Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances (10 page)

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“I wanted to see how your arm is,” I lie and it’s obvious. Still, I walk toward him. When he doesn’t respond, I slide my hand down his arm, not looking for anything, just needing to touch him. My other hand goes to his chest, my fingers twist through his light chest hair.

“That wasn’t about you,” he says trying to convince me, but doesn’t move either of my hands.

I nod slowly, my hand moving down his chest. “It’s my job to check on your shoulder,” I say as I stare directly at my hand inching toward his waist, too afraid to look into his eyes.

In a low voice, he says, “Then I’m fine.” He quickly turns and heads to the shower. He looks over his shoulder at me and adds, “Colie, be careful.”

I nod, noticing his eyes are full of pain as he turns and walks away.









To say dinner was awkward would be an understatement. Mark, being the Grant fanatic that he is, tried his best to be cordial, but couldn’t help throwing in a few jabs at Jace’s expense. Meg and I both tried to keep the conversation flowing, but really Jace couldn’t care less. After the tiff on the mound between the pitchers and him pulling off the win, we were surrounded by fans and reporters. Unfortunately, I think the reporters were more interested in my new relationship with Jace than anything else.

He keeps his hand on my thigh the entire evening. I’m wearing a long maxi dress tonight to avoid the same issue with that blue dress from the last time we had dinner. His hand slides up and down my thigh, dangerously close to my lady parts. We’ve just finished dessert and our plates are taken away when Meg clears her throat.

“Jace, I have to ask what your intentions with my sister are. You’ve already hurt her once before and I won’t stand by while you do it again.”

My foot finds her shin quickly. I could kill my sister right now. Jace and I haven’t discussed his sudden disappearance and the effects it had on me. Technically, this is only our second date. At this point, Meg will be lucky if she makes it to her own wedding in August.

Jace’s hand tightens on my leg and slides higher. He answers with a grin. “Well, we haven’t talked about anything yet, but I’m hoping Nikki is willing to try to make things work this time.”

“Who the hell is Nikki?” Mark asks and I see Meg kick him under the table.

Jace laughs while Mark shakes his head, but Meg seems happy with the answer. Jace pays the bill and we head outside. Mark and Meg hail a cab to take back to their hotel. I give them both a quick hug and make plans to see them for breakfast. As they ride off in the cab, Jace and I walk toward his Mercedes.

We’ve escaped most of the reporters up to this point. Suddenly, he pushes me against the sports car, his mouth roaming over mine. My hands run through his long hair and his hoop earrings until they rest on his shoulders and I take a break to catch my breath. He leans his forehead on mine and asks, “What did your sister mean?”

My chest heaving, I shake my head, hoping to end the conversation before it starts. Jace grabs my face with both his hands and says, “You weren’t the only one hurt, Nikki. I didn’t leave school because I was done with baseball. Well, I was done with ball at Loyola, but I was scared of how I felt for you. I knew it wasn’t fair to leave you there when I would be drafted soon.”

Wait a minute, he left because of me?
I knew it was his dream to be drafted and I wouldn’t have stopped him. We could have worked through it, figured things out, and yet here we are now. I pull away from him and walk back toward the restaurant, irritated and unable to talk.

He runs after me and grabs my hand. “Come on, Nikki! Talk to me!”

I spin around and try not to yell when I tell him the thoughts going through my mind. “Ever think I felt the same way? You never asked, you just ran away and look at all those years we’ve lost for no good reason.”

He nods and takes my hands. “I understand, babe, but that’s the past. I was young and stupid, but now we’re both more mature and we can make this work. Please… give me–give us–a chance,” he begs.

I look into his eyes, a smile creeping over my lips. Of course I will. After all, I’ve been waiting five years for another chance.




Waking up, I slide my hand over the expensive Egyptian cotton sheets, but I don’t find what I’m looking for. I frown as I sit up, holding the sheet over my bare chest. The door opens and I see him walking in. The aroma of the expensive coffee lets me know this isn’t a dream.

Jace sits beside me on the bed, giving me a soft kiss before handing over the caffeine. “Morning, beautiful.”

I respond with a deep, playful kiss and wrap my arm around his neck, pulling him to me. I set the coffee on the nightstand as he crawls on top of me.

“I guess last night wasn’t enough for you?” he teases.

Last night was nothing short of amazing. I found out Jace’s entire body is hairless except for the faux-hawk on top of his head and the scruffy beard on his face. I was slightly embarrassed by the landing strip I sport, but Jace told me he could take care of it. My fingers discovered his Adonis belt and I saw in person the tattoos that adorned both sides of his rib cage and his inner biceps. The sight of his body alone could make a girl orgasm. My dreams were nothing compared to the real thing.

Returning to his penthouse hotel room after dinner, I succumbed to our sexual tension. Him pleasing me, me pleasing him, our bodies finally together until he held me while I drifted off to sleep, something I haven’t done in years. I realized I’ve missed the intimacy of having someone sleep beside me as much as I’ve missed sex.

He flips me over so I’m on top of him. His hands roam over the backs of my legs, pulling me to him. I feel his hardness pressing against my stomach and I grin because I’m not the only one still wanting more. The headline on the paper he carried in catches my eye. “Richards Steals the Win and the Woman” is printed above a picture of Jace pitching yesterday and the picture beside it is of us kissing in the parking lot.

I frown and sit up, reaching for the paper. Jace’s hands glide over my chest as I skim the article, which basically states that Jace has stolen me away from Grant. He takes the paper from my hands and tosses it on the floor. “I don’t like to see you frowning.”

I point to the paper when I say, “That’s not fair, it’s not what happened at all.”

Jace sits up, sliding me down on his thighs so his erection neatly rests between my legs. He pushes my hair out of my eyes and nods. I look down at his perfect body as he only wears a gold chain necklace, his tattoos, and a few other piercings.

“I know, baby, you two weren’t ever together. The reporters don’t care. They just want a good story.”

I bite my lip. I guess that’s true, but still I don’t want to hurt Grant any more than I already have. “What happened on the field yesterday?”

He rubs my thighs as he shrugs. “Adamson threw an inside pitch, we’ve all done it.”

Furrowing my eyebrows, I ask, “Then why’d you charge the mound?”

He sits up and kisses me softly. “Nikki, I’m not one to steal another man’s lady. I needed to talk to him where I knew no one else would hear us.”

My jaw drops. Jace laughs and kisses me again.

“Wh… what did he say?”

His fingers run down my cheek as he tells me. “He told me not to believe everything I read, just like you did. You two think alike.” He laughs and continues. “Then he told me I’d better not hurt you or else.”

He let me go that easily. I lean forward and kiss Jace, tugging at his bottom lip. He moans into my mouth and flips me on my back. I giggle as he teases me then quickly enters. I cry out in pleasure, forgetting all about Grant.




I finally pull myself away from Jace to meet my sister for brunch. As I walk into the lobby restaurant with the same clothes on from the night before, there’s no doubt that she’ll immediately know about my extracurricular bedtime activities. Sure enough, one look at me and her mouth is on the floor. I haven’t even sat down yet when she quips, “Colie Adger, I hope you used protection.”

Crap, protection.
We didn’t. What was I thinking? I sigh, I wasn’t thinking. I was lusting after Jace Richards just like every other woman in America. I wracked my brain trying to think of the last time I took a birth control pill, but I soon realized that I couldn’t even remember the last time I had the prescription filled. This is exactly why I shouldn’t be dating right now.

Instead of having the meltdown I deserve, I simply shrug and respond, “Of course, Meg.”

She stares me down, trying to read if I’m telling the truth. I pick up a mimosa and take a long drink, hoping to distract her.

“You know, Nicole, you have a perfectly good man waiting for you at home, in the same city even.”

“Oh come on, Meg. At home? Are you kidding me? We’re roommates and that’s all. I’m flying back this afternoon and then…”

And then what?
My building is still condemned. I might have slept with Jace Richards but I’m still homeless and there’s no way I can stay with Grant now.

Meg pats my hand. “You can stay with us, little sister.”

I mumble my thanks. Of course my big sister has to come to my rescue. We eat our meal in silence. When our plates are cleared away, Meg begins her harping again. “Look, Colie, I’m not an expert, but I don’t think Jace is right for you. Mark and I...” Of course, she and Mark and their perfect relationship. I fight the urge to roll my eyes as she continues, “will support you in whatever choice you make, but Colie, be smart.”

Forcing my biggest sister-knows-best smile, I nod. Too bad all I can think about is the shower I took with Jace before brunch.




My stomach is in knots as I pull onto the street of the condo. I’m not looking forward to facing Grant. He has to know I’ve stayed the night at Jace’s. He’s probably seen the article by now, but the thing that really irks me is that he didn’t even fight for me.

I hit the garage door button and see his rental is gone. I park my car and head inside, calling out his name, but I get no response. Tossing my keys on the counter, I see an envelope and a small box.

Picking up the paper, I put it to my nose and inhale Grant’s musky scent. I’ve grown accustomed to it over the past six weeks. I sigh as I open it up and read:
Nicole, congrats on surviving spring training. Good luck, G

I read the note over and over, trying not to analyze it too much. My heart hurts from the finality of his words. I know our relationship will never be the same and I already miss him. Setting it aside, I slowly open the box and see a small charm—a bottle with SPF 50 on it. I palm the charm in my hand and wonder if Grant will ever touch it again.




Staring at the tarmac, I think back to my flight to Florida.
Was that really only six weeks ago?
So much has changed in that short amount of time, and I have no idea where anything stands—my job, my apartment, my relationships. My fingers find the newest charm on my bracelet and I roll it between my thumb and forefinger.

Pulling out my phone, I try to find the words to text Grant my appreciation. Behind me, I hear the click of cameras and turn around to see what player is being chased by fans. As I turn, hands find my cheeks and pull me into a kiss. Shocked, I stare into the eyes of the assailant and slip my tongue between his lips. We both pull away grinning, my arms wrapped around his neck.

“Thought you might want some company on your flight,” Jace says.

I grin and nod as my body floods with excitement.

“Good. I switched your seat to first class and I’m yours for the weekend.”

I giggle and don’t even care about the iPhones videotaping us. I’ve waited a long time for this opportunity with Jace Richards, famous or not.








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