Olivia's Guardian (6 page)

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Authors: St. Andrews,Rose

BOOK: Olivia's Guardian
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“Um, Uncle Caleb, is everything okay?”

He hung his head. “Oh, I’m sorry, Olivia, but I have to file reports on your progress, and well…”

She chewed her lip for a moment, lost in thought. “The boating incident. Ohhh, let me guess, a special punishment is called for.”

“I’m afraid so. I wish it could be otherwise, but…”

“No, no, it’s okay. I deserve it again,” she said, then grinned. “Um, could I go dress first?”

“Sure, eat too; we’ll take care of it later.”

After eating, Olivia not only dressed, she also slipped a washcloth down the back of her shorts. That previous punishment with a belt had yielded her an incredible orgasm. What would happen if she got caught doing this? Ambling on out to the living room, she hoisted herself up and over the arm of the couch. Caleb got her old hairbrush from her room and took up a stance behind her. She shivered in anticipation. Would he catch her? What would he do?

“Olivia, what are you wearing?”

Her toes curled. “Wha-wha-what are you talking about?”

“Olivia Hargee, your shorts are noticeably thicker!” he snapped.

Before she could reply, he yanked them down, and out fell the cloth.

“I can explain,” she squealed.

“Olivia, how could you? Trying to pad your clothes? What are you, ten? I’d expect a trick like that from a child, not a grown woman. You know what this means, don’t you?”

“Um… um, extra pun-punishment?”

“Yes, some sort of additional penalty will take place. For now, you’re getting this one bare.”

She gasped, grabbed a cushion, and shook from head to toe. Down went her panties, she felt the tap of the brush, and…
, it landed. Caleb didn’t let up. He smacked and swatted her defenseless bare cheeks over and over. She got a full three dozen, yelping and howling at each, and all the while Caleb’s scolding voice was in the background.

“I am so disappointed in you, little girl,” he said. “How could you be so naughty?”

“Sorry, sir, sorry, sir,” she squealed. “Never do again, never, Uncle Caleb, I promise, be good girl—waahhhh!”

When the paddling was over, she was consigned to the corner, and had to stand there, hands on head, shorts and panties at her feet, for thirty minutes. It was maddening. As the seconds clicked by, the fiery sting migrated to her pussy, and thoughts of sex consumed her.

This is it, now’s the time. I’m going to tell him how I feel.

His footsteps told her he was approaching.

“All right, Olivia, you can leave the corner. Now, go to your room, you’re grounded for the rest of the day, and tomorrow you’ll get the extra punishment from me. I haven’t figured out what it’ll be yet, but I’ll think of something.”

“What? Grounded? Wait, Caleb, I—”

“Olivia, room, now!” he snapped.

She cringed. “Yes, sir.”

He spun on his heels and marched out. Hanging her head, she plodded from the room, shuffling along with her clothes still at her feet. He was too angry with her to even think of sex. She’d pushed him too far, and now he wasn’t about to show her love and affection. The fire inside her was snuffed out. She had no desire for anything now, and just lay on her bed and cried.


* * *


Caleb stretched out on his bed and sighed. Spanking and punishing Olivia sent such surges of bliss through his body. He only wanted to do more of it, and the only thing that excited him more was the thought of making love to her, but he knew that would never work. How could she love him, the man who caused her such pain? His consolation was that she
earned all her punishments. It wasn’t that he was being needlessly cruel.

There’s also the simple fact that I’m a fake. Once I get enough info on this regen process, I’ll be calling for an extraction, and never see her again. How can I hurt her like that too? Wait a minute. What if I find a way to give her some real pleasure, and then let her down easy by leaving under some plausible reason? Yeah, I’m an agent; I can come up with something. So, what shall we do for fun?

He thought about it, but nothing came to him. He decided to take a walk; he seemed to do his best thinking while walking, and maybe an idea would present itself. Slipping out of the house, he headed around the lake, and just strolled along.

“Greetings, neighbor,” came his neighbor Heidi’s voice.

He turned and saw her, a fine young woman sitting at a small table under a tree. She was quite the looker: tall, willowy, and with double Ds that seemed to defy gravity. On the table was some sort of medical device (it was obvious because it was so high-tech), and thick-shelled arachnoids were crawling across the table.

“Um, hi, Heidi. What brings you outside?”

“You and Olivia. I got inspired by all your outdoor fun to rediscover it myself. I must say, I love it!”

Caleb smiled. “Nice, but be careful, you’ve got spiders all over your equipment.”

She scooped one up. “What, these? Naw, no danger there. Don’t you recognize them? These are Lobos. They only bite when threatened, and I’m being careful.”

“Oh, of course, what was I thinking,” he said, trying to cover his ignorance.

Holy shit, I found the answer!

Chapter Six



Back in regen guardian training, Caleb had heard about the Lobos, but had never gotten any details. It was the classic situation, one of those things that everyone knew, and thus no one talked about. From Heidi, who was a genetic engineer, he was able to fill in the blanks of his knowledge by asking a few well-worded questions. Back when the colony had been established and was growing, a woman had been bitten by a Lobo spider. She didn’t die. Instead, she went into a coma, her skin changed to form a pupa around her, and a month later she emerged fully regenerated in the body of a twenty-year-old. A little study, a little research, and the people figured it out. Thus the regen process was born.

Caleb had his answers.

The sky rumbled. They looked up. Dark clouds were swirling about.

“Sorry, neighbor, got to go,” Heidi said.

He nodded. “Me too!”

She gathered her gear and rushed inside. Caleb took off, jogging around the shoreline back toward the house as a light shower started to fall. Yet, as he ran, his mind began to fill with thoughts of his mission and his life here, and of Olivia. At this point, his mission was over. He’d learned what he was supposed to: Why Avalon had virtually cut itself off from the rest of humanity, and confirmed that they did indeed have a method for extending life.

The question facing me is this: What do I do now? I could just use my comm-unit to call for an extraction, get my stuff, meet the ship, and then we make a run for it before the planetary defenses can give chase

Yes, that was true, he
do that. Caleb’s problem was that he didn’t want to. As he slowed down even more, his eyes played across the lake, the shoreline, and the cute little homes arranged around him. This place had its issues, not least of which was the people having no zest for life, but it gave him hope that the attitude could be changed. After all, not only had he seen a change in Olivia, but he’d see one in her neighbors and he’d only been around them a few weeks. How would things change in months, years? He smiled. He rather liked the idea of being a part of that. Then there was another issue, and it was a very important one.


Caleb loved Olivia. She was cute and sassy, and he loved taking care of her. Of course, he truly loved spanking her, and that caused him guilt, but maybe he could introduce her to the concept of sensual spanking, and they could stay together.


There was also the question of her feelings for him. Did she reciprocate his love? What if she didn’t? In two years she could petition to be released from his guardianship, and send him packing. Then what?

Hmm, well, I could always contact home at that point, and then leave. The final question for me would be what I tell the CIA. If I reveal that the regen process is real, the other planets will beat a path to Avalon and demand that they share it, by force if need be. That could lead to war! I’ll need to think about that

The rain fell harder, coming down in buckets, and he was soon drenched. As he raced up to the back door, he found Olivia there waiting for him.


* * *


“Caleb, what in the world are you doing? Get in here.”

“Oh, come on, Olivia, it’s just some good, clean old-fashioned fun,” he said with a smile. “Have you never run around in the rain?”

“Huh? No, why would I want to do that?”

He sighed. “Oh, you just don’t get it, do you? When you’re outside, in nature, experiencing the raw power of the elements, well… let me put it this way: Some people just get wet, others truly
the rain. Come on, come and try it.”

“Ohhh, I don’t know,” she said slowly.

“Sweetie, let me make it up to you for having to be so rough on you earlier.”

She smiled. “Yes, if it’ll help you to feel better, I’ll do it!”

Taking his hand, she let him pull her out into the downpour. She squealed as the droplets cascaded across her body and drenched her clothes. Then they were off, racing across the wet grass, and it wasn’t long before she was soaked to the skin. Her hair was wet and matted to her scalp, her clothes clingy, and small rivulets trickled across her face. As they ran, her breathing sped up, she became lightheaded, and the true fiery energy of life swelled within her. Never had she felt so alive, except for her recent sexual climaxes, and (in a very real way) this was far better.

“So, what do you think?” he finally said.

“It’s… amazing,” she gasped.

He grinned. “Well, get ready for something more.”

“What are you—? Whoa,” she squealed as he grabbed her under her arms and hoisted her into the air.

He started to spin her. Around and around they went, him holding her close enough that they could gaze into each other’s eyes. The rain softly fell between them, his wet hair spun, droplets flying off, and his face glistened. She floated through the air, the world becoming a blur around them, and thus all she saw was him. They were lost in a moment that seemed to last forever, yet not long enough. Suddenly, she was up in the air. He’d tossed her. She squealed and came down into his arms, and then he hoisted her up and onto his shoulders.

“Come on, it’s getting late, and we are very,
wet. Let’s head in,” he said, trotting off toward the house.

“Ohhh, okay. Goodness, it seems like only a few minutes. I guess we must have really been having fun.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that.”

Approaching the house, he eased her down to the ground, and they entered through the front door. Caleb had her wait in the atrium while he got them towels. Kneeling down in front of her, he dried her hair while she worked on her body.

“Thank you, Caleb, this was the most fun I’ve had in… well, a while.”

“That makes me very happy, Olivia. I feel so bad about being severe with you.”

She dropped her towel. “No, don’t you say that! I deserved everything you gave me, and more. Don’t feel guilty. The pleasure, the delights you’ve given me more than compensate for any pain. Caleb, I… I… when my husband left me, he hurt me deeply. You’ve done what I thought no one could ever do. You’ve made me feel loved and feel love again.”

Now it was his turn to drop a towel. “Wow, Olivia, I had no idea you felt that way.”

“Well, I… I do. So, now that I’ve exposed my heart and soul to you, what is your response?”

His response was to take her in his arms and kiss her softly upon the lips. Her arms slipped about him, reaching as far across his back as she could, and then his did the same, completely engulfing her small frame. Their clothes began to fall away as if melting and soon they were naked.

Olivia wrapped her short legs about his waist. He stood, taking her small frame with him as they continued to kiss long and deep, tasting each other’s essence. Through the house they went and finally came to the master suite, which had been unused since her regen. The bed was huge, the mattress firm yet yielding, and they rolled about on it. Olivia squeaked and squealed as her tender tush made contact, and she worried that Caleb would recoil in concern for her well-being. She grabbed his hands and pushed them down to her sore cheeks. He seemed to take the hint.

When his hands dug into her tender flesh, she kissed him harder, saw stars, squealed into his mouth, and clamped her legs about him as hard as she could. He flopped on his back. She mounted him and thrust down on his rigid shaft. Fireworks exploded in her mind. It had been so very long since she’d last enjoyed the intimate contact of a man. He squeezed her cheeks. She gasped, her head snapped back, and she moaned in total bliss.

“Ohhh, Godddddd, yesssss,” she wailed.

“Ohhh, Olivia, so good, soooo good,” he groaned.

His body rose and fell under her, and she rode him like a bucking bronco. Her breasts became firm, her nipples rock hard, and she grabbed them as her back arched and she bounced faster and harder atop him. His cock thrust deep inside her, filling her, raking across her clit and stabbing at her g-spot. Then there were his hands, kneading and pinching her throbbing cheeks. Every touch, every tease of her flesh sent the fire within her higher, hotter, and bigger. It was too much for her to contain.

“Caleb, too much, it’s too much, I can’t, I can’t—ohhh!” She screamed out her climax.

Her thighs and abdominal muscles went into a series of spasms, and one orgasm built on another until she lost her mind entirely. She drifted off into a subspace of delight. Then Caleb came, shooting his seed inside her, and a deep guttural wail of total bliss erupted from her body. The heat in her ass and the fire in her pussy blended with the warmth of his cum to enflame her mind and body, and she was gone. Fireworks exploded in her mind, she wailed and came hard, her pussy rippling with total bliss.

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