Omorphi (24 page)

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Authors: C. Kennedy

BOOK: Omorphi
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Michael wanted to kick the trashcan that stood to his left. “Stephen wanted to know if Christy was seeing anyone because he wanted to ask him out.”

“Whoa. What’d you say?”

“He’s taken. Get this. Stephen had the balls to ask me whether it was serious between Christy and his guy.”

“Meaning if it wasn’t, he’d be all over Christy?”

“Sounds like it.”

“Ah, no way, bro, you have it all wrong.”

“I do?”

“Yeah. Per the fairies themselves, the very ones you so devoutly worship, you don’t worry about a cute little asset straying during the honeymoon of a hookup. You have at least a month before you have to worry.”

“Really? The fairies actually grant me one whole month free of jealousy and possessiveness?”

“No, they grant you a thirty-day free trial. Don’t like the product, don’t activate it, move on with no obligation.”

“Oh, that’s comforting.”

“Knew you’d like it. No reps or warranties on jealousy or possessiveness, though. That’s your gig. What do you say we drive our dates back to the ranch and then go get ready for the party?”

“Where is the party, anyway?”

“The Silent Woman.”

“That place on the waterfront with a headless woman on the sign?”

“You know it.”

Michael laughed for the first time in two hours. “Thanks for the save. See you at the ranch?”

“Probably. Technically, I haven’t met Sophia yet.”


“You did that wacky-ass parade thing on the field and she came up to the platform, but we haven’t been formally introduced.”

“Oh. Well, one good save deserves another. Follow me, bro.” Michael worked his way through the crowd and came up behind Christy. “Hey there, sexy,” he whispered into Christy’s ear.

Christy jumped and turned. The look of terror in Christy’s eyes had Michael backpedaling quickly. “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. You okay?” Christy faltered for a beat before a genuine smile filled his face, and Michael breathed a giant sigh of relief. “How you doing, babe?”

“Okay,” he mouthed.

“Do you think we can tear Sophia away from the crowd long enough to introduce her to Jake?”

Christy’s brows shot to the heavens. He withdrew his pad and pen and scribbled
She is waiting for him

“As in to take her from the crowd?”

Christy nodded.

“So, he should basically walk up and take control?”

Christy nodded emphatically.

“Okaaay,” he said dubiously. “Jake.”

Jake turned from speaking with Michael’s parents, and Michael held Christy’s hand up with the notepad in front of Jake’s face. “She wants you to take control and get her away from the crowd.”

Jake gave them a wary look. “Women like her don’t like an umbrella between them and their limelight.”

Christy shook his head rapidly, pointed at Sophia, and pushed Jake in her direction.

“Seriously, man?”

Christy nodded emphatically again.

“Go for it. You’re smooth. Make it a photo op like you did with me.”

Jake rolled his eyes before disappearing into the crowd.

Christy put a warm hand on Michael’s arm, and he looked down and found adoration in Christy’s eyes. He dared to put an arm around Christy’s shoulders, and Christy looked at him with wide eyes. He leaned down. “I hugged you in front of the whole world. I think tomorrow’s news is going to be crazy.”

Christy quickly scribbled
You don’t care?

“I do and I don’t. On one hand, I don’t want us to be hassled. On the other, I want to shout to the heavens that we’re together.”
And I want Stephen to get the freakin’ picture

If at all possible, Christy’s eyes went wider and a smile tinkered at the corners of his lips.

Michael chuckled. “True.”

“How are you feeling?” Bobbie asked.

Michael thought to tease his mom but saw the concern in her eyes. “I’m okay. Right now, I have no pain at all. The hot shower helped a lot, and I don’t have to run again for a week.”

The worry lines around her eyes eased but a fraction.

“I’ll rest, get good sleep, and skip the sit-ups. Promise.”

“And be at Saint Elizabeth’s at seven in the morning,” Mac added.

“I’m there. Are you going to the party?”

“After a nap.”

“Skip the party.”

Bobbie brushed a hand over Michael’s still damp curls. “Wouldn’t think of it. You’re the star of today’s show.”


Mac leaned in. “You need to keep the press from Christy, son. They’re asking very probing questions of him.”

“Your father’s right, honey. I think you’re going to have your hands full tonight. Whose idea was it to announce Sophia’s presence during the awards ceremony?”

Michael shrugged. “No idea. At first I thought it might have been hers, then I saw the surprise on her face.”

Bobbie pursed her lips. “She was surprised and annoyed. She wanted this weekend to be quiet for the four of you.”

Applause filled the air, and they turned. Jake held Sophia formally around the waist, waved accordingly, and smiled at the right moments for the cameras. He whisked Sophia away and came to stand with them. Three large, gray-suited men immediately formed a half-moon guard behind her.

“Jacob, you prove yourself a hero once again,” Bobbie complimented.

“Thanks, Mrs. S.”

Sophia slapped Michael’s shoulder lightly. “You take my savior from me, Michael.”

Michael looked at her and turned to Christy, who shook his head, leaned in, and whispered softly in Greek.

“You are correct. I apologize.” It wasn’t harsh, but wistfully matter-of-fact.

“What?” Michael asked.

“He reminds me that it is your event, not mine, and that Jacob is your friend, not mine.”

Michael smiled. “Let’s get out of here.”

Sophia brightened. “Wonderful idea!”



some logistics and a call to Rob, but they managed to form a convoy to Wellington. Michael led in his SUV with Christy. Sophia’s town car, security personnel included, followed him, and Jake’s SUV brought up the rear.

Michael held Christy’s hand as he drove. “I’m glad I only have a few tryouts left this year.”

Christy waited for a stoplight before holding his pad up.

Michael shook his head as he read. “They’re going to figure it out anyway.”

Christy quickly scribbled before the light changed.

“We decided to keep it low-key at school. Low-key doesn’t mean hide it. It means low-key.”

Christy scribbled again, and Michael read as the light changed. “No. If I had my preference, I’d be completely out, but I have to think of how it might affect other people, the school, and my scholarship. I’ll answer something for you now so you don’t have to worry. If it came down to losing you or being totally out, I’d be totally out.”

Christy waited for the next light before he held his pad up again.

“Though I doubt it would, even if it cost me my scholarship,” Michael confirmed.

Christy quickly scribbled, and Michael read again. The light changed, and Michael turned the emergency flashers on and refused to move. “You are worth it.”

Christy scribbled furiously as cars honked and went around them. A few people made rude gestures, and Michael didn’t give a damn. This was important. Christy held his pad up. Michael read and brushed a wispy ringlet behind Christy’s ear. “You’re not only worth it, you deserve it, and you’re my priority.”

Christy scribbled furiously again, and Michael read over his hand.

“Then we agree to disagree. You are worth it.” Michael placed a chaste kiss on Christy’s lips before turning the flashers off and hitting the CD button. Pink’s “Fuckin’ Perfect” filled the air, and Michael moved on. There would be no more discussion of Christy’s worth.



had gathered all of the children in the great room so they could go straight to Christy’s cabin unnoticed. He’d even gone so far as to put water, juice, and snacks on Christy’s kitchen island and light a nice fire in the fireplace. Though still irritated with Rob, Michael made a mental note to thank him.

Christy went to the iPod docked in its speakers and turned it on. Shawn Mullins’s “Lullaby” filled the air.

“My God, Jacob, press for you and Michael is as horrid as mine!” Sophia exclaimed as she dropped onto Christy’s couch.

“Don’t look at me. Michael commands it all.”

“Yeah, right, Mr. He-who-has-a-famous-attorney-father. Jake and I agree that we’d rather skip it.” Michael sat next to her and offered Christy a hand. Christy took it willingly, and Michael drew him down onto his lap.

“What is tonight going to be like?” Sophia asked.

“Coach keeps things pretty tight,” Jake offered. “You did great with the crowd.”

She winced. “This may disappoint you, but I absolutely abhor the press. Christy and I—” She halted abruptly and resumed after a beat. “I hate it, and poor Christy has been swept up in it unnecessarily. You can’t imagine what we go through. It isn’t living. It is fighting a war for privacy.”

Jake handed a glass of mineral water and a small plate of fruit to her. “Believe me, I know. My dad gets tons of it.”

“I know you know. I’m sorry to complain. I don’t mean to put a damper on your fabulous day. Tell me, Michael, you’re very close to the world record on the one-ten-meter hurdles, and Jake, I believe you have nearly met the eight-hundred-meter record. Is that true, or have I misread the statistics?”

“I can’t believe you took the time to look up the stats,” Michael complimented.

“How could I not? Christy adores you and believes Jake is worthy. Though I could never admit this in public, I haven’t been on a date in over a year. Of course, I’m going to try to find out everything about you and him.”

Jake took a seat in the chair nearest Sophia. “Wow, I feel honored. May I ask why so long?”

“When this whole scandal with Chr—”

Christy suddenly coughed, and Michael quickly sat forward and rubbed his back until he calmed.

“Oh, listen to me go on, will you? Suffice it to say, the press has made things particularly difficult over the past year.”

“Sorry to hear that,” Jake said.

“You okay?” Michael asked Christy.

Christy nodded and turned to Sophia. To Michael, it looked as if he was angry with her.

Sophia gave Christy an apologetic smile. “Jake, why don’t you tell me of our plans for this evening?”



left Christy’s cabin and headed to their cars. “I like her, bro.”

Michael couldn’t help but tease Jake. “You more than like her. Admit it.”

“Okay, I admit it. Listen, what are we going to do with security tonight? You think they’ll let Sophia ride with us?”

“Let’s go ask.” Michael pointed to Sophia’s town car and the men who stood sentry.

“After you.” Jake gestured Michael forward.

As they crossed the parking lot, Jake’s cell phone rang. “Hey, Papa.” Jake grinned. “Thanks…. Seriously? You’re coming tonight?” Jake shot a surprised look at Michael right before anger filled his face. “Shit. We were just about to talk to security…. Sure, hang on.” Jake motioned to Michael to follow him as he jogged across the lot to the security detail. “Is one of you Tad McDonald?”

“I am.”

Jake held the phone out to the man. “My father would like to speak with you.”

The man took the phone more than willingly. “Yes, Mr. Santini?”

Michael put a hand on Jake’s shoulder and turned him. “What’s going on, Jake?”

“We’re pretty damn popular.” Jake’s voice was thick with sarcasm.

“Tell me.”

“Our little awards ceremony garnered national attention. Channel 8 called my dad asking about me and Sophia, who Christy was, and how tight you and Christy were. Dad declined to comment. The bigger problem is, the cops who were sitting on Jason lost him, and he’s out there somewhere. Dad’s going to add another security detail so we’ll have one car in front of us and one behind us.”

Michael swore under his breath.

Tad looked to Jake. “Very well, sir. Of course, sir. Thank you, sir.”

Jake took the phone from Tad’s outstretched hand. “Yeah…. Okay…. Okay. Got it. Thanks, Papa. See you there.” Jake closed the phone slowly before meeting Tad’s eyes. “We’re going to go get ready, and we’ll be back by six.”

Tad nodded. “You each have a car waiting for you.” He pointed to the street beyond. “They’ll follow you home and back, and we’ll convoy to the restaurant.”

“Why?” Michael asked.

“Mr. Santini is more concerned about Jason Whitman than the media. Please note the gold emblems on our windshields and rear windows. You can identify our vehicles by those.”

Rob exited the ranch house and crossed the lot. A lecture from Rob was the last thing Michael needed right now. “Rob, this is my friend, Jake Santini. Jake, this is Dr. Rob Villarreal. He runs Wellington.”

Rob and Jake shook hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jake. Michael, may I have a word with you?”

“Not necessary. Jake’s dad called.”

Rob was solemn. “I understand.” Rob turned to Tad. “Mr. McDonald, are you comfortable with this evening’s plans?”

“Yes, sir. Mr. Santini, Jake’s father, that is, has provided additional security for the evening.”

“Very well. Enjoy your evening, gentlemen.” Rob walked away without further comment.

Michael felt bad for having cut him short and went after him. “Rob.”

Rob stopped and turned back to Michael.

“I, ah, I didn’t mean to be rude back there. What did you want to say?”

Rob was grave. “Circumstances have arisen that have forced me to make a very difficult decision. I must share certain information with you about Christy in order to protect him and you.”




it,” Michael said to Rob as he waited, electrified by Rob’s decision to finally share information about Christy with him.

“There was a man who became obsessed with Christy, and he held Christy captive for a considerable length of time.”

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