On His Orders (The Billionaire's Way) (2 page)

BOOK: On His Orders (The Billionaire's Way)
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The broad shouldered billionaire puts his hands on my small shoulders. He runs those massive and strong hands up to my hand as though he is inspecting one of his possessions. I want to kick him in the balls so badly it is killing me. I know he can see the fire in my eyes.


“You have a lot of fear and anger in you. Lots of primal energy. I like that,” the billionaire says softly. Suddenly, this hulking man lifts me up off of my feet until I am eye to eye with him. I can feel one of my shoes dangle off of my feet. And I can feel my feet just swinging in the air.


Mr. Peak holds me up with no effort whatsoever. I can feel the strong grip of this man choking off the blood circulation on my arms. I can feel his heavy breathing upon my right cheek. “You are a feisty and deceptive little thing. I know you want to claw out my eyes. And you know what?” Mr. Peak says as he leans into my face. “You are turning me on. Because I love a good fight.”


The billionaire drops me. I crumble to the ground. My body feels so vulnerable right now. All I can do is lift my knees up to my neck and huddle against the wall like a scared puppy. Tears begin to stroll down my cheek.


Suddenly, the billionaire lifts me up by my neck. “Ah!” I yell. He turns me around and makes me face the wall. I begin to cry. “Don’t hurt me, Mr. Peak. Please. Let me go and I won’t cash your paycheck. It’s all a big mistake. Please just let me go home!”


My pleas go unanswered for several seconds, which feels like the longest time in the world. I hear his belt come off of his pants. Then I feel his heavy breathing bear down on my left ear, “You are not going anywhere,” the billionaire whispers.


The soft leather of Mr. Peak’s belt wraps around my tiny neck. My body begins to shake. I feel the grip on that belt get tighter and tighter. My body is summoning up the will to scream but I am too scared to utter a sound.


“You have a pretty young body. I love the way your ass looks in that dress,” the billionaire whispers into my ear. The words just hang there for a moment as I feel his fingers probe around my body.


I listen to the sound of the zipper on my skirt come down. The skirt falls to the floor. The cool air brushes against my thighs and my butt.


“A little white thong. I like little white thongs. It makes a young girl like you seem so innocent. But I know you are not. Deep down inside, you are always looking to play your angle. I am going to teach you about consequences,” Mr. Peak threatens as he places his hands on my shoulders and forces me onto my knees.


“Remove your blouse,” the hedge fund billionaire orders as he begins to slowly choke me with his belt. I quickly unbutton my white blouse but, I hesitate before removing it. He pulls on the belt - choking me to attention.
This guy is not afraid to hurt me.
I quickly remove the blouse and place it onto the ground. Oh my God. I have never felt so vulnerable in my life!

I just shiver as the goosebumps rise on my flesh. My nipples get hard. The belt around my neck begins to loosen. Mr. Peak releases me from its grip. I exhale a sigh of relief. Suddenly, I feel the man grab the back of my neck. He pushes my face onto the carpet and pushes my ass up into the air.


“What are you doing?” I ask.


*Whap!* I feel the belt slap against my ass. I moan. He whips me again. Dammit. This is starting to get me off. I secretly hope that he will whip me again. Seconds later, my prayers are answered.


As Mr. Peak continues to take his belt to my backside, a sense of sexual arousal fires through my body. While my mind is scared, my body is willing. Everything is happening so fast, I can barely comprehend what is happening to me.


The billionaire flips me onto my back. I lie on the floor. The belt dangles from Mr. Peak’s right hand. His eyes pierce through me. “You are crying yet you are not begging for me to stop,” the billionaire says with a smile. “I like that. You are learning to submit to me. I may have a use for you after all,” he adds as he begins to remove his tie.


“Stand on your feet, turn around and face the wall,” the billionaire orders. What does he have planned for me next? I don’t want to agitate nor do I want to disappoint Mr. Peak. I obey his instructions to the letter. I stand, turn around and face the wall until my nose touches the oak paneling.


I feel the the billionaire’s silk tie fall over my eyes. He blindfolds me. Darkness. I am nearly naked, completely blind, cold, scared… and aroused.


The billionaire begins to run his strong hands up and down my body. I feel his fingers gently brush over my breasts. He unhooks my bra and drops it beside my feet. The man runs his hands down my sides and over my hips.


Mr. Peak begins to run his index fingers around the top of my thong. And then, with one quick motion, he pulls it down. I am blindfolded and naked. “You never thought your weekend was going to begin like this,” the billionaire says in his deep voice.


Mr. Peak spins me around and removes the blindfold. It takes me a minute to focus. When my vision is restored, I can see the brooding man scrutinizing every inch of my naked body.


Suddenly, he walks away. I go from being terrified to feeling alone and abandoned. What’s wrong with me? When the powerful billionaire walks away from me, I feel as though I am the one who had wronged him.


My mind races.
What have I done to displease the billionaire?
Mr. Peak walks to his massive table and picks up an envelope. He stares at me and drops the item onto the floor. “That is your last paycheck. If you want it, you will have to get on your hands and knees and crawl for your money.”


My body begins to shrink as my knees buckle. Just as the billionaire commands, I crawl my naked body across his massive ocean-view office. The hardwood floors scrape my knees but I dare not raise a protest. I want my money. More importantly, perhaps, I would like to please my master.


I reach out for the envelope. Mr. Peak drops his right foot on my hand. “Ah!” I moan.


“You don’t get to use your hands to take my money. If you want to take my scraps, then you have to use your mouth like some animal rummaging through a garbage can.” Mr. Peak’s words are cold and they are stern. However, I obey. I lean forward and lower my lips until they touch the slim envelope. Then I lift my head up with my last paycheck firmly grasped in my mouth.


“No one is allowed to steal money from me and get away with it,” the billionaire says to me. “The only reason why you are allowed to have that money is because you earned it. You kept up your charade and demonstrated a taste for deception. Frankly, I find that admirable.”


Mr. Peak pulls me up by my neck. It’s hard to keep that paycheck in my mouth. But I dare not spit it out for fear I will lose my last source of income. Mr. Peak knows that I am struggling to hold that envelope in my mouth. He slowly closes his grasp around my neck. Then he moves that hand down to my breasts. The billionaire brushes his fingertips against my hard nipples. I begin to shake. His hands wander down to my stomach. Then Mr. Peak moves lower. He pushes his hand between my legs and begins to rub me softly.


The sensation is amazing. I have never felt anything like this before. I want to moan but I can’t open my mouth. My fingernails dig into my thighs as Mr. Peak rubs me faster and faster. He begins to breathe heavily. Oh fuck! I feel like I’m going to cum!


Tears roll down my cheeks as I reach the quietest orgasm a girl could possibly have. I bite down on the envelope and rip into the flesh of my thighs. My eyes are so watery that everything in front of me is a blur.


It takes me a few seconds to focus. Mr. Peak looks down at me and says, “As of right now, you are no longer an assistant Account Executive at my hedge fund.”


That sentence hits me with a sense of overwhelming relief and dread. The past hour has been unlike anything I have ever experienced in my life. I don’t know, exactly, how I should act. Part of me wants to stay. Another part of me just wants to get dressed and get the hell out of here. Mr. Peak takes the envelope from my mouth and places it into my right hand.


“You are going to work for me on an intimate level. You will obey my orders and never question them. I own your body and I own your mind. With that privilege comes the opportunity to see a world that is closed off to just about every other soul out there,” Mr. Peak says as he motions to the windows and the outside world.


The billionaire looks me up and down for a few seconds. Then he orders me to get dressed. I am so nervous that I forget where my clothes are located. I stumble around the office gathering my bra, my thong, my dress and my blouse. It takes me a good minute to get my heels back onto my feet.


When I am dressed, I stand at attention. I know my hair is a mess and I can feel the mascara on my cheeks. Since there is no mirror, I can’t see what I look like. I certainly feel like a mess.


“Go back to your apartment tonight. Get a good night’s sleep. A car will pick you up at 9 AM sharp. From there, you will start your first day at your new position,” Mr. Peak says as he pours himself a drink.


I open my mouth. No words come out. There are so many fucking questions running through my head. I dare not tempt his wrath. No, I say nothing and just leave his office. The elevator doors are already open as though they have been waiting for me.


My body leans against the back of the elevator. The doors close and I begin to descend back down to Earth. Oh my God. What happened to me? And more importantly, what is going to happen to me tomorrow?




*Bing! Bing! Bing!*


I jolt my head out of bed. Where am I? What time is it? What day is it? I look at my digital alarm clock and see the time: 8:30AM. My heart begins to race. I realize that today is Saturday. Then the fateful events of yesterday come rushing back into my head.


Mr. Peak is sending a car for me at 9 AM. I can’t disappoint the billionaire hedge fund boss. What my day will be like is a total mystery to me. As I jump into the shower, my mind races with millions of possibilities. Why is he sending a car? Where are we going? Maybe I will be seeing his house. I have never been in a billionaire’s mansion before. Hell, I don’t think I have even been in a millionaire’s home either.


As I jump out of the shower, I fall into an immediate panic. I have nothing to wear! My closet is a mess of dirty clothes, jeans, shirts, a few dresses and an avalanche of shoes, heels and sneakers.


Since Mr. Peak is my boss, I opt for something formal and colorless. Black and white does not offend anyone. I put on my black dress with my last white blouse. It’s 8:50. Fuck! I don’t have time to do my hair the way I want it. I keep my make-up tasteful and opt for pink lipstick. Red will be a little too much. But maybe Mr. Peak will like a little red on me? Oh God, I don’t have the time to debate lipstick inside of my own head!


It’s 9AM. I’m never ready on time. I walk out the door with my black Prada heels in my hands. I look around for a car. I’m thinking that Mr. Peak will have me picked up in a black Town Car. The Saturday morning garbage truck pick-up rumbles up and down the alleyway behind my Venice Beach apartment.


As the garbage truck passes by my place, I put on my heels. When the truck passes, I see a large silver sedan pull up in the alleyway. Oh my God. Is that a Rolls-Royce?! I have seen them around Rodeo Drive. You don’t see those cars around Venice Beach.

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