One Reckless Night (8 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Morris

BOOK: One Reckless Night
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transformed into a large slip-n-slide.

They joined Lea and Giselle. Bayleigh caught on to the beat of the current song. Someone

bumped her from behind. When she turned, she received an apologetic look. She smiled at the

woman, then turned back to face her friends. At least some people still had manners. The DJ mixed

in a new upbeat song.

Lea leaned closer. “Isn’t this the
Black Eyed Peas
song you like?”

Bayleigh nodded. The beat of the music moved through her and she relaxed a little more.

She tensed again at a tap on her shoulder. When she turned, a nice-looking guy stood there, but he

wasn’t Dane. It was difficult not to flinch at the thought. The man who stood before her was

oblivious to her plight. He offered her a bright smile. “Would you like to dance?” he yelled over the


Her first inclination was to say no. The guy was cute, but he was a stranger. One she wasn’t

interested in. He must have taken her silence for a confirmation because he started to dance in front

of her. What was the harm in a dance?

Bayleigh picked up the beat of the music again. Over his shoulder she saw her friends

grinning. It looked like Lea had picked up a dance partner herself. Bayleigh looked back at her dance

partner. He really was nice looking, not anywhere near as attractive as Dane. She groaned inwardly.

Now she was comparing other men to Dane. This wasn’t good. Not good at all.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her dance partner moved too close. She stepped back,

but he didn’t get the hint. Bayleigh placed her hand on his chest to keep some distance between

them. He smiled at her touch and moved closer instead of backwards, the way she wanted to him to.

“You’re dancing too close,” she yelled.

Her dance partner smiled. “Just making room for everyone else on the floor.”

Bayleigh frowned. The come-on line was a bad one. She’d heard worse, but this one was

bad. If other people needed additional dance room it was their problem. He moved closer and she

gave him a hard look and shook her head, but he moved even closer. Bayleigh stopped dancing.

Placing both hands on his chest, she shoved the guy back.

“Aw, come on, girl,” he responded with a gleam in his eye that turned her stomach.

Disgusted by his inability to take no for an answer, she frowned. “No, thank you. Enjoy the

rest of your night.”

Bayleigh turned to look at her friends. She was proud to see they’d moved closer to her in

case she needed reinforcement. “I need something to drink. You guys want anything?”

Deidre looked at her with concern. “Are you okay?”

Bayleigh nodded. “I’m fine, but I am thirsty.”

Giselle smiled. “You want me to go with you?”

Bayleigh looked over at Giselle, hoping her expression was more unfazed than she felt. “No,

I’m fine. Really, I am.”

When they stepped back, she turned and headed for the bar. Mr. Touchy-Feely intercepted

her halfway.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

She looked at him with every ounce of exasperation she felt. “No.”

He didn’t get the hint. “Are you sure? You look thirsty.”

“I am.”

“Then why can’t I buy you a drink?”

Bayleigh’s mouth dropped open. Why wouldn’t this man go away? What would Tasha do in

this situation? She laughed when she had the answer and gave the guy a sugary sweet smile.

“Because you aren’t my type.”

Bayleigh had the pleasure of seeing Mr. Casanova’s smile slip a little. Unfortunately, he still

didn’t walk away.

“What’s your type?”

Her smile widened. “My boyfriend will be here soon and he can show you.”

The guy frowned and shook his head. “Look, I don’t want any trouble. Forget we met.”

“I already have,” she murmured. Bayleigh continued toward the bar, happy to be away from

the creep. No wonder she despised social scenes like this. She didn’t think he would ever take no for

an answer. Maybe it was her dress. Bayleigh looked down at the dress. It was pretty but there was

nothing fancy about it. The vee-neck front didn’t reveal too much cleavage. The dress was also

moderate length, stopping above her knee.

It had to be the dress. Too many men had approached her tonight. Men she normally

wouldn’t have been approached by.

The bartender smiled at her. “What can I get you?”

“A water and soda—whatever you have that isn’t diet—please,” she requested, leaning closer

to the bar so he could hear her.

The bartender nodded and she pulled out her money while the drinks were prepared. A hand

came down on hers, causing her to jump in surprise. She looked up. The man standing before her

was handsome, tall, fit, dark hair, with broad shoulders.

He gave her a gentle smile. “Let me buy your drink for you.”

Bayleigh moved her hand from underneath his. His clammy touch didn’t affect her in a good

way. She gave a slight shake of her head. “No, thank you.”

“It’s just a drink, I promise.”

Bayleigh shook her head again. This guy didn’t give her the zing she was looking for. She

gave him a kind smile. “I’m here with someone else.”

His smile slipped. She felt bad about misleading him. Although she was with someone else, it

just happened to be her friends. He gave her a brief nod when the bartender sat her drinks down.

Bayleigh paid for them, gave the guy standing next to her another smile, then turned to walk back to

her friends. Giselle was at the table, a smile on her face.

“You’re popular tonight.”

Bayleigh gave Giselle a sardonic smile. “Too popular. No wonder I stayed away from the

popular kids in high school.”

Giselle laughed. “We both know the real reason.”

Bayleigh stuck her tongue out at Giselle before picking up her soda. She drank most of it

before sitting it back down then reached for the water next, drinking a few sips. Giselle reached for

the soda and finished it. A song by
came on. Giselle was to her feet before Bayleigh could say

anything. Bayleigh slid off the stool, following Giselle to the dance floor. They joined Maylea and

Deidre, who were already moving to the music. She moved to the beat, letting the music drift over

her. Music made her feel good. Bayleigh looked over at her friends. Deidre’s idea to come her might

not have been so bad after all.

* * * *

“You do realize what you’re doing is borderline stalking right?”

Dane looked over at Isaac and smiled. “Well then I guess you would be my accomplice.”

Isaac shook his head. “If she presses charges, I will deny knowing you.”

Dane laughed as he and Isaac made their way to the bar. He was glad his friend had come

along with him. He just might need Isaac to play a distraction.

“There are some fine looking women here tonight.”

Dane smiled at Isaac. “Yes but I’m here for one woman in particular.”

Isaac ordered a bourbon and coke, before giving Dane a sympathetic look. “You have it

worse than I thought.”

Dane ignored the comment. He was too busy scanning the room looking for Bayleigh. It

took him a few moments to find her. When he did, he took note of the woman he saw. Something

was different about her. The dress she had on was downright provocative, but it was more than that.

Bayleigh moved to the beat of the music with a natural rhythm. What captivated him was the smile

on her face. Her friends surrounded her, and from the looks of it she was relaxed, having a good

time. Dane knew clubs weren’t her thing. The conversation he overheard her having with Deidre

yesterday at work shocked him.

At first Bayleigh protested the night out at Club Onyx. Then Bayleigh caved in. He could

barely contain his joy because he knew it was his opportunity to talk to Bayleigh when she didn’t

expect it. She had him off kilter for the last two weeks. Now it was her turn. He was here to start

convincing Bayleigh that she was one for him.

Dane nudged Isaac. “I found her.”

Dane indicated where Bayleigh was with a tilt of his head. The corners of his mouth curled

upward with Isaac’s eyes widened.

“Is that Bayleigh?”

Dane nodded. He watched Bayleigh do a slow sensuous turn to the music.

“She is hot.”

Dane elbowed Isaac. “Watch it. She’s already on my radar.”

Isaac grinned. “You might want to tell him that.”

Josh looked up in time to see a man walk up to Bayleigh. He tensed when the man pressed

his body against hers. His frown was replaced with a smile when Bayleigh pushed the guy away. He

didn’t know what she said, but the guy backed away with his hands up. Her feistiness could come in

handy on occasion. Dane needed it to disappear while he tried to convince her their friendship

wouldn’t be in any danger by getting into a relationship with him.

“Wish me luck.”

Isaac smiled. “You don’t need it, but good luck anyway.”

Dane pushed away from the bar hoping Isaac was right. This had to go right because he

might not have another chance.

* * * *

Bayleigh turned back to face her friends. If one more guy pushed himself up on her she

would scream. What gave guys the idea they could touch without asking? Dane would never do that.

Her mind stuttered at the thought. Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him? Even as she moved

to the music she wished he were there.

Where were these thoughts coming from? She was starting to develop and obsession for

him. What bothered her was she couldn’t keep her mind off of him and lately her thoughts had

nothing to do with friendship. She wouldn’t even mention her recent dreams. Dreams so erotic it

was all she could do to greet Dane the next day at work like a normal person.

Bayleigh groaned, happy the music was loud. If her friends heard they would know

something was up. It was time for her to focus on her new self. The right thing to do was remain

friends with Dane. Everything would be less complicated that way. Bayleigh felt someone else come

up behind her. She sighed, but the person didn’t touch her. A gasp escaped her when a voice spoke

directly in her ear.

“Would you like to dance?”

The brush of his lips against her earlobe made her quiver. The smooth timbre of his voice

didn’t help either. Bayleigh inhaled deeply. She would recognize his scent anywhere, if his voice

hadn’t already given him away. Bayleigh whirled around to find Dane standing behind her. Her heart

gave a painful thump.

“What are you doing here?”

Dane smiled. “Isaac suggested it. How about you?”

She tilted her head in his direction. “Deidre suggested it.”

Bayleigh laughed when his eyebrows rose. “It’s a long story.”

He gave her an inquisitive look. “Maybe you can tell me about it after we dance.”

The offer was compelling but she hesitated. Bayleigh hadn’t expected to see him here. Unlike

at work, she wasn’t prepared to deal with him. Dane extended his hand to her. She knew she

shouldn’t take it. Just say no. Then again, what would one dance hurt? Friends danced together all

the time didn’t they?

Bayleigh looked at her friends who were nodding frantically. It was just one dance. Reaching

out, she took Dane’s hand. He pulled her closer but left a respectable amount of space between

them. She moved to the music studying Dane as she did. His eyes never left hers and they revealed

blatant interest. Bayleigh should be shocked, but she wasn’t. Dane made his attraction to her clear.

Even with her avoiding him like she had for the last two weeks, his desire for her didn’t seem to

have lessened any. Why had she expected it to? Dane never wavered when he had his focus set.

She closed her eyes to hide from his intense gaze. Tried to clear her mind. A few moves later

her body bumped his and her eyes flew open. She gasped and a shiver traveled through her at the

heat in his gaze. His eyes held the same intensity they did the night they slept together. When his

arms encircled her, Bayleigh’s body relaxed. His touch didn’t feel foreign, not like the other guys

who touched her tonight.

Bayleigh continued to move with him, bringing her hands up to rest on his shoulders. Their

bodies fit well together and moved in perfect unison. The song changed but Dane’s hold on her

didn’t. They danced to the end of the new song. Dane leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“We need to talk.”

Bayleigh groaned. This was what she wanted to avoid, had managed to avoid until tonight.

She didn’t have an excuse to give Dane, at least not a good one. When he pulled back to look at her,

she gave him a small nod. “Just let me tell the girls.”

He nodded and she turned to look at her friends. They stared at her in amusement while

they danced. “I need to talk to Dane.”

Giselle and Deidre nodded. Maylea gave her a look of warning. “Hear him out, Bayleigh.”

Bayleigh rolled her eyes before turning back to Dane. He offered his hand again. She took it

and he lead her off the dance floor. She huddled close to him as he maneuvered them through the

crowd of people.

There was no denying that she enjoyed his touch entirely too much. He stopped when they

were to the edge of the dance floor. Bayleigh watched him look around before leading her toward a

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