Offside (2 page)

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Authors: Shay Savage

BOOK: Offside
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“Better not, or it’s your ass,” I told him.

“Nice. Going to the dance tonight?”

“Probably.” I ended the call and threw my phone back in my locker. Swiveling around, I leaned against the locker door and stretched my legs out far in front of me, pointing my toes in the air and loosening my ankles.

Motherfucking ref.

Red carding

Doesn’t he know who the fuck I am?

I closed my eyes and felt my jaw lock up as I started grinding my teeth tightly together. My fists clenched, and I kind of wished the ref
decide to come and “talk to me” after the game—so I could get the chance to fuck up his face. I heard the band start playing outside and knew the game must be over. I wondered who might have stepped up as goalie for the last couple of minutes. We had already used all our subs, so our backup goalie, James, couldn’t even get on the field.

Poor bastard—might have played in the first game of the year but couldn’t.



I continued to stretch as my teammates walked in, some of them grumbling a little but not much. Not with me there, anyway. I learned pretty quickly that the game ended in a two-two tie and that Jeremy had stepped up as goalie for the last three and a half minutes of the game. I leaned back against my locker and continued to stretch out with my eyes closed.

“What’s wrong with you, Malone?”

I opened my eyes, and I looked at the new kid…um…whatever the fuck his name was. Tony, maybe? He was a freshman player who happened to make varsity though he didn’t get played today. I didn’t think he was from the area, and he had just moved here from…wherever.

Who gave a shit?

“Excuse me?” I looked at him and raised one eyebrow, wondering just how stupid he was.

“You don’t stop looking at the ball just because you think a foul will be called! And you sure as hell don’t drop f-bombs in front of the ref!”

I tensed everywhere. For a brief second, I considered just decking the little shit. I quickly forgot that idea for one that was much, much better. I stood slowly and took a step from the bench.

“There is no fucking way you are talking to me,” I smiled a half smile at him, but narrowed my eyes. Several of the guys snickered.

“Who else let a goal right by him without even trying to go for the ball?”

No snickering now. Actually, the whole locker room went pretty damn silent. There was the sound of water from the showers and some mumbled voices over that way but nothing else.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I asked as I nodded toward Klosav and Oliver. They walked slowly up to either side of him.

“I’m part of this team!” the little shit exclaimed.

“And as part of this team, you do realize I am your team captain.”

“I know that,” he said. His voice trailed off as he noticed the two bigger guys coming up beside him.

“And as the team captain, I do get certain…
.” I smiled wider and took another step closer to him.

“What? Like acting like an asshole on the field?” He looked from side to side as if he wanted to back away, but there was nowhere for him to go.

“No, like getting blowjobs from the youngest player on the team.” I watched his eyes get wide as he froze in place.

“You’re fucking insane or something,” he mumbled.

“Seriously? I’m thinking you need a little lesson.” I motioned toward Klosav and Clint, and they each placed a leg behind the kid, forcing him to stay where he was. “You need to understand that what I say goes. I’m always right. And you don’t fucking question me.”

I took another step closer.


Mika and Clint moved quickly, and they grabbed Tony by his shoulders and arms. My teammates wrenched his arms behind his back as they shoved him down to his knees in front of me. I reached to the front of my jeans and undid the top button.

“Don’t worry,” I said in a low voice. “It really is an honor to suck me off. You’ll probably like the taste.”

Tony’s chest started to rise and fall rapidly. He moved his eyes quickly from my face down to my crotch as he pushed back against his captors. I reached for my zipper like was I going to drop it down but then stopped and leaned toward him instead.

“Lucky for you, there are a dozen girls still up in the stands who would beg for the opportunity,” I told him as I stepped back and smiled again. “I’m not about to stick my cock in your mouth, but that isn’t the point, is it? The point is I could have, right?”

He nodded quickly, and I could see his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallowed.

“My dad owns this town,” I reminded him and everyone else in the room, “and I own this school, and I sure as hell own this team. Don’t fucking forget it.”

I buttoned my fly and grabbed my bag, tossing it over my shoulder before I walked out of the locker room and back out the tunnel. I didn’t even look back. There were only a half-dozen girls still waiting around for me in the stands, and I gave them all a good smile and picked out one to walk into the school with me. She was a cute little junior, and she’d been practically salivating over me during practice this summer. She would get her thrill tonight.

The high school gym was a freaking zoo. You would think being out in a small town an hour away from Portland, Oregon, it would never get that crowded, but it was. Some DJ from the city was spinning some decent metal tunes, and the place was too loud to hear anyone talk. That suited me just fine. I smiled and nodded a lot when people tried to talk to me about the game.

I grabbed Lisa—the chick du jour—by the hand and pulled her over to the table with the refreshments. She was all smiles and rubbing up against my shoulder like she was marking her fucking territory or something. Mostly she was sneering at the other girls. Whatever. As long as she gave me a little something later, all would be good, and I probably wouldn’t trash-talk her too much at school next week.

I grabbed a cup and immediately went over to Jeremy to add a bit of “fun” to the punch. I dumped a bit from his flask into Lisa’s drink, too. It couldn’t hurt to loosen her up a bit. She asked if I wanted to dance, but I had to have her repeat it four times before I could even hear what she was saying.

“Go ahead,” I suggested, pointing to the dance floor.

“With you, silly!” she squealed back.

“Dance by yourself,” I told her. “I’ll watch.”

She scowled and went out onto the floor, wiggling her hips around and holding her hands up over her head to make her tits stick out as she danced. My cock noticed at least, and I figured it was about time to find a place that was a little more private. I downed my punch, got another one, and chugged it back, too. I was feeling pretty good at that point, so I went out onto the dance floor and grabbed her waist from behind.

“Let’s go dance somewhere else, baby,” I murmured into her ear. After shouting the same words a couple more times only to have her stare at me blankly, I finally just pulled her off the dance floor and out into the hallway. At least I could hear myself think out there, but my ears were still ringing.

“Where are we going?” she asked as I pulled her down the hall.

“Locker rooms,” I said.

“Won’t they be locked?”


I turned the corner and pushed the door open. Lisa pulled back.

“I don’t think I’m supposed to go in there,” she said. She glanced up and down the halls, but there wasn’t anyone around. I turned around and grabbed her waist, pulling her close and pressing my mouth against hers. I could feel her moaning against my lips and knew she was going to do anything I asked her to do. I kissed her a few more times before I let my hand creep up and cover one of her tits.

She didn’t protest, so I gripped her a little tighter, running my thumb over her nipple and feeling it get hard under my touch.

“Come on in now,” I whispered into her ear. “I have something to show you.”

“What is it?”

“My cock, baby.” I wasn’t playing around here. Either she was going to get me off, or I’d go find someone else. “He’d like to get to know you a little better.”

It took about five minutes of coaxing before she was on her knees in the shower room, opening up and trying to take my cock in her mouth.

“You haven’t done this before, have you?” I smirked a little as she shook her head. “It’s all right, baby. Just use your tongue a bit more. Yeah…that’s it.”

I tried not to push with my hips too much, but she was only taking about half of me, and I really wanted a little more. I put one hand on the back of her head, just to encourage her a bit, but she gagged and backed off.

“It’s all right, baby,” I said, trying to sound reassuring, “just try again.”

She nodded and sucked me in again, swirling her tongue around my cockhead.

“That’s it, baby…good girl…yeah…”

I took one of her hands and had her wrap it around the base so I could get a little more friction. I moved in and out of her mouth pretty slowly, just letting her get used to it as I reached down and slipped my hand into the top of her shirt and under her bra. I rubbed at her nipple as she kept sucking away.

“Oh yeah,” I moaned as I leaned my head back against the tiled wall. “Good job, baby…you’re a natural.”

I could see her eyes light up at that one, and she sucked a little harder. I looked down at her and saw her close her eyes like she was really concentrating.

“Look up at me, baby,” I told her, and she complied. “There ya go…good girl. Just like that. Fuck yeah…I’m gonna come, baby—you try to swallow it, okay?”

I didn’t wait for an answer but held onto her head as I thrust a little faster. I felt my balls tighten, and I groaned as I spurted into her mouth. She clenched her eyes shut but kept me in as I felt her swallowing around the head.

“Oh yeah…baby…so good! Keep it up now…get it all…yeah, that’s it.”

She obediently sucked on me until I went soft in her mouth. I pulled out and reached down to wipe a little cum off the side of her mouth before I helped her back to her feet.

“That was awesome, baby,” I told her. She smiled and blushed a little. I kissed the back of her hand and led her back out to the hallway and into the gym. It was getting late, and things were not quite as loud as they had been. There was a slow dance song playing, and when Lisa asked if I’d dance with her, I figured I at least owed her that. I took her out there and danced for about half the song before I told her I needed to head out.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“Home,” I replied, rather deadpan. “I gotta train in the morning.”

I walked off, leaving her there on the dance floor. She’d done all right, but I’d had better, too. I didn’t want to piss her off because I could probably get her to do more later on, but I also didn’t want her clinging to me. I had to focus on my game.

Shakespeare coined the phrases “fair play” and “foul play.” Somehow, I was pretty well-versed at both.

Now how was anyone supposed to compete with that?




My ears were still ringing a bit from the loud music when I walked through the front door of the largest house in the whole community. I turned around and shut the door slowly and softly before I locked it. Slipping my shoes off, I tiptoed toward the coat closet. Apparently, I didn’t need to worry about the noise—Dad was still awake and in the living room. I heard him get up out of his chair as soon as I hung my jacket and tried to mentally brace myself. He hadn’t been able to make the game due to some meeting. Maybe he hadn’t heard yet. I could be lucky sometimes, couldn’t I?

“What the fuck, Thomas? Red card?” I glanced up at his glaring blue eyes. His arms were crossed over his broad chest, and his thick, blond hair hung over his eyebrows as his eyes narrowed further.


No luck here.

I was kind of hoping I’d at least make it until morning when I could be sure everything was taken care of before having to deal with Doctor Lou Malone, Chief of Surgery at Memorial Hospital and mayor of our little community. He didn’t really care if the shit I did was right or wrong, but I had gotten caught, and that just wasn’t supposed to happen. Ever. Forgiving was not exactly in his nature.

“Um…yeah,” I mumbled. “I took care of it.”

“I should fucking hope so,” Dad snapped. He stood up and walked into the foyer where I was depositing my soccer bag in its designated spot beneath my jacket. I held my breath. “You better not have any game suspensions.”

“I don’t think he got the chance,” I said. “I’ll look into it tomorrow.”

Without warning, he shoved me in the shoulder—hard. I spun around and tried to brace myself with my hands against the wall, but my head smacked against one of the coat hooks. I saw little white spots dancing in my eyes, and I squeezed them shut as I waited for another blow.

It didn’t come.

“I’ll fix it,” I said as I slowly opened my eyes but kept my gaze to the floor.

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