Not Your Hero (18 page)

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Authors: Anna Brooks

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Not Your Hero
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“No, babe. I just want to get home, and you’re arguing over something that isn’t going to change. If I want to buy you something or bring food home for you guys, I’m going to.”

“I’m not used to that.”

I rest my head back and sigh. “I know you’re not. And I’m not, either. It’s usually just me. We’ll get through it together.”


“Yeah. So in the future, if I ask what you want, just pick one. It’ll save a lot of time.”

The line is quiet for a second. “You can’t buy everything, though.” She rushes to get the words out and is silent again.

I think for a moment so I don’t come across as too much of a dick. “I’m not trying to. It’s food, Court.”

“Maybe to you. But to me, it’s so much more,” she whispers.

“I know.” I start the truck and clip my buckle. “But I really need to go so I can order the food and pick it up. I want to see you.”

“It’s only been like eight hours.” She laughs.

“It’s too long, Courtney. Any time away from you is too long.”



I HANG THE PHONE up and lean against the kitchen counter. I’m so not used to this. It’s one thing for Mona to help me out, but Sam? He’s a completely different story. Everything is happening so fast, and I’m trying to adjust. I don’t want to seem ungrateful but accepting things is new for me.

He’s been so great. I don’t know where I would be without his help. I meant what I said earlier about loving him. He’s really hard not to. A long time ago, I saw in him what he is just now seeing in himself.

I grab some plates and bowls to set the table so it’s ready when he gets here. Ben’s feet stomp down the stairs before I see him. He rounds the corner with a baseball glove on and his ball.

“Wanna play catch with me, Mom?” he asks.

Normally I wouldn’t be able to since I’d be making dinner. But because Sam is picking it up, I have the time. “Yeah, honey. Let’s go in the back.”

He runs out, and I follow. We’re tossing the ball back and forth for a little while and I decide it would be a good time to talk to him about Sam. I’ve never discussed how he feels about me having a boyfriend. “So, do you like when Sam hangs out with us?”

“Yeah! He’s fun. And he shows me how to do cool stuff in his garage.”

“Is it okay if he hangs out with us more?”

He stops and looks at me, tilts his head, then straightens it again. “Yeah. Can he teach me how to ride a bike?” He throws the ball back to me.

I’m not surprised at his acceptance but relieved all the same. “Sure, I bet Sam would like that.”

“Like what?” Sam’s voice startles me.

“For you to teach him how to ride a bike.”

“I’d love to.”

“Cool!” Ben screams and runs toward the garage where his bike is.

“Not yet, Ben. We need to eat and then I have to figure out how to take the training wheels off,” I yell.

“Woman,” Sam growls and puts me in a headlock. “You’re not doing anything that requires you holding a tool.” He puts his mouth right next to my ear. “Unless it’s me.”

I laugh and push him away. “You’re a pig.”

“Ben, let’s go eat then I’ll take the training wheels off your bike,” he yells.

“Okay, Sam.” Ben runs back and into the house.

We follow him, but before we go inside, Sam presses me against the siding and kisses me. I slide my tongue in his open mouth and moan when his fingers graze over my breasts.

“I missed you,” he whispers against my mouth.

“I missed you, too.”

“And not just today, Courtney. All those months I acted like an idiot and tried to keep you away. I missed the hell out of you then, too.”

I wrap my hands around his waist and pull him closer. “Don’t be an idiot and you won’t have to miss me again.”

“Although, I have to admit that it was fun watching you get all mad. You’re hot when you’re angry.”

I laugh and run my hands through his hair. “For a smart guy, that was really dumb.”

“What can I say?” He shrugs. “I’m a dumb, smart man in love.”

“No.” I shake my head and pull his face down so our noses are touching. “You’re a kind, caring, thoughtful, handsome, generous, dumb, smart man in love. And I’m lucky to have you.”

“No way, baby. I’m the one who’s lucky.”

Instead of arguing with him, I lean up and gently press my lips to his. We walk hand in hand to the kitchen table where Sam has set out all the takeout boxes.

We sit, and right before Ben shoves a forkful of spaghetti in his mouth, he looks over from Sam to me, then back at Sam.


“Yeah, buddy?”

“Can Chloe sleep over?”


Lots of people to thank again. I’m so grateful to each and every one of you. Especially my husband and two boys who once again have had to put up with me while I was glued to my computer. Love you so much!

To all of my critiquers and beta readers, you guys rock. Thank you for always being honest and helping me polish this bad boy up. KJ, Stacie, Kishan, Marianne, Kelly, Megan, Brandy, Andrea, Nancy, Polly, Allie, Taylor, Isabella, PM, Beth, and Jen.

My AOI girls. Couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for being there and encouraging me when I questioned everything at the last minute. #TheAwesome

Of course I need to thank my family. . . . my entire family. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, you guys have been nothing but supportive! Love you all, and thanks for embarrassing me at Thanksgiving. :)

Kari at Cover to Cover Designs: I can’t even say how happy I am to have you working with me on these books. I just love what you do and am so lucky you haven’t gotten sick of me yet. Thank you for being amazing.

Jenny at Editing4Indies: You’re simply the best. Thank you for always being there and giving the greatest advice. Your work is top-notch, and I’m honored to say I know you.

Erin at Southern Belle: I’m grateful to be lucky enough to work with you. I love that you always steer me in the right direction and make it seem like it’s my idea, even though we both know you’re the one who has all the good ideas.

Stacey at Champagne Formats: I can’t thank you enough. My only regret is that I didn’t know of you sooner. You took a task that literally made me cry the first time I did it off of my shoulders, there are no words to describe how much I appreciate you.

Bree at Vivid Words Editing, thank you for your superb job proofreading. I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule for me.

To the band Aranda for the song Satisfied. I listened to the acoustic version on repeat while writing. It fits the book perfectly. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world and inspiring me along the way.

And last but not least, to each and every one of the readers who opens this up and reads it (and hopefully leaves a review . . . hint, hint). If you stopped reading, I’d have to stop writing, and I really like writing, so please don’t stop reading.

About the Author

Anna has always had a passion for writing, and is thrilled to be able to bring her stories to life. Born in Wisconsin, she’s lived in several Midwestern states. She enjoys reading, writing, and spending time outdoors with her husband and two boys.

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