Overdrive (6 page)

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Authors: Chloe Cole

BOOK: Overdrive
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“I was in the shower. I came so fucking hard I thought I was going to pass out,” he admitted gruffly. “Can you wear those tomorrow? The overalls?”

She nodded then cleared her throat when she realized he couldn’t see her. “Yes. If you want me to.”

“Hell yeah. I want to unwrap you like a present. No bra. Pinch your nipples for me now, Frankie,” he murmured.

She covered one breast with her hand and tweaked her nipple. Her body was already in overdrive from the night of almost unbearable tension, and excitement and wetness flooded her center. She pinched again, more sharply this time, and gasped.

“I love that sound.” Mac groaned. “Do it again. Play with your nipple and imagine it’s my mouth, my tongue, my teeth. I can’t wait to cup those full, gorgeous breasts in my hands. Do you remember the second car I brought you, Frankie?”

She writhed against her hand as she plucked at the straining tip of her breast. “No,” she breathed.

“The Z-28. You were leaving midday to go to the dentist. It was summertime, and you had on a halter top with tiny little roses on it. All I could think about was sliding it down and covering one of those luscious breasts with my mouth. Kneading the other with my hand. Want to know something really dirty?”

She did. So much. “Yes,” she whispered, grinding the heel of her palm against her pubic bone.

“Every day for a week I had the same dream. You were naked on your knees in front of me.” His voice went rough, guttural, and she strained to understand him, desperate for the words and the sensations they caused. “I didn’t even ask. You just opened your beautiful mouth and welcomed me inside. Deep, deep inside. Working your tongue, pulling and sucking me off until I was ready to come.”

“Un-huh.” Her legs had begun to quake as she arched against her hand now, the tension in her thighs building.

“Then you’d stop and raise up to kiss my stomach. I could feel your tits on my cock, your hard nipples brushing my thighs. You’d press my dick between your breasts and squeeze. It felt like dying. You’d start to move, bouncing high on your knees, then down again, faster and faster, squeezing tighter and tighter. Right when I thought I’d die, you would stare up at me, those gorgeous lips swollen from sucking my cock. Right as I was about to come, I’d wake up. I’d be so fucking hard, so ready, I’d grip it and give it one stroke and explode.”

“I want you to do that now. Let me hear you,” she begged.

“Oh yeah. You too. Are you touching yourself?”

“Yes. Outside my underwear.”

“Take them off,” he growled.

Her whole body shook as she put the phone down and stripped off her clothes. She’d never felt so desperate for an orgasm, so wild and out of control in her life. Scooping up the phone, she lay back down and slipped a hand between her legs. The wet heat engulfed her fingers, soaking them. She let out a hiss.

“That’s it,” he crooned. “Is your pussy wet for me, Frankie? Because my cock has never been so hard.”

“Yes, I’m wet. So wet, and I want you inside me so bad,” she whimpered.

She could hear the creaking of his bed through the phone now, and the slow, steady beat set her aflame. There was no question what he was doing. She pinched her eyes closed, imagining him there. On his back, stroking his thick cock up and down.

“Slide two fingers into your slit, babe. Nice and deep.”

She did as he asked and moaned as her tight channel clenched around her fingers.

“Those sounds are killing me. Now thrust them in and out, rubbing your clit between thrusts,” he demanded. The creaking picked up tempo, and that sent a spear of need knifing through her.

She massaged the swollen knot of desire before plunging deep again, and shuddered. “I’m going to come.”

“Yes. I want that so bad, Frankie. I want to hear you come.”

“Shit, Mac, I—”


Her shout echoed in Mac’s head as his cock bucked hard, demanding release. He growled as the liquid snaked up from his balls. Gripping his shaft tighter, he stroked harder, faster. “That’s it, babe. Let it happen. God, I can almost feel that tight pussy squeezing my cock over and over.”

“Mac! Oh God.”

Frankie’s broken cries sent him headlong into the storm, and he exploded in a hot rush, come pumping out in spurts as he fisted his throbbing cock.

The moans on the other end quieted as he lay gasping for breath. Jesus, if that was phone sex, they were going to set the bed on fire when they were in the same room. The blood pounding in his ears receded, and Frankie let out a satisfied hum.

“That was the nicest phone call I’ve ever had.” Her voice was warm and sleepy.

“Oh, babe, me too.”

“So, we’re on for tomorrow?”

“Nothing short of an alien attack could stop me,” he assured her.

“Okay. And, Mac? Thanks for…everything tonight. It was one of the happiest days of my life.”

“Me too.” He hesitated, scrambling for a reason to stay on the line a little longer, but came up empty. His brain had shorted out the second she agreed to see him again. “Good night, Frankie,” he said simply then disconnected and slumped back against the headboard with a groan. His heart was still pounding. Despite the release, their little talk had only made him want her more. He had no intention of going along with her plans for them to be fuck buddies. Not that it would be a hardship. If she was as open and sensual tomorrow as she had been on the phone, it was going to be spectacular. But he wanted more. He wanted it all. Now to convince her they were a perfect couple, no matter what anyone else in Brewster thought.

Because he was crazy in love with Frankie Sepkaski.

Chapter Six

Doo-wop music blared from the radio, and Frankie shimmied across the floor of the garage, shaking her tail feathers as she sang along with The Crystals. Something about fifties music always put a bounce in her step, especially when she was working on a car from that era. Now if someone would bring her a root beer float on roller skates, all would be right with the world.

She belted out the last line of the song like her life depended on it, and executed a spin into a bow. She missed having Danny around, but it was kind of nice having the shop all to herself so she could act a fool.

“Do you take requests?”

She leapt a good two feet off the ground, and her heart stuttered. Whipping her head toward the door, she eyeballed Mac leaning against the jam. “Jesus, I didn’t hear you come in.”
Obviously, or I wouldn’t have been caterwauling that stupid song.
She resisted the urge to cover her molten cheeks with her hands.

“Sorry to interrupt. The door was open, and I didn’t want to startle you by shouting over the music. Clearly I misjudged that situation,” he said with a warm chuckle.

“It’s okay. I didn’t have anything scheduled until noon and wasn’t expecting anyone. Not that I mind. I mean, you’re always welcome to stop by.” She needed to shut up, but as she watched his amazing mouth kick up at the corner and his eyes go all twinkly, it wasn’t easy. He made her as nervous as a virgin on prom night.

“I’ll keep that in mind. I thought I’d swing by to see if you wanted to eat dinner with me tonight.”

“Like, before…” She tore her gaze from his and swept a hand through her hair. This was getting ridiculous. She was acting like a child. They were consenting adults, no reason to dance around it like a freaking maypole. She cleared her throat. “Before we…have sexual relations?”

“Sexual relations? That sounds awful. Like I should bring an attorney or something.”

“Stop teasing me, Mac! I don’t know what to do, or say, or anything. This is all new for me.” She gnawed on her lower lip.

“Hey, it’s okay. This is new for me too. Believe it or not, I can count the times a woman asked me to be her sex tutor on one finger.” He held up his pointer then aimed it her way. His eyes got all dark as he crooked his finger. “C’mere.”

Her feet felt like they were nailed to the cement floor as she willed herself forward. If she didn’t stop being such a chicken, this was never going to work. And man, did she want it to work. A half dozen hesitant steps and finally she stood before him. She craned her neck to meet his gaze. “I’m here.”

“Do you want to know why I’m really here? It’s because I couldn’t wait another second to see you. I can’t get you out of my head. I dreamt about you…us. And every time I tried to get something done in my office this morning, I’d lose my train of thought. All I could think about was you, last night, calling my name as you came. I’m not here about dinner. I’m here because I want you so bad I can hardly see straight.”

He didn’t touch her, but the words sent a spear of white-hot lust through her. She wanted to respond, to tell him she felt the same way, but her tongue was frozen to the roof of her mouth.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything, this time. I meant everything I said, and seeing you now is exactly what I needed to get me through the rest of the day. That said, I’m happy to feed you as well,” he finished with a wink. He didn’t take his eyes off her as he walked backward toward the door. “Seven’s still good. Come hungry, I bought two gigantic porterhouse steaks.”

By the time he left, she was trembling. With a moan, she plopped down on a stool in the corner. Surely this level of anticipation wasn’t good for a person. She was setting herself—and worse, Mac—up for a big letdown. What if it was awful? Or she did something stupid and embarrassing like she had with Nick? She cringed at the thought.

But Mac wasn’t Nick, and she wasn’t seventeen anymore. She was a healthy, red-blooded woman. It was time to start acting like it.



“Is it cooked enough for you? I can put it back on the grill for another few minutes if you’d rather,” Mac said.

Frankie sent an apologetic smile his way. The steak was medium rare, exactly how she liked it, but she couldn’t seem to choke more than a few bites down. Her leg bounced under the table as she pushed the mushrooms around on her plate. “It’s delicious, but…I think I’m too nervous to eat.” In fact, she hadn’t eaten much at all today. Once Mac left the garage, the day had gone by in a blur, most of which she spent imagining what their night would be like. Now that it was finally here, part of her wished she was back at the garage daydreaming about it. The reality was almost too much to bear.

Mac set his fork down and took her hand. “Let’s go sit and talk for a while. See if we can’t make you feel a little more at ease.”

He urged her to leave the plates on the table and led her to the living room. Like the rest of the house, it was elegant but not opulent and gave off a sense of warmth. A huge, L-shaped leather couch sat in the center of the room, facing a gorgeous marble fireplace with a giant flat-screen TV mounted above it.

“Did you do the decorating?” she asked, taking in the strategic pops of bamboo-greens and burnt-oranges that kept the rich, chocolate-brown of the room from feeling too masculine.

“Actually, I did. It’s not so different from architecture in the sense that you want a building or room to evoke a certain feeling when you’re in it. Color, texture and shape all come together to create that illusion.”

She shook her head in amazement. “I don’t want to pump up your ego too much, but you seriously have such a good eye for this kind of thing.”

“Thanks. And don’t worry, my mother tells me daily what a waste of time my job is. No chance of me getting a swollen head over it when she’s right there to let the air out.” His tone was a lot less bitter than it could have been.

“Doesn’t that make you feel like crap?”

“It used to,” he said with a shrug. “But I realized a long time ago that she’s not going to change. If I let it get to me, it’s only going to make me unhappy. I can only please one of us, so I’ve decided it’s going to be me. Life’s too short. We do okay. She loves me the only way she knows how, and I throw her a bone every so often and do what she asks because it makes things run more smoothly. The big stuff like my job, or…” he sent a pointed glance her way, “…my love life? Off limits.”

“Probably doesn’t stop her from trying though, huh?”

“Sure doesn’t,” he admitted with a rueful smile. “Come and have a seat.”

She followed his lead, taking one side of the couch.

“What do you say we turn the lights off and watch a movie for a while?”

She stiffened. “Uh, you mean a…” she glanced around the room and dropped her voice to a whisper, “…porno?”

He threw his head back and laughed, the sound sending a warm tingle through her.

“Nope. I’m not going to lie, though, it did occur to me. But then I would’ve had to find one I thought you’d like. The pressure was too much for me. No, the plan is to watch a regular old movie to help us unwind from the day, relax a little.”

She bobbed her head, mostly relieved but a tiny bit disappointed at the same time. He fussed with the remote and then dimmed the lights. When he returned, he sat in the middle of the couch and patted the space next to him. Her heart pounded as she shimmied closer. He slipped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her until she was nestled against his chest. The scent of warm man and some sort of almond soap enveloped her.

“You smell good,” she murmured.

“Thanks. You too.”

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