One Summerhill Day (The Summerhill Series Book 1) (4 page)

Read One Summerhill Day (The Summerhill Series Book 1) Online

Authors: Keira Montclair

Tags: #Contemporary, #Adult, #Romance, #romance adult, #Fiction, #Warrior

BOOK: One Summerhill Day (The Summerhill Series Book 1)
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Chapter Four


The next day, Caitlyn wrapped a scarf around her neck and headed out the door of Lakeview Bed and Breakfast. It was chilly, but the sun sparkled on the freshly fallen snow and she needed to get outside and think. Her leg still ached and she didn’t have full use of it yet, but she could trudge around enough to make it down to the lake, especially since there was a path through the snow.

She was almost down to the bench in the park when she heard her name. Turning around, she was surprised to see Officer Ryan Ramsay in street clothes striding toward her. She smiled and waved. “Hello, Officer Ramsay.”

“Caitlyn. Nice to see you moving around.”

Ryan trekked down the slope of the hill toward her, his limp more noticeable on the uneven terrain. She was curious about what had caused his problem, but didn’t feel she knew him well enough to ask. If he wanted her to know, he would tell her.

“Mind if I join you?”

When he reached her side, she summoned all the self-control she had not to stare at him with wide eyes. How had she failed to notice how good-looking this guy was? Brown hair, just the right amount of beard, and green eyes she could fall into all invaded her senses at once. She’d never felt such an immediate and powerful reaction to a man. Turning toward the water to hide her reaction, she said, “No, not at all. Though I warn you, I’m only going as far as the bench.” She pointed to her destination.

“How’s your leg?” he asked as he came up beside her and placed his hand on the small of her back.

Such a small gesture, yet she liked his hand right where it was. “Improving every day. I just wanted to get outside and enjoy the sun. It’s so beautiful with the pines around the lake.”

“It is. Waiting for your car to be repaired?”

“Yes, I’m afraid it will be at least another week.” Her foot landed in a small hole and she lost her balance. She reached for him, and he caught her in a matter of seconds, even with his injury. He grabbed her around the waist and she found herself staring into his green eyes, mere inches from hers. Her gaze veered down to his lips, and she found herself wondering what it would be like to kiss him.

She jerked her gaze back to his eyes and blushed, shocked at the path her thoughts had taken. After all, she had just left her husband. But when had been the last time they had kissed? Their love life had become almost non-existent. Maybe if she had been more observant, she would have noticed the decline of their marriage. Maybe it wasn’t all Bruce’s fault if she could be turned on by another man this easily.

Once Caitlyn straightened herself, they continued their stroll toward the lake, but Ryan didn’t move far from her, almost as if to say he had enjoyed the close encounter as much as she had. “Since you have no vehicle, then I insist on taking you to dinner tonight.”

“Oh, heavens no. I couldn’t impose.”

“You wouldn’t be, and I am only offering to take you to the little place on Main Street, Deb’s Diner. Have you tried it yet?”

They reached the bench and she sat, positioning her leg so it was straight. “No, I haven’t. Is it good?”

“It isn’t as good as our five-star restaurants, but I eat there often,” he said as he settled in beside her. “Suits me better than my bachelor apartment. Plus, we policemen like our diners.”

She laughed. “But…”

“Please, I insist. Otherwise, I’ll be eating there alone.”

He slung a hand over the back of the bench, and for some reason, his closeness warmed her insides. “Sure, in that case I’d love to come.” She gazed into his eyes, and he nodded and smiled as if to affirm their agreement. His eyes were mesmerizing. “Have you lived here long?”

Ryan said, “I’ve lived here all my life except for when I was in the army. I grew up with my parents, two brothers, and three sisters, but my mom died a while back from breast cancer.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. That must have been terrible for you.”

“Losing her was hard on all of us, but especially my dad. Fortunately, he met someone and married again, which is how I ended up with six step-siblings—four brothers and two sisters. Now we have enough for any team sports we want. When the seven guys get together on the basketball court, it can be dangerous, but we have a great time.”

“So, you get along with all of them? Wow. No sibling rivalry?”

“A little when we were younger, yes. But I love having such a large family. We get together every Saturday for lunch, and I rarely miss it.” His expression turned from cheerful to serious. “Their continued support means everything to me.”

She found herself wishing she could see him without his coat on so she could have a better look at him. In his police jacket, he had looked massive, with broad shoulders, thick biceps, and a narrow waist…Did he have a six-pack for abs?

He stared at her expectantly.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” The man was distracting. He laughed and his white teeth sparkled at her almost as much as the snow at her feet.

“Can I pick you up in a couple of hours?”

“Yes, that sounds wonderful, Officer Ramsay. In fact, I think I will head back. It’s a bit chilly out here, even with the sun.”

“Ryan. Please call me Ryan. I’m not on duty today.” He grabbed her arm to steady her as she stood, trying not to bend her leg too much. As they headed up the hill, he said, “Do you mind if I hang on to you? I know from experience that it’s much more difficult to walk up a snowy hill with a bum leg and I don’t want you to fall.”

She nodded. “Thank you.” The simple kindness spread warmth from her head to her toes. She grabbed his elbow, hoping he would use this opportunity to tell her how he’d been injured, but he did not.

When they hit the steepest part of the hill, they both slowed, Caitlyn struggling to push off without too much pain.

“You all right?” he asked, the concern in his gaze shooting straight to her heart.

“Yes, thank you.” She paused for a moment to absorb the pain, but then kept moving. When she turned her head to glance at him, she couldn’t help but laugh. “We certainly are a pair walking up this hill together, aren’t we?”

He nodded and gave her a strange look. “Yep, we are.”


Ryan couldn’t believe he’d had the nerve to ask her out. Was this a real date or not? It was Saturday night, but she could consider his offer a friendly gesture. He checked his reflection in his rearview mirror before he got out of the car. He’d put on cologne, even though he had left most of his beard scruffy. Mallory always bugged him about smelling nice for the ladies. He wasn’t sure if it genuinely made a difference, but he’d decided to take his sister’s advice for a change.

As soon as he walked into the foyer of the bed and breakfast, he caught sight of Caitlyn as she limped down the hallway toward him, a smile lighting up her face. He took a minute to appreciate the effect she had on him. There was a sort of glow that emanated from her, one capable of cheering anyone up. Her smile reached all the way to her eyes, making them shimmer in the light. All he could think of was rubbing his thumb across the plump surface of her bottom lip, and then kissing her until she melted in his arms or until she couldn’t speak, one or the other.

What a fool he was. That type of thing only happened in the movies.

“Hi, Caitlyn. You look nice.” She actually looked gorgeous, not just nice, but he decided that would be a little over the top for a first date. She was dressed in jeans and nice boots, with a black sweater and a red trimmed scarf wrapped around her neck, and the black set off her blonde hair.

“Thank you, Ryan. You look nice, too.”

He helped her on with her coat, then held the door for her as they walked into the parking lot of the B & B. He had parked close to keep her from having to walk too far, and he helped her slide into his car before he climbed in the driver’s side. Maneuvering yourself into a car after a leg injury took practice, he knew better than anyone. He noticed the way she gripped the door before she sat—she was still in pain. As soon as he closed the door, he put the keys in the ignition and turned to look at her. A warm feeling washed over him.

“You smell good, Ryan. What kind of cologne?”

“Honestly? I have no idea. Whatever my sister gave me for Christmas.” Damn, score one for Mallory.

It didn’t take more than ten minutes to get there, and several patrons greeted him when they walked into Deb’s Diner. He waved to the hostess and indicated a booth in the back corner, hoping for a little privacy there. When he and Caitlyn reached their table, he helped her off with her coat. His hand accidentally brushed hers, just enough to shoot a spark up his arm. What the hell was that? Shit, all of a sudden he felt like a middle schooler with his first crush on a girl. He swallowed as he sat opposite her in the booth, suddenly very conscious of how beautiful she was. Even with the little wounds on her face from the accident, she was stunning. When had he ever dated one like this before? Shit, this
a date. He needed to text Mallory and ask her for guidance. He knew nothing about dating anymore. Before the army, he would have texted Jake, but since the army, he had grown closer to Mallory, though he wasn’t quite sure why.

The waitress handed them each a menu, so he opened his. His stomach flipped at least ten times. Somersaults, if he had to guess. He tried to stare at the menu, but it was hard to concentrate with Caitlyn so close to him.

“What do you recommend? You must have a favorite.” She set the menu down to await his answer.

“Deb is a great cook. I like the turkey, gravy, and mashed potatoes. One of my sisters likes the grilled chicken wrap, the spinach salad, and the quiche. The nachos are great. My other sister and my stepmother like the meatloaf.” He peered over his menu, hoping he could gauge her reaction by her facial expression.

“I’ll try the grilled chicken wrap.”

The waitress returned and took their order. Caitlyn glanced around the room. “They’re busy. That’s always a good sign for a restaurant.” She took a sip of her ice water, then settled her hands on her lap. “So would I have any chance of renting a place here for a couple of months? What do you think?”

“You want to stay in Summerhill?” He tried to keep his expression neutral, though he’d love for her to stay so they could spend more time together. “I’d be happy to help you find a place. I know a couple of the real estate offices that handle rentals. On the lake or off?”

“On, if possible.” She stared at something across the room. “I want to stay until I can figure out something…”

“Anything I can help you with?”

She returned her gaze to his. “I don’t know. Maybe.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “I was on my way to visit my aunt in Buffalo. That’s why I came to New York. I was leaving her house when the storm hit, which is why I took the turn-off to Summerhill.”

“What is it you’re looking for?” He played with a napkin, folding and unfolding.

“My aunt.”

He frowned. “But didn’t you just visit her?”

“Yes, I went to her house, but she wasn’t there.”

He stared again, not knowing how to respond. “Where was she?”

She leaned toward him. “That’s just it. I don’t know.” Her breath caught, but she cleared her throat and continued. “My Aunt Margie lived in Buffalo in the same house for over forty years. When I knocked on her door, a stranger answered. He said he’d bought the house from an estate.”

“Wait, your aunt’s dead?” He hadn’t expected that. How did you not know your aunt had died?

“Yes.” Her voice sunk to a whisper. “She died and I had no idea. I don’t know how she died or when, and she was my only surviving family.” She stared at the ceiling.

Ryan could tell she was fighting to hold back tears, so he reached across the table and grabbed her hand, brushing his thumb across the back. He was surprised when she didn’t pull back. “I’m sorry. How can I help?”

She dropped her gaze from the ceiling and stared into his eyes. “I need to know what happened. Can you help me?”

“Of course. I’ll see what I can do. I go back to work on Monday and I’ll call the Buffalo Police Department. How about if we find you a place to live first?” His thumb was still lightly caressing the back of her hand, and he had absolutely no desire to stop.

She nodded, now staring at their intertwined hands. She brushed the tears away with her other hand. “I can look for a place by myself. I really am independent.”

“But isn’t your car still in the shop?”

She laughed. “Why yes it is, isn’t it? Then your assistance with a realtor would be much appreciated.”

“I’m not working tomorrow, so we can do it in the afternoon if you’d like.”

Dinner arrived, so she pulled her hand back. “That would be great.”

Ryan’s phone text notification went off, so he pulled his phone out of his pocket to check the message. He hated to do it, but being a police officer, he was required to keep his phone on him at all times in case of an emergency. “Excuse me. I have to make sure it isn’t the department.”

“Sure.” She settled her napkin on her lap and politely looked at her food.

Ryan put his code in and checked his texts.

Come on over. Family meeting.

Ryan typed in,

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