Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances (15 page)

BOOK: Over the Fence: Lyssa Layne's Baseball Romances
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“What?” I exclaim, both men looking at me. “Michael, his arm is killing him and we’ve got fresh pitchers in the pen. Take him out and let him rest it. We need to check again to make sure it’s not a tear.”

Michael spins and steps directly beside me. We’ve got forty thousand pairs of eyes on us and our every action is being scrutinized. He plasters on a smile but under his breath, he says loud enough for both Grant and I to hear, “Adger, Adamson may have requested you for spring training but you’re off his care now. If you want to keep your job, stop questioning my calls.”

Ever so slowly, my eyes move to Grant. Tears blur my vision so I can’t see him clearly but I can make out the deer caught in headlights look he has on his face. I feel as though my whole world has been ripped out beneath me. Without saying a word, I jog back to the dugout.

Every player and coach is watching me in silence as I walk the length of the bench and into the tunnel leading to the training room. Slamming the door behind me, I scream as loud as I can and let the tears spill down my face. As I’m stuffing my belongings into my backpack, the door opens. I know who it is without looking. Only one person would run after me. I don’t even look up as I say, “Don’t…just don’t say anything.”

He takes a deep breath and in a low voice says, “Colie, it’s not what you think. I didn’t—”

I walk over to him, puffing up my chest so we’re touching. I’m not going to let him try to sweet talk me. I know I look like a hot mess—sweaty, red blotchy face from crying, flyaway hairs from the humidity, but at this point, I don’t care. I push his chest as I cut him off.

“You didn’t what? Talk Michael into letting me go to spring training? You know how bad I wanted to go, but I wanted to go on my terms, Grant. I need to prove myself to him, let him know I’m important to this team, that they need me.”

Grant’s hair is slicked back with sweat and he’s got a smidge of dirt on his cheek that I’d normally wipe off, but I don’t dare touch him. He grabs my hand and links his fingers with mine. “Colie, we do need you… I need you,” he says in an even lower voice, almost a whisper.

My heart races as our fingers lace together, but I quickly pull my hand away. “You need me, huh? What’d you do? Pay Michael so it would better your chances to get me in bed? Too bad that didn’t work,” I quip and grab my bag.

He sinks back, leaning against the table, but doesn’t say a word. I storm out of the room and head to the airport.




I feel bad for the person sitting next to me on the plane. I haven’t showered, I smell like sweat, and I’ve been crying for over half the flight. I shouldn’t have said that to Grant. I know that’s not what he did. He would never do anything like that. I reach down to touch my charms he gave me and sigh when I touch diamonds instead.

The plane pulls into the gate as we land. The fasten seatbelt sign switches off and I grab my backpack, which is my only bag. I didn’t go back to the hotel to get my suitcase, I just wanted to get the hell out of Dodge. I text Jace to let him know I’ve landed. I’m not sure if he or Tosh be picking me up, and I’m really not sure who I prefer to see first. At least with Tosh, I know there won’t be a crowd, but I need to feel Jace’s arms around me, comforting me.

Nearing security, I see the flashes going off and I know Jace is there. I pick up my pace, ready to be in his arms, and I’m just hoping he’s in the mood to play boyfriend and not famous ball player. I watch him from the safety of the Plexiglas that separates us. He’s giving an interview to one of the reporters, I’m sure about his no-hitter. Maybe I could sneak by and just meet him at the car.

Someone clears their throat and I turn around. It’s a female TSA agent, and she’s all kinds of intimidating with her hands on her hips. She nods toward Jace. “Ma’am, he’s one of us, just like you and me. Nothing fancy so let’s keep moving.”

I nod and wipe at my eyes. I know my make-up is gone, but I’m hoping to salvage the tear streaks down my face. Her burly hand grabs my bicep and I shake my head. “I’m going, I’m going…” but she doesn’t let go.

“Well, hell’s bells, honey. You’re the girlfriend, aren’t you? Tell me, are you really with Adamson too?”

I shake my head no, tears threatening again. She frowns and lets go of my arm. “You crying over Adamson or Richards?”

I try to talk but tears fall down my cheeks and the woman pulls me into a tight embrace, so tight I can barely breathe. “Honey, two hot men after you? It’s hard, I know, but you’ve gotta follow your heart, you hear me?”

If only it were that simple

She takes me by the hand and drags me down the corridor. She nods to the women’s bathroom and points inside. “Go clean yourself up. I’m on break so I’ll stand guard. Don’t want those crazy paparazzi people snapping your photo looking like

I glance down at my outfit.
Is it that bad?
As I look in the mirror, I see it’s worse than I thought. I splash water on my face and undo my braid. I flip my hair down and stand up. Looking in the mirror, I see my long blonde mane is now a wavy mess, but it hides the flyaways. I dig in my backpack and find a few make-up essentials: foundation, mascara, lip gloss and re-apply. Taking a deep breath, I study the mirror one more time and figure this will have to do. Walking out, I touch the agent on the arm and mumble thanks.

She lets out a whistle and exclaims, “Damn, girl! I wish I could look like that with just ten minutes in the bathroom.”

I laugh and shake her hand. “What’s your name?”


“It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Agnes, and I really appreciate your help.”

She winks at me before she says, “Honey, I’ve been in the same situation…” As we walk back down the corridor, Agnes tells me about the love triangle she was in back in high school. Her next door neighbor and his best friend were both fighting over her. Luckily, she picked her neighbor because the other man is still living at home under his “momma’s roof.”

We get back to the security gate and she nods to the crowd. “Want me to bust ‘em up for ya?”

I shake my head, knowing Jace is enjoying the attention. I give her a quick hug and she wishes me good luck as I make my way toward the media hoopla.

A reporter yells, “There she is!” and the cameras turn to me. I’m so thankful Agnes told me to clean up.

Jace slowly turns to face me, his face holds a full grin as he blows me a kiss and walks in my direction. Suddenly, I can’t get to him fast enough, and I run into his arms. He scoops me up as I wrap my legs around his waist, but instead of kissing, I bury my face in his shoulder as I start to cry again. My life may be falling apart miles away, but right now, in his arms, I’m alright.

His wandering hands stop and he whispers in my ear, “Nikki, what’s wrong, baby?”

I don’t move, knowing if I do, the only shot they’ll get will be of me looking like a crying baby. Jace rubs my back and sets me down, kissing my temple. He drapes his arm around my shoulder and for the first time, he pulls me protectively against him, waving off the photographers as he guides us to his Mercedes.

When we get to the car, he pulls me in front of him, his hands on my waist. “Nikki, talk to me. I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”

I sigh and look across the parking garage. “You can’t fix it, Jace.”

His hands tighten around my waist and I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down when he swallows. I bite my lip trying to keep from crying again.

“Nik, if it’s something I did or you read—”

I narrow my eyebrows, not sure where he’s going with it, but knowing I can’t handle anything else right now, I interrupt him. “No, it’s not you.” 

His fingers release on my waist and I see his whole body relax. He opens the car door guiding me inside. “Then let’s get back to my place, head out to celebrate, and we’ll talk about it when we’re naked in bed tomorrow morning,” he says with a wink.

I nod even though going out is the last thing on my mind. At the same time though, I don’t want to take away from his accomplishment.

Walking into his apartment, the door isn’t even closed when he pushes me against the wall for a fierce embrace. He licks my lips while his hands grope my breasts. Breaking the kiss, he looks down at my tank top. He frowns and moves his hands to the neck of the shirt, tearing it in two pieces. I gasp, shocked at the sudden caveman action.

He laughs and comments, “Baby, you should know better than to wear an Aces shirt to my place.”

His mouth moves to my neck as he scoops me into his arms and carries us to the bedroom. Tossing me on the bed, he crawls over me with a wicked smile. “Shall we just have appetizers now and the main dish later?”

Heat electrifies my body and it’s not from the sun I got today. Jace nips at my nipple and I moan. He wiggles his eyebrows at me as he pulls my shorts off. Pushing against my panties, he grins. “Someone’s already wet, I see,” he says with a devilish look in his eyes. Then he dives between my legs, sliding my soaking wet thong to the slide and letting his tongue work his magic.

God, it feels so good.
When he flicks his tongue over my sensitive spot, I gasp in sync with his movement, but when he slides a finger in me, I arch my back and sit up. His free hand pushes me back down as he slides a second finger in. I close my eyes and enjoy the sweet release and escape from reality.

His hands tease my breasts as I come down from my high and catch my breath. He kisses me softly and then sits up on the bed. Still recovering, I watch him pull himself out and stroke, waiting for me to take my place. I give him a kiss before I move between his legs. Leaning forward, I tickle the head of cock with my tongue, sliding my hand up and down the shaft.

Gathering my hair in his hand, he moans and encourages me, “Mmm… Nikki, keep that up.”

Not even two minutes later and he’s satisfied…for now. He pulls me up and on him, his limp member resting between my legs. His hands roam my body and he slaps my ass. I lean forward for a kiss. Sex with Jace Richards is like no other sex I’ve had. Despite feeling like his toy, I can’t get enough of him.

“Go take a shower, touch yourself while you think of me, and then we’ll head out.”

Obediently, I follow his demand. As I soap my hair, I wonder if this is how it would always be with Jace. Him telling me what to do, me jumping at his every command. My hand slides between my legs as I do what he asked. My body jumps at the electricity my finger sends throughout my body. This isn’t so bad.

Walking into the bedroom wrapped in my towel, Jace looks up from the bed. He’s holding my phone and asks, “Why is Adamson sending you apology texts?”

My blood pressure spikes when I see Jace scrolling through my messages, but I have nothing to hide so I don’t say anything about it. I sit beside him on the bed and tell him what happened without inputting any of my thoughts.

He rolls to his side and kisses my bare shoulder. “So quit,” he states and I freeze. I’m not sure I correctly heard the words he said.

“Excuse me?”

“Quit, Nikki. Come to D.C. and be with me.”

My stomach drops at the same time my heart speeds up. “Jace, it’s my goal to be an assistant trainer next season and eventually head trainer at some point. I can’t just quit.”

His fingers walk up my thigh. “Fine, then I’ll get you a job with the Diplomats so I can have you all to myself.”

I frown and push his hand away. “That’s no different than what Grant did. I want to do this on my own, not because one of you helped me.”

Jace kisses my nose and stands up. “Whatever you want, baby. I laid a dress out for you over there.”

My eyes go to where he points and I see the smallest, sluttiest, hot pink dress in the world. Sighing, I lean my head back against the pillow as he leaves the room. When will men ever understand?









It’s Wednesday. Four days since I found out about Grant’s scheme to get me to spring training. It’s also four days since we celebrated Jace’s no-hitter and I think I’m still hung over. My phone rings and I accidentally hit accept.

“Nicole Elaine Adger, where the hell are you? Grant is going crazy and if it weren’t for your ‘classy’ photos with your tongue down Jace Richards’ throat, I’d think you were dead in a ditch somewhere!”

“Screw Grant,” I mumble and roll over in bed. Jace is lying naked beside me. He pulls me against him and I lay my head on his chest.

“Colie, what the hell happened?” my sister demands.

“Meg, I don’t want to talk about it right now, but I’m fine. I’m flying home this afternoon.”

She sighs on her end of the line. The only reason I’m flying home is in hopes that I still have a job.

“Colie, I’m worried about you,” she says in the motherly tone she’s used to patronize me for years.

“Yeah, I might be out a job,” I mumble and I feel Jace squeeze his arm around me.

“What?” Meg questions.

“Never mind, I’ll call you when I get home,” I say and hang up before she can interrogate me anymore.

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