Overture (Rain Dance, Book 1) (Rain Dance Series) (62 page)

BOOK: Overture (Rain Dance, Book 1) (Rain Dance Series)
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"Always so
wet," he murmured, slipping a finger inside to stroke me. I swallowed,
trying my best to relax my tense body. After a few moments, he was able to
insert the second finger with ease. "…Good girl."

He removed his
fingers, only to replace them with his cock a second later. I bit down onto my
lip and tried not to make a sound, but a little squeak came out, which was
immediately followed by the hard slap of Ethan's hand hitting one of my ass
cheeks. I gasped. It stung, but it wasn't particularly painful.

"Do you
want Jillian to hear?"

I tried to
shake my head.

"Then be

He began
moving. I was trapped underneath him, completely helpless. From the angle I was
in, almost the entirety of his length was able to drive deep into me and just
like our last time on the piano, I had no choice but to take it. It was
impossible for me to move to meet his thrusts. It was impossible for me to move
at all. Even my head had to stay flat against the floor or I would likely lose
balance. Altogether, it was an overwhelming sensation and in no time I began to
feel as though my body was readying itself to come. My mind, on the other hand,
was in no way prepared. Everything was escalating too quickly - the amount of
air leaving my lungs, the heavy pulsing of my blood, the rising heat from where
he moved inside of me…The abruptness of it all had me feeling like I was stuck
in fast-forward. Like he was the bullet train and I was the runner, and at any
moment I would fall, only to be forcefully dragged along for the ride. My nails
dug into the palms of my hands and my bottom lip was now in pain from the

I came hard and
fast. I did my best to remain silent, but when I gasped for breath, a small cry
escaped. Ethan slapped the other cheek, only much stronger this time. I yelped,
immediately earning a third slap. Pressing my lips into a line between my
teeth, I managed to quiet myself while he continued going at a consistent pace,
never slowing down. It was both torture and absolute pleasure combined. The
tears that had been forming in my eyes began to fall. Now overly sensitive, the
intensity was well on its way to becoming too much to bear. I wasn't sure how
much more my body could take. For a second I was reminded of Friday night,
after he had won my little game of hide-and-seek. At least I'd been able to
scream as loudly as I wanted to then.

"Are you
going to be more careful from now on?" he asked with a grunt. "Answer


Wrapping the
ends of my hair around his fist, he pulled, tugging my head off the floor. His
other hand took hold of my bound wrists, leveling me before I could fall over.
"And do you accept the consequences of what it means to be with someone
like me?"

I was
momentarily distracted by the odd way he had just spoken. He almost sounded
So…he has doubts.
Whether they were about himself or of me, I
didn't know. But I got the distinct feeling it wasn't the latter. Trying to
make sure I wouldn't cry out, I held my breath as I answered shakily, "

He eased his
grip on my hair, allowing my head to fall back down, and leaned forward
slightly to take my breasts in his hands. His fingers pinched and pulled at the
hardened buds. I inhaled sharply, feeling my entire body start to tense. When
he sped up, I knew I was done for. Squeezing my eyes shut, I practically
imploded, my body falling into a quivering mess of silent weeps. My breathing
was all over the place, but I didn't make a single sound this time.

"I'm going
to come in your mouth, Kitten," he breathed into my ear just before he
began pumping even harder. His thrusts were relentless and the smack of his
balls hitting my clit was so loud that, even in my state, I worried that Jilly
might hear. But only seconds later, he pulled out and rolled me onto my back.
When I felt his hand at the base of my neck, I sat up on my own and eagerly
took his cock into my mouth. My own sweet juices were slick all over his skin
and made for an interesting flavor. But as greedy as I was to taste him, I was
also thoroughly exhausted and could barely move, and was glad when he took hold
of my head and began fucking my mouth. The urge to sound my pleasure at having
him dominate me was strong, but I would remain quiet until he told me

Moments later,
he gritted his teeth and hissed, halting in his quick movements to sudden, deep
pumps. Just as he had before, he came in large, thick spurts. I swallowed as
much as I could, but some of it dripped down my chin and onto my chest.

Leaning his
head back, he took the next few seconds to catch his breath. Then, after
adjusting his pants, he sat down beside me and began removing the belt. When my
wrists were free, he took them in his hands, checking for any damage. They were
pink where the edges of the leather had dug in, but they didn't hurt. He rubbed
them gently and then gazed at me. Moving a few strands of sweat-drenched hair
out of my face, he leaned over and kissed me softly.

When he pulled
away, he sat back and said nothing. I took this time to clean up by using my
finger to wipe up the cum that had fallen onto my chest. I stuck it into my
mouth and quickly sucked, then looked down to see if I had missed anything.
When Ethan's hand came towards me, I raised my head. Carefully, he ran his
thumb across the bottom side of my chin, getting the rest. I took that into my
mouth, too.

When I was
done, I licked my lips and stared at Ethan. He was still watching me with
interest. Feeling my heart squeeze, I had the sudden urge to hold him close,
run my hands through his hair, and tell him that I loved him again. I was about
to, but my vision started blurring. I rubbed at my eyes as sleepiness began to
take over.

"You look
as though you're about to pass out," he commented, standing up to finish
pulling his clothes back together.

Lying back on
the floor, I followed suit by fixing my nightie, removing my stockings, and
taking my panties off completely since there was no use in wearing them now.
When Ethan was all zipped away and had his belt back on, I lifted my arms and
reached up towards him. Rather than help pull me up, he knelt down and scooped
me into his arms before walking towards the bed. I snuggled my head into the
crook of his neck.

"I love
you," I said quietly. "Really, really love you." My eyes were
already a bit teary from the exhaustion, so he probably wouldn't notice the new
bits of moisture that threatened to spill over. "So much that I wonder how
any one person can actually handle this much…
without, I don't
know, going kablooey or something."

He smiled at me
but still said nothing as he set me onto the bed.

with me a while?" I asked.

After a rather
extended pause, he kicked off his shoes and slid in next to me, reaching over
to pull the blanket over us. He kissed my forehead and brushed some of my hair

"…You aren't
hurt at all?" His voice was almost a whisper.

I looked at him
curiously and shook my head. It wasn't until he relaxed that I realized he had
been worried. It bothered me then that I wasn't able to read him as well as I
would've liked to.

thought you hurt me? I would have said something if you had."

He looked
unconvinced. "Would you really? I'm afraid I might get carried away and
end up being too rough with you. Maybe you'll be too in the moment - or too
scared to say anything."

"I'm not
made of china. It'd take a hell of a lot for you to actually hurt me. You would
have to do it on purpose."

After a few
seconds, he averted his eyes. Then he took the hand I had pressed against his
chest, running his fingers down and over my arm before wrapping them around my

"Small." His voice was gentle and low. "Fragile.
Precious. You may not be made of china, but you certainly look it,

Well, there
it finally is.
But coming from him, the name didn't bother me nearly as
much as I thought it would have. Actually…I quite liked it. "Yet you could
still do what you just did."

He smirked, but
it faded just a few moments later. "…It's never been like this before.
I've never felt the need to…overtake someone so completely as I do when it
comes to you." Moving to lay on his back, he lifted his arms up to rest
his hands behind his head. "Things like penalties didn't even exist until
you came along," he said somewhat jeeringly.


"I thought you were already…you know, into all
stuff. And
maybe you were just trying to ease me into it."

always felt the need for control, but…Anyway, it's no longer an issue of me
easing you into anything, but rather me just always needing to go further with

I didn't see
anything wrong with this, but clearly he was bothered by it. "…Is that

A number of
seconds passed before he finally gazed down at me, unblinking. "Promise
that you'll tell me. If I ever do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable,
no matter how small-"

course," I interjected. "I promise. But as of right now, I don't want
you to stop. And I don't want you to feel as though you have to hold back. I
mean…unless you're having urges to hang me from the ceiling and whip me like a
piñata." I gulped. "You aren't, are you?"

He smiled
lightly and kissed my forehead. "No. Nothing like that."

to know." I may have craved dominance, but I didn't think full-on BDSM
would ever be my cup of tea. Covering my mouth, I let out a big yawn.
"Tonight was pretty weird, huh? I never thought I'd bear witness to the
transformation of business workers to pack of howling animals."

"It comes
with the job. With all the work that goes on, they usually need to release
their inner beast every once in a while."

"You and
Pierre were calm enough."

He looked down
at me and brushed some more of my hair back. "Was it alright that he came
along? I wasn't sure how comfortable you would feel with him around."

"It was a
little odd, but otherwise I felt okay."
Sort of
"Hey, how well do you know

enough to beat your Spanish in a round of Master of Foul Language."

"I bet I
could beat you in English."


I nodded and
yawned again. "Mm-hm."

"We'll see
about that. I look forward to hearing what dirty things come from your mouth.
But for now, go to sleep."

card. It's in my bag."

"Later," he spoke against my forehead. His next words were
barely audible. "I love you."

I smiled and
snuggled closer. Sleep came only moments later.


I woke, the sun was out and Ethan was long gone. I felt well-rested and in
serious need of a shower. Jillian was snoring in the living room when I exited
my room, much to my relief. I didn't want her to see the state that my hair was
in - the kind of hair that I imagine one only got from being thoroughly fucked.

She was still
sleeping when I came out of the bathroom, now feeling squeaky-clean and
cheerful. Though that cheeriness only lasted for about a minute, as I suddenly
remembered that she would be leaving soon.
I miss you already, Jillybean.

I was in the
kitchen scavenging the cupboards when Dale came in.

don't you have to be at work?" I asked.

today," he answered. "I wanna be able to take her to the

I wasn't in the
mood for a normal breakfast, so I decided to make a sandwich. "So how did
things go after we left?"

He laughed,
scratching the back of his head. "Connie took the stage a few times. She
dragged Sam and Beth up there with her near the end. It was a disaster. My
guess is that almost everyone is having a pretty bad hangover this morning.
Glad I didn't drink that much. Actually, neither did…Spook." He frowned,
clearly having trouble adjusting to the new nickname. "He get you and
Jilly back okay?"

I was surprised
that Dale had paid any attention to Ethan at all. He only seemed to have eyes
for Samantha. "All in one piece." We were quiet for the next minute
as I made my food and he prepared his coffee. Too quiet. My mind drifted back
to my friend. "…She shows up here and it feels as though we were never
apart. It's only been three days and I'm already having trouble remembering
what it was like when she was gone."

"Yeah." He grabbed a cup from the shelf and set it down onto
the counter. "Maybe we should visit her next time. I know you probably
don't want to go back there, but…"

"No, I
would love to visit again," I assured him. I just didn't know if I could.
Would it be safe? Probably not. Even if the chances of anything bad happening
were unlikely, I wouldn't put my friends in danger. I had spent the first week
here constantly worried that my moving in would be a threat to Dale. Of course,
as time went on that fear eventually faded. But I knew that going back to SoCal
would mean trouble. I had a greater chance of being recognized there, and I
couldn't risk that.

Jillian came
shuffling in a few minutes later, yawning and running a hand through her
massive bed hair. "Good morrow, peasants," she greeted, slightly
surprised to see that Coops was here. "You didn't have to take the day off."

"Of course
I did." Dale flicked her head and took a sip of his coffee. "Anything
you want to do before you have to leave?"

She shrugged.
"Just hang out."

"I want to
take more pictures," I said, biting into my food.

"Lots of
pictures, then," she agreed.

We'd both been
taking a few over the last three days, planning to send them to each other as
soon as we got the chance. It was important to me to always have a physical
copy of our time together - something to prove that it was real and not just a
figment of my imagination. Something that I would have when I had to disappear
for good.

"Ah, there
one thing!" Jillian said excitedly. "I wanna visit the
Space Needle!"

We haven't been there yet," Dale answered.

you serious? You guys live literally minutes away. What the hell have you been
doing since you've been here?"

We both turned
away. Dale, at least, had an excuse. He had a real job, one that sometimes
required him to be away for weeks on end.

Jilly sighed.
"It's a good thing I'm here, then." Reaching into the cupboard, she
pulled out a box of cereal and poured some into a bowl before switching her
attention to me. "So did you and Ethan talk for long?"

I tried my best
not to blush. "Not too long. He had to get up early for work." That
much was true, although I had no idea what time he had left. Hopefully he'd
gotten enough sleep.

"Talk?" Dale asked. "What, did he give you shit for
charming the crowd?"

"Just a little
bit," I replied honestly.

"I didn't
hear any yelling, so it couldn't have been that bad," Jillian said as she
stuffed her mouth with a spoonful of Reese's Puffs.

I sighed
inwardly, relieved. If she heard or even suspected that something dirty had
gone on last night, I knew her well enough to know that she would have
mentioned it, regardless of whether Coops was present or not. "There was
no yelling. Just chatting."

"I can
understand, though," Dale offered thoughtfully. "If I were in his
place, I might've been a little uncomfortable, too."

I stared up at
him in shock. "Why?"

"Well, if
Sam put on a performance like that, of course I'd be proud of her. But on the
other hand, I don't want to give any other fuckers a reason to think nasty
thoughts about her."

"But how
do you even know that they'll be thinking those kinds things?"

He rolled his
eyes at me and answered, "Put a gorgeous girl on stage and it's an
automatic turn of thoughts." After a moment, he shrugged. "Then
again, Tyler didn't seem to have any trouble with Connie mimicking a
striptease, so I guess it just differs from guy to guy."

Was I wrong in
thinking that Ethan had just been overreacting? But...would Dale have handled
Samantha like Ethan had done with me? Would he even feel the need to
No, because Coops wasn't
kind of man.
Well, I suppose
it didn't matter anymore. In the end, it had been a thoroughly enjoyable

laughed. "Baby, don't you ever get jealous when other women check Ethan

I had to take a
few seconds to think. "I've never noticed other women looking at
him." Except for Connie, but she didn't count. There was also Karina, but
I just chose to pretend that she didn't exist.

you're too busy checking him out yourself. Count your blessings."



Sometime after
eleven, the three of us headed over to the Seattle Center. We were happy to
find that it wasn't too crowded, it being a Wednesday morning and all.

I knew the
tower was tall having seen it almost everyday, but standing right in front of
it was something else. Jillian literally began jumping up and down with
excitement. I took a few candid shots of her and Dale during the time in which
we bought our tickets and made our way up and around towards the entrance.
Eventually, we stepped into an elevator with a small number of strangers.

Dale started
laughing quietly. "Wouldn't it be funny if it broke down?"

"Shut up,
you'll jinx us," Jillian cried.

"Did you
know it actually sways when the wind picks up?"

She punched his

As the elevator
started to rise, a young woman in a vest began speaking at a ridiculously fast
pace. "Hello, how is everyone doing? It's going to be a forty-one second
ride up to the Observation Deck, which is about 520 feet high. To the tip of
the antenna, it's 605 feet, which is a little over sixty stories high. We're
traveling at a speed of ten miles per hour, which is about four-point-five
meters per second. The Space Needle was built back in 1962 to be the centerpiece
of the World's Fair. It was the same Fair that introduced to us the touch-tone
telephone and the microwave oven…"

I became
distracted when I looked out below to what used to be Fun Forest Amusement
Park, or so I'd heard. The one thing about Seattle that I didn't like, aside
from the lack of an open ocean, was its absence of any real theme parks.

"…And over
to your left, the Elliot Bay and Mount Rainier, an active volcano - one of five
in the state of Washington. Being the highest point in the state, you can see
it has a snow-covered appearance year-round due to the twenty-six glaciers on
the mountain," the woman continued in her cheerful voice. "Now
remember, when we get to the top there will be both inside and outside viewing,
as well as the cafe and restrooms that are located next to every elevator. Just
please keep in mind - no food or drinks on the outside deck. Stay as long as
you like, or at least until we close at eleven-thirty. Have fun!"

Right on cue,
the elevator doors opened.

go!" Jillian grabbed Dale and myself by the arms, leading us through the
crowd and down some steps onto the outer deck.

The fresh air
hit me hard, almost like a brick to the face - only nowhere near as painful.
this is high. Really high.
I wasn't particularly afraid of heights, but I
did feel a little uneasy looking down at the surrounding city. Slowly, we made
our way around until we got a full view of Elliot Bay. We could spot multiple
ferries making their way across, and in the far distance were the snowy
You know, where the deadly Mount Rainier sat, just chilling.
Nothing serious…
I tried to ignore my fear of volcanoes and focus on how
crisp and clean it looked.

Of course it
was the water that helped calm me down completely. It wasn't my precious ocean,
but water was water, and I loved it regardless. As Dale left to wander off on
his own, I took some more pictures while Jillian looked through one of the

"Hey," she called. "Where's the Luxadigm?"

She backed away
and I took her place, staring through the lens. I pointed it towards the left,
trying to sort through the dozens of tall buildings. It was noon and the sun
was shining brightly in the sky. The building, with its reflective glass, would
probably be blending in like camouflage. With this in mind, I started searching
for anything in the distance that seemed off. I found it only seconds later.

"There." I moved away so Jillian could look through.
"Straight ahead."

"I don't
see anything."

"It's to
the left of that Tetris-shaped building. In the back."

"You mean
the T-block one?"

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