Off Limits (3 page)

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Authors: Delilah Wilde

BOOK: Off Limits
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"Of course not," I said. I grabbed her legs and pulled her so she was laying down again, looking up at me expectantly. I threw her legs over my shoulders and pressed my cock against her entrance.


"Holy fuck," she said, "That thing is big."


"Thanks," I said, as I pushed my way in.


I was as slow as possible but Ruby still groaned at my girth. That wasn't exactly new, but I knew she would get used to it. Sure enough, what started out as a yelp of pain soon evolved to a moan of pleasure once my cock was all the way inside her.


“Mmm fuck,” she whispered.


"You like that?" I asked, but she could only nod in response to me. I began to move, slowly at first. Her pussy felt so tight and wet around me, not quite like any woman I had been with before. I couldn't help but quicken my pace and soon I was fucking her hard and fast, every thrust drawing out another cry of pleasure from her sweet mouth. I slammed in and out of her, enjoying the way her breasts moved with the impact and how she begged me not to stop. All I could do was oblige her.

After a few minutes in this position I pulled out and told her to get on her hands and knees. To my surprise, she didn't argue and quickly changed he position. I took a moment to admire the way she looked like that, her big round ass in the air, looking back at me expectantly. I slid into her once again and she gave a pleasurable cry. This angle was deeper, more intense and I knew that it would get us both off. I fucked her quickly but steadily, enjoying every cry and the way her ass moved and pushed against me. Her arms gave out from underneath her and soon she was face down in the pillow, screaming at every move I made. It was a hotter sight than anything you could hope to see in a porno movie. Her moans soon turned to screams and I knew that she was even closer than I was. Her pussy once again tightened and she gave out another cry, as the second orgasm spread through her body. My climax followed moments later and I came hard, deep inside her pussy.

I collapsed next to her and the two of us lay there, panting. Well, I owed Trisha one. The wedding hadn't been so bad after all.


Chapter Two




It took a surprisingly long time for me to remember where I was the morning after the wedding. My eyes opened and I saw a hotel room, vaguely familiar but too fancy to be mine. The sun was streaming through the Venetian blinds and causing my headache to worsen. Fuck, I really shouldn't have had so much to drink last night, I thought to myself. I at least should have chased down the booze with a few glasses of water to keep me hydrated. That way I probably wouldn't have had this horrible pounding headache.

I turned over and there he was. His name came back to me in an instant. Nate Watson. Obnoxious, arrogant, rude and tattooed. Here he was lying next to me, completely naked and fast asleep. It all came flooding back to me. We'd sat next to each other at the wedding reception (not by choice).


He'd been cute but very irritating. Trisha had come over, introduced us to her husband and humiliated me in front of everyone. That certainly sounded right. He'd annoyed me and I'd stormed off. I drank more than usual and we danced.

Then I remembered the elevator and everything that had gone down on the very bed I was laying on. It was like something from a bad porno movie, but it was real. The worst part was, I had loved every moment of it.

Fuck fuck fuck. I had actually done it. I'd slept with a total stranger, a stranger I didn't even like. Though he did look really attractive just lying there. One arm was over his head, showing off his defined biceps and his tattoos formed a strangely attractive collage on his naked body. His dignity was just about covered by some of the bed sheet, though it didn't stop me from remembering how big he was. Definitely the biggest I'd ever had. He had been a great lover too. I certainly hadn't forgotten that. Even so, one night stands were always so painfully awkward. How had I let myself do this? If Trisha found out she would never let it go. While her husband was probably making love to her on their wedding night, I was being fucked and eaten out by a weird but handsome guy who I didn't even like that much. She couldn't know. No one could.

I had to sneak out of the hotel room without being detected, so that I could maintain some dignity. Nate would probably be happy about it too. I mean, who enjoys making awkward small talk with some crazy chick they just happened to fuck last night? If I left quietly and of my own accord I'd be doing him a big favor.

Before my escape plan could fully formulate, Nate's eyes opened wide. They seemed a startling green when the morning sun was shining on them.


"Good morning!" I squeaked. My voice had this habit of going really high when I was nervous, kind of like a teenage boy who'd just hit puberty. It was embarrassing enough at the best of times but in front of a hot guy who had just fucked me like there was no tomorrow, it was mortifying. Nate just smiled at me.


"Morning. I thought you would have ran off by now?" he said teasingly. I felt myself blushing. Why was I always so obvious?


"Of course not. That would be rude. But I really should go!" I sat up and my breasts were exposed, though I quickly covered them with the bed sheet. Nate laughed at my pointless modesty. He had already been up close and personal with every part of myself that I might wish to cover, but I still felt like I should maintain some decency.


"Sure, go if you want. But I was just about to order some breakfast," he said.


"Nate, this is a five star hotel. The breakfast costs more than my first car loan. There's a McDonald's down the street, why don't you get something there?" I said. Nate shrugged.


"It's not a problem, really. Please order something if you're hungry. On me, of course."


I began to wonder if Nathan was wealthy. Sure, he had worn jeans to a wedding but they looked to be rather expensive. His shoes were black Italian leather and judging by the expensive aftershave I had seen in the bathroom last night when I had gone to clean up, he certainly was not strapped for cash. My head told me to leave immediately and pick myself up an egg McMuffin on my walk of shame, but my stomach and my heart told me to stay for breakfast. It couldn't hurt, could it? It certainly couldn't make things any worse. If I was going to be a slut who slept with random guys who she barely tolerated, I might as well be a well fed slut. At least, that was what I told myself.

Nate picked up the phone and ordered an ungodly amount of food. Eggs Florentine, bacon, hash browns, a Spanish omelet, a fruit bowl, a stack of chocolate chip pancakes and another stack of blueberry as well as some waffles. Then he turned to me.


“What do you want?”


“Uh, same please.”


“Double that. Thanks man,” he said, before hanging up and turning back to me.


“You just ordered like a hundred dollars’ worth of breakfast,” I said, sitting up.


“I hope you don't think I'm about to pay for that.”


“I'm aware, and I told you, I'm paying,” he smirked, “It's the least I can do after the way you sucked my dick last night.”


I rolled my eyes. He was just as crass as I had remembered. Just because I was good at giving blow jobs didn't mean I wanted to be complimented on that particular skill.


“Maybe I shouldn't stay for breakfast then,” I said.


A glimmer of worry appeared in his green eyes for a nanosecond before he regained his arrogant smirk. He pulled me into his arms and held me close to him.


“Come on, don't be like that Ruby,” he said. “I'm just dicking around. Plus, even if you think I'm a total asshole I don't know too many girls who can say no to chocolate chip pancakes.”


I sighed. He had me there. Working as a freelance artist wasn't exactly a one way ticket to riches. My regular breakfasts usually consisted of a cup of instant black coffee and a slice of white toast with a sliver of butter. All that food sounded incredible. Knowing that I'd be eating it next to a sexy guy, well, that helped too.


“OK OK, I'll stay for breakfast.”


“Great!” he said, and I could see a genuine smile on his face. At least food would be a good distraction. The last thing I needed was for him to initiate any more sexy activities. When he touched me, even innocently on the shoulder, I felt myself losing control of myself in a way that I never had with Jeff, or anyone else for that matter. It unnerved me. I hated not being in control of my own emotions. Besides, my life was sad enough already without me falling in love with a one night stand. So despite laying naked next in his arms I tried my best to keep the conversation strictly platonic. We could talk about the weather, politics, and knitting. Any unsexy topic would do.


" think it's gonna rain today?" I asked, and he looked at me like I had two heads. God damn it, he could already tell how crazy about him that I was. I just prayed that he wouldn't comment on it, or worse, make fun of me.


"Probably not," he answered politely, as if we were two strangers making small talk in an elevator. I wanted distance, sure, but this was too much. I still wanted to know him. I wracked my brains for something a little more personal to say as an awkward silence filled the room.


"Tell me about your tattoos?" I asked, and his face suddenly lit up. He proceeded to take me on a whistle stop tour of his personal art collection. There were a lot of snakes, panthers and tigers. Dangerous animals that reminded me of Nate himself, though I kept that thought quiet. The snake that wrapped around his forearm was his latest addition. It was scary, a ferocious cobra, but there was something I liked about it. Then Nate pointed at a small tattoo his chest. It was faded, barely legible and certainly not as well done as the others. I could just about see that it was a four leafed clover.


"This one was my first. I got it when I was like fifteen. My friend bought a tattoo machine online and I let him practice on me. It looks like shit and my current tattoo artist cringes every time he sees it but fuck, I wouldn't get it covered up or lazered off for the world," he said.


There was something endearingly earnest about the way he was speaking now, I hadn't seen him like that before. It made my heart beat just a little bit faster and I wondered if Nate and I had met as teenagers would we have been sweethearts. Probably not. I was the type of girl who wore head to toe black in a pathetic attempt to appear edgy. Nate was the type of guy who actually did the kind of crazy, interesting things that I had only seen characters in books and movies do. Of course, I couldn't let him know where my mind had gone.


"That sounds like a very...touching story. Unhygienic, but touching," I said, and he rolled his eyes at me, though there was a little smirk on his face.


"Are you always this bitchy, Ruby?" he asked. I shrugged, not taking it personally. He wasn't the first person to ever ask me that question. I was used to it by now.


"Yeah, pretty much. I like to keep people in check," I said, "Just because you're handsome doesn't mean I'll let you walk all over me."


The last sentence slipped out before I could stop it and Nate's smirk extended into a huge smile.


"You think I'm handsome?" he said smugly, "I'm sorry, but did you just admit to finding me handsome?"


I could feel myself blushing now. I was probably completely crimson but I tried to look as dignified as I could.


"It's not like you don't know you are," I said.


"Of course I know I am, but it's great to hear you admit it!" he said. I tried to pull away from him but he only pulled me closer. Suddenly I was looking into those green eyes again and I could feel my guard coming down. My heart told me he was special. My head told me that he was a player. He leaned in for a kiss and I let him go ahead, his hand caressing my face. You'll be a crying wreck when he never contacts you again, I told myself, but right now I didn't care. I could have went on kissing him like that forever, but my damn stomach had to interrupt. It grumbled so loudly that the two of us had to pull away to laugh.


"Hungry, huh?" said Nate, and I nodded, still giggling. It felt amazing to share laughter with him like that. Still, he probably laughed with all his girls. Right before he gave them a goodbye fuck and never called them again. My laughter suddenly subsided and the two of us sat in silence for a while, though Nate's arms still stayed tight around my body.

My cell phone beeped to show that I had a text. I'd left it on Nate's bedside locker so he passed it over to me, though I saw him glancing at who it is who contacted me.


"Jeff?" he said, and I groaned, switching my cell phone off as soon as he gave it to me. I threw it on the floor. Jeff was the last person I needed to deal with right now.


"Who's Jeff?"


"Jeff is nobody," I said, "At least, not anymore."


"Ah, your ex who fucked another girl?" he said.


I had to give him kudos for remembering that, though I wished more than anything that I could forget. I pulled away for real this time. I didn't feel like being touched and Nate sensed that, as he didn't try to embrace me. I considered whether or not I should tell him everything before giving a sigh of defeat. I had already embarrassed myself enough. What was one pathetic story of my broken heart going to do to make things worse?


"He didn't fuck another girl," I said, "It was much worse than that."


Nate gave a low whistle, obviously impressed. For a guy who seemed like he'd been around the block, the way he was reacting made me think that he had never cheated on someone. Maybe I wasn't the worst judge of character in the world. Just one of the worst.


"Must have been really bad then,” he said in a surprisingly gentle tone.


I sighed again.


"It was. Look, do you really want to know the full story or will you just laugh or be bored off of your tits?" I asked. Nate looked at me and I couldn't sense any sarcasm or condescension in his face.


"I won't be bored. And I won't laugh. Go on, tell me what the douche bag did," he said, and I believed him.


I hadn't even told the full details to my best girlfriends but something about Nate's expression told me that he could be trusted.


"So, Jeff and I met at senior year of college. I was an Art major, he was a creative writing major," I started. Nate was smiling now, "What? You told me you wouldn't laugh!"

Nate quickly straightened out his face but I could see a smile still twitching at his lips.

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