Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6) (4 page)

BOOK: Only For Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 6)
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“You are absolutely gorgeous,” he breathed, his low, baritone voice rumbling through her body. “Which makes what I am about to say one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in all my years. I…”

Aaron’s hands left her breasts. Charlie was unable to stifle her disappointed groan. Just as her lips were about to touch his again, she realized she’d missed the rest of his statement. Her eyes popped open and she said, “What did you say?”


Before he could continue, Charlie slammed her hands against his chest, unlatched her ankles from behind his back, and struggled to get loose. “Put me down you as…”

His hands tightened on her ass and he pulled her back until their bodies were flush, touching in every possible way. With an air of authority and between gritted teeth, Aaron rumbled, “Charlene. Stop. Hold still.”

The strength of his grip and the force of his voice stopped Charlie cold. She looked him square in the eye and said the first thing that popped into her mind, “Did you just call me Charlene?”

“That’s your name isn’t it?” Any other time she would have laughed at his smartass response, but on the heels of being stopped when she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life, Charlie snarled, “It’s Dr. Gallagher to you. Now put me down.”

She saw the twinkle return to his eye but couldn’t be bothered with why. She wanted as far away from the biggest asshole she’d ever met in her life and she wanted that to happen
. His next remark shocked her into silence. “I will not. And you
listen to me.”

The grin she loved to hate came to his lips. She thought about slapping it away. He slowly turned, sat on the edge of the bed, and positioned her across his lap without ever breaking eye contact. She could feel his erection against the outside of her thigh, could see his pulse pounding in the vein in his neck, and heard how he struggled to regulate his breathing, so she had no clue why they were sitting and talking instead of getting naked. They sat for the count of five, just looking into one another’s eyes before he spoke.

“Let me make one thing perfectly clear. I want nothing more than to make love to you. I want it more than I want my next breath. More than I want to feel the sunshine on my skin. More than I want to wake to another day…” She started to interrupt but his fingers magically appeared against her lips, effectively silencing her words. The grin left his face.

“I have wanted you from the moment I met you, but I promised myself when we were finally together, I would savor every moment. That it would last for
days upon days
.” He paused and she could feel the importance of what he was saying, but had no idea what he was talking about.

Something big is happening and I’m clueless…perfect.

She saw a slew of emotions cross his handsome face before he finally began again. “Sam told you about my younger brother and his…

She nodded.

“Rian has a lead on where he may be hiding. We’re going to find him tonight.”

He leaned forward until their foreheads almost touched and she could feel his breath on her cheek.

“Our first time will
be a quickie and I will
leave you when it’s over. I’m sorrier than you’ll ever know that I let it get as far as it did. I truly only came over to apologize and talk.”

His grin returned and he added, “I will admit, I like this…” he motioned between them, “better than arguing, but it will have to wait until tomorrow.”

Aaron kissed the tip of her noise, set her feet on the floor, and stood beside her. Her eyes landed on his naked chest and she sighed. “All right, Mr. O’Brien, I’ll let you off the hook this time, but if we’re just gonna talk then we have to get the hell out of the bedroom and you have to put your shirt back on.”

She patted his chest before turning and heading out of the room. As she crossed the threshold into the hall, she chuckled over her shoulder, “I could use some iced tea. How about you?”

“And a cold shower,” he grumbled.

Charlie knew she should be sorry since she was the one that started whatever it was that had just happened between them, but she wasn’t and knew she wouldn’t be. For once in her life, she’d let her heart run the show. Had given her head a rest. And it felt good…
really good

Tea poured and Aaron’s shirt back on, the two retired to the deck behind the house. Several seconds of companionable silence passed before Charlie asked her first question. “How old

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she wished them back in. Thankfully, he chuckled, lessening her embarrassment.

Dad always said my mouth was gonna be the death of me.

“I’ll be a hundred and one in about six weeks.”

…seriously?” Charlie spun in her seat to face him.

“Seriously.” He leaned towards her and laid his hand on hers. “I will
be honest with you. I’m
sorry we had to keep secrets from you, but that’s all in the past. You ask, I’ll answer.”

“Cool, but back to your age… Sam said you guys live really long lives and age slowly, but I guess I had no clue you were that much older… I mean you were… Well, hell, there’s no way to say this delicately. I had no clue you were that much older than me.” She stopped and then immediately continued, “Are you the oldest?”

He smiled and shook his head, obviously enjoying her questions. “No, I’m actually one of the youngest you’ve met. As you know, Aidan and I are twins. I was born first, so technically Aidan’s the youngest of our Force.”

Charlie slid back into her seat, deep in thought. One of her favorite quotes from freshman English came to mind,
there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. 
Nobody said it better than Shakespeare. It was one thing to have Sam tell her how old they were, it was another thing completely to get the information straight from the horse’s…
… dragon’s mouth.

Apparently, she was lost in thought, because the next thing she knew Aaron was kneeling next to her chair and asking, “Are you okay? Did I freak you out?”

“No, not at all. Just thinking,” she quickly answered. “You’re gonna have to excuse me. I’m the daughter of a cop
a doctor, so it may take a beat for me to absorb everything.”

“I understand.” He stood and held out his hand. “Will you take a walk with me?”

Taking his hand, Charlie stood. “Sure.”

As they approached the steps leading to the yard, Charlie stopped and pointed at the daisies in the large terra cotta pot. “Did you do that?”

“Guilty.” She enjoyed the shy look of a little boy busted that crossed his face.

When her feet hit the grass, she pointed to the rose bush. “That too?”

“Yep. That too.”

“Thank you,” she chuckled.

He shrugged. “I was trying to think of anything that would make you forgive me and at least speak to me. Did they work?” he asked as they started towards the trail behind Sam’s cottage.

beautiful, but I have to admit that I thought Sam had sent Lance over to plant them as an apology.”

“You were half right,” he responded.

“How did you know I liked daisies?”

“I saw…It was a guess.” He quickly corrected.

“Nope, you don’t get off that easy, dragon man. What were you going to say?”

He sighed and glanced ahead before looking back at her and finally answering. “One of the days when I was at the hospital with Devon while Anya was in a coma, I passed by the nurse’s station. You were there. One of the volunteers was passing out flowers. Her cart was piled high with a variety of blooms, but out of all of them, you leaned down and smelled the daisies. Figured that was important, so I tucked it way.”

Charlie was amazed to think that he’d noticed one insignificant event and even more that he’d
it. Something deep inside her heart that had been stirring since they kissed at Devon and Anya’s wedding clicked into place. She wasn’t sure what it meant, but knew it was something she’d have to think about when she had some time alone.

They walked on, talking about anything and everything. She was shocked at how many things they had in common. When they reached the lake, Aaron steered them towards a huge rock, sat down, and pulled her into his lap.

“But…” She started and Aaron interrupted.

“Charlie, I will take every chance I get to have you in my arms. Now, sit here and watch the sunset with me.” He kissed the top of her head and together they watched the sun go down.

On the walk back, Charlie asked, “Wanna stay for supper. There’s not much, but I’m sure I can whip up something.”

He smiled and nodded. “I’d love, too.”

As soon as they reached the cottage, Charlie scoured the refrigerator and the cabinets. “I have two chicken breasts, a jar of Alfredo sauce, some noodles, and the stuff to make a salad. Sound good?”

“Sounds great. Garlic bread?”

“I don’t know, check the freezer,” she answered, grabbing a skillet to sauté the chicken.

Aaron slid in behind her and reached round to lay the garlic bread on the counter, placing a kiss on her cheek before backing away. Charlie took a bowl from the cabinet, handed it to him, and pointed, “The knives are in that drawer. You’ve got salad duty.”

He chuckled as he washed his hands and proceeded to do as she instructed. Almost three hours later, they’d talked, laughed, and eaten. Aaron had even washed the dishes. He’d answered all her questions without hesitation and had even asked a few of his own. So when he got a faraway look in his eye for just a moment and missed what she said, Charlie felt comfortable enough to ask, “Something wrong?”

“No, not at all.” He laid his index finger to his temple and said, “Royce was telling me our meeting was in thirty minutes and I’d better not piss Rayne off.” He snickered, letting Charlie know he regularly pissed off his friends.

Nothing surprising there.

Standing, he once again held out his hand. She laid hers in his without hesitation. They walked to the front door where he proceeded to kiss her to within an inch of her life before pulling back and looking deep into her eyes. “I’ll be back,
Dr. Gallagher
, and you better be ready.”

It wasn’t until she watched him straddle his Harley and ride off into the darkness that her brain reengaged.

That man is gonna be the death of me…but what a way to go!

She grinned and locked the door.



Aaron flew back to the lair, not literally, but definitely figuratively. His Harley roared over hills, took curves like it was on rails, and damn near broke the sound barrier…. and he owed it all to one special woman. It was as if the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. There’d never been a question that Charlie was attracted to him, especially after their first kiss, but the few stray thoughts he’d been able to pick up from her confirmed she was falling just as hard and fast as he was. Their mating link was growing and as much he’d thought he didn’t want that to happen, he couldn’t be happier.

A few times during the amazing hours they spent together, Aaron pondered telling Charlie she was his mate, but he was just enjoying their time together too much to start an intense conversation. Not to mention, he’d almost lost his head, as well as other important body parts, when he’d had to throw cold water on their passion. He knew he would have to tell her soon or she would see it as another betrayal…one he didn’t think she would get over. It was a risk he wasn’t willing to take.

He smiled, thinking about how pissed she’d gotten. Not something most men did when the woman they wanted to spend forever with was trying to murder them, but then Aaron was no ordinary man, and his mate was no ordinary woman. She had an inner fire and a strength that matched his in every way. Whatever doubts he’d had in the past were wiped away after just a few hours with Dr. Charlene Gallagher. She was his…that’s all there was to it.

Lance’s voice sounded in his head just as he turned into the lair.
“Where you at, Bro?”

“Just turning in.”
He glanced at his watch.
“What’s up? I’m not late, yet.”

“Just making sure you didn’t get…caught up.”
He heard the smile in his brethren’s voice and thought about giving him shit, but decided he was in just too good of a mood.

“Oh, I wanted to, but tonight is too important.”

“So everything’s cool with Charlie?”

“Everything’s cool,”
Aaron chuckled.
“And tell Sam thanks.”

Lance laughed,
“Guess you knew she was listening in?”

“I figured as much. It’s all good. I’m pulling in now. See you at the meeting.”

“See ya there, and Aar?”


“’Bout time you manned up.”
His laughter rang through their link.

Aaron chuckled
, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, bite me.”

Almost three hours later, eight dragons, six werepanthers, and one white witch headed to the park just behind the clearing that led to the mountain where Rian was sure the traitor was hiding out. They had been in constant communication with the four Guardsmen that stayed behind. Surges of dragon magic, with an undertone of black magic, let them know the traitor was close by but being careful not to disclose his exact location.

Kyra was along to provide magical cover and to scry for the little prick. Aaron had laughed when Royce had pulled her to the side, trying to convince her to stay behind. He watched the little witch twist her mate around her little finger and get exactly what she wanted. Aaron knew beyond any doubt that Charlie would do the same thing to him. A few weeks ago that knowledge would’ve pissed him off, but after spending time with her it only reassured him that the Universe knew what She was doing.

Parking the SUVs on the far side of the park, the Guardsmen and their allies made their way to the picnic tables where the others waited. Rayne spread out a map and began giving instructions.

“Devon, Aidan, Kellan, and Lennox have narrowed it down to the far side of the mountain. Max and his werepanthers will take the trails closest to the lake in animal form. Devon and Kellan both have cuffs and chains that Kyra magically reinforced to keep the little shit bound. Royce, Rory, and Lennox will be in dragon form on the three largest ledges. Because of their dark color, coupled with our shielding, they should remain unseen. Everyone else take a trail. Find the little asshole.”

Aaron had to laugh; it was one of the shortest speeches his Commander had given in the last eighty years. Rayne was a highly respected leader among
dragon kin, but brevity was not one of his strong suits. There’d been times over the years when Aaron had prayed for the man to shut the hell up, but had always listened and learned from Rayne’s vast expertise. His short speech meant something was up…something he’d have to look into later.

Jogging ahead, he caught up to Aidan, Rian, and Kyra. The twins had the blood connection to the traitor. Rian’s dragon magic was incredibly powerful and allowed the leader of the Blue Thunder Clan to track damn near anything, anywhere, any time. But Kyra was their ace in the hole. One of the most powerful white witches in the world, the daughter to the Grand Priestess, and fully mated to the oldest on the Force; there wasn’t a spell she couldn’t work. The four of them, combined with the power of the lake would enable them to scry for Andrew, as well as track even the smallest amount of magic he may use.

When they reached the lake, Kyra began to sprinkle salt in a circle from a large burlap bag, while directing the others, “Aaron, will you get a fire started in the middle? Rian, fill the brass urn with water from the lake, and Aidan, I need the bags in my backpack set at the four corners, if you please?”

She winked and began chanting. From her grin, Aaron knew she was having fun, no matter the severity of the situation. He wished he could say the same. The longer it took to get the hunt started, the more tension filled his body. Charlie had been a beautiful distraction but reality was staring him in the face, and it was time for justice.

A few weeks ago, he would have savored the hunt for the traitor. He dreamed of the day they would finally remove the black mark from his family’s heritage. Dreamed of watching his younger brother in chains, imprisoned for his crimes, pleading for mercy when there would be none. It would be the one time the blood of a dragon staining the ground would not make Aaron sick. The little shit had whined about torture, now he would know death.

Aaron could only imagine the shame his parents felt, looking down on their youngest from the Heavens, seeing the abomination he’d become. Andrew would be caught, stand trial before the Tribunal, and die a traitor’s death. It was the only way to remove the dishonor from their family name.

Aaron dug deep, trying to find at least an ounce of sympathy for his brother turned traitor, but there was none. He’d done it to himself. Andrew was responsible for his own fate. The Heavens knew Aidan had done everything in his power to convince Andrew to turn himself in, even when the asshole had kidnapped and tortured Grace. Sure, ‘A’ had fought their little brother, had threatened to tear him limb from limb, but after all was said and done, Aidan still wanted to see the shithead returned to the clan.

Like that shits ever gonna happen. Asshole needs to die. There’s no redemption after what he’s done.

The fire he’d built reached a good blaze. The flames licked at the night as Aaron stood staring...reliving a time when the three brothers had been thick as thieves and twice as bad.

Before their little brother had been born, the twins had been inseparable. Nothing could come between them. Their mindspeak had been immediate; they finished each other’s sentences, and shared each other’s thoughts. Their days had been filled with fun and training, always dreaming of a future filled with honor.

Along came Andrew with his mismatched eyes and chubby little face. Things should’ve been awkward, but the little bugger fit right into their gang, brandishing his stick turned sword like a pro and following orders like a true soldier. Their duo became a trio and they never missed a beat.

Andrew quickly picked up their strategy as they sought to free princesses from the clutches of the evil sea captains, or liberate captives from their prisons. The brothers’ days were filled with fun and dreams of the day they would assume their father’s role. The three would become the proud Guardsmen they were meant to be.

All had gone as planned and they’d had years of ridding the world of their greatest enemies. Aaron had always been the muscle, Aidan the brains, and Andrew possessed the unique ability to see the whole picture. Their parents had attributed it to him being ‘
the Special One’
and maybe that was true, but Aaron always figured it was just that the three of them made the perfect team. They had completed mission after mission, enjoyed countless victories over their enemies, and been as close as three brothers could be.

Sure, Andrew had been a lazy bum most of the time. Everyone, not just the twins, took up for him, kicked his ass when he screwed up, put up with his lame excuses, and treated him like one of their own. But his ability to see the big picture had always made up for all his shortcomings; that ability was one that should’ve come in handy the night everything went to hell, however, there’s no explaining Fate.

“Yo, dreamer, whatcha say we get this show on the road?” Kyra’s words, along with the swat to his arm, brought him back to the future.

“Sounds good to me,” Aaron chuckled as he backed away, taking his spot in their circle.

“We’re standing at the four corners–air, water, wind, and earth. These elements will give us the power needed to track the traitor and provide the cover our friends need.”

She pulled a small silver box and the antique mirror she often used from her backpack. Opening the box, the fragrance of herbs drifted on the breeze, herbs Aaron knew were also in the sachets laid at their feet. He remembered some of them from previous spells–Angelica root for protection, Caraway for protection from evil, specifically black magic, Cinnamon for success and Holly Leaf for luck, the others he couldn’t distinguish, but trusted Kyra to mix up the right concoction for their needs.

Their little witch continued, “Everyone close your eyes and imagine a large bubble with you at the center.” She paused for several seconds and then said, “Now expand your bubble until it touches the others.”

Magic, both Earth and Dragon, danced over his skin like fireflies on a summer’s night. In his mind’s eyes, Aaron watched his sphere expand until it bumped the other three. The edges of the spheres wavered. He watched the colors of his aura mix and mingle with those of the others, blurring the lines and making a kind of real life mosaic.

The pressure built to an uncomfortable level. A loud ‘POP’ reverberated within their containment, followed by a shock wave that almost knocked him to the ground. From the looks on Rian and Aidan’s faces, they experienced it also.

“No worries, guys. Everything that happens in the bubble stays in the bubble,” Kyra chuckled her answer to his unasked question.

She began the spell that sounded more like a lullaby than an incantation, “We pray to the Goddess of All and the Universe for help to bring justice where there has been none. Provide us with the cover of your dark skies; keep our scent unknown by your winds and footsteps unheard by all ears. Only you can give us the power and strength we need to conquer evil and restore the balance. So it is written, so it shall be. Blessed be.”

She repeated the same words over and over. Their containment grew, surrounding the entire mountain and the lake. Her chant stopped, the immediate silence almost deafening. Kyra laid down the box and picked up the antique mirror, along with a deep purple pouch. Moving forward, she dumped the herbs on the glass, speaking in Latin as she went. Aaron had seen the white witch scry before, but on this night, her focus was more intense. Her power radiated in all directions, leaving a white stream of energy in its wake.

The mirror vibrated in her hands as Kyra’s chant rose, not only in volume but also in its depth of emotion. She was pouring everything she had into finding the traitor. She looked up several long minutes later, her violet eyes glowing with power.

“Join hands and repeat after me.
We seek the traitor, blood of our blood. Once brother, now enemy. Show us his location, show us his face.”

Over and over they repeated Kyra’s words until the mirror flashed blue and then red, then back to blue in an endless loop. The witch’s brow furrowed as she watched the staccato pattern. Several tense seconds passed. The lights sped to a blur then stopped on a dime, as if a switch had been flipped. There one minute, gone the next.

Kyra murmured in Latin. Nothing happened. Shaking her head, she muttered, “Well, shit!”

“What is it? Is the dick here?” Aaron asked, working hard to contain his frustration. His dragon was chuffing and blowing smoke, demanding he take action.

“I don’t know…” Her words trailed off as she continued to study the mirror.

Kyra spoke, barely above a whisper. “There’s something…but…it’s different.” She took a deep breath, and then said with more confidence, “There’s dragon magic and black magic, but it
different than Andrew. There’s nothing really evil about it. Even the black magic is just kind of
…almost worn out. It’s really weird.”

Dropping to her knees, Kyra dug through her large duffle. She pulled out several different colored pouches, another brass bowl, and a small silver knife. “I’m going to have to do a little blood magic. It’s not black, I promise, but it’s the only way I know short of running back to the lair and looking up a new spell to figure out what it is that I’m seeing…or
seeing. I’m sure you can hear what’s going on outside our little bubble, and to say it’s nothing is a huge understatement. They’re just spinning their wheels. Best guess…Andrew has laid false trails. Worst guess…there are traps. Can one of you send that along to the troops? My brain’s a little busy right now.” She chuckled and Aaron once again had to admire her gumption.

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