Out of Her Comfort Zone (6 page)

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Authors: Nicky Penttila

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Out of Her Comfort Zone
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In that time, Elliot and his friends – his driver and his security chief, Emily could now see – had drawn a crowd, most on this side of the sidewalk. The trio was backed against a parking garage. Emily prayed his car was in there and he didn’t take the BART in that getup.

She waved her sweater at the nearest car as if it were a bull. Seeing the driver nod, she passed in front. Traffic was so stalled she had no trouble speeding across all four lanes. She didn’t hear sirens yet, but then again it was San Francisco. But she was damn sure there were cameras in every phone. By the time she got across she’d terrified herself that she’d driven her lover around the bend.

She stopped directly in front of him, as if she could block anyone’s view of him anyway. “What the hell are you doing?”

“What’s good for the goose,” he said, grinning, and tilted the sign down so she could see it more clearly. She read it and looked back at him, eyebrow raised. “An idiot?”

He signaled to his driver, on her left, who flipped her card. “Please.” Security man on her right flipped his card, “Pretty please.”

Elliot – “my reputation is everything” Elliot – wiggled his shoulders and hips, almost cabbage-patching with his card. Emily heard wolf whistles from the crowd behind them. He turned his card.

“Come back?”

After he was sure the whole world had time to read it, he handed the card to his driver and spun around. He clicked on an ancient boom box, and a heavy beat rolled out into the street. Starting to shimmy, he dropped his shoulders, his chest, and put his hands on his knees, ass in the air. He wiggled it, making the bunny tail dance.

The whistles grew shrill. Still rhythmically swaying his hips, he turned his head to look back at her. He was grinning, but there was something about his eyes only Emily could read. He was unsure.
No, scared.
But she couldn’t help her answering smile, and his grin grew to spectacular wattage.

He lifted a hand from his knee and brought it round to pat his ass-cheek. He raised a brow, as if to say, would she?

Would she ever.
Emily shouldered her purse and rubbed her palms together, getting her own cheer from the crowd. Taking the stance, to the side, she circled his cheek with her palm, grateful for his sake that the men’s version of this outfit has quite a bit more coverage in the rear. And then she whacked him, a nice little ricochet smack. She shouted her approval along with the crowd.

But she could only do this once. She grabbed his shoulder and hauled him up to standing, or rather tottering. He had another three inches on her, but he immediately dropped to one knee. He clasped his hands at his heart. Her ruby rode on his pinky finger.

“Marry this idiot?”

She smiled and shook her head. The look flashed in his eyes again. “I don’t marry idiots. Great guys who ride through mistakes with me, I do.”


“So, I do.” She shouted it out. It felt good. It felt so, so right.

Still on his knee, he wrapped his arms around her. She hauled him up, stood on tip-toe and took his mouth, all man-like, right there on the sidewalk.

The traffic light had cycled through a couple of times already, and now the cars two blocks down were honking. “Time to close the show?”

“Only when you’re sure.” He wiggled his bunny tail.

“I couldn’t be more sure. Let’s go”

Over the general din and the beat-box, they heard a shout, “See you at Folsom Street next week!”

Elliot’s eyes lit up. “We could march in the parade.”

Emily laughed. From shy girl to part of the biggest fetish parade in the city in one leap? “Baby steps, big boy. Let’s go watch the parade first. Get us some ideas for next year.”

She held her sweater up and he turned to put his hands through the sleeves. “Not too much coverage,” he said, grinning as he turned back to her. “You’re better.”

He held out his arms and she walked into his embrace. Her sweater felt soft around her, but her man smelled sweeter.

“Get me out of here,” he said. “I think my cock is numb.”

They ran to the garage together, laughing.


The End







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