to his soon to be wife, if
what Travis was telling us was true.
“I really think we should go” announced Crystal.
“Over it already?” I asked.
“I was over it before we walked in the door” she said.
“No problems” I said. “Just give me few minutes to find
Tomas and say goodbye.”
“You’re just going to leave me here” Travis whined
“Afraid so” I said. “Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll be
overcome with guilt and admit to killing her.”
Travis looked at me sourly. “You know sometimes I really
don’t think that you take me seriously.”
Looking for Tomas I rounded a corner to see the man Travis
had said was the debt collector, with Peter cornered in the hallway. Peter
looked panicked.
“Your boss stole from Mr Caldwell and owed him a lot of
“But she’s dead” sputtered Peter.
“You really think that matters to Mr Caldwell” he drawled.
“That money needs to be paid sooner or later by someone. If it isn’t her then
those close to her need to start coming up with the cash.”
A hand touched my arm and I leapt back clapping a hand over
my mouth to stifle the scream that was coming out.
“What are you…?” Tomas managed to get out before I clapped
the other hand over his mouth. The debt collector looked in our direction and
seeing a door behind us I opened it and quickly pulled Tomas in, still with my
hand clamped over his mouth. In the darkness I could see that I had pulled us
into a closet. Tomas, obviously knowing that there must be a reason for my
crazy antics, didn’t struggle and stood there patiently with my hand covering
his mouth. I could hear footsteps coming down the hall. Through the light
coming underneath the doorway I could see a shadow as a figure stopped. I held
my breath and I could feel that Tomas had stopped breathing against me hand.
Neither of us moved as we both looked at the doorknob willing it not to turn.
“Because I’m a generous man I’m giving you one chance to
make this right. If not you just may be looking at joining your boss.”
Tomas’s eyes widened and we listened as heavy footsteps made
their way down the hall. Lighter ones went in the opposite direction and I
started to breathe again. Just as my racing heart started to calm down, the
door was pulled open. I gave a short scream that got strangled when I saw it
was Travis standing in the doorway. He looked at the two of us standing in the
closet, my hand still covering Tomas’s mouth and leaned back.
“Not what I was expecting to find, but hell I’ve seen
I dropped my hand. “You’ve probably been part of worse” I
Travis shrugged. “Not going to argue with you there.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked as I came out of the
closet peering around to make sure we were alone.
“Crystal and Edwin got into an argument over some stupid
thing. Crystal stormed out and Edwin went after her. I told him I’d take you
“What were they arguing about?” I asked.
“I don’t know” he said impatiently. “It just seemed like
some weird kind of foreplay they were doing. Frankly the whole thing made me
“I would have thought it would take a lot to make you
“Exactly” he replied. “Gives you an idea of how bad it was.”
“So you came looking for me. How did you know I was in the
“Saw you drag the poor guy in here, I was just getting ready
to rescue him when I saw D’Angelo. Figured I’d better get out of the way. When
he was gone I came to get you.”
“Did you see what happened?” I asked
“No, think I was too late, but anything that has D’Angelo
involved is very bad news.”
“He may have something to do with Catarina’s death.”
“Not a big leap” Travis said thoughtfully. “The guy works as
a freelance debt collector for some of the casino owners in Vegas. Mostly works
with the high rollers who have got in over their heads and think their position
or their money means they don’t have to pay. D’Angelo is very good at
disabusing them of that notion. Looks like Catarina may have got herself in
some trouble.”
“Question is, could that have been the cause of her death?”
I noticed Tomas still standing there, not saying a word and
with the same stunned look on his face that he had when I’d pulled him into the
“Are you okay Tomas?” I asked, the concern that I had
traumatized him evident in my voice. “I’m sorry I did that, I was just scared
we’d get caught.”
“Are you kidding?” said Tomas. “That was amazing. I love it
when you come to a funeral, it makes for the most exciting day.”
Travis raised his eyebrows.
“Okay” I drew out slowly. “I think it’s time that I got
going. Wouldn’t want your day to get too exciting. You ready to take me home?”
I said to Travis.
He nodded and I started to follow him.
Down the hallway I whispered to Travis. “Is he still looking
at me?”
Travis looked back. “Yes he is, I think he looks like he’s
in love.”
I snorted. “I think I’ve just been a little unlucky with the
funerals I’ve attended”.
This time Travis snorted. “Sure, it’s all about luck. Got
nothing to do with you.”
I got into his car and turned on him.
“What do you mean by that?”
“I’m just saying, you’re one of those people that attract
trouble wherever you go. Luck’s got nothing to do with it.”
“I do not attract trouble” I said. “I work in an industry
which is highly volatile.”
Travis laughed so hard that I could see tears coming out of
his eyes.
“You’re a personal assistant” he said. “It’s not like you’re
working in counter intelligence. Just accept it. There are some people in this
world who when things hit the fan, they are standing right in the middle of it
as it rains down on them. You my friend, are one of those people.”
“I truly don’t like you very much” I said through gritted
“I know you say that, but I don’t believe you.” Travis said
“You really should” I said warningly.
“Hey” he protested, “I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. I like
being around you when it comes raining down, the results are kind of
I sighed. There really was no arguing with that.