Paige and Chloe (5 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Paige and Chloe
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Chapter 5


Oh my head hurts! I stood under
the spray of the warm water, letting it cascade over my body as I tried to feel
human. I was never drinking on a work day again that was for sure, and how I
was currently feeling, I would never be drinking again.
Once I was dressed, I gingerly made my way down stairs to make myself a cup of
tea and take some tablets for the banging inside my head, when I noticed my
dad's mobile on the kitchen worktop.
My heart raced as I glanced around the open plan living space looking to see if
anyone was up yet, I needed to get Woods' number from my dad's phone, I didn't
have it and couldn't possibly ask anyone from the club as they'd ask too many

I was hoping to make contact with
him today but at this stage, I didn't know what I was going to say. I thought
that I at least owed him an apology because of my behaviour and hoped that he
had seen the funny side.
I scrolled quickly through the names and grabbed for my mobile to quickly input
the eleven digit number.
"Morning sweetheart."
Shit! I fumbled around with the phone and quickly held it behind my back trying
to act inconspicuous.
"How you feeling this morning?" My mum asked as she strolled into the
kitchen looking as fresh as a daisy.
I carefully placed my dad's mobile on the worktop behind me as I kept her
talking, hoping that she hadn't seen me using it. "I feel like shit but I have
work this morning."
Mum sniggered, "It's about knowing your limits Chloe."
"Ain't that the truth."
She furrowed her brows and glanced in my direction, "How did you get home
last night?"
"I...erm...Woods gave me a lift." I answered quietly, hoping that she
didn't read anything into my response. She nodded her head and I felt like I
needed to explain further, "Duke said that someone needed to take me
"You don't need to explain, I'm just pleased that he was so thoughtful and
got you home safely. I'll have to call him later to thank him."
"I'm sure there's really no need." I blurted as I grabbed my jacket
and handbag from the kitchen table.
She looked at me questioningly, "Why don't you want me to call him? What's
gone on?"
I let out a sigh, "Nothing, it's just that I'm not twelve. I'm sure I can
thank him rather than my mum." I stomped out of the house hoping that I
had said enough for her to change her mind in calling him.

I arrived at the salon twenty
minutes later feeling a little better as the tablets had taken hold and the
caffeine had made its way around my system.
"Good morning Chloe, oh you look how I feel." Taylor stated as I
walked through the door removing my sunglasses that I'd worn to hide the black
circles around my eyes.
"Why did we go out on a work night?" I asked, joining Chanel and
Taylor on the sofas in the foyer.
"You youngsters should be able to handle it," Taylor stated lifting her
mug to take a swig of her tea.
Chanel pouted, "Well
okay this morning because I wasn't allowed
to drink, remember?"
Her comment amused me which made me chuckle but I instantly regretted it as the
banging in my head was back in full force.
"Do you want a tea Chloe?" Chanel asked as she stood.
"Yes please." I stretched my legs and placed them on the stool in
front of me as I leaned back getting a little more comfortable. We had twenty
minutes before the first customers were due to arrive, which was just enough
time to try to wake up properly.

"Did you sort everything out
with your sister in the end?"
I rolled my eyes, "Paige and I will never sort things out completely. When
a person thinks that it's okay to impersonate another and then shag their
boyfriend, I would say that's very close to not ever being forgiven."
"Oh I'm so sorry Chloe," Taylor placed her hand gently on mine and
held it. "How long had you been seeing him?"
"It wasn't serious, only a couple of months but to be honest I'm not too
concerned about Stephen, it's Paige's actions that I'm struggling with." I
stopped talking as Chanel placed my mug on the coffee table in front of us,
"Thanks Chanel."
She smiled, "You look like you need cheering up. Taylor and I are having a
girly night in which includes pizza and a slushy film. Do you wanna join
us?" she asked hopeful.
"What's happening about the girls at the Bird Cage this evening
"Duke agreed to give me the night off so that I can get everything ready
for the celebrations tomorrow."
I nodded my head understanding that Taylor would have a lot going on, as she was
responsible for making my mum, Paige and I all look radiant for the renewing of
my parents wedding vows at the clubhouse tomorrow.
"Thanks for the invite but I really need to catch up on some sleep."
I grabbed for my mug and took a sip, appreciating the feeling of the warm liquid
sooth my insides. I didn't really want to make plans for this evening, on the
off chance that I had made contact with Woods by then.

The morning dragged which wasn't
helped by the fact that I was clock watching, willing the time to go faster so
that I could make contact with Woods at lunchtime. My heart raced at the
thought because this was unknown territory, in fact this was forbidden
territory but it was something that I felt strongly about. I needed to tell him
of my feelings, although he probably guessed by my suggestive comments last
night. I let out a groan at the thought of what I had actually said to him, I
was so embarrassed and hoped that he saw the funny side.
I had crushed on Woods for the past three years and had watched from afar, I
had kept my distance not able to let him know of my true feelings because of my
age and knowing what the repercussion would be if anything happened between us.
I knew there was a chance that he may not feel the same way as I did about him,
and I was well aware that the club wouldn't approve, especially my dad but I
wouldn't get a better opportunity than this.
Even though I was drunk last night I felt the connection on the dance floor and
remembered the words he whispered to me, but he had also pulled away and had
become frustrated. I was nervous, there was a lot riding on my next move and I
couldn't blow it.

I decided to text him rather than call so that he couldn't
hear my embarrassment or sense my nervousness. I quickly typed a text, making
sure that I stuck to safe territory to test the water.

I just wanted to say thank you for getting me home
safely last night. Chloe x

I didn't know what he was doing today or expect a reply so

Not a problem. How's your head?

His response was short and to the point, okay, maybe I'd
have to take this a little slower than planned.
What would Paige do in a
situation like this?
I sniggered knowing what she would've done and she
wouldn't have come home last night without getting laid.

All good considering how much I had to drink but I'm
sober now!

Hopefully this would reel him in a little and get Woods to
open up about what he said last night.


He took the bait that was a good sign. I needed to go for
it, I needed to take the plunge and set the wheels in motion but my fingers were
shaking as the adrenaline pumped around my body. I sniggered as I finally typed
my response and hoped that he would see the funny side also.

I'm ready to talk about it like adults.

I threw his words back at him because I wanted to let him know
that I was interested but not come over too strong. I was secretly hoping that
he may want to meet up so that we could discuss what went on last night between
us but had prepared myself for rejection.

I did wonder if you'd contact me today.

Why wouldn't I?

Why would he wonder if I'd contact him or not?
implied so many things last night, I was generally an inquisitive person and
needed to know exactly what he meant by what he'd said.

Drink frazzles the brain! People say all kinds of
things when they're intoxicated that they wouldn't usually say or mean.

I meant everything I said.

My heart raced this was it, he would now know how I felt and
could then make up his own mind whether he wanted to see me or not, at least I
would find out one way or the other.


Everything! Can I see you?

The reply didn't come, had I been too pushy?
I sat on
the sofa holding my phone willing for him to respond. My lunchtime was nearly
over and I could feel the disappointment in the pit of my stomach. I had been
on a rollercoaster journey over the past two days and my emotions were wrecked.
I stood about to place my mobile into my back pocket when it pinged indicating
that I had received a text. I felt the urge to ignore it, he'd taken so long to
respond that I was now worried that it would be bad news. Taking a deep breath,
I plucked up the courage to have a quick glance.

Mine, tonight at 7



What the fuck was I doing?
I must have a fucking
death wish, if I were caught with Chloe it may cost me my patch and even my
life if her dad had anything to do with it. At least if she was caught here we
could say that she was visiting Lauren, they weren't close but it would be a
good cover story as they saw each other from time to time as they were similar
in age.

Lauren had now lived with me for three years and during that
time, I had never brought a women home. I'd only had a handful of casual relationships
during that time as Lauren was my sole focus but they were used to take the edge
off things. I didn't want Lauren subjected to my lifestyle and tried to shield
her as much as possible and that included casual relationships.
Her life with our parents was privileged, she went to the best school and was
able to have whatever whenever. You would've thought that such an upbringing
would've made her spoilt but that couldn't be much further from the truth.
Lauren was a kind, loyal and educated young lady, and knew what the word family
meant. She moved in with me aged fourteen when our parents were killed in a car
accident, monies owed were put into a trust fund for her that she could access
when she turned eighteen and she also received an allowance each month, and
didn't want for anything including love, which I made sure of.
Lauren was a very private person, preferring to spend time alone reading rather
than socialising, which made her an easy person to live with. She was currently
studying for her A-levels with hopes of becoming a Chartered Accountant, she
was a bright girl and I knew that she would be able to fulfil her dreams
because I'd make fucking sure of it.
Lauren was away this weekend on a school field trip and wasn't due back until
Sunday evening, this was the first time in three years that we'd been apart and
although I was grateful of the break and freedom to bring a lady home, I was
concerned about her safety as no one could look after her like I could.

I glanced at my watch, I didn't even know what I planned to
do with Chloe once she arrived. I sniggered at the thought, I did know what I
wanted to do but I didn't want to rush her, we needed to see what this thing
was between us before we pursued it any further because of the repercussions. This
was all so new and I was in unchartered waters, I actually liked Chloe and
enjoyed spending time with her but I didn't want to jeopardise the relationship
we’d already built.

Chloe and I had steadily built a friendship over the past
year, she was reserved in comparison to her twin and although identical,
Paige's actions actually made her an ugly person, which gave Chloe time to
shine. She was not only gorgeous with tanned skin, long dark brown hair and a
body that most women would kill for, but she was also kind, considerate and saw
the best in everyone which were endearing qualities to have. I was initially
drawn to her because of these qualities but had observed her from afar like a
forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.
We had openly flirted at family parties, I was even suggestive at times but
this had given us time to get to know each other on a more personal level and I
felt a connection between us.
However, it wasn't until her eighteenth birthday when I'm sure she became aware
of my true feelings.

I had been shopping the week before and had seen a beautiful
necklace in the jewellers on Epping
high street,
knowing that her birthday was in August I knew that Peridot was her birthstone and
that it would look beautiful upon her tanned skin, so I purchased it.
The nervousness I had on the day of her birthday was unlike anything that I'd
experienced before and I carried the necklace around in my pocket all night
until I got the opportunity to give it to her.
I noticed that Chloe had gone outside to get some fresh air and sat on the
furthest bench away from the clubhouse as to not be disturbed but I knew that this
was the only opportunity that I'd have that evening to give her the gift.
I remembered her eyes widening and a blush creep over her skin as she watched
me casually approach. Chloe instinctively patted down her hair and straightened
her clothes nervously but what she didn't realise was that she had such a
natural beauty that she'd look gorgeous whatever.
I sat beside her and purposely brushed my knee against hers, sitting close so
that I could feel her and instantly saw how her body reacted to my touch.
Taking the box casually from my cut I placed it into her palm and watched her
eyes sparkle with excitement as a smile crept across her face. She hesitantly
opened the box and her facial expression warmed my insides when I saw her
delight at seeing the necklace for the first time, reassuring me of my decision
to purchase such an extravagant present.
"How did you know the meaning of Peridot?"
I remember the words that fell from her lips as she rubbed her finger over the
pendant before turning to hug me, pressing her tits firmly against my chest. I
allowed her to wrap me into her embrace and enjoyed the brief encounter but I
needed space, I wanted her but couldn't let her know how deep my desire was to
have her at that time. I smiled briefly and pulled away, remembering the
confused expression on her face before I turned and walked away, adjusting my
cock in the process.

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