Operation Hydra (9 page)

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Authors: Cyndi Friberg

BOOK: Operation Hydra
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“If I’m the prize, wouldn’t I be able to match all bets?” She moved slowly toward him, her gaze locked with his. “It seems to me you can allow Hydran to control you so you can have me, or you can have me
if you help me — destroy Hydran.”

He chuckled. “Intriguing notion, but it’s not quite that simple.” Gently taking her hand, he led her toward the door.

“Where are we going?”

“To the infirmary.
I want to make sure the Libidium is entirely neutralized.” He knew she still suffered from its effects, but it was less humiliating for her if she thought he didn’t. “When I touch you, I want to make sure I inspire your response, not some chemical.”

“You’re never going to touch me again unless you help me take down Hydran!” She snatched her hand from his.

Trey reacted instinctively. He grabbed her under the arms and pressed her against the wall, her feet well off the floor. “Don’t threaten me. You’re not in a position to negotiate, much less spout ultimatums. I
do whatever the hell I want, but I generally choose not to.”


* * * * *

Krysta charged into the infirmary only to come skidding to a halt. An elderly man, in a leaf green jacket and black trousers, stood near a treatment table. She shuddered. Too many of her days had been spent in rooms like this.

“This is Master… er, Masterson, Mr. Masterson.
Vee Masterson.”

“Should not that be Doctor Masterson?” the older man
his tone stiff and formal. He looked at Krysta and smiled. “Most just call me Vee.”

He had the most unusual eyes. Solid, like Trey’s, but instead of the fathomless black she sometimes found disturbing, Vee’s eyes shone like highly polished emeralds. His wavy hair gleamed snowy white, the style simple and short. The more she studied his angular features, the harder it was for her to guess his age. At first glance, she had thought him perhaps sixty, but his skin was smooth.

This was wrong. Something about him was wrong.
about him was wrong. Her gaze darted to Trey. “I feel fine. I want to go back to my room.”

“Vee isn’t going to hurt you,” Trey said.

He stood near the door, his arms crossed over his chest, stretching the fabric of his white shirt. Heat suffused her skin. She licked her lips. Did he do this intentionally? Pose his body so his muscles bulged and rippled?
The ache deep within her intensified.

“If any trace of the chemical remains, he’ll neutralize it. You don’t need to be afraid.”

She turned back to the “doctor” and scanned him, trying to determine his true purpose. Her mind slammed into something so tangible it knocked her back a step. “What are you?” she cried.

Vee’s gaze shot past her, one brow arched. “Commander, I told you she would know.”

Stepping back, she positioned herself so she could see both men without turning her head. Uncertainty tightened within her. What did this mean? What was she supposed to know?

let Vee help you.”

Her gaze returned to Vee, but her vision blurred and she could hardly think past the pounding of the blood in her veins. “But he’s… wrong.”

Trey’s arm caught her around the waist as she swung toward the door. “Take it easy.” He held her as Vee approached. “He won’t even touch you. It will just take a minute.”

Vee’s presence moved through her, light, agile, amazing. Krysta stared at him. She had never felt anything like it. Even Belle’s mental touch was clumsy by comparison. “What are you?” she whispered.

“I am thy friend. The chemical is neutralized. Ye are well.”

Krysta watched Vee walk from the infirmary, transfixed by the grace of his movements. Weakness swept over her, melting her strength, buckling her knees. Trey caught her against his chest. She leaned against him, accepting the strength of his arms, the simple comfort of being held.

“What does he really look like?” Reluctantly, she eased out of his embrace. “Has he ever allowed you to see?”

Trey didn’t know what to say. How had she known? Was this little prophet a shapeshifter as well? His brother, Tal, had earned his Master-level status as Vee’s apprentice, so Trey knew a thing or two. Only shapeshifters could sense shapeshifters.

“Vee’s appearance isn’t as different as you think.”

She turned to face him, dislodging his arms from around her waist. “Why don’t you like him?”

“Because he likes himself enough for both of us.”

She laughed. “Oh, it’s like that, is it?”

“Just a personality conflict.
Vee is so extraordinary he sometimes finds it hard to see the value in those not equally gifted.”

“If Vee is so extraordinary, why do you need me?”

She had a quick, intelligent mind. He should have been expecting the question. The thought that she connected him, in anyway, with Hydran had become repulsive. Trey had to tell her the truth, but how far could he trust her? She hated Hydran, would do anything to see him destroyed. And Trey had to have accurate, objective information. Krysta was not the only occupant in the Center.

“I’m not who Hydran thinks I am.” That was as far as he got.

Dro Tar came barreling into the infirmary, proudly modeling her new Operation Hydra uniform. “Well, what do ya think? Gerr said the… oh, shit.”

“Yours was the voice I heard in the shuttle.” Krysta moved cautiously toward the other woman. “Are you a spy? You must be. I know all the orderlies.”

“Not all of them, sweet cheeks.
Orderly Dro Tar Nex, reporting for duty.”

Trey wanted to strangle her, but she did make a very convincing Earthling. She had toned down the wild arrangement of her hair, somewhat, and to his everlasting relief, she had already donned her bright blue eye film.

“Are you guys spying on Hydran?” Krysta sounded undeniably hopeful. “Why?
For whom?”

Dro Tar glanced at him for guidance. He made a helpless gesture, praying his friend’s tendencies toward pathological lying would finally do some good.

Grinning impishly, Dro Tar asked, “May I please tell her the truth, Commander?”

“I would expect nothing less from you.”

She slipped her arm around Krysta’s shoulders and smiled at him. “Why don’t you go see if we can find some peace and quiet in the lounge,” Dro Tar suggested meaningfully. “Maybe gather some blish.”

He shot her a don’t-push-me-too-far glare, but did as she asked. Two crewmembers graciously vacated when he told them his passenger was on her way. Everyone onboard understood the masquerade. Dro Tar led Krysta in a few minutes later and he knew he would never know what nonsense Dro Tar had concocted in those short moments. From the devilish slant to her smile, he suspected he didn’t want to know.

“That’s all fascinating, but you were going to explain why you’ve infiltrated the Center,” Krysta reminded her.

“Have you ever heard of the PC for FE?”

They joined Trey at a small round table.
“The Planetary Coalition for Free Enterprise?”
Krysta asked.


Where was Dro Tar going with this? All he knew about the PC for FE was that they employed Randolph Tor Meter. He handed Dro Tar a mug of blish, anxious to hear her tale.

“Well, the PC for FE has heard rumors and accusations about Operation Hydra for some time, but we were never sure how to accomplish a full-scale investigation without having Dr. Hydran shield the true scope of the operation.”

Oh, once she went to work, Dro Tar was truly an artist. Trey handed Krysta a mug and wrapped his hands around the other. Then, he just nodded thoughtfully from time to time.

“When the Symposium contacted one of our operatives, a Mr. Tor Meter, he brought the inquiry directly to me.”

Trey choked on his blish. She must have told Krysta that she was the director of the PC for FE or some high-ranking official. Dro Tar pounded him on the back, but went on in a theatrical whisper. “We contacted Mr. Darrin here. His real name is Trey dar Aune, but we didn’t want him to be recognized, you understand.”

“Of course.”
Krysta’s gaze took on a suspicious cast. Was Dro Tar overdoing it? “So, does Mr…. dar Aune work for —”

“Actually his correct title is —”

“Just Trey,” he cut in sharply. “Let’s leave titles out of it. I work for
but I’m assisting the PC for FE with their investigation of Operation Hydra.”

“My enemy’s enemy is my friend.” Krysta quoted softly. “You know I’ll assist in any way I can.”

Dro Tar pushed her mug back across the table and blew him a kiss. “I’m sure
Aune is relieved to hear that.” She winked at Krysta and said, “What we need, darlin’, is detailed information, and I’m late for work.”

She breezed out of the lounge and Trey closed his eyes. Dro Tar loved parting shots, and this one was a beauty.

Aune?” Krysta took a quick sip. “Is that supposed to impress me?”

“It got your attention, didn’t it?” He watched closely, judging her response.

“It means nothing to me. Hydran gave me a monitor displaying Belle’s vital signs. Knowing Hydran, it’s probably bugged. So, watch what you say in your cabin.”

“Where is this device?”

“In the bookcase by your bed.”

“My cabin scanned clean after I incinerated your clothes. He isn’t using it for surveillance, but I’ll have the techs check it for a homing signal. Thanks for the heads up.”

“It seemed like the right thing to do, if we’re no longer enemies.”

“I was never your enemy.” He captured her hand, stroking her knuckles lightly with his fingers. “I’d have thought you’d figure that out long before now.”

She pulled her hand away and picked up her mug. “You don’t need to do that anymore. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”

Taking the mug from her hand, he held it out of reach. “Think about what you just said. Hydran set me up to have anything I wanted from you and

“I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair. You’ve treated me with nothing but kindness.”

He smiled at her subtle sarcasm and gave her back the blish. “Okay, I’ll admit it. I had a part to play and I may have enjoyed playing it a little more than I should have, but I’m one of the good guys.”

After a deep drink, she looked him right in the eyes. “Then, you’re the
good guy I’ve ever known.”


Chapter Nine


Hydran looked up from the security grid as his daughter walked in to his office. She stood in front of his desk, hands buried in the pockets of her lab coat. “What is it now?”

“Rawdon wants out.”

He leaned forward, folding his hands on his desktop. “I told you this would happen when you married him.”

“We needed him, Father. If it were not for Rawdon we would never have come this far.”

“Do you still love him?”

Her expressive eyes revealed her confusion. Did she think him incapable of understanding such feelings? Did she really comprehend so little? Operation Hydra had been founded on love.

“That’s between Rawdon and me,” she said.

“Well, his desire to resign is not. He has top-level security clearance. Am I just to let him walk away?”

She fidgeted, avoiding his gaze. Obviously, she still loved him.

“He signed the contract.” Her voice broke and she finally looked at him. “He will keep our secrets.”

“Don’t be naïve. You know the options. I’ll let you choose.”


* * * * *

“Is this ship armed?” Krysta asked sharply.


Tapping her foot restlessly, she ignored the escalating urge to shake Trey. This was driving her crazy. How could he sit in the cluttered little office calmly compiling facts? Didn’t he understand how long they had suffered? What they had been made to endure?

“Yes. Why do you ask?”

“Why are we sitting here?” She scooted to the edge of her chair. “Lock your weapons on Hydran, blow his com-center to kingdom come, and evacuate my people.”

He reached for her hand. She snatched it away. Suspicion slammed into Krysta. Clutching her hands into fists, she felt her nails bite into her palms. Was all this an elaborate set up? Had he resisted her sexual distress only to earn her trust?

“If it were that simple, we would have done so the day we arrived.”

“It’s exactly that simple.”

He leaned toward her, nearly spanning the workstation separating them. “Hydran’s security grid not only detects Mystic energy, it neutralizes it. We need to understand —”

“Why are you twiddling your thumbs?”

“This technology can be used as a powerful weapon against my people. We know he’s being funded by one of Earth’s five military powers. We need to know —”

“Won’t it be easier to find out with Hydran in custody?”

“These elite programs —”

“What about them?”

“Stop interrupting me! I hate to be interrupted.”

“Ward D. You think the elite programs are military.” That meant Saebin had been inducted into some elite military… No, he had to be wrong.
Kind, gentle Saebin?
It was impossible.

“Tell me about the vision. Did you see anything that can help us?”

Why should she tell him? How did she know she wasn’t playing right in to Hydran’s hands? What choice did she have?

“I can tell you every detail of what I saw and it won’t unravel the prophecy. It’s more complicated than spoken words and images. There’s a whole level of communication, of comprehension, that is almost impossible to describe.”

“Will you try?”

“Only after you…” She stared into his eyes — searching. “I know you’re still lying to me. I don’t understand why. But until you trust me, I’ll reveal only what you need to know.”


“Fine I’ll take you back to the Center and ask for Belle.” She flew around the workstation, as he knew she would. He stood and caught her swinging arms, before she landed a blow. “This
be a power struggle. We work together or not at all!”

“You provoked me.”

“Yes, to prove a point. You’re hotheaded and reckless.” He shoved her back. “All this fiery spirit isn’t going to accomplish anything without direction.”

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