Octavian's Undoing (Sons of Judgment) (3 page)

BOOK: Octavian's Undoing (Sons of Judgment)
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“Have you decided?”


Riley jumped, smacking the underside of the table with her knees. “Jesus!”


The man, having mysteriously materialized mere feet away from her, smiled sheepishly. “Forgive me.”


Riley offered him a slight smile. “You should consider becoming a ninja.”


The man exhaled heavily. “Such a beautiful dream that would be, if only I had the legs for tights.”


Riley giggled before she could stop herself.


The man smiled. “Have you decided?” he asked against, gesturing with his chin towards the menu.


Riley passed over the untouched menu. “Just coffee, please.” A safe choice. It just didn’t feel right ordering an entire meal for free when she hadn’t really done anything to deserve it.


The man’s brows drew together in a frown. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like something to eat? Not to brag, but I make an amazing turkey club.”


Riley chuckled. “No, thank you. I ate before I came,” she lied, praying her stomach wouldn’t make a liar out of her. The delicious scent from the kitchen was killing her and it was pure luck she hadn’t started drooling or thinking about the last time she’d eaten anything.


“If you’re certain.” The man’s gaze was thoughtful, like he knew she was lying, but couldn’t call her on it.


She watched him walk away and slumped in her seat. She turned her gaze out the window at the parking lot and watched the wind play through the treetops. The knotted branches swayed, parting just enough to allow a small flutter of sunlight to poke through before it was smothered. Riley wondered what kind of people opened a restaurant in the middle of nowhere where no one could find them. Images of cannibals masquerading as restaurant owners played through her mind. A chill swept up her spine, making her shudder. Her gaze swept over the room, wondering if it was too late to leave before she was chopped up and served as that evening’s Riley soup.


“I’m coming out!” came a voice from the kitchen, moments before the doors swung outward and the man strolled through carrying a silver tray the same silver color as his eyes. It was laden with a coffee pot, a cup, a dispenser for cream and a small bowl of sugar cubes. He set it down before her and nimbly poured her the drink.


“Will there be anything else?”


Riley eyed the dark brew, remembering a scene from the
Texas Chain Saw Massacre
where the girl had been drugged after drinking something she was given. She shook her head. “No, thank you.” She fidgeted. “Maybe I should come back. I promised my friends that I would come right back after dropping off the wallet. They’re waiting for me at the end of the road.”


The man, if he sensed her lie, did nothing more than give her an indulgent smile. “I’m positive Octavian will be here at any moment. I apologize for taking up so much of your time, but of course you are more than welcome to come back at any time, if you wish.”


Feeling silly for being so paranoid, especially when he was being so nice, Riley shook her head. “I can wait for a little longer.”


The man inclined his head. “Stay for as long as you wish.” He took a step back and clapped his hands together once. “Are you sure there is nothing else I can get for you?”


She started to give her head another shake when she thought of something. “You wouldn’t happen to have this morning’s paper, would you?” she asked.


“I do.” He left, returning a moment later with the paper. He set it down next to her cup. “Enjoy.”


Thanking him, Riley turned to the paper and flipped it open. She pulled out a pen from her purse and went to work scouring the
Help Wanted


“Job hunting?”


Riley jumped, striking the underside of the table with her knee for the second time in a matter of twenty minutes and nearly upending her cup. She grabbed for it, and steadied it before snapping her attention to the woman standing a short distance away, dressed beautifully in a salmon pink business suit and matching shoes.


She was breathtaking. Hands down one of the most beautiful women Riley had ever seen in her life. She was six feet of legs and perfect curves, topped with a flawless peaches and cream complexion. Her mane of corn-silk blonde curls hung in a thick, glossy cap down the center of her slender back, stopping inches from grazing round hips. Just being in the same room as her was a serious blow to any woman’s ego.


The woman grimaced guiltily. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”


Riley, still dazed by the woman’s beauty, shook her head. “I think I’m beginning to get used to it.”


The woman laughed, pushing a blonde curl behind her ear. The candlelight caught the gold hoop in her ear and glinted. “You’ve met my husband.” It wasn’t a question, but an amused fact. “I’m buying him a bell for Christmas.”


It was on the tip of her tongue to suggest the woman buy herself one, too, but she kept it to herself. Riley couldn’t figure out how the woman managed to make it all the way across the room, in heels that were no less than seven inches, without making a single damn sound. She hadn’t been concentrating on the newspaper that hard, had she?


“I’m Kyaerin Maxwell.” The woman moved forward, slim hand extended.


Riley hurried out of her seat to accept it. “Riley Masters.” She tilted her face and frowned. “Karen?”


The woman shook her head, still smiling. “Close, but more like Ki-ren.” Kyaerin gave her hand a shake, a squeeze and released. “It’s nice to meet you, Riley. What brings you to our neck of the woods?”


Riley gestured to the window. “I live down the road, but I’m here returning a wallet that was dropped. I think it belongs to your son, Octavian? He dropped it at the post office.”


Kyaerin’s look took on the same slack-jawed appearance her husband had given Riley. “Is that so?” But unlike her husband, hers melted away quickly to a sweet, genuinely happy smile. “Well that is awfully kind of you. Not very many people would go out of their way—”


“It wasn’t out of my way,” Riley insisted. “Like I said, I live just down the road. It was on the way.”


Kyaerin waved away her explanation with a flick of her dainty wrist. “Even then, most people wouldn’t bother, especially with the substantial amount of cash that had been inside. He was supposed to go to the bank this morning,” she said when Riley studied her, curious as to how she knew what had been in the wallet. “It was his turn to deposit this week’s float. Octavian will be so grateful you returned it and saved him a tongue lashing.”


Riley laughed weakly. “Really, not a big deal.”


Kyaerin’s laugh was the soft tinkle of bells. “Well, we’re grateful nevertheless.” Her gaze dropped to the paper in front of Riley. “What kind of jobs are you looking for?”


Startled by the abrupt change of topic, Riley faltered for a second before responding. “At this point, whatever I can find.”


Kyaerin moved to pluck up the paper and examine the circles Riley had made. Her pert little nose crinkled into one of disgust. “Warehouse worker? Waste management? Goodness.”


Riley laughed. “Like I said, whatever I can find.”


Kyaerin folded the paper none too gently and tossed it down on a nearby table. “Those are not jobs for a young lady. As it so happens, my husband is looking for someone to help out around here full time. I could put in a word if you like?”


Work at the
Addams Family


“Oh no, that’s okay. Thank—”


Kyaerin wasn’t listening. “You would be doing us yet another favor, I assure you.”


Wary, Riley frowned. “What would I need to do?” Because if she had to lure people into the basement and hang them by their feet as their blood drained… even a desperate girl had to have limits.


“We need a waitress to help during the evening rush. You’d have to get meals and drinks. Nothing too strenuous.”


That didn’t sound so bad, except… “I’ve never waitressed,” she confessed.


“It’s very simple,” Kyaerin insisted. “You’ll be trained before your first shift. The pay is reasonable and you’ll get every other weekend off.”


Now isn’t the time to start turning down jobs, especially one that is offered,
the voice in her head chided.


Riley forced a bright smile. “That would be wonderful. Thank you so much!”


Kyaerin left her, moving with a graceful swagger through the doors behind the counter. The click of her pumps faded as the door swung closed behind her. Riley dropped into her seat, nerves warring with dread. She was so not dressed for an interview. Her clothes were rumpled from the heat and her makeup was smudged and faded. She didn’t even want to think how bad her hair looked. But she was never one to back out of an opportunity, even if it was being offered purely out of gratitude for the safe return of their week’s earnings. A job was a job.


Hurriedly, she unhitched the clip from her hair and let the copper strands tumble around her shoulders. The usually straight strands fell in waves that she quickly combed out with her fingers. She dragged her knuckles beneath her eyes, rubbing away as much of the makeup smudges as possible before using a napkin to scrub the faded lipstick from her lips. She was reaching for her purse to reapply when the kitchen doors swung open and Kyaerin hurried out followed by her husband. Riley plastered what she hoped was a confident smile on her face and rose to her feet to meet them.


“Kyaerin tells me you’re looking for a job,” the man came right out and said, extending a hand to Riley even though they’d already met.


Riley took it, giving it a buoyant shake. “I am. I have resumes in the car if you—”


The man waved the offer away. “Later. Let’s just talk for now.”


Riley sat, counting to ten in her head and willed her nerves to quit shaking.


“Let’s start with your name.”


She learned the man’s name was Liam Maxwell. He and his wife owned Final Judgment, a diner and bar, a business that had been family owned for years. Their sons helped when they could, but they had other responsibilities that kept them busy and they needed an extra hand to pick up the slack. Riley listened as Liam spoke, describing the type of job required of her and the hours she would need to put in. When they got to the salary she would be getting every two weeks, Riley nearly fainted. True, she’d never had a waitressing job in the past, but she was pretty damn certain no other waitress was getting that much in a single night, not including tips.


“Our customers are very generous,” Kyaerin said when Riley’s eyes widened. “You could make anywhere between fifty and a hundred dollars a night. Sometimes more.”


Now, Riley wasn’t stupid. She knew a sugar coating when she heard one, but even if the tip earning was greatly exaggerated, the facts remained that she’d be earning enough in one week to pay the rent and most of the bills and all she had to do was wait tables.


“This all sounds a little too good to be true,” she admitted.


Liam smiled at her kindly. “I won’t lie to you, it won’t be all champagne and roses, but you seem like someone who picks things up quickly.”


“I am,” Riley said, struggling to keep her voice even. “I’m not afraid of hard work.”


“Fantastic,” Kyaerin said, glancing at her husband.


Liam nodded. “I have a question though.”


Riley waited.


“How old are you?”


It took a great deal of effort not to grimace. This was the part that scared a lot of potential employers away.


“I turned nineteen last week,” she confessed after a split second hesitation. “But I don’t drink or smoke and I don’t party.”


Liam chuckled. “Well, then maybe you can teach our sons a thing or two. Lord knows they do enough of all that. Regulus, is eighteen. We usually keep him in the kitchen to help Gorje during rushes and serve drinks during the evenings, but he isn’t permitted to mix or pour the drinks himself. Octavian or Gideon do most of the bartending.” Liam squinted at Riley. “So I’m guessing you’re looking for part-time employment, am I correct?”


Riley shook her head. “Full-time, if possible.”


Liam’s eyebrow rose questioningly. “No school for you?”


It took a bit more effort not to let it show how much the question bothered her. “I’m taking some time off from college.”

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