Paige and Chloe (8 page)

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Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster

BOOK: Paige and Chloe
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Chapter 7


Chloe looked fucking beautiful
this evening in a tight fitted midnight blue dress, that didn't leave anything
to the imagination. She wasn't like her sister, to use her body to get what she
wanted but tonight I would be putty in her hands if only she would let me. My
cock yearned for her to caress it again, in whatever capacity I could get but
my head knew that I needed to stay away.
What I didn't appreciate this evening though, were the other motherfuckers at
the club staring at her, if I couldn't have Chloe I would make sure I cock
blocked everyone and stop them from trying to claim her that was for sure.

I tried to keep my distance, the
clubhouse was big enough to create the space needed with various seating areas
in and outside of the building, and I knew if I were with any of the guys, she
wouldn't approach me. Not that I thought she would, she'd made it clear last
night that this wasn't going to happen again but what I couldn't understand is,
why after pursuing me for so long she wouldn't want to take the risk. Chloe
explained last night that she didn't want any harm to come to me but surely,
that was my problem to deal with.

I casually glanced around the room
looking for her, I wanted to grab some food but didn't want to bump into her
with the other guys around.
"What's the matter with you today, you're like a cat on a hot tin
roof?" Diesel asked clearly intrigued by the way I was acting.
"I'm fine man," I continued to glance around the room I just couldn't
help it. "I'm just trying to keep a look out for Lauren, I just want to
make sure she's okay." I said clearly lying.
Rex patted me on the back, "She's fine Woods relax, she's outside with
Brooke." He stated to the roar of laughter from the group.
"I'm sorry Rex but that doesn't make me feel any better."

Brooke was Rex's seventeen year
old wayward daughter and we were all aware of her antics although Rex would
never tell us. Rex's ex-wife Siobhan had left him when Brooke was only young
and he'd compensated the loss of her mother by showering Brooke with gifts, and
letting her have whatever she wanted. In return, she repaid him by staying out
all night, bringing the police to his door and having relationships with guys
outside of her community.

Rex was from the Travelling community
and had already been frowned upon because of his divorce, he had also been
shunned and had moved from the site because of a bad relationship with one of
the elders. That's one of the reasons he found us, he'd always had the sense of
family values but when he became an outsider, he still wanted to belong and
found a new family with the Aces. He still upheld his values including not
dating outside of his own community but because of these incidents with Brooke their
relationship was strained, although I personally thought Brooke was being
troublesome to get attention, she wanted love from her dad not material items.
Things like this just highlighted how mature Chloe was in comparison to other
young women of her age.
Fucking hell I needed to stop thinking about her!

I walked to the buffet table still
grinning from the expression on Rex's face and reached out to grab for a plate
at the same time a slim tanned arm brushed mine.
"Sorry, please go first." I used my manners as always, letting the
lady go first and turned to see Chloe's beautiful smile.
"Ever the gentleman." She picked up the plate, "Are you enjoying
yourself, you've looked a little tense all day?"
"And how do you know that?" I followed her around the buffet table as
we placed various foods onto our plates.
"Because I haven't been able to take my eyes off you."
Chloe continued to stroll around the table but didn't look at me, she was
trying to make it look as if we were making idle chit chat but I could feel the
underlying sexual tension between us. I needed to have her again, even if it
was only one more time to get her out of my system.
"Chloe I think that..."
"I love your dress Chloe, the colour really suits you." Amy joined us
at the buffet table making sure that everything was in order as she had
produced the catering for today's celebrations. As she turned towards us, I saw
the cogs turn in her head as a smile crossed her face, "Oh, I erm didn't
mean to interrupt." She whispered.
"You didn't!" I stated abruptly before throwing my plate onto the
table and turning to stalk out of the clubhouse. As I passed the group, I
noticed that Diesel and Hound had just seen the commotion and shook my head
annoyed with myself. If Amy had picked up upon the vibes between Chloe and
myself, it was only a matter of time before someone else did.

"Go on and have some."
I caught Brooke trying to fill Lauren's glass with Vodka as they sat outside in
the yard.
"I don't like it Brooke."
"Nor do I but I drink it to get drunk. I'm meeting Malik and a couple of
guys from college later if you want to come?"
"She won't be going anywhere with you." I spat as I sat beside Lauren
at the table.
Brooke huffed, "Well I suppose you're gonna tell my dad now, that you
caught me drinking?"
She had the nerve to cross her arms and glare at me.
"I'm more concerned that you're hanging around with Malik, he's far too
old for you." He was well known in the area, a bit of a wide boy and had
been in and out of prison for petty crimes. He was also too old for Brooke and
he'd lead her astray easily.
What was Rex playing at for letting this go on?
"That's none of your fucking business."
I stood and leaned over the bench, Brooke instantly regretted her words as she
recoiled seeing my fury, "Don't goad me little girl, you may be able to
talk to your dad like it but I won't hesitate in taking your outburst out on
your boyfriend, and fuck him up further for fucking you when you were a
The shock registered quickly on her face by the fact I knew such personal
details about her.
"You wouldn't?"
"I fucking would. I suggest you think a lot harder in future, about who you're
dating. You know your dad wants you to marry a traveller."
"Malik loves me!" she shouted, tears stinging her eyes.
"Oh please, if he loved you why did he get Trudy pregnant?"
Again, shock registered on her face at how I knew that Trudy was pregnant with
his child. I'd overheard a conversation at the club recently as Trudy's sister
Pearl worked for us, but I wasn't going to tell her that.
"It was a mistake, she said that she was on the pill!"
That statement was fucking priceless! I laughed and sat back down on the bench,
I'd never heard anything so ridiculous, "You're a Jeremy Kyle show waiting
to happen." Lauren sniggered at my sarcasm as Brooke stomped off clearly

"That was a little
"Well she annoys me. She has a dad that loves her and would do anything to
make sure she's provided for and she treats him like shit." I pulled Lauren
in for a hug, "I'm so pleased that you'll never be on Jeremy Kyle because
you're normal."
She scoffed "Normal?"
"Yeah normal." I kissed the top of her head but she shuffled out of
my embrace to look at me thoughtfully.
"That's a little hypocritical about what you said regarding Malik's age.
He's only twenty-four."
I shrugged looking confused.
"Chloe is eighteen and you're twenty-six."
"It's different."
"She's an adult and I didn't shag her when she was a minor."
"And will Hound
fuck you over
because you shagged his
daughter?" she whispered as I saw the glistening of her eyes.
"I still don't know where you're going with this Lauren?"
She let out a sigh, "I don't want to see you get hurt, I couldn't bear to
lose another family member."
I pulled her in for another hug and now understood why she was getting upset,
"That's not going to happen Lauren, I promise."
"Are you going to see her again?"
"I really don't know. You can't help who you fall for."
"But is it worth losing everything?"
"It won't ever come to that." I said hopefully.

The celebrations had gone well, it was now early evening and
the party revellers had thinned out a little as the families with young
children had gone home. The party was in full swing so I took myself outside to
get some fresh air, I needed a break to clear my head although I was pleased
that Lauren had taken herself home a little over an hour ago. She was a good
girl, she didn't like being surrounded by large groups of people and preferred
to be at home which was a relief. I was pleased that she had explained her
concerns, I just hoped that I had done a good job in reassuring her that
everything was going to be okay.

I sat on one of the picnic benches in the yard, lying on top
of the table to look up at the stars that were just starting to appear. It was
peaceful out here, and would hopefully give me the time I needed to reflect
regarding the situation with Chloe, although it may have just been taken out of
my hands already. I let out a loud sigh and closed my eyes breathing in the
cold crisp air.
"Penny for your thoughts."
I didn't need to open my eyes, I knew that Chloe had just joined me as I could
tell by her silky voice and the smell of her distinctive perfume.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?" she asked walking closer, I could
feel her body lean against the bench so that her arse touched my out stretched
"Not at all babe, where do you wanna sit though?" I asked, opening my
eyes and sitting up so that I could see her shy expression.
"Just here will do fine," she smiled as she perched on the bench.
Chloe rubbed her arms indicating that she was cold, "Here have this."
I stood and removed my cut to place it around her shoulders, it swamped her but
I briefly wondered what it may be like if she wore my brand.
"It smells like you!"
"Is that a good thing?" I asked humorously, I didn't want her to
think I smelt.
"It most certainly is, heavenly."
"You say the sweetest things Chloe." I wasn't used to being with
women that spoke like Chloe, she was a breath of fresh air.
"I just tell it how it is." She turned so that she was facing me
fully, "I've liked you for what feels like forever. I know that I'm only
young but I know how I feel and I know what it means. When you gave me the
necklace for my birthday, I hoped prayed even, that you felt the same way about
me as I do you but when you acted like you weren't bothered it hurt, really
"Chloe look..."
"No please let me speak, I may not get another opportunity. Last night was
fantastic, I don't know if it's because a relationship between us is forbidden
or the fact that you're just gorgeous but it was how I had imagined it would
be. The problem I have, is that I know I'm going to get hurt one way or the
other. If we see each other and the club finds out they'll stop us and you'll
get hurt, and if we don't pursue what could possibly be amazing, I'll be
miserable thinking about the what if? The thing is I'd like to see you again. I
don't know if you want to and I don't even know in what capacity we could
possibly see each other but I know I enjoy spending time with you Mark."
She stood and paced in front of me, finding it difficult to make eye contact.
"I know that you have more to lose than what I do, and that you would be
in a lot of trouble if the club finds out but don't you ever just wonder what
it may be like, to be able to walk in the park holding hands or go out on a
date for the world to see?"
"Come here." She glanced around the yard eagerly.
"It's okay, it's dark no one will see us." I pulled her closer so
that her mouth was only a breath away. "I've liked you for a while now also
Chloe but I've had to keep my distance because you weren't eighteen. I agree,
last night was fantastic but I'm sure it's because we're just fucking good
together as well as me being gorgeous." I smiled a cocky grin as Chloe
rolled her eyes.
"I've tried to fight it, lord knows I've tried but I too can't help
wondering what if. You're right in saying that I'd be in trouble so if we see
each other, even as friends we need to be careful and just see how things
materialise. If it does work out then I'm prepared to take the fall out and if it
doesn't, well hopefully we would've had a bit of fun along the way and it won't
cause too much hurt."
I saw a flash of excitement cross her face before she
leapt into my arms to kiss me, her inhibitions clearly disappearing. I wasn't
so daring, I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close to my chest as
I strolled backwards towards the edge of the yard so that we were completely
out of sight of everyone. I deepened the kiss as she grinded against me but I pulled
away when I heard the heavy metal door swing open from the clubhouse.

"Woods, are you out here man?"
Thank god I had used my judgement and moved us over to the shadows, my heart
rate increased at the thought of being caught but Chloe smiled and kissed my
neck with a devilish grin, "Yeah CJ, what's up?"
"Locke's kicking off can you give me a hand?"
"Yeah sure, give me a couple of minutes." I heard the sound of the
metal door slam shut, letting me know that we were alone once more, and quickly
lowered my lips to hers to give her one last kiss.
"I've gotta go babe, I'll be walking Doris around 12.30pm tomorrow afternoon,
do you want to join me?"
"I'd love to." She said with a huge smile.
I couldn't give her what I knew she and I so desperately wanted but we would
have to take it a day at a time. "Go on, use the side door to go back
inside, I can't leave you out here on your own."
Chloe removed my cut and placed it on the bench, as she turned I couldn't
resist smacking her on the arse and laughed as she let out a playful yelp.
Once she was safely inside, I strolled across the yard heading for the main
entrance knowing that if CJ was asking for assistance, Locke was in a bad way.
He got a little excited every so often which usually resulted in him getting
drunk and shouting shit about how much he loved us and didn't want to let us all
down. I never got to the bottom of his rants, he usually passed out before he
could tell us more but CJ was his closest mate, I'm assuming he knew more than

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