Obsession (Forbidden #2) (36 page)

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Authors: Michelle Betham

BOOK: Obsession (Forbidden #2)
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He looks up when I walk in. He’s standing by his desk, and the second I close the door behind me he throws the papers he was looking through down on the floor and heads over to me. And before I can take another breath his hand’s on my cheek and his mouth is on mine and he’s pushing me back against the wall as we kiss like we’ve never kissed before. It’s urgent and desperate; a forbidden kiss, because we don’t belong together anymore. We never did. But we need

It seems to go on forever. It’s like we’re taking every last drop of whatever it was we did to save each other from the demons we carried around with us for so long. It’s a healing kiss. It’s necessary, and there’s a part of me that doesn’t want him to pull away, but when he does, that’s when it hits; when the finality of it all washes over both of us. He fixed me. I fixed him. Now we’ve both got to go out there and find those lives we both deserve to live.

‘Good to see you, beautiful.’

He smiles, and I smile back. And another little piece of our messed-up worlds fall into place.

‘Good to see you too, handsome.’

He leans in to me again, his fingers gently stroking my cheek, his eyes boring deep into mine, but the sadness is gone. He knows, that we have to do this. He knows, and it hurts, but we have to do this. I have to walk away. He has to start again. He knows that’s what we have to do.

So I take his hand and I pull it away from me, but I keep hold of it, looking down as his fingers curl around mine. This feels right. I can go now, and I think we’re both going to be OK.

I raise my gaze, and I don’t think his has ever left me.

‘You have a nice life now. Y’hear me, Ms Blu?’

I nod, and smile, and slowly let go of his hand, taking hold of the door handle, gripping it tight as I open it, stopping in the doorway and looking back one last time. One final time.

‘You too, Mr Cannon. You too…’




‘Surrender’ – the third and final book in The Forbidden Series – will be released March 2016.


About the author…



Michelle Betham is an ex-media technician turned author of hot, edgy, gritty romance, usually involving rock stars, sports stars, and bikers. But not usually all in the same book. Yet. She is both self-published and published through HarperImpulse, a division of HarperCollins Publishers.
Addicted to binge-watching TV dramas she struggles to think of a life before Netflix, loves rock music, tattoos, spicy food, and Keanu Reeves - a crush that's lasted over twenty years, and one she blames entirely on 'Point Break'.
Her dream is to ride a Harley. And visit Las Vegas. And be able to eat any amount of chocolate without putting on weight.
She lives in County Durham, north-east England, with her husband and West Highland Terrier, where she can be found most days drinking tea and making up stories.


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