Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3) (24 page)

BOOK: Paige's Warriors (Bondmates Book 3)
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Those energizing flashes of power seemed to race up through her hands where they were joined to her men, and when she looked she found her hands throwing off sparks like a live electrical wire. It didn’t hurt, but those sparks crept up her arms, flowing over her shoulders and down to her heart. She braced for some kind of pain as the bright light settled into her chest, but instead all it did was tickle, making her once again fight against laughing.

Then the flare burned so bright she had to close her eyes, but she could hear Tren’s and Rell’s pleased growls, feel their satisfaction and love.

Falling into their souls deeper than ever before, she threw her light into the darkness of the madness, chasing it back like a clean wind blowing away the lingering smoke from a smoldering fire. The burn in her chest intensified, and she caught hints of panic from her husbands, but she didn’t stop loving them, healing them, until the seemingly endless ocean of energy invading her finally slowed to a trickle.

Panting, she realized that at some point they’d all collapsed to the ground and remained in a heap, their limbs all tangled together as her men…her husband’s…sheltered her.

“Well,” came Ommy’s slightly shaken voice. “That was unexpected.”

Paige ignored him, focused on looking down at her bondmate marks. Between her breasts, furling out on either side and dipping slightly into her cleavage, were a series of black swirling lines and circles that made up a scrolling pattern that spanned her chest from breast to breast halfway to her shoulders. Tracing her finger over it, she was surprised that it just felt like her normal skin, no soreness like one would expect from a tattoo. And the black color was a pure black, not faded against her pale skin in any way.

“Paige,” Ommy said, “I need your attention please.”

“Hmmm,” she said absently as she tilted her head to look at her mark from another angle.

“Paige.” This time Ommy’s voice had a bite to it that had her looking up. “We need to speak about your powers.”


Tren put his hand beneath her chin and when she met his eyes, she realized he had the shields between them shut down tight, but he was fearful. “Paige, you’re an Enhancer.”

“What did I do?”

Rell shifted beneath her, sitting up so he could face her. “You healed our souls.”

She looked between her husbands and Ommy. “So? That’s how bonds work, right? I mean, they healed my psychic wounds as well. Before I met Tren and Rell, I was afraid…of everything. They took away that fear, helped me find my inner strength, and healed me. The woman I was before I met them would be sobbing at your feet right now in terror, but I fear nothing with them at my back.”

Ommy clicked his fingers. “Pay attention, Matriarch Grant.”

Feeling scolded, she kept her mouth shut as he laced his hands together, his tail swiping the floor in lazy sweeps.

“Soul healing, true soul healing, is a very rare talent. So rare, I only know of a hundred or so Matriarchs alive who possess this power. It is a gift from the Lord of Life that can be used for good, or selfish gain. But that is not the sum of your gifts, but a significant part of it. You are an Enhancer.”

“A what?”

“Bonding with you enhances their mental powers. Men that link with you will find their natural psychic gifts growing stronger over time. Tren is now able to send detailed mental images with a clarity he never possessed before he met you.”

She turned to her dark haired husband. “Really?”

“Yes. It has been gradual, but since we met I have grown stronger.”


“It is a powerful gift,” Ommy said in a solemn voice. “One you must use wisely, and not for personal gain.”

“What are you talking about?”

“There are Matriarchs who use their psychic abilities as currency, something they trade for goods or services rather than using their gifts freely. It gives them a great deal of power, and they often times abuse it.” His stern features softened and his voice lowered. “The Lord of Life gave me a glimpse of your future, he does that from time to time, and while I cannot reveal it to you, I can say that you should follow your heart. Heal those that you can, offer partial bonds to those who you deem worthy, but do not shut yourself away. You have been given an enormous amount of both power and love from the Lord of Life. He trusts you to use his gifts wisely.”


Tren and Rell stood behind her, shoulder to shoulder, each of them wrapping one big arm around her. Right away peace settled into her soul, that warm spark of love filling her with confidence. As Ommy had spoken she’d imagined being able to take away someone’s pain and suffering, to do for them what no one had been able to do for her until she met Tren and Rell. As far as being able to enhance their powers, that was cool, but she kind of wished she had Casey’s newly discovered psychic ability to talk with animals.

Ommy smoothed the sleeves his golden robes with a slow hand. “With that said, I would also encourage you to keep quiet about your gift, and that you only share it with men you plan on partially bonding.”


“With the bond,” Rell explained as he stroked her neck, “they will be loyal to you before anyone else. You will quite literally hold their lives in your hands and they would do nothing to expose you to danger, like exposing your secret. As long as you are alive and well, your bond will protect them as they fight the Hive. In fact, you will protect them better than most Matriarchs. Earth women can hold hundreds of partial bonds without any major weakening of their own powers. And the partial shields you give are extremely strong, strong enough that they might help us turn the tide against the Hive.”

“But that is a discussion for another day,” Ommy said with a yawn. “I must return before my wife awakes and finds me gone. She will instantly assume foul play and have half the ship searching for me.”

After saying goodbye to Ommy, Paige found herself standing in the middle of the room, absorbing the feeling of her bondmates.


Chapter 12

Trenzent al’Doun, Supreme Commander of the Kadothian Empire


Staring down at his Matriarch, Tren studied her bondmarks that spread across her lush breasts and up to her smooth shoulders, delicate black lines that gleamed faintly.

Paige looked down at her chest, her voice coming out slightly distracted as she tugged at the bodice of her low cut gown. “I need to find a mirror.”

“Look at the wall,” Rell said as he caressed the side of her neck.

A mirrored surface reflected back their image, and her breath caught at the sight of her husbands and how handsome they were. Sure, Tren’s scars might disqualify him from being traditionally good-looking, but to her they only accented his masculine appeal. Rell met her eyes in the mirrored surface, and his love poured into her. She had a hard time thinking of anything other than the emotions surging into her through their full bond. All she wanted to do was float in the feeling of their love like a drug addict lazing in an opium den. Mixed with their affection was a hard undercurrent of male lust that was building strength by the second. Their need stroked her own, and she pressed her thighs together, giving herself a secret squeeze that made both men’s eyes widen.

Tren moved next to Rell, and she sighed in delight at the sight of her husbands together. The silver of Tren’s eyes gleamed as they slowly examined her body, lingering on her bondmarks with a sense of satisfaction before moving down to her hips. Rell remained still next to Tren, his body tensed as if he was going to leap at her at any second. The urge to take her roared through him, and she gasped as she focused on it, brought it to the front of her mind, and moaned.

“I can’t control it, too much.”

Instantly their feelings pulled back, and she found herself gasping as if she’d dashed up two flights of stairs. Her mind was her own again, and she braced herself against them, allowing Rell to cradle her in his arms while Tren stroked her hair and body. She could still sense them, but they were like stars on the distant horizon instead of direct, searing sunlight. Rell’s hair fell forward, brushing over her face and bringing the scent of his clean musk to her. Allowing that delicious smell to wash over her, she stroked Tren’s chest with her other hand, tracing the slabs of muscles that were oh so warm to the touch.

“Take me back to the nest. I need you.”

“The nest?” Tren asked with a soft chuckle, while Rell grunted something about it not being a nest.

“Fine, the bed, the whatever-it-is nut thing. I’m pretty sure it’s one of the most perfect beds in the Universe to make love in.”

“Why were you distressed?” Rell asked as he began to stroke his thumb over her hip.

“I was just overwhelmed. The bond is so strong. I feel so much of you that I can’t focus. How do bondmates function?”

Rell winced, his body moving against hers in a way that made her wish they were naked. “Forgive us,
, we have more practice with handling a bond than you do. We should have known better than to leave our sides of the bond fully open.”

Tren began walking back to the bedroom, and Rell followed. Eternal night still reigned in this room, and Paige found herself falling into the illusion that they were really on Kadothia. It helped that the air held the faint and familiar scent of the sea mixed with a slight floral and citrus perfume. Rell tossed her playfully onto the bed, and she laughed as she landed among the pillows, the material that they were stuffed with perfectly conforming to her body. A naked Tren leaped in next, followed by an equally nude Rell. Their cocks stood out from their bodies, but Rell’s had a slight upward curve to the tip, while Tren’s pointed straight at her.

“Wait,” she said and held her hand out before sitting up. “I’d like you to do something for me.”

“Anything,” Tren growled, his thick shaft twitching.

He meant that, she could feel it through their bond, and certainty allowed her to be completely bold in a way she’d never imagined she could be. “I want to watch.”

Rell’s firm lips quirked, an arrogant cast coming to his aristocratic face that turned her on. “Watch what?”

He knew exactly what she was talking about, because he began to stroke his hand along Tren’s arm with just the backs of his fingers in a light touch that Paige knew via their bond drove the scarred man wild.

Smiling at her husbands, she sighed, “You love me.”

“We do,” Rell replied as he continued to lightly touch Tren.

“And you love each other.”

This time it was Tren who growled out, “We do.”

“And I love you both, so very much.”

Rell paused in his touching, his hand now at Tren’s shoulder. “Lie back, Paige. Trust us to show you the pleasures a full bond can offer.”

The cool, silky feel of the pillows at her back had her relaxing even as her nipples drew up to hard points. Her breasts felt swollen and achy, so she grasped them and squeezed lightly, her pussy wet and ready for her men to take her. She started to doubt the wisdom of watching them touch each other first—until they kissed.

The moment Tren reached out and grasped Rell by the back of his head, dragging the other man in for a kiss, she fell into a storm of hard and ruthless male lust.

Propping a pillow under her head, she watched with heavily lidded eyes as Tren and Rell began to somehow battle each other as they kissed. They grappled together, a fight for dominance that wasn’t alarming. Oh no, it was hot. As they kissed and sucked at each other’s lips they went to their knees, thickly muscled legs braced wide as they rubbed their cocks together.

Her clit throbbed with the need to be touched, but before she could reach for herself, Tren was there, holding her raised hand in his.

“Do not. You will relax and accept the pleasure we give you. Do not move.”

“But I want to come,” she whimpered.

Rell made a tsking sound as he moved next to them, his erection shiny with pre-cum. “So young, so impatient.”

Watching the play of Rell’s muscles, she licked her lips, wanting to taste him all over.

Placing her hand back down onto a soft, velvety blanket among the pillows, Tren gave her a look that made her arch her hips to him. “Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to have a cock? To know the pleasure of another man taking you down his throat?”

She hadn’t up until that moment, but she was rabidly curious and horny. “I do now.”

Smiling, Rell reached over and ran his thumb over Tren’s lower lip, but his attention was on Paige. “Open your bond a little more. I promise we will not overwhelm you this time.”

Slowly she did as he asked, easing it open in little bits at a time. Instead of a raging storm of emotions, she found herself floating in gentle bliss. Her muscles relaxed and she smiled.

“Oh, that’s nice.”

“It is,” Rell agreed. “Now close your eyes and just feel while I pleasure my husband.”

Close her eyes while Rell gave Tren a blowjob?

No way.

She opened her eyes wide and ignored Tren as he laughed at her eager expression, right before Rell took him into his mouth with a growl. The sight of Rell’s firm lips sliding up and down the deep purple length of Tren’s erection was so erotic her thighs trembled as she almost climaxed. Against her will, her eyes closed, and she found herself rocking her hips like she was the one being orally pleasured.

A moan tore out of her as she swore it felt like someone was sucking on her clit, only different. Not as intense, but satisfying in a way she’d never been able to imagine. The wet sounds of Rell sucking Tren off only added to her need, and she forced her eyes open. Rell’s cock tempted her, standing straight up as he knelt between Tren’s spread legs and serviced the dark-haired man. Tren had his arms behind his head and was looking between Paige and Rell, his eyes hot and possessive.

“Please, Rell, fuck me,” she pleaded and shuddered as a razor-sharp whip of lust sent ripples of need through her. “Keep sucking him, but fuck me.”

With a low growl, Rell gave Tren’s throbbing erection one more lick before grabbing her as he lay on his back. He was so strong, and he easily lifted her to his hips, holding her suspended while he ordered her to put him in her body in a very filthy way. Looking down at him, she did as he ordered and positioned the thick crest of his erection at the aching entrance to her sex. She liked it when he was rough and almost unhinged like this, his desire a fierce thing that stoked her arousal higher. As turned on as she was, he slipped easily into her body, but he held her so she was only part of the way down, squirming to be fully filled even as she worked the part of his dick she did have inside of her.

It was only after Tren knelt by Rell’s head and leaned in, feeding the other man his cock, that Paige got lowered all the way down.

Her cry of satisfaction was swallowed by Tren as he gripped her by the back of her head and kissed her hard as Rell rocked into her below. Even though she was on top, she made no effort to ride on her own, letting him use her body as he saw fit while Tren plundered her mouth.

The arousal built so hard and fast in her that she could barely breathe, could only delight in the combined sensations of being fucked and sucked at the same time. When Rell raked his teeth along Tren’s cock, the spark of pain, then intense pleasure pushed her closer to the edge. Below, Rell’s shaft began to vibrate as his pleasure ridges were filled and the feeling of his impending orgasm triggered her own.

Slamming down all the way on his body, she arched her back and screamed as Tren took one of her nipples into his mouth and bit down, triggering his orgasm. The moment Tren’s come hit Rell’s tongue he ground his hips into hers, drawing her orgasm out even as he filled her up with his hot seed. It was all too much for Paige, and she found herself growing lightheaded as her orgasm subsided.

Tren collapsed next to her in a heap, his musky scent filling her with peace and comfort. She snuggled up to him as Rell curled around her back. Being smooshed between the two men should have been uncomfortable, but she’d never felt so tranquil in her life. At this moment everything was perfect, and before she knew it, she fell asleep.


A frantic chiming came from the door, and Tren leapt out of their huge nest, fully erect as he said, “Paige, wake up. Casey is here, along with Lorn and Nast. She is frantic. Something is wrong.”

“Shit.” Scrambling out of the bed with far less grace than either man, and helped along with a hand to her butt by Rell, she managed to grab a thick brocade blanket and drape it over her body before the sound of Casey’s voice came from the living room area.

Rell was fully dressed in a pair of wide-legged black pants and a white shirt that lovingly clung to every muscled inch of his torso. When his gaze landed on her wrapped in the blanket, lust blasted through his system. She had to pull her attention away from Rell, and it helped when he closed the connection between them. The quiet of her mind seemed abnormal for a moment, and she didn’t like the feeling of being alone, but then she realized she wasn’t. They were still there, just dim points of light on the horizon that let her know she wasn’t alone in the darkness. While she was trying to reorient herself to the bond, Casey ran through the door.

Her friend’s face was blotchy, tear-streaked, and she looked like hell as she drew in a choppy breath.

Paige flew across the room as fast as she could, double wrapped in a blanket and wearing it like a toga, but she managed to make it to the crying woman.

Holding Casey close, knowing she wouldn’t get any kind of real answer from her friend, she asked Lorn, “What is going on?”

“You have to help us,” Casey cried.

“Shhhh,” Paige whispered against her friend’s silky dark hair. “Let me talk to your husbands.”

Tren and Rell both cursed and growled, then stepped up behind her and braced her both mentally and physically. Whatever was about to happen, whatever bad news they had, she didn’t have to face it alone. They would always be there for her.

Lorn looked behind Paige at Tren, then nodded. “We have a situation.”

“Okay, stop beating around the bush and tell me,” Paige replied.

Nast frowned at her. “I do not understand what you are saying.”

Casey lifted her head and glared at her husband. “Seriously?”

“Of course I am serious. This is a serious situation.”

It would have been funny to watch the cultural clash if Paige wasn’t so worried. “Will someone tell me what’s going on?”

“Okay.” Casey took a step back and lifted her chin. “Big-girl panties time. We’re both big girls. We have two husbands, we’re open to change and new things, right?”

Completely confused by her friend and her friend’s husbands, she turned to Rell and Tren. “Do you have any idea what they’re talking about?”

“Nosa and Cormac,” Casey blurted out in a high squeak. “You need to partially bond them.”

Surprised, she tugged the blanket tighter around her, suddenly uncomfortable. “I don’t know if I’m ready for that. We just bonded and—”

“Their former Kadothian Matriarch released them from their bond.” Casey rolled her lips and anxiety came off her in waves as she tugged at the long sleeves of her black gown. “It was some kind of political move on her part to move up the ranks of Kadothian society. Evidently Cormac pissed someone off, and they decided to take revenge at the worst time. See, the guys have found their bondmate and are trying to convince her to kiss them, but she’s a stupid, stubborn bitch who wouldn’t know a good thing if it hit her in her face with its ten-inch cock. The madness is super hard for them to fight off without at least a partial bond to a Matriarch. They hide it really well, but Lorn and Nast said they’ve seen some of the signs and they’re worried.”

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