Omorphi (25 page)

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Authors: C. Kennedy

BOOK: Omorphi
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Was Michael ready to hear this? Could he handle it?
This is the information you wanted
, the little voice in his head taunted. “He was kidnapped?”


If he wasn’t kidnapped, how the hell did someone hold him ca—
“The boyfriend?”

“The predator.”

Michael acknowledged the correction with a nod. “Go on.”

“That man entered the United States one week ago and is in New York City. There is a good chance that he saw the afternoon news.”

Guilt flooded Michael. His arrogance had put Christy in danger.
“Why isn’t the guy in jail?”

“Because Christy hasn’t given the police a statement, his assailants remain free.”

Plural, yet again.
“Why the hell not?”

“He hasn’t processed what’s happened to him yet and can’t bring himself to tell anyone about it.”

Michael bit his lip hard enough to make it bleed. “Okay. Anything else?”

“You’ve heard the phrases ‘paralyzed with fear’ and ‘scared stiff’?”


“They derive from a state of neurogenic motor immobility, more specifically, a form of catatonia. It means that one literally can’t move and enters a stupor-like state when frightened. Christy can become catatonic when he is frightened.”

Michael recalled Christy’s frozen state and vacant stare after Evan had harassed him. Jeez, Evan had had no idea what he could have done to Christy. “Don’t tell Christy he’s in the United States.”

“I won’t have to. If this man saw the news, it’s a certainty that he’ll be looking for Christy.”

Michael was immediately alarmed. “What do I do if the guy shows up?”

“Take the necessary steps to keep Christy from him. Carry him away, if you must.”

“Do you know what the guy looks like?”

Rob withdrew a news article from his pocket and handed it to Michael. He couldn’t decipher the Greek print but studied the picture of the smarmy-looking man. He had black bulging eyes, a big nose, thin lips, and greasy looking, stringy hair that hung down to his slumped, concave shoulders. The guy looked like a reject from the morgue. “What’s his name?”

“Yosef Sanna.”

“How old is he?”

“I believe he’s thirty-two now.”

“We should show this to security.”

“They are fully informed as to the status of Christy’s assailants.”

Michael studied Rob now. “They don’t work just for Sophia, do they?”

“They work for the Castle family.”

“Where are they when Christy’s in school?”

“If you don’t see them, they’re doing their job right.”

Michael rubbed his forehead in exasperation. This was
far outside of his sphere of reality. At least it wasn’t a family member who abused Christy. “Where are his parents?”

Rob remained silent.

Michael looked into Rob’s dark eyes. Eyes that held secrets and a wealth of knowledge that Michael desperately wanted to have but clearly wasn’t going to get. “How dangerous is this guy to someone like me, someone who isn’t afraid of him?”

“He’s extremely violent and is known to carry a knife with him.”

“Can I tell my parents about this?”

“I would rather you didn’t. It would be a terrible violation of Christy’s privacy.”

“Yeah, okay. Does Sophia know about this guy?”

“She’s had the displeasure of meeting him in Greece and knows that he entered the US last week.”

A whacked-out teammate, the press, and a psycho. This just keeps getting better and better.
Michael let his head loll back and silently cursed the beautiful afternoon sky. The day had started out so promising. “So, my priority for tonight is protecting Christy and Sophia with the help of Jake and security.”

“While you celebrate your victory.”

“I can handle it. I want Jake to see this picture. Will you explain things to him?” Rob reluctantly agreed. “Thanks. Thanks for telling me.”

“I felt it only fair to warn you.”

“It’s my fault. I wanted Christy up on that stage with me.”

“A number of factors came into play, Michael. He may not have joined you without Sophia there. I would rather that Christy didn’t know that you know about Yosef Sanna yet.”

Michael hated secrets but, for Christy’s sake, he nodded his agreement.

“One last thing. Christy has trouble with crowds.”

Michael blew a long breath. “Yeah, I’ve seen him get scared at school when there are too many people around. I’ll take care of it.” He looked back over his shoulder. “Jake!”

Jake trotted over, and Michael slapped the article to his chest. “Rob’s going to explain something to you. I’ll see you back here at six. Call me on my cell if you have questions before then.”



was dealing with his impossible hair and listening to Westlife’s “Safe” when Jake called. He answered with a curt “Hey.”

“You ready?”

“As I’m going to be. I hate my hair.”

“You sound like a girl. Sophia called.”

“Is that a good thing?”



“No comment, and yes. She asked what color I was wearing tonight. She wanted to color coordinate.”

“You’re doomed, bro.”

“Pussy-whipped is better than dick-whipped.”

“So wrong. What’d you tell her?”

“I told her what color I was wearing.”

“You going to make me ask?”

“C’mon, our school blue. Or did you forget that we’re celebrating our state championship?”

Michael looked down at his green silk shirt. “Same color I’m wearing. We’ll look like the Blue Man Group.” Michael went to his closet and searched for a blue shirt. “What’d you really want, Jake?”

“Can’t a guy just call to say hi?”

“Yeah, when that’s what he’s doing. That isn’t what you’re doing.”

“What am I doing?”

“You’re calling because you’re nervous about going out with Sophia, you’re worried about Whitman showing up, you’re worried about the sick and evil Yosef showing up, you hate the press, and know your dad will kill you if you don’t handle them right.”

“Why’d I bother calling?”

“Always love to hear from you, bro.”

“Are you okay?”



“What do you want me to say? I feel guilty as hell for getting Christy up on that stage, I’m scared shitless for him, I want to commit bodily harm to Jason, and I’m falling apart at the seams, please come hold my hand while I eat a pound of chocolate to calm my nerves?”

“Stick to lying. Listen, my dad says he was able to get a restraining order. This Yosef character can’t get within a hundred feet of Christy. If he shows up, security can pick him up and hold him for the police.”

Michael stopped his shirt efforts.
Score one for Christy.
“That’s seriously slick. Does Rob know?”

“’Course. He’s the one who asked my dad to get it. My dad’s counsel for Wellington, remember?”

“I forgot.”

“Thought it might ease your mind a little.”

“Yeah, a lot. Now I can tackle him if he comes anywhere near Christy.”


“That’s what I said. We can tackle him if he comes anywhere near Christy.”

Jake chuckled. “See you at Christy’s.”



do I look?” Jake asked as they mounted the steps to Christy’s cabin.



Michael turned to him and gave him a once-over. “Not as good as I do, but close.”

“Aw, c’mon, man, I look hot.”

“On fire, bro.”

They stood before Christy’s door and shared a nervous glance.

“This is your first date with a guy, Michael.”


“You nervous?”

Michael looked down at his shoes. “Kind of, but not.”

Jake clapped his back and squeezed the nape of his neck. “You’ll do fine. You remember the order in which you use your silverware?”

Michael gaped at him. “It’s a team party with finger food.”

“Just testing you.”

“Screw you.”

Jake laughed and looked around the door. “No doorbell.”

“The old-fashioned way.” Michael raised his hand and knocked. They heard Sophia’s giggle and the quick patter of footsteps around the cabin, and the door swung open.

There stood the two most beautiful people they’d ever seen.

Michael couldn’t believe his eyes. Christy wore black linen pants, a blue silk shirt that set off his eyes brighter than Michael had ever seen them, and his hair cascaded down his back in larger-than-life, white-gold curls. Michael leaned in and touched his lips to Christy’s and tasted watermelon. “Hi, beautiful.”

Christy beamed and whispered, “You like?”

“I love.” Michael entered the cabin and turned back. Jake still stood, starstruck. “At least say hello, bro.”

“I can’t. Sophia’s beauty has rendered me speechless.”

Sophia giggled. “Certainly not! I’m wearing a T-shirt and jeans!”

“Some T-shirt and jeans. You look great, Sophia.”

“Why, thank you, Jacob.” She drew him into the cabin by the hand. “Shall we have a quick glass of wine before we go?”

Michael and Jake exchanged looks.

“Pass. I’m driving,” Jake said.

“We’re old enough to drink in Europe, and you know what they say. When in Rome,” Michael pontificated.

Christy handed half a glass of red wine to Michael. He took a sip and welcomed the warmth that spread through his chest. “Mmm.”

“It’s a Shiraz from California, if you can believe it. I like it,” Sophia quipped.

Jake looked at the label on the bottle. “I think I’ve had this. It’s light and not too sweet.”

“It is, isn’t it?” She sipped gracefully.

Michael looked down at Christy. “Why aren’t you having any?”

Sophia kissed Christy’s cheek. “He was so nervous while we dressed that I had to give him a glass to calm his nerves.”

Michael wanted to stroke Christy’s beautiful curls but was afraid he’d mess them up. “We’ll have a great time, and if the party fades, we’ll go play some pinball.”

Sophia giggled again. “Lovely. Will there be plenty of food there? I’m absolutely famished.”

“Plenty of food. Not that you’re not absolutely to die for, but don’t models have to watch what they eat?” Jake asked bluntly.

Christy slapped his pad on the counter and wrote
Can eat elephant and not gain weight.

“Tight.” Jake quickly clarified when he saw the confusion on Sophia’s face. “I mean awesome.”

Christy held the pad up for Sophia to read.

She laughed. “It’s true. My mother is no bigger than I am. It runs in the family. Look at Christy, for God’s sake. He has an absolutely fabulous figure. Doesn’t he, Michael?”

“He does,” Michael admired. Christy flushed a light rose, and Michael leaned in and kissed his cheek, causing him to turn away, bashful. “My pretty Christy.”

“Shall we go?” Sophia asked.

Jake raised a brow. “You’re not excited.”

“I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve been out with friends, Jacob. Longer yet, that I haven’t had to be perfect for the media. Tonight I can simply be me, foibles and all.”

“Yes, you can,” Jake agreed.

Christy quickly scribbled
Caution: energy does not stop

Jake chuckled. “Thanks for the heads-up.”

Michael looked down at Christy and noticed that he wasn’t wearing a scarf and that the scar on his neck was barely visible. “Where’s your scarf?”

“He isn’t wearing one tonight. He doesn’t need one,” Sophia insisted.

Michael studied Christy and saw distress in his eyes. At the same time, he understood that he wanted to please his cousin but was mighty uncomfortable without a scarf. “Why don’t you hang one around your lapel? That way it’s there if you need it.”

“Michael, I put a little makeup there, so you don’t see the redness,” Sophia insisted.

Though she’d done a miraculous job of covering the scar, he saw insecurity in Christy’s eyes. “You did a great job. Looks incredible.” He straightened the collar on Christy’s shirt. “But I still like the scarves. What scarf were you going to wear?”

The relief in Christy’s eyes was monumental, and he fled to the bathroom and returned with a black silk scarf and his jacket.

“Oh bother!” Sophia huffed.

Christy donned his jacket, and Michael tucked the scarf beneath his lapel and let it drape down the front of the jacket. “There.”

Christy wreathed his arms around Michael’s waist and hugged him tight.

“Better?” Michael whispered. Christy nodded and drew away.

“Let’s go,” Jake said, taking the glass of wine from Sophia’s hand and setting it on the counter.




pulled into the portico at The Silent Woman and hit the door lock switch quickly. “This isn’t going to work, man. The place is lousy with press.” When the valet tried to open the door, he signaled the valet to wait a moment with a raised finger.

Michael looked out the windows on both sides of the car at the crowd. “Definitely not going to work. I’m calling McDonald.” He withdrew his phone and dialed. “This place is out of control. We’ll never make it inside…. Okay. Jake, follow Tad. We’re going to enter through a restaurant two doors down. The cellars are connected.”

“Excellent idea.” Jake dialed his phone. “Papa, there’s too much press out here. We’re going a couple of doors down, and we’ll come up from the cellar.” He hung up and handed the phone to Sophia. “Is it always like this for you?”

“Of course not,” she said, her accent nearly nonexistent in her indignity.

Christy made a rude noise.

“Oh shut up.” She reached over the seat and slapped Christy’s knee lightly.

“You sound downright American.” Michael laughed as he hugged Christy to him and was surprised to find him trembling. “What’s wrong?”

Christy shook his head. “Don’t like press,” he whispered, his voice a low growl.

“We’ll be fine as soon as we’re inside. It’ll be only us and the team.”

Hope tried to fill Christy’s beautiful eyes. “No press?”

“Some press, but not too much. Security will keep them away, and remember, Jake’s and my parents will be there too. They won’t let anyone near us.”

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